Red Dead Redemption- Out Now

Oh god, was watching the trailer and had to pause it to answer the phone, when I came back this is what I saw

Wow, the latter part of the game is definitely different than I expected.

I finished the mission where you face
Dutch and he kills himself, and then Ross lets you go to your ranch where Abigail and Jack are. I expected a lot more of chasing Dutch, surprised that the issue with him ended after so few missions. Was also really surprised when I saw the "A" and "J" mission markers show up on the map. Now I'm doing tasks around the ranch with Jack and going to deliver corn feed for Bonnie with Abigail. I thought the ending would for sure be that last mission for Ross and the cut scene where you see Abigail. With these ranch missions, I'm almost positive something bad is going to happen because I have a creeping suspicion that this won't have a completely happy ending, haha. Doesn't seem like R*'s style.
[quote name='The 7th Number']Ummm major spoilers so dont read unless you finish the game.

I thought the missions were odd, but i really didnt figure it out till i beat the game and read other posts talking about it. Apparently he is standing on your future grave site saying how its a nice spot. Someone also said that you can see him in the back when you walk out of the barn and go into dead eye with all those soldiers who shoot you. I didnt notice him though.

NO WAY! I just finished the game and I didn't notice these things. I even used Dead Eye on the last mission.
Awwww... real buzz killer glitch...
So I am in Mexico helping DeSanta Retake the train... I get on the train and it cuts to dynamite planted on the bridge just ahead, problem is that there was no bridge in the scene! Then the explosion happened and the bridge appears... John walks over to the "edge" which is actually a complete bridge and looks straight down at the rail-ties. Man...
[quote name='faceturd']Awwww... real buzz killer glitch...
So I am in Mexico helping DeSanta Retake the train... I get on the train and it cuts to dynamite planted on the bridge just ahead, problem is that there was no bridge in the scene! Then the explosion happened and the bridge appears... John walks over to the "edge" which is actually a complete bridge and looks straight down at the rail-ties. Man...

I finally had something crazy go in my favor. I was doing the Poopycock stranger mission and
returned the $1000 to the English gent in Chuparosa. Just as he was walking out the building a shootout broke out and killed him. I was able to loot him for the money.
So many spoiler tags! Doesn't even do a damn thing for me, because some fucktard posted the ending in the title to their post on GFaqs.... ugh.
[quote name='Rhett']So many spoiler tags! Doesn't even do a damn thing for me, because some fucktard posted the ending in the title to their post on GFaqs.... ugh.[/QUOTE]
I just saw some topics relating to that on the GFaqs board. I think it happened last week too. Some real douche bags reside over there.
[quote name='Rhett']So many spoiler tags! Doesn't even do a damn thing for me, because some fucktard posted the ending in the title to their post on GFaqs.... ugh.[/QUOTE]

The game was spoiled for me as well by some asshole commentator on Kotaku. I will never forgive him or her! :bomb:
So now for some reason, I have a different horse. I barely ever rode a different one, never hitched another one, and now I'm stuck with another one. WTH R* ?


So after some looking around boards, the only explanation is my horse died. He has died before and he just respawned. Guess I'm not getting that achievement
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Just saw a video of a glitch where wolves were replaced with women.

I know the game can be buggy, but a full, released game has THAT in it?

In other news, Free Roam is still boring as shit.
Are all those half animal/people videos from the retail game? I played the game 30+ hours and never saw one. I know that is a very small amount compared to the total, but I think people are maybe hacking the game disks and running them on modded 360s if that is possible. It just seems unlikely that the game loads the human models on the animals.
Anyone where I can pick this game up for a cheaper price compared to the retail price right now?

I really want to pick this up, but I want to get a good bargain on it, lol. How is the hunting as well? Is it lame or is it pretty fun?
[quote name='Droenixjpn']Anyone where I can pick this game up for a cheaper price compared to the retail price right now?

