Good heads up, it would basically just be for the 2 free Arcade games since we all have Gold. Would have been cool if it was a 25-digit prepaid 1 month card.
I'll be biting on this giveaway with my secondary Live account that has been on silver for the past year. I don't own either of these old XBLA titles so this is perfect.
Kind of sucks it's for silver members only, but then again I shouldn't be surprised about that since gold members always get the short end of the stick when it comes to these promotional things *cough*160 MS Point emails*cough*.
With that said though I just received a notice of my gold sub expiring today. Was going to go for this since I didn't even bother for the Minecraft one before, even though I already bought The Maw and still have an code from that japan promotion thing lying around somewhere. I figure I wouldn't mind a free R-Type. Then I read the part requiring a credit card attached to the xbox account. you Raptr & MS thats never going to happen.
If your one of those people who don't mind that I guess it's not that bad of a deal. But there's no way I'm doing that.
[quote name='John82']I would glady take your The Maw Code if you don't need it [/QUOTE]
If I get on the free month I promised someone else the r-type code you can have the maw code
Used a silver account and got it! Shame I won't be able to use the month of gold for my main account, wish they had done that as a redeemable code. But I mainly wanted the games.
man this sucks. Im using my japanese account from when the maw and snoopy were free and when i click on the link on i get in big bold translated letters, "Sorry your campaign has ended". WTF is that?
[quote name='kujen']Used a silver account and got it! Shame I won't be able to use the month of gold for my main account, wish they had done that as a redeemable code. But I mainly wanted the games.[/QUOTE]
LOL this. That free month is just being wasted away on an unused account on my 360.
Got my 2 free games not even 3 min after confirming the free gold. Took about an hour to do all of this after signing up for Raptr with the extra silver acct i had. Thanks!
Disappointed that you need a credit card.
I tried to do something nice for my brother, but i will not put a credit card on his account, that's just asking for trouble.
alright so my xbox account is bugged and couldnt figure out why, they instead gave me a 1 month free code. Is there a way to contact raptr about this bug to try to get the other 2 codes?