Re-Join Gamefly for $1

i didn't see the hulu plus trial but I rejoined also. Want to try the new CoD but doesn;t look like its coming anytime soon lol

I signed up they and already shipped Borderlands PreSequel and Sunset overdrive, so I'm good. 

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I went ahead and signed up this morning. I probably should have waited until later this month to start, but I wanted to go ahead and get Dragon Age at the top of my queue for the chance to get it right when it comes out. Anybody know what day they ship out new release games if you're the first to get them? For instance, do they ship them out the day they come out or before they come out so you could actually get it release day?

I went ahead and signed up this morning. I probably should have waited until later this month to start, but I wanted to go ahead and get Dragon Age at the top of my queue for the chance to get it right when it comes out. Anybody know what day they ship out new release games if you're the first to get them? For instance, do they ship them out the day they come out or before they come out so you could actually get it release day?

I went ahead and signed up this morning. I probably should have waited until later this month to start, but I wanted to go ahead and get Dragon Age at the top of my queue for the chance to get it right when it comes out. Anybody know what day they ship out new release games if you're the first to get them? For instance, do they ship them out the day they come out or before they come out so you could actually get it release day?
Couldn't find this specific question answered in their forums. This is pretty close:

Q: Can I reserve a game before it has been released?

A: If you are interested in a future release title, you can place it in GameQ as early as you would like. The longer you have a game in your GameQ, the higher on the list of priority you will be for that game when it is officially released.

If a future release is in the #1 spot in your GameQ and you return a game, we will simply skip over it and send you the first available, released game in your GameQ.

And apparently you can maximize your chances of ensuring top Q choices of available titles by changing your shipping preferences in the Account section to 3-day or 7-day hold.

Has gamefly stock improved? OP said he wanted to try mordor and lords of the fallen, couple of others have said it's time to try advance warfare. From my experience there is no way you'll be getting these games. If you weren't part of the group to get the initial batch of a new release, you'll end up waiting a while before it became availble. Though gamefly might prioritize those who rejoin for a dollar in an effort to get them to stay longer. If anybody did rejoin with the purpose of playing a recently released game, we're you able to get it?
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Is there any mention in the email that states when this offer expires? I didn't get one, but used the links given by other CAGs to see that I am eligible for this offer. Was hoping to wait until Monday or Tuesday to activate if it'll be around then.
I did gamefly last year for like 3 months and the first month was rad. I got a bunch of Wii games. All high availability.They all came fast. I'd get them, play them, then toss them in the mail. I was getting two games a week. Then all of sudden their fast ship stopped working and it took me 8 days from dropping a game in the mail to receiving one. Now you can't tell me that the post office was scanning them and all of a sudden stopped completely. 

Has gamefly stock improved? OP said he wanted to try mordor and lords of the fallen, couple of others have said it's time to try advance warfare. From my experience there is no way you'll be getting these games. If you weren't part of the group to get the initial batch of a new release, you'll end up waiting a while before it became availble. Though gamefly might prioritize those who rejoin for a dollar in an effort to get them to stay longer. If anybody did rejoin with the purpose of playing a recently released game, we're you able to get it?
Does that trick not work anymore in which if you just put 1 game in your queue you will get it quicker even if it's a hot new release title?
For some reason even though 19 titles in my queue are "available now", my 2nd game hasnt shipped out in 3 weeks since my last one was confirmed returned.  I contacted their CS and their suggestion was to add more titles.

Really, 19 Available now isnt enough to find one to send to me in 3 weeks?

If you guys think 1 dollar for a service that normally costs 15+ taxes, i dunno.. any way you slice it its a DOLLAR for a Whole month of service.

Everyones bitching about their service but I've had GF since the 360 initially came out and its great.  You put the games in your game Q before they release and gamefly ALWAYS sends them to me the day before they release and I usually get them the day after release.  Even for 15 bucks thats a steal, and I don't even pay that (I buy multiple Gift Certificates and get the discount that way, which is the 12 dollars a month for 2 games the dude was talking about on page 1)

The only problem with their system is if you are trying to get a game like COD u won't get it for a week or two if you miss the initial push because you gotta think its takes 2-3 days for it to get to customers, and they play for about a week and then send it back.  But you just gotta know what you're doing and time it right and it always works in my favor.

Also if they aren't shipping you games Ive had good success in the past with just emailing their customer support and complaining about games not shipping and they usually end up shipping me a game that day in response.  Just a heads up

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They've been faster in my area than they used to be. They send out the new rental when a certain barcode is scanned at the sorting facility. That makes getting the game a couple of days faster, at least in my experience.
Its so inconsistent tho. I would say 25 percent they do that and 75 percent they dont. Been with Gamefly for 2 years straight and still going.

Well lads, it's been a little over a week, but the Last of Us Remastered has just been shipped. Yea, high is the availability, but that plastic vessel hath eluded my grasp for almost a fortnight. But we've got 'er now lads. She's coming in fast and steady. Prepare the harpoons.

I wouldn't join again if they paid me. You'd do far better with Redbox rentals over this shit. Why pay for weeks where they sit wih their thumbs up their asses and ship nothing? F that. I was a member once. I think the only things that ever shipped were sports games and shit old games.
How can people be complaining over $1? I put Lords Of The Fallen in my queue and it shipped the next day. I have absolutely no issue with letting a dollar go so I can get through at least one game for an entire month. They don't have an unlimited stock of every new release game laying around so it's to be expected that you should have to wait until they get a copy back so they can ship it to the next person who has it at the top of their queue, and it probably won't be you.
How difficult is that to understand?
I won't ever pay full-price for a Gamefly subscription, but I've subscribed every time they've offered the $1 restart and haven't regretted it. While you're rather unlikely to get newer titles quickly, I tend to use it to go back and play stuff I've wanted to try out but don't have any interest in owning. It's easily worth the $1.

