Rare Sega Saturn games that are worth the money...


I'm looking to expand my Saturn collection, maybe even dropping some big bucks for one of the more rare titles. I'd like to know, from those who have actually played some of these games, whether they have held up well over the years and are worth the money.

For example, is Radiant Silvergun worth $150? How about Panzer Dragoon Saga at $175?

Are there other rare Saturn games that are worth the price of admission or do you think no classic game is worth more than $50 when there are many great experiences to be had on current consoles for less?

I'd love to get and play Panzer Saga, but I can't bring myself to spend that much. I'm not into shooters much, so Radiant Silvergun doesn't interest me, but I heard it's very good.

On the more economical side....ever consider Guardian Heroes? That is a PHENOMINAL game and you can get it for around $50.
I paid $150 for Panzer Dragoon Saga, brand new factory sealed on eBay, back in June of 2000. If the game is used it isn't worth $175!...
I second Dragon Force (one of my all time favorite games) and Guardian Heroes. Also, I would HIGHLY suggest modding your Saturn or getting a 4M card if you haaven't already
I have both Panzer Dragoon Saga and Radient Silvergun. I got PDS a few months after it came out, so it was $50 :). Its really damn awesome, but short (like 18 hours). Its really a work of art imo. RS is quite awesome too. Ikaruga for gamecube and japanese Dreamcast is quite similar and by the same people. I actually like RS a bit better because there are more different weapons. If you love Ikaruga, then check out RS, but $150 or whatever is a bit crazy.
No matter what you hear, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Collection is not worth $100+. Also, I picked up Guardian Heroes for less than $15 off of Ebay about a year ago, so just don't overpay.
You won't believe the package I got from a Sega warehouse on Ebay about 6 months ago. They had found some games that didn't sell and so they were BRAND NEW Sega Saturn games. I paid $37 for Dragon Force, NiGHTS, Shining the Holy Ark, Alone in the Dark, Tomb Raider, and some other games I don't remember. Plus a Sega Dreamcast CD holder for free. I would have paid that price for Dragon Force new alone. :D
Thanks for the great suggestions!

To those, like sgxyay, who have played Panzer Dragoon Saga: has it held up well over the years? For example, I think Final Fantasy III (SNES) and VIII (PS) are truly timeless games and if the only way to play them was to buy them for close to $200 I'd say it would be worth the money to have those gaming experiences. Would you say the same about PDS, or not?
Another one that hasn't been listed is Fighters Megamix. I really liked that game despite the fact I wasn't a Virtua Fighter fan. I also second Dragon Force and Guardian Heroes. I'd like to say Shining Force III also, but I haven't gotten around to playing it yet.
[quote name='CappyCobra']No mention of Shining Force III? Blasphemy!

*edit* Damn, you beat me to it Guile :D[/quote]

LOL! Yeah, I got it for $79 last month. A little more than I wanted to pay but it was from a store site not an auction site so I snapped it up. I just haven't found time to play it. I loved the first 2 on the Genesis though so I expect it wil be good.

On a side note...Your avatar hypnotized me just now, lol.
This is off topic, but what is a Saturn with connectors, two controllers, and 4 very common games worth. I only remember 2 of the games: Sonic and Tetris and the other 2 were equally exciting. What's it worth?
Well, about 2 years ago, I imported Panzer Dragoon Saga (called Panzer Dragoon Azel in Japan). It seems like a very solid game. I wouldn't recommend importing though, I had to read strategy guides to try and see what's going on, and I still had little idea.

Basically, if you liked the first 2 games, you'll enjoy the third in the series. Worth $150 though, I don't know. I don't know if I've ever played a game worth that much.
I bought PDS and Burning Rangers back in '98 or '99, at a TRU, interestingly enough.

Saga was incredible. Even looking back, I say this with the utmost conviction. The graphics don't really stand the test of time these days, but they were grand then. The story was compelling, the fights were great. Okay, the ending had some cheese, but that's it.

Burning Rangers was an enjoyable firefighting action game. Incredibly addicting. Who knew?

As to price, hell. I'm not sure I could imagine paying $150 for a videogame unless I knew that I loved it, and had already exhausted every possible means of finding it.
I own Fighters Megamix and it is still my favorite one on one fighting game of all time. I never new it was rare though. Does anyone know what an opened mint version is worth?
No matter what you hear, Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Collection is not worth $100+.

I would pay $100 just for the First D&D Tower of Doom for Saturn. Unfortunately there was no English version, so emulation will have to do.
I bought my Saturn for that and for Shining Force III and Panzer Dragoon Saga but somehow I never can get myself to pay $50+ for any of them.
Henniger, you should check out sega-parts.com. they are liscensed to sell sega parts and games, alot of the games are crap and over priced, but they do have nights w/ controller
Thanks for the link :)

Other than eBay, I've been keeping an eye on eStarland.com. The prices aren't cheap, but I like that you can get classic games in "complete" condition (or pay less for a disc-only copy). I wish ebgames and gamestop would follow this sales model for the classic games on their websites!
[quote name='flizmo007']I have been looking for a copy of Burning Rangers, which is hard to come by, even on Ebay..[/quote]

I had that, didn't get much money for it when I sold it though.

I sold my used, but mint, PDS for about $180 4 years ago. Would I pay that much to get it back? Probably not. It's a great game, but I sold my Saturn stuff because I didn't have the space for it and because I knew I'd never play them again.
[quote name='AngellicLulu']I want Magic Knight Rayearth... but I don't even have a Saturn :whistle2:([/quote]

Don't feel too bad, it wasn't particularly good.
If you like survival horror, track down a copy of Deep Fear. It's Sega's answer to RE and I believe it's only available in JP and EU (Pal). The US release never came to be, which is a shame because the game, like RE, had its dialog recorded in English.

The game is like a horror version of James Cameron's The Abyss. You are an ex-SEAL now working as head of security at an underwater facility when all hell broke loose. You then find out about the secret experiments being conducted at the bottom of the ocean. The music is composed by Kenji Kawai, who scored Ringu. Highly recommended. Even though the graphics are dated, the story is what helps keep it a classic.
Albert Odyessy is a good example of a classic, turn-based, fantasy RPG. I enjoyed it when I used to own it. (I'm currently trying to get aother one) You could probably get one on eBay for $30 - $40 no prob.
I ditto what everyone says about Panzer Dragoon Saga, but what about the actual PD shooters--those were prettty fun. I absolutely love Guardian Heroes too--it is a must-own brawler chock full of 2D hand-drawn sprite goodness and awesome 80's-esque synth tunes. It's the only reason I wont let go of my Saturn.

The Legend of Oasis is a pretty cool action-RPG you can get on the cheap.

I have the import Capcom Generation: Vol 3 (I think it's Vol 3, I can't remember the exact volume number and the game's at my mother's house). It collects all three of the Ghosts and Goblins games.

Speaking of imports, I hear the import Saturn version of Castlevanis: SOTN is outstanding and surpasses the PS1 version by offering a few extras.

I also recommend Die Hard Arcade. You can play it co-op, there's tons of moves and some cool Dragon's Lair-type scenes where you have to press a button or a direction on the fly. The only downside is the load times.

Of course the Capcom fighters are pretty cool: Marvel Super Heroes and X-men: Children of the Atom, or the import X-men Vs Street Fighter.
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