Quick Relationship Question


89 (100%)
So, I don't want to bore you, so just a quick story and a question.

Me and my girlfriend have been dating for about 6 months. We've been getting along well. However, this weekend, I wanted to spend the night at a friends house and play an insane amount of Rock Band. (I'm 18, so I'm still enough of a kid to do that.) The problem is, this friend is a girl, however, she is my BEST friend. We've been friends for 7 years. Also, her mom will be there, along with two other friends, a boy and a girl.

Anyway, my girlfriend doesn't want me to sleepover, because she says I can't spend the night at another girls house because I'm in a relationship.

I want to know your opinions. Am I right or is she right?
It doesn't matter what you believe the situation to be. All that matters is what she believes the situation to be. If you value your girlfriend, I'd do what she wants. Or better yet, invite her to come over too.
How can either of you be "right"? This isn't a math question.

First I'd see if she could come. If she can't then you can think about whether or not you'd want her to spend the night in a similar situation (except with a dude). If you'd be fine with that situation, then you should talk to her about it. Stick it in her pooper. And if she doesn't want to reason with you then just do whatever you want. You've only been dating for 6 months and if she can't trust you as much as you trust her then fuck it.
why not invite your gf to go with you?if you cant do that dont go. this wil only cause problems for you 2 in the future if you love her and see any kind of future with her dont go if you dont then go. also be honest with yourself. if the roles were reversed and your gf wanted to spend the night over with a male friend of hers would you be cool with it? if not then think about wh you wouldnt and you now have your reason why your gf doesnt wan you to go.
If she already won and you arent gonna go, just drop it. If you keep on pushing the issue things could only go bad for you. If she wont let you go, she cant go with you, and you care about her enough to listen to her and not upset her by doing what you wanna anyways, just drop the argument and say baby you were right.
learn from all of us here at CAG. you will NEVER win a situation like this as long as you value your relationship with your girl.

why don't you hang out with us here at CAG? :grouphug:
[quote name='62t']you can play rock band over PSN or XBL[/QUOTE]
lol, that is very true.
Still, if was in your situation(including age), i would go with my best friend, and ditch my girlfriend. unless you want to marry your girlfriend in the near future.
i'm going to go out on a limb here and agree with you. if this girl really is your friend and has been for 7 years your girlfriend doesn't have anything to worry about. of course in my situation my girlfriend knew my best friend before we got together. TV's in color now you can have friends that are girls. long as you keep that affection for your girl and she knows that. it shouldn't be a problem.

but of course as whip says it may not be worth it. sounds to me like she didn't know about you and your friend beforehand so it might take a while for her to become accustomed to this idea that you have an age-appropriate girl in your life that you're cool with but don't want to get hot with.
If you simply "want to prove your superiority" then there's not much hope for you relationship-wise either now or in the future.
Why the fuck would you tell her that you're doing that? Why? What good could've come out of that? Also, what is she, your mommy or something? Tell her how you really feel. Chances are that it'll work better for you because she will see that you're standing up for what you believe in and not letting some girl you've known for six months have such a hand in your life. If she dumps you, then just find another one.
I've been in too many relationships where I've bowed to the girl's wishes, even when I felt them to be extreme, or unjustified. I've had female friends that I just stopped talking to, not gone to group functions that I really wanted to, and various other things, simply because she was uncomfortable with it.

The one common thread is that those girlfriends are all exes, my current girlfriend trusts me completely (a relationship is a waste of time without trust) and I regret not doing those things.

She needs to trust you or it's just not worth it. That said, once you've agreed to a course of action, don't try to prove her wrong. NEVER try to prove the girl wrong.
she is young and she is feeling insecure it is very normal, but is there any chance you could invite your girl friend for the evening too so she will see that your other relationship is platonic?
OK, quick rundown. I'm not arguing with my girlfriend anymore. We've gotten over this. I still want to go, but I don't really want to push the issue. I just want to know if I seriously did something wrong by asking to go. She said it was disrespectful to go. However, she wouldn't give me a straight answer as to WHY it was disrespectful. Do any of you think this is disrespectful?

And it kind of makes me mad that she won't give me a straight answer. Because by not giving me an answer, it makes me think that she doesn't trust me, which she ASSURES me that she does. She says she just feels uncomfortable with me going.

And the problem I have with this is that I'm actually not going because of her. This would be fine if it was something serious, but I honestly can't think of a reason I can't go. Not only should my girlfriend be telling me what to do, but I shouldn't have to listen to her. I do love being with her, but she's my girlfriend, not my mother.

