Quiz - Could you win the National Spelling Bee?

I got 8 out of 10.

I actually competed in the spelling bee in North Dakota while I was growing up. The highest I ever got was 3rd in the county though and I think only the top 2 went to the state finals.
7/10 I've been in numerous spelling bees, and made reserve for the district bee for our district. Got free breakfast for just sitting and watching the others. :D
10/10, but this is actually really easy if you kind of know the words, and are given multiple choices. It's a lot harder when you have to spell it just from the pronunciation.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I got 7/10 but the only ones I got wrong were ones I have not seen before. Were I to have to spell them without seeing the multiple choices I would have done a lot worse.

[quote name='_heretic']10/10, but this is actually really easy if you kind of know the words, and are given multiple choices. It's a lot harder when you have to spell it just from the pronunciation.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='doraemonkerpal']8/10

EDIT: so close! :whistle2:x i missed numbers 2 and 4 :cry:[/QUOTE]

Those are the same two I missed. I went back and forth on number 4 a couple of times between the correct answer and the one I chose. I think I would have done better if I were still in school -- I used to be a much better speller than I am now.
I was actually in the National Spelling Bee several years ago. Placed about 100 out of 250. Got some prize money, an awesome hotel suite, and a free trip to D.C. out of the deal. It was awesome. :)
8/10 Not too bad, I guess... I remember my school having more geography bees than spelling bees. I was in one of them, but the question I got didn't really make any sense. Even the judges gave me a look of "Don't blame us, kid. We only know 'cause it's on this paper." Oh well. Got me some time out of class. :)
Nice work!

You are an excellent speller. Learn even more from our dictionary.

You got 9/10 correct.

Doesn't surprise me in the least. I had to guess on one, and that's the only one I got wrong.

I won my school spelling bee every year I was eligible to participate (4th-8th grade) and I won county twice, placing highly in the regionals one year. It's good to see I'm not too rusty... but really, most of those words were ridiculously simple.
[quote name='jaykrue']9/10

But to be truthful, I won my regional spelling bee so I figure I'm at least I'm a contender.[/quote]

I did too, in 1989, when I was in 4th grade. :shock:

I scored 9/10, and the one I had wrong was between two words with the same two vowels in reverse order. I spent the most time deliberating over that, so I feel that it's ok I misspelled it.

...I also have #5 to a small degree, so I have familiarity with it :lol:
You got 9/10 correct. Woot!

Edit: I like the response when you get 0/10.

"Hit the books
You have potential, but you might want to spend some time with your dictionary.
You got 0/10 correct."

Potential?! Even a rock would score 0/10.

It should read:

"Hit the books
You suck, but you might be as smart as a rock. Or as dumb as one.
You got 0/10 correct."

Considering that I hadn't seen two or three of the words in the list before, not bad. But to be fair, I won my elementary school's spelling bee back in fifth grade and I've been reading for all of my life. That should definitely help my score some.
[quote name='spoo']How do you spell "girlfriend"?[/QUOTE]
Heck, 13, gamely tried to spell “girlfriend” for several minutes, asking its origin (English), definition (“a favored female companion or sweetheart”) and for it to be used in a sentence. Bee Master Michael Winchester provided Heck with the sentence: “You will never have a girlfriend,” prompting the boy to break into tears and run off the stage.


Heck’s mother, Bonnie, who homeschools her three children in the dining room of their Peoria, Illinois home, said this is not the first time her son has been tripped up by a seemingly simple word. “Last year in the Illinois state competition he was knocked out when he failed to spell ‘popularity’ correctly,” she said. “It was a word he had no concept of or experience with.”

:rofl: :rofl:
9/10... didn't get 4 right cause I never saw the word in my entire life. I won the town spelling bee in 7th grade and went to the state finals; I've always been good at spelling, though a lot of the words were really easy on the quiz (especially 6; I think you'd have to be a fucking retard to not know how to spell that).
9/10. I'm much better when I can see the words, I'd probably really suck at spelling them out. The only one I got wrong (#4) was a word I don't know.
6/10. Pretty good considering I've never even heard 3 of the 4 I got wrong.

"I before E except after C". Crap, that cost me one.
damn. 6/10. i thought i would get better. i came in 4th in my 4th grade spelling bee. piece of shit. i think they cheated. haha.
I missed 1 and 4...

This reminds me of the General Clerical Test I took not to long ago when I was up for the job of Manager of a local family video. One page was a list of words that might or might be mispelled, and it was always missing a letter or and extra letter where it was still prounouncable. And then another page of words that are never used and are just there for rich people to use so they can act like they're better... like "remuneration." If the job requires me to say "remuneration," I probably don't need the freakin' job.

And it means "to pay for services rendered" by the way. Remember that the next time you hire a hooker.
bread's done