12 (100%)
Unfortunately this is not a joke like my Bill Nye thread. It looks like from early reports that he has committed suicide, there is a story online reporting that http://www.sheckymagazine.com/2007/03/richard-jeni-comedian.html , his site is down, and his Myspace comments seem to confirm this. I hope I am wrong, because it is truly sad to see someone take their own life. More updates as they arise, but if this is true, rest in peace Mr. Jeni

More confirmation has been provided with
http://www.postchronicle.com/news/or...21268468.shtml and also someone is claiming his official site has viruses on it now so apparentally you shouldn't go to it

Posted at CNN, so I suppose that's official confirmation. Rest in peace Mr. Jeni, you will be missed
He prolly offed himself because he couldn't think of any new bits. That dude was doin the same act in 2005 that he had back in 92. We aint missin much.
damn id completly forgotten who he was until i finally saw a pic of him. hes got a familiar name but man i cant believe he killed himself thats a freakin waste considering how funny he was. this is one of those stories thats gonna probably get worse before it gets better and it reminds me of something someone said on dinner for five. it was about how as a comedian you worry about what pic of you theyll post when you die or something how as a comedian they always pick the goofiest or silliest pic they can find of you where everyone else gets respectable pics posted.

and yeah he did kill himself heres a link to an article about it.


and heres another link with a pic of him in it feel free to post these in your post.

Complete bunk - do NOT go to the website and DO NOT load the cached page of his "website" from Google - it is a virus.

Mods please delete this and don't let anyone followup on this nonsense.

OP - probably not your doing but there is something malicious afoot.
[quote name='XI MAXIMUS IX']Complete bunk - do NOT go to the website and DO NOT load the cached page of his "website" from Google - it is a virus.

Mods please delete this and don't let anyone followup on this nonsense.

OP - probably not your doing but there is something malicious afoot.[/QUOTE]
Could be his doing... The strange use of forum code resembles that of the spam posts that you see from time to time.
[quote name='XI MAXIMUS IX']Complete bunk - do NOT go to the website and DO NOT load the cached page of his "website" from Google - it is a virus.

Mods please delete this and don't let anyone followup on this nonsense.

OP - probably not your doing but there is something malicious afoot.[/quote]

The plot thickens, I see that Wiki has already been updated but the only news article showing up for this on Google News is the one posted above.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']It's on AJC as well.[/QUOTE]
CNN, too, I updated the OP

It says his girlfriend found him with a bullet in his head

So sad to see people go like that, especially someone like him with so much to live for
I can't believe so many people don't know who he was.

If you've never heard of Richard Jenni do yourself a favor and rent one of his HBO specials. One of the greats of comedy.
[quote name='sixersballernum3']Who?[/quote]

[quote name='HumanSnatcher']Do you people not use wikipedia...?[/quote]
Indeed I do, but I'm not going to look something up on Wikipedia and post acting like I know who he was to begin with.
[quote name='CitizenB']
If you've never heard of Richard Jenni do yourself a favor and rent one of his HBO specials. One of the greats of comedy.[/QUOTE]

Let's not go overboard. If he were truly one of the greats, you would have spelled his name right.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']Let's not go overboard. If he were truly one of the greats, you would have spelled his name right.[/quote]

Ummm...I've always found it stupid when someone says something like that...by the way here you go...
I loved this man's work.


We're all a little bit hypocritical and we could all help people more than we do. You know you're sitting there watching TV, it's late at night. Then you hear: "For $9 a week, you could help this starving child." Everyone has the $9, but how do you not give it to them? You gotta rationalize it somehow. You just go, "Ehh that kid doesn't look that hungry to me. Shit he's got a bigger belly than I do. How you can you feed a kid for $9 a week, that's impossible! Shit a Low-Fat, Low Carb latte is $4.50. Whats that kid gonna do with 2 giant cups of coffee? I'm actually doing him a favor not giving him any money, because there's nothing worse than being wide awake and starving. You're welcome Haboopoo."


I think that's how Chicago got started. A bunch of people in New York said, 'Gee, I'm enjoying the crime and the poverty, but it just isn't cold enough, let's go west.'


(on going to war over religion):
You're basically killing each other to see who's got the better imaginary friend.

[quote name='PKRipp3r']________________________________________________________

(on going to war over religion):
You're basically killing each other to see who's got the better imaginary friend.



That is still one of my all time favorite bits.

Rest in peace.
bread's done