I really want to pick this up, but I want to get a good bargain on it, lol. How is the hunting as well? Is it lame or is it pretty fun?[/QUOTE]

There are a ton of different animals to find and skin. The skinning animation gets old quick, but it usually is worth the money you make collecting the items. Many times you don't have to go hunting since the predators find you. Wolf packs can be deadly, but you can quickly stop them all with a round of Dead Eye. Cougars are super sneaky. I hardly ever hear them before they maul me half to death. They usually hunt in pairs too. I am selling my used complete copy btw.
I might be interested Bretts, I'll definitely check it out on your profile. Reddjoey, I don't really have a Gamestop near me at all... which sucks, since I would definitely go for this deal in a heartbeat. (Trade in FFXIII and something else...)
Just finished it, my (lengthy) thoughts on the ending:

Of course they were foreshadowing the entire time that John would die in the end, so I was only really in suspense about how they would do it. And I think it was perfect. As boring as the last few missions were, and I've heard a lot of people criticize them, I think they made the choice to sacrifice gameplay for story in that sense, and I think it was the right one.

In hindsight, John truly was naive for not realizing that he would never be allowed to escape his old life. But because he believed he could be redeemed, I believed it along with him. The last hour or so shows how John hopes his life could be, what he always wanted, but in the end he couldn't escape his past. I thought it was poetic, and it really made me appreciate the character all the more.

It's clear they always intended to kill him (he was, after all, "the last enemy that shall be destroyed"), I just can't decide if it was cruel to let him think he was free or if it was a blessing that he had the time to make things right with Abigail and Jack. I'm leaning towards the latter.

I played John as an honorable man who did everything right. And still he was betrayed. Which is perfect, because now I can feel free to use Jack to seek out vengeance for his father by performing every dastardly deed imaginable. Tying a nun to the tracks Achievement, here I come. :D

So yeah, I loved the ending.
The special on Fox was decent. Some of the seems are still showing.

It covers John arriving and some of the earlier missions. Very minor spoilers if you haven't played it
Was neat to see a professional editor play around with RDR. He tweaked it a bit but more or less that's what happened in the beginning of the game. If they ended it with the arrive to Mexico I kind of felt it would have been a big interest ending (omg I need this game).

That said I'm off to go cougar hunting for that damn challenge. Just found out you can dead eye with the knife!
Yeah i just finished watching it and it pretty much spoils the first part of the game. Glad i beat it before i saw that. It doesnt spoil everything, but the main storyline. I thought it could of used some dead eye in some parts.
So hit another snag. This mission just hangs. It's in Mexico where you help
Luisa plants explosives under the bridge on the road to ambush a convoy. I plant the explosives and the detonator location never loads.
I know where it is, but it's just stuck. Tried reloading twice now.
My thoughts on the end...

No final mission as jack to fucking kill that asshole fucking cop?! Damn, I was hoping to kill that piece of shit since I got back to Blackwater. :whistle2:(

Good game though, really enjoyed things there at the end. I'm glad my buddy told me to save the stranger tasks so now I can get to know Jack hopefully.

EDIT: HA! There is a final mission where you get to kill that S.O.B. It's through a stranger mission though!
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[quote name='RichMeisterMan']My thoughts on the end...

No final mission as jack to fucking kill that asshole fucking cop?! Damn, I was hoping to kill that piece of shit since I got back to Blackwater. :whistle2:(

Good game though, really enjoyed things there at the end. I'm glad my buddy told me to save the stranger tasks so now I can get to know Jack hopefully.

Sorry to burst your bubble.
There is one. There is also at least one stranger quest you can't complete as jack that doesn't seem to affect your completion percentage.
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Finished the fight.

