Question about Gamestop return policy.


CAG Veteran
On Saturday my friend and I decided to finally get Gears of War with the 25% discount coupon along with his Edge card. We went to two different Gamestops and each of us got a copy of the game and had no problem. We played through the first act the other night online and tonight we started act two and twice I got a message while playing online with him saying the disc was dirty while playing and it would return to my dashboard. I for whatever reason either was not given or receipt or lost it on the way back to the car and I am hoping that if I bring it back they will at least let me exchange it for another copy. After taking a close look at the game, the cut out in the center does have two cracks in it and I am not sure if that is part of the problem. While online I asked my friend if he still had his receipt and he of course was not sure and he will let me know tomorrow if he has one. Is it possible to get it exchanged without the receipt? I still have the used Gamestop stickers on it and I am hoping that the same workers will be there and will help me out but I am not betting on that. Has anyone else ever had a similar situation? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

I hope I have this in the right forum and if I don't, I am really sorry and this can be deleted or moved.
How does one lose a receipt while going from the store to the car? Seriously? If you're that bad with losing receipts, you should buy a stapler and develop a high threshold for pain and staple the damn receipts to yourself whenever you buy something, so it's scratched into your flesh till you get home.

I keep my receipts for at LEAST 6 months on my one dresser in my room. Beyond 6 months, you're already well past the return date in most cases, so it's then I throw those ones out.
I appreciate all of your advice IAmTheCheapestGamer and if it actually helped me out now then maybe I would thank you for the advice. I too keep all my receipts for over 6 months and that is why this is bothering me so much. I remember getting my change and putting it in my wallet and when I looked in the bag there was no receipt there when I got home. There is the chance that I was not given a receipt but I did not want to say that since it would be of no help to me unless the worker actually admits not giving me a reciept.
If your Gamestop has high volume of customers like some of the ones near me do, even if you get the same worker, there's a good chance he won't remember you anyway.

I don't think you'd have a chance without the receipt, personally. It would be great if somehow purchases were linked to the edge card, but I don't think that will happen...
Here's a the store...

I had a return on a used game recently. I exchanged it for a new copy and the first thing he asked me when I called was if I had the receipt. So good luck, but don't be a dick or you'll get nowhere.
Alright thanks for the help. I'll call them in the morning and hopefully they will help me out and I can just get an exchange.
Some stores are able to look up the purchase without a receipt if you used a credit/debit card. Not sure if Gamestop has that ability though.
If you used a credit/debit card you should be fine. If you payed cash... you should never pay cash, especially on something so prone to not working.
Some tips from a GS mgr for 7 yrs:

1. if your bad at keeping receipts, put it in the case before you leave the counter. its much harder to lose a whole case. :)

2. EVERY gs can look up EVERY transaction from their own store over the last 2 months, if the employee says he can't ask for a manager, if the MOD can't ask for the store manager, if the SM can't he is either just being lazy or is just plain dumb.

3. treat your store managers nicely. when i was a sm the customers who treated me and my staff courteously and gave us respect, i would generally be more willing to help them out, even if they didn't have a receipt or bought it 10 days ago. be nice and the sm will likely be nice back.

4. you'll never know until you ask. if it were me i would take the game in tell them its defective and you just want another copy.

if after all this they are still being bitchy, your only hope is to look at the sticker on the game itself and hope that it was printed out within the last 7 days, if so then you obviously bought it within the return policy and they should at least exchange it.

hope this helps. :)
Thanks a lot kodos64. I will stop by the store once I get out of work today and hopefully will have my situation resolved.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']How does one lose a receipt while going from the store to the car? Seriously? If you're that bad with losing receipts, you should buy a stapler and develop a high threshold for pain and staple the damn receipts to yourself whenever you buy something, so it's scratched into your flesh till you get home.

I keep my receipts for at LEAST 6 months on my one dresser in my room. Beyond 6 months, you're already well past the return date in most cases, so it's then I throw those ones out.[/quote]

That has to be the most assenine & worthless post I've seen in a long time. Let's ridicule someone for losing a receipt, act like he lost his first born in the parking lot, brag about your 'stack of receipts in your dresser' and give 'suggestions' on how to make sure this won't happen in the future. :roll:

If you're going to reply to a post, then say something that can help the guy in his situation.

SuperBad - how did you make out in the situation? My GS is relatively nice; I find they will bend policies a little more if you're a regular and as already mentioned, if you're friendly to the staff. I think you might be ok with the stickers on the box.
[quote name='imfromwisconsin']That has to be the most assenine & worthless post I've seen in a long time. Let's ridicule someone for losing a receipt, act like he lost his first born in the parking lot, brag about your 'stack of receipts in your dresser' and give 'suggestions' on how to make sure this won't happen in the future. :roll:

If you're going to reply to a post, then say something that can help the guy in his situation.

SuperBad - how did you make out in the situation? My GS is relatively nice; I find they will bend policies a little more if you're a regular and as already mentioned, if you're friendly to the staff. I think you might be ok with the stickers on the box.[/quote]

I was simply saying in my usually unapologetic way that it is the CUSTOMERS responsibility to make sure they have a receipt for their purchases before ever leaving the store. Sorry if it seemed insulting, but it's the truth. If you don't check for a receipt before leaving the store, don't blame the 'douchebag clerk' who was bsing with his friends, blame yourself.
Thanks for all the advice. I did manage to return it once a manager came out decided to accept the return because of what I said. I said thank you and was very happy with the outcome
[quote name='happy']If you used a credit/debit card you should be fine. If you payed cash... you should never pay cash, especially on something so prone to not working.[/quote]
This left me puzzled. I am assuming your rational is that if there is a problem it is easier to track down the sale. That's a minor benefit easily offset by holding onto your reciept. The loss of one reciept doesn't justify your :never pay cash statement. Credit cards are not a replacement for cash: not only is overextension a very real possibility it also tracks your spending habits and places you frequent not to mention opens the possibility of identity theft. I only cards when cash is not an option.
[quote name='pulsar0510']This left me puzzled. I am assuming your rational is that if there is a problem it is easier to track down the sale. That's a minor benefit easily offset by holding onto your reciept. The loss of one reciept doesn't justify your :never pay cash statement. Credit cards are not a replacement for cash: not only is overextension a very real possibility it also tracks your spending habits and places you frequent not to mention opens the possibility of identity theft. I only cards when cash is not an option.[/quote]

Credit is most certainly a replacement for cash. I have probably paid for less than 5% of my purchases in the last few years with cash. The others benefits of frequent credit card usage are numerous:

1) building up your credit score
2) never have to worry about having enough cash on your person
3) cash can be lost/stolen and never recovered. If you lost a credit card, you just go home and cancel it. No harm, no foul.
4) easily track your spending
5) earn benefits from your card
6) learning financial responsibility
bread's done