Also, she asked me how I would feel in this situation, and I said that I didn't care if she went to another guy's house. Also, I did admit to my girlfriend that I had a crush on this friend at one point in time, but this only furthers my point that it's a trust issue.

Also, I was hoping to get some insight from some girls on the forums. (The few that we have anyway.)
Would you want your girlfriend to spend the night at a guy-friend's house?
[quote name='Brak']Would you want your girlfriend to spend the night at a guy-friend's house?[/QUOTE]

Yes, I told her I wouldn't care because I trust her. Why wouldn't she be able to do that just because I'm here?
Also, I did admit to my girlfriend that I had a crush on this friend at one point in time, but this only furthers my point that it's a trust issue.

You, sir, are a moron. There are certain things that should be on a need to know, and that'd be one of the ones she didn't need to know.
She's immature for not trusting you enough to let you go, and you're immature for not seeing why it's wrong for you to even ask, ESPECIALLY since you admitted to her you had a past crush on this other girl.

In other words: [quote name='JJSP']

You, sir, are a moron.[/QUOTE]
Go to your friends place early, play Rockband with her, have sex with her, then leave and go to your GFs. Tell her you felt bad about leaving her by herself for the night and wanted to spend the night with her, have sex with her, then say your not feeling good and your just going to go home. Return to your friend's house, play Rockband and have sex all night with her. Bonus points if you can get the other dude to leave and have a three-some with the other girl too.
[quote name='Access_Denied']OK, quick rundown. I'm not arguing with my girlfriend anymore. We've gotten over this. I still want to go, but I don't really want to push the issue. I just want to know if I seriously did something wrong by asking to go. She said it was disrespectful to go. However, she wouldn't give me a straight answer as to WHY it was disrespectful. Do any of you think this is disrespectful?

And it kind of makes me mad that she won't give me a straight answer. Because by not giving me an answer, it makes me think that she doesn't trust me, which she ASSURES me that she does. She says she just feels uncomfortable with me going.

And the problem I have with this is that I'm actually not going because of her. This would be fine if it was something serious, but I honestly can't think of a reason I can't go. Not only should my girlfriend be telling me what to do, but I shouldn't have to listen to her. I do love being with her, but she's my girlfriend, not my mother.

Also, she asked me how I would feel in this situation, and I said that I didn't care if she went to another guy's house. Also, I did admit to my girlfriend that I had a crush on this friend at one point in time, but this only furthers my point that it's a trust issue.

Also, I was hoping to get some insight from some girls on the forums. (The few that we have anyway.)[/QUOTE]

You made a lot of mistakes, and if both of you were older, the problem would somewhat clear itself up.

Because both of you are young, don't necessarily expect or seek out reason and logic as a source of explanation. Her feelings are going to be "Because this is the way I feel and I feel strongly about it" and leave it at that. No explanation, just the way she feels and you should accept it as it is.

If you actually are unhappy with your decision and you need to rethink your relationship and see if it is worth continuing. What if another situation like this arises or a different one? Will she continue to "control" your actions? Are you comfortable with it? How serious is this "trust" issue?

So on a personal perspective, you could have gone and force your GF in an uncomfortable situation and have her understand you and accept your reasoning.

In the relationship perspective, if you want to maintain the relationship for a lengthy period of time, do everything you can to make her feel that she's in the right, or else it will come back to bite you in the butt. You were totally in the wrong to say that it doesn't matter if she had a sleepover with a guy friend. The crush thing doesn't really help, either. No matter how you feel, whether or not it's the truth, you must say it's an issue and take her perspective. It was a step in the right direction to not have gone, but you might have already been in a lose-lose situation once you expressed interest in going and making excuses to go and this might be a significant issue to her.

Remember, you're only 18 years old, sometimes you'll make good decisions, sometimes you'll make bad decisions, and we'll see whether or not this will end up being a good decision. And because you're young, even if this is a bad decision or you were in a lose-lose, you'll bounce back. Young kids are resilient.

Or else you could compromise and play Rockband with your friend, but not spend the night, if that's what you want to do.
Any chance your g/f got cheated on, or parents split up because of one or both of them cheating, in the past?
[quote name='Access_Denied']

And the problem I have with this is that I'm actually not going because of her. This would be fine if it was something serious, but I honestly can't think of a reason I can't go. Not only should my girlfriend be telling me what to do, but I shouldn't have to listen to her. I do love being with her, but she's my girlfriend, not my mother.