What!? NOOOOOO! WHYYYY!! =( Amazing that they revoice everything as Jack. Definitely my game of the year

Also what are the secret achievements for the game? And what does it mean achieve a Gold rank in a challenge? What challenge?
[quote name='DarkNessBear']
Also what are the secret achievements for the game? And what does it mean achieve a Gold rank in a challenge? What challenge?[/QUOTE]

I think you mean on a mission. If you go into the stats menu and select missions, you can see the rank for each mission in the game (Bronze,Silver,Gold). It's based on time to complete, accuracy, headshots, etc. You can also replay them all. I didn't get that achievement during my playthrough, but after I finished I went back and re-played one of the earliest combat missions. Given that I was now experienced with the game I was able to headshot everyone, and I got Gold easily. Took less than 5 minutes.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Finished the fight.

What!? NOOOOOO! WHYYYY!! =( Amazing that they revoice everything as Jack. Definitely my game of the year

Also what are the secret achievements for the game? And what does it mean achieve a Gold rank in a challenge? What challenge?[/QUOTE]

Secret achievements:
That Government Boy (10)
Complete "Exodus in America".

Land of Opportunity (30)
Complete "The Assault on Fort Mercer".

Sons of Mexico (40)
Complete "The Gates of El Presidio".

No More Fancy Words (20)
Complete "An Appointed Time".

A Savage Soul (10)
Complete "At Home with Dutch".

The Benefits of Civilization (90)
Complete "And the Truth Will Set You Free".

Into the Sunset (100)
Complete "The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed".

Nurture or Nature? (50)
Complete "Remember My Family".

Dastardly (5)
Place a hogtied woman on the train tracks, and witness her death by train.

Manifest Destiny (5)
Kill the last buffalo in the Great Plains in Single Player.

Spurred to Victory (10)
Complete 20 story missions without switching to a new horse at a hitching post.

Heading South on a White Bronco (5)
Evade the US Marshals while riding the Hungarian Half-Bred horse in Single Player.
[quote name='iRent']Sorry to burst your bubble.
There is one. There is also at least one stranger quest you can't complete as jack that doesn't seem to affect your completion percentage.

The mission you refer to not being able to do is probably "I know You" Which I did.
Hmm well dead eye doesn't work with the knife (understandably). However I finally got 2 knife kills with those damn cougars! The reward is well deserved I might reckon haha.
[quote name='reddjoey']Secret achievements:
That Government Boy (10)
Complete "Exodus in America".

Land of Opportunity (30)
Complete "The Assault on Fort Mercer".

Sons of Mexico (40)
Complete "The Gates of El Presidio".

No More Fancy Words (20)
Complete "An Appointed Time".

A Savage Soul (10)
Complete "At Home with Dutch".

The Benefits of Civilization (90)
Complete "And the Truth Will Set You Free".

Into the Sunset (100)
Complete "The Last Enemy That Shall Be Destroyed".

Nurture or Nature? (50)
Complete "Remember My Family".

Dastardly (5)
Place a hogtied woman on the train tracks, and witness her death by train.

Manifest Destiny (5)
Kill the last buffalo in the Great Plains in Single Player.

Spurred to Victory (10)
Complete 20 story missions without switching to a new horse at a hitching post.

Heading South on a White Bronco (5)
Evade the US Marshals while riding the Hungarian Half-Bred horse in Single Player.

Thanks. At least I know I'm not going to be getting 1000g's for this one. Suppred to Victory... really?
[quote name='RichMeisterMan']The mission you refer to not being able to do is probably "I know You" Which I did.[/QUOTE] so you DID
Remember my family

[quote name='DarkNessBear']Thanks. At least I know I'm not going to be getting 1000g's for this one. Suppred to Victory... really?[/QUOTE] save alot, make sure when you whistle for your horse its the same one. i got the achieve without realizing it. my main horse kept dieing, so i tried to keep one alive and got this

[quote name='Spybreak8']Hmm well dead eye doesn't work with the knife (understandably). However I finally got 2 knife kills with those damn cougars! The reward is well deserved I might reckon haha.[/QUOTE] yea the reward is to kill a bear with a knife later on
Just because I was bored and was doing evil things to anyone I came across (thank goodness Rockstar realized people want to have the option to do bad things while playing a good character!) the ability to rob the Armadillo bank...

