Red Dead Redemption - Undead Nightmare out now!

[quote name='pogipinoy27']played the game for the first time today and tried the online free roam. Started walking toward another person when he proceeded to shoot me for no reason at all. I ended up dying. Is this normal?[/QUOTE]
Yes. There's alot of people who treat free roam like deathmatch, which is why I make a private free roam match, so it's by invite only.

Speaking of which, there's four of us currently clearing out gang hideouts in free roam.
[quote name='pogipinoy27']played the game for the first time today and tried the online free roam. Started walking toward another person when he proceeded to shoot me for no reason at all. I ended up dying. Is this normal?[/QUOTE]

yep that game world is full of assholes. ive been trying to pull off some of the challenges that have to do with bounties and being wanted and every time my bounty reaches 1000 or more bucks some asshole runs in to try and collect it ( one requirement is getting your bounty level to 5000) very hard to do unless somones there to keep the assholes away.
[quote name='lokizz']yep that game world is full of assholes. ive been trying to pull off some of the challenges that have to do with bounties and being wanted and every time my bounty reaches 1000 or more bucks some asshole runs in to try and collect it ( one requirement is getting your bounty level to 5000) very hard to do unless somones there to keep the assholes away.[/QUOTE]
Woah, woah. There's LIVE bounty hunting in free roam?! I think I found my new online game for a while. . .

The last time I truly enjoyed terrorizing people in FFA PvP was SWG once live bounties went in. I still have tons of screens with people sending me hate tells and crying. Life is good.
[quote name='Jodou']Woah, woah. There's LIVE bounty hunting in free roam?! I think I found my new online game for a while. . .

The last time I truly enjoyed terrorizing people in FFA PvP was SWG once live bounties went in. I still have tons of screens with people sending me hate tells and crying. Life is good.[/QUOTE]

yeah basically anytime someone kills someone in town or near it you get your basic wanted level up. the bounty increases with each person the "wanted" person kills.

ive never gotten past 2000 before some douchebag rolls in looking to get rich quick and its only a matter of time before they do because of having to deal with them and the diff sherifs/federale that show up. a few of the challenges in free roam deals with having a wanted level
and making it to a certain time and a certain bounty amount

if you all ever try it make sure you have someone with you to watch your back because they come like roaches.
This game is great. I cant say that enough. Its almost been a week and i havent even finished the story yet... still in mexico. Ive been playing this game non stop too. Usually i beat games in 2-3 days tops. But wow there is so much to do and its so much fun. I dont even fast travel because i love riding the horse around, and running into events/cool spots. Treasure hunting is fun, i havent used a location map, and dont plan to. I havent sold any of my bars of gold ive found either. hehe, got around 10,000 dollars. I havent bought any guns or ammo yet.

If i had one wish, i would wish this game had some sort of fishing game. That would have been nice being able to sit by the lake at 2am fishing under the stars and hearing the crickets chirping.
picked this up yesterday pretty cool already lvl 5 would def be up for some games this friday/ weekend or after 7pm during the week.
[quote name='The 7th Number']

If i had one wish, i would wish this game had some sort of fishing game. That would have been nice being able to sit by the lake at 2am fishing under the stars and hearing the crickets chirping.[/QUOTE]

i thought that was an odd exclusion too. with all the other animals you can hunt and kill why not fishing as well?
Ordered this from Estarland yesterday. Should ship tomorrow along with UFC. If anyone wants to add me for some free roam (I wont kill you), my PSN name is SlurringRhythms.
I got the bounty up to 2075 last night but then i fell off the roof of the saloon in the most northeast part of the map. It was crazy I was mainly staying on that roof sniping guys but i went to the other side of the town and came back a couple of times. I ended up falling off the roof and getting shot point blank while my guy was on his back. Im gonna try for 5000 in that town later.
So, I decided last night that I was going to play free roam and then run off by myself. I then proceeded to clear out gang hideouts by myself. Levels sure came quickly :p

Playing this really remind me of playing GTA for the first time on PlayStation... the obsessive feeling that washes over you when you're looking to collect x number of skins and spend an hour or so hunting, not even worried about the story line. That's awesome. I realize GTAIV and the other games have been like this, but with the fact that the setting is fresh, I really care about exploring and finding everything to do. What The 7th Number says about travelling is totally true. I used fast travel once and haven't since then. You never know what you're going to run into out in the middle of nowhere on your horse.

This is probably one of my favorite games out currently. I love it.
Eh, after trying free roam for about four hours, it's not as fun as I'd imagined. All the games I went to had nobody with bounties and the people I'd try to kill just ran away. That and it's practically impossible to kill anyone unless they're within short range. They'd just duck for cover, regen, then get on their horse and run. The guys I did kill were just shot in the back while trying to do hideouts. Oh well, I still have BC2.

I've noticed that after a while people just stop coming and it becomes an empty game, so that's one way to do outlaw stuff without hassle for those who were crying.
Just picked the game up and damn is it good!! apparently I am the only person on my xbl friends list that has it at this point so anyone on here please feel free to add me!! I need some people to posse up with!!!
[quote name='Skooba81']Just picked the game up and damn is it good!! apparently I am the only person on my xbl friends list that has it at this point so anyone on here please feel free to add me!! I need some people to posse up with!!![/QUOTE]

This is the PS3 forum.
Just played my first decent session of free roam, we actually got together two good size posses and fought over a fort. Wish they would have added something like that in multiplayer, sort of an objective based game where you have to capture a fort or get the cart out of the mine.

Also, I realized that clearing out the hideouts in free roam gets you a fair amount of exp. and for someone that sucks at multiplayer, that is really nice.
Is there an easy way to join your friend in game? I know you can invite people via the select button and triangle button. It would be nice to be just able to join a friend on your list and join their server (if they are in public session).
Also how come the XMB doesn't