I just rent from gamestop using my credit, no need to wait 2 weeks or so for games to ship like people claim they do. That seems annoying. I abuse gamestops Holiday return policy lol
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Well, the link that someone posted earlier is no longer working - tells me error when I click on it.
The links to the promo might be unique URLs. Look for the offer in your email, including your junk/spam folder, and then click on that.

I wouldn't join again if they paid me. You'd do far better with Redbox rentals over this shit.
While I do prefer the convenience of Redbox over Gamefly, they don't stock PS4 games anywhere near me.

I jumped on this same offer earlier this year and was still a bit underwhelmed by both availability (for PS4) and processing/shipping times compared to earlier subscription stints with GF. I just now received one of the games that shipped on the 12th, so 3 days from PA to NC is an improvement from the last period which was 5 days or more.

I'm pretty much done with Gamefly so I went to cancel my subscription and they offered me a free month to stay on board. I figured I might as well do it in the off chance I actually get them to send me more than a few games in my queue. I'll cancel when the month is up. I would definitely be on board for these $1 re-signs, but I don't think I'll ever be a full subscriber again. Like someone else mentioned, unless you get in on the initial launch batch of a release, it takes way too long to get a game.

Morder shipped today and it was on low, had it there for a couple of days. Also when TLOU Remastered first came out i didn't get the initial batch but i left it in my queue and it was shipped a couple of days later.

This promo is not in my mailbox. Checked all my mail and junk on both accounts, canceled like 3 months ago. I got blow out sale under $20 mail and about month back to restart membership for 7.99.  No $1 for one month :(

Oh yea the link posted earlier doesn't work still forwards me to 15.95 a month.

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I don't get how people are not getting new games, I have always got a new game roughly 2-4 days after its released. I also have had those games in my queue for months, which I believe how they got by priority (could be wrong here but I read that a while back). The Evil Within I got sent to me the week it released.

Honestly if you don't buy a lot or flip more then you keep, Gamefly can be good. If you just buy games, don't even bother with this. Keep looking for those CAG deals. I flip and trade more than I own gamewise, so for me Gamefly is good. 

Yeah my experience with gamefly was alright. You have to put newer games in your que before hand, and make sure you have whatever you may have out sent back before it's release. Obviously if you don't, other people are going to rent them all out... it's a new game after all.

Anyway this is an awesome deal, especially since you can do the 2 games out option for $1. Definitely taking advantage of this.  O:)

Gamefly just shipped far cry 4 for me. And evil within is on the way

Honestly these are games you play for 15-20 hours and then trade in anyway
I jumped on this.  I already had another gamefly account on a separate email.  Hopefully, I'll be able to knock out Far Cry 4 this way.

I signed up for this a few days ago, maybe a week at this point. They shipped me Far Cry 4 and Dragon Age Inquisition on Monday for PS4. Pretty good for $1.

I've always found that the best way to use Gamefly is to request stuff that isn't out yet. So you sit idle until the next big game comes along and they usually ship it on release if not the day before. Obviously this can't work for everyone but The Crew comes out Dec 2nd, put that in your Queue and make sure you don't have something out when that releases and you should get it. It's late in the season to try this but it works for me. There is also Terreria and Akiba's Trip, but those aren't what I'm looking for.

Im buying GTA V & Smash so im renting blurays now. 22 jump street & the hobbit 2 just shipped. 

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Added sunset overdrive, fantasy life and lords of the fallen on the 15th, only lords of the fallen was shipped today, all were available now on the site at the time of adding..still worth a buck though. Def won't be renewing.
Worth $1, but I'm going to cancel afteards. I'm quickly reminded of why I cancelled in the first place: slow shipping spends. Not sure why Gamefly is slower than Netflix by Mail, but it is, and always has been. At least it is for me, and I live in a state with distribution center. Really wish a Redbox in my local area would add PS4 and X1 games. 

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I really like GameFly.  As long as you know how to properly manage your Q you can get what you want, at least in my experience.  This week they shipped me Lego Batman 3 (PS4) and AC: Rogue (PS3).  The trick is to keep a short Q and only populate it with the new releases you want and games that haven't been released yet.  One of the popular theories is that the longer you've had an unreleased game in your Q, the better chance of getting it at release.  Seems validated in my experience.

Takes three days for them to ship me games from Pittsburgh to Charlotte, but I'm on the two-game-a-month deal (about $12/month when you use certificates) and I don't play more than one game at a time, so it's perfect for me.

I used to buy new releases or wait until they were $20-30, now I just GameFly them.  I've saved so much money this way.  The only way I can think of it being cheaper is to buy new releases at Best Buy with GCU, beat them quickly, and trade them in as fast as possible, which I know a lot of people do here.  I like my way better, though, because it's more convenient and has no time constraints.

I'm moving into my house soon and am looking at spending less money on games, particular games that may have a short shelf life for me.  Gamefly seems like a good option to at least try, so I'm glad this apparently extends through the middle of December as I won't be in a position to start renting stuff right away.  Hoping to save some money over a year versus what I've spent on new games this year.

I would love to see a digital rental service for console games

Instead of mailing me far cry 4, why can't I download it and keep it for the month?

Playstation now is flawed streaming is inherently lagging and any compete with retail version
I got my refund for the full price they charged an an extended trial date. Both far cry 4 and lords of the fallen for PS4 should be here soon!
I would love to see a digital rental service for console games

Instead of mailing me far cry 4, why can't I download it and keep it for the month?

Playstation now is flawed streaming is inherently lagging and any compete with retail version
You've basically just described Sony's PS+ for Playstation and EA's All Access Pass for XB1.

bread's done