Red Dead Redemption 2 - Coming Fall 2017 to PS4; Trailer Live!


12 (100%)​

Anyone else excited for this one? I remember the first game wasn't even on my radar until a week before it came out and ended up being my GOTY. So much fun on and offline playing this on PS3, really stoked to see it on PS4 Pro! :D

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I was kinda disappointed with how RS handled GTAV and am kinda worried about how they'll handle RDR2. I mean, GTAV was a fantastic game but since it's release (as in the PS3/360 release) RS has basically ignored the SP and only released MP content. I thought the MP was ok (fun, but the long as load times sucked- not sure if it got any better) but it never seemed very rewarding with the in game cash, only to further push people into spending real money to buy in game currency. 

I hope that doesn't end up being the case here. I'm super stoked for RDR2 and I know the SP will be awesome... just hope that they continue to release SP content after its release. 

I'm guessing this is gonna be a prequel, from Marston's days with his gang before the events of RDR. 

Is it bad I've owned GTAV four times now and still haven't played it? :lol:

I saw they registered red dead online as a trademark, so we're definitely getting the same online mode from the previous game in some fashion. I really hope they don't cash shop it but realistically even if they do, the first game was fun as hell to play online regardless. As long as they don't make cash shop a pay2win then IDC.

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