Also, she asked me how I would feel in this situation, and I said that I didn't care if she went to another guy's house. Also, I did admit to my girlfriend that I had a crush on this friend at one point in time, but this only furthers my point that it's a trust issue.

Also, I was hoping to get some insight from some girls on the forums. (The few that we have anyway.)[/QUOTE]

I'm a girl, and you sir are a moron as someone else posted, for being upset at your girlfriend for this. If you had a crush on her in the past then your girlfriend absolutely has the right to feel a bit upset about this. It is simply only natural. You need to gain your girlfriend's trust when it comes to your friend before she will allow a sleepover. Maybe invite her to spend the night with you guys at your place, or even just hang out with the three of you so she can get a feel for your friend and learn that she is trustworthy. Telling her you had a crush on this girl and then turning around and asking about a little sleepover with the chick is NOT the right way to go about this. Sure your girlfriend may be acting a little paranoid because you admit you are trustworthy, but most of the blame lies with you for going about it the wrong way and blaming her when you are the one exacerbating the problem.
OP youre pretty much full of shit. youre going to sit there and say youd be cool with your gf spending the night with a male friend of hers who she had a crush on ( basically mirroring your story) while you sit home and wait around? bullshit. no sane guy would ever be cool with that unless the guy is a blood relative and even then maybe a few people would still only be ok with it if it were her brother or father only.

the only reason a guy wouldnt care if his chick spent the night with a guy friend is because he doesnt care that much about her and wouldnt be hurt if she did cheat on him.

i give you props for being honest about things with her but unfortunately all you did was make shit worse. if you want to be with this chick dont go and even morso now you will probably need to break things off with your "friend" because anytime youre with her your gf will think back to what you said.

relationships should be based on honesty and trust but you also need to learn and understand compromise. think about it this way why put yourself in a position for something bad to happen?
[quote name='Access_Denied']She said it was disrespectful to go. However, she wouldn't give me a straight answer as to WHY it was disrespectful. Do any of you think this is disrespectful?

And it kind of makes me mad that she won't give me a straight answer. Because by not giving me an answer, it makes me think that she doesn't trust me, which she ASSURES me that she does. She says she just feels uncomfortable with me going.[/QUOTE]as much as I may agree with you about it not being disrespectful you have to understand this is a pretty abstract concept. it's clear she feels disrespected. in some cultures it's considered disrespectful to look someone in the eye. In the west it's the opposite you understand it. You recognize it, but I would bet money you and 98% of the population couldn't explain why it's disrespectful to avoid someone's eyes. She's have to be a sociology major to explain to you why your actions are being perceived as disrespectful.

[quote name='Access_Denied']Also, I did admit to my girlfriend that I had a crush on this friend at one point in time, but this only furthers my point that it's a trust issue.[/QUOTE]no it doesn't where did you get that logic. If she got angry when you told her you 'had a crush' and said "i forbid you" then it would further the trust issue argument, but she was upset before she found out about the 'crush'.

In light of the information presented so far I maintain my stance. She is uncomfortable with the relationship between you and friend-girl. you spending the night with friend-girl (even with the other people and parents) feels like a sign of disrespect to her. I again maintain that it's because she's still new to the idea. It should get better with time. You should be able to convince her that she doesn't need to be apprehensive about you and friend-girl but that may take a while. I don't think it's gonna happen in time for this sleepover but if you do it the right way (i.e. account for her feelings) maybe the next (proverbial) one
Would you want your ol lady to spend the night at another guys house, that she used to have a crush on? I sure as hell wouldn't.
[quote name='mission42']Go to your friends place early, play Rockband with her, have sex with her, then leave and go to your GFs. Tell her you felt bad about leaving her by herself for the night and wanted to spend the night with her, have sex with her, then say your not feeling good and your just going to go home. Return to your friend's house, play Rockband and have sex all night with her. Bonus points if you can get the other dude to leave and have a three-some with the other girl too.[/QUOTE]

Since you don't care, this gets my new vote.

I'd do it.
[quote name='pimpster4183']Would you want your ol lady to spend the night at another guys house, that she used to have a crush on? I sure as hell wouldn't.[/QUOTE]

He already said he wouldn't care.

Of course we all know he's lying.
All you douchebags who say I'm a moron, no, I'm not a moron. I told my girlfriend the answer to her question. Lying is number 1 on her list of things she hates.

Also, we both have a mutual friend who actually tried to go out with her at the beginning of the year. He now has a girlfriend though. And I would have absolutely NO problem with her staying there, as I trust her 100%.