I was there at about sunrise, almost nobody around. Busted the front windows, and walked on back to crack two safes and open two chests. Got about $200, and the law was immediately on me after I left. Cool, nonetheless. I'm totally gonna rob some more towns whenever possible. It's also pretty fun living as an honorable character, with a large bounty on your head. You never know what's gonna happen.
Gotta say, i love you guys for thinking to use Spoiler tags for events, as I haven't played the campaign yet.

...Even though I had the ending spoiled for me by a douchebag on another site.

Glad to see people here have brain cells!
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Thanks. At least I know I'm not going to be getting 1000g's for this one. Suppred to Victory... really?[/QUOTE]

I got Spurred to Victory without even trying to get it.
You get one of the best horses in the game right at the beginning when doing a mission for Bonnie. No need to switch to another horse after you get it.
[quote name='life.exe']I got Spurred to Victory without even trying to get it.
You get one of the best horses in the game right at the beginning when doing a mission for Bonnie. No need to switch to another horse after you get it.

Is that the...
Horse you get during the horse breaking training mission?
I just "beat-beat" the game a few minutes ago. Like a few others I thought I'd actually beaten it already, but when looking through a recap of the story on Wikipedia caught a glimpse that there was actually a little more to do. Luckily I didn't read the whole thing, but just enough to know that what I thought was the ending wasn't really the ending.

The final chapters of the game are told in an interesting way.
I was at first caught off guard by the fact that even after killing Dutch there was a series of rancher missions after this. It was necessary to help show Marston as a father and was also a nice set-up for the final shoot-out, but it was something I wasn't expecting. I just figured that after I killed Dutch and I was sent back to my family that'd be it.

The story also shifting from father to son was unexpected. I'm sure there are other games that have done this, but it was just unexpected to be relieved of this character you'd spent 20 hours with and then given his son to play as. I don't find him nearly as likable as John, but that's to be expected since I haven't spent as much time with him.

I do kinda wonder whether a lot of people have missed the true final mission though. I could see someone stopping after John dies because they just assumed that was the end of the game. I would have found the final stranger mission eventually, but that's just because I liked the game enough to play around with it afterward. For someone who was a little more lukewarm towards it or who loved it and was eager to start a second play-through, it'd probably be annoying to know that you missed out on the mission that ultimately ties back into the name of the game.

Also, do you guys know anywhere I might be able to watch the John Hillcoat short online? I missed it when it aired on TV.
Just in case I am not the only one, there are special execution animations. If you take out both legs (I was using dead-eye), the guy will slowly crawl to his knees. If given a chance he will start to shoot again, but if you can get up to them, face them, and pull the trigger you will do a flat-out execution style kill.
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Gotta say, i love you guys for thinking to use Spoiler tags for events, as I haven't played the campaign yet.

...Even though I had the ending spoiled for me by a douchebag on another site.

Glad to see people here have brain cells![/QUOTE]I was thinking the same thing. As someone who plays through games (especially open-world games) incredibly slowly, I always appreciate the fact that I can still read discussions about the games I'm playing, and learn cool stuff I wouldn't have otherwise known about them, without having major storyline points ruined for me. Just one more reason I love this site. :applause:
[quote name='AlphaPanda']Gotta say, i love you guys for thinking to use Spoiler tags for events, as I haven't played the campaign yet.

...Even though I had the ending spoiled for me by a douchebag on another site.

Glad to see people here have brain cells![/QUOTE]I really couldn't believe when Sheriff Johnson said,
"I see dead people,"
and then John Marston
was really a ghost the whole time!

[quote name='Halo05']Is that the...
Horse you get during the horse breaking training mission?
[/QUOTE]Yeah, it's the one that's $750 in a store. Mine got killed and I stole a crappy horse and hitched it before I found out about the magic whistle bringing it back to life. Thought that if it died it was gone for good.

[quote name='faceturd']Just in case I am not the only one, there are special execution animations. If you take out both legs (I was using dead-eye), the guy will slowly crawl to his knees. If given a chance he will start to shoot again, but if you can get up to them, face them, and pull the trigger you will do a flat-out execution style kill.[/QUOTE]Executions are counted in your stats, just get right next to them and pull the trigger. Haven't seen that one, but I've stuck my gun in someone's gut and blasted and in Pike's Basin while a thug was shooting at someone else I snuck behind him, covered his mouth from behind and shot him in the back. Wonder how many executions there are.
[quote name='Halo05']Is that the...
Horse you get during the horse breaking training mission?

its the Kentucky Saddler, you don't even need to break another one to go towards the "Buckin' Awesome" achievement, it counts towards that achievement even though you have to do it for the story.
[quote name='Rhett']Just because I was bored and was doing evil things to anyone I came across (thank goodness Rockstar realized people want to have the option to do bad things while playing a good character!) the ability to rob the Armadillo bank...

I was there at about sunrise, almost nobody around. Busted the front windows, and walked on back to crack two safes and open two chests. Got about $200, and the law was immediately on me after I left. Cool, nonetheless. I'm totally gonna rob some more towns whenever possible. It's also pretty fun living as an honorable character, with a large bounty on your head. You never know what's gonna happen.[/QUOTE]

Are you using the bandanna? If you don't want to take a hit to your honor or fame put on the bandanna before you go crazy. Make sure no one sees you put it on or take it off.

I don't think I'll get the Spurred to Victory since my horse died (and somehow switched) around mission 18 or 19.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Thanks. At least I know I'm not going to be getting 1000g's for this one. Suppred to Victory... really?[/QUOTE]
If you already missed it, its really not a pain to run through 25 story missions again to get the achievement. I did it the other day and it doesn't take that long. Most of the missions don't even take 5 minutes. Plus its such a good game, it'll be nice to replay the beginning again.

And if you haven't played the game at all yet, all you have to do is make sure once you break the goldenish colored Kentucky Saddler in a story mission, don't let him die or hitch another horse until you've unlocked Mexico. Assuming you aren't doing challenges and you save between missions and use camp to fast travel it goes by real fast.
[quote name='reddjoey']Are you using the bandanna? If you don't want to take a hit to your honor or fame put on the bandanna before you go crazy. Make sure no one sees you put it on or take it off.

I don't think I'll get the Spurred to Victory since my horse died (and somehow switched) around mission 18 or 19.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I wasn't planning on switching horses but the Kentucky Saddlebred died on me somehow inbetween cutscenes of a gunfight (I was on the horse, hit a cutscene of Marston off of the horse and when the scene was done my horse was dead) and when I whistled for it a different breed entirely came.
[quote name='faceturd']Where do you find boars for the boar tusks?[/QUOTE]

West Elizabeth. SE Corner.

I found one in Mexico one the train's bridge oddly enough.

Wiki says:

Boars can be found at around 6:30pm north of MacFarlane Ranch, or southwest of Thieves Landing.
[quote name='reddjoey']West Elizabeth. SE Corner.

I found one in Mexico one the train's bridge oddly enough.

Wiki says:

Boars can be found at around 6:30pm north of MacFarlane Ranch, or southwest of Thieves Landing.[/QUOTE]

I randomly see them being hunted by hunters as I travel to and from Thieves Landing.
[quote name='reddjoey']West Elizabeth. SE Corner.

I found one in Mexico one the train's bridge oddly enough.

Wiki says:

Boars can be found at around 6:30pm north of MacFarlane Ranch, or southwest of Thieves Landing.[/QUOTE]I saw one north of MacFarlan Ranch one time and it drown itself in the swamp so I couldn't get a tusk! Rode around the swamps forever but no more.
bread's done