Also, I don't know who said it, but yes, she has been cheated on in the past. (Well, he tried to cheat on her, he just sucked at it. :/ )

[quote name='kilm']You made a lot of mistakes, and if both of you were older, the problem would somewhat clear itself up.

Because both of you are young, don't necessarily expect or seek out reason and logic as a source of explanation. Her feelings are going to be "Because this is the way I feel and I feel strongly about it" and leave it at that. No explanation, just the way she feels and you should accept it as it is.

If you actually are unhappy with your decision and you need to rethink your relationship and see if it is worth continuing. What if another situation like this arises or a different one? Will she continue to "control" your actions? Are you comfortable with it? How serious is this "trust" issue?

So on a personal perspective, you could have gone and force your GF in an uncomfortable situation and have her understand you and accept your reasoning.

In the relationship perspective, if you want to maintain the relationship for a lengthy period of time, do everything you can to make her feel that she's in the right, or else it will come back to bite you in the butt. You were totally in the wrong to say that it doesn't matter if she had a sleepover with a guy friend. The crush thing doesn't really help, either. No matter how you feel, whether or not it's the truth, you must say it's an issue and take her perspective. It was a step in the right direction to not have gone, but you might have already been in a lose-lose situation once you expressed interest in going and making excuses to go and this might be a significant issue to her.

Remember, you're only 18 years old, sometimes you'll make good decisions, sometimes you'll make bad decisions, and we'll see whether or not this will end up being a good decision. And because you're young, even if this is a bad decision or you were in a lose-lose, you'll bounce back. Young kids are resilient.

Or else you could compromise and play Rockband with your friend, but not spend the night, if that's what you want to do.[/QUOTE]

Yes, the whole problem here is that I felt she was 'controlling' me. I understand that there's a lot of weirdness in the situation. But, I still want her to be able to trust me. The night I was at the sleepover, she hung out with her mos recent ex-boyfriend, ALONE, and I had no problem with it, because I trust her. (And, if she does cheat on me, her loss. I treat my girlfriends like queens.)

Anyway, in the end, I talked about the 'controlling' situation, and said that it would probably break us up, and she gave in instantly. Not exactly what I wanted though. I wanted to just talk things through, but she instantly gave it and wouldn't talk about it anymore.

Anyway, it's done and over with. I could have probably handled it better, but in the context of our relationship, I thought I did pretty good. And I don't want to hear anymore "you're stupid" comments, as you guys don't know the whole story, and can't really make that assumption.
Don't come on a web forum then and spill your story, or more correctly HALF your story until admitting more, and expect anything less. You may think you resolved it, but I have a feeling you haven't seen the last of it.
yeah.....while having her 'cave' does effectively end the situation if you plan on seeing her for longer than say a month from now you need to recognize that while it is over that doesn't count as resolution.
She doesn't want you going over there so respect her. Maybe after you have spent more time with her she'll trust you in situations like this. If she continues with this sort of thing, then straighten it out but it sounds like this is the first time so let it slide.
You asked why it's 'disrepsectful'- it's disrespectful because you know she's been cheated on, she knows you had a crush on this girl, yet you expect her to be totally OK with an overnighter. As much as she wants to trust you, as much as the logical part of her brain is saying 'it's a group get-together and nothing's going to happen', there's that lil' paranoid id in the back of her head screaming 'it's just like last time!'... and you're not really trying to shut it up.

The correct solution was not who's right/wrong, but a compromise. You should've gone for part of the party, but not actually stayed the night. You get to play, she gets the piece of mind that you're actually trying to respect her wishes (as opposed to begrudingly agreeing, then complaining after the fact.)

At this point, I see 3 options for you:
1- Go.
2- Don't. Either way, this'll be a major point-of-interest for the next 6 months of your relationship until you work the trust/control issues out.

3- Make like you're going, but turn up at her place instead with flowers and takeout. Apologize for being a butthead and have a nice dinner. (Run this by her friends/parents ahead of time to make sure she'll be home for your surprise.) Your romantic gesture should put her mind at ease... she may even be OK with you going over to your friend's house after dinner.

Last point- this really wasn't the thing to bring all this junk up with... it's not a one-time concert or anything, it's a videogame. There will be more Rockband in the future. Relationship rule #1- pick your battles.
Your girlfriend sounds like a bitch and you should dump her immediately and then ruin your friendship with your best friend by trying to get with her. Its the only manly (and reasonable) thing to do.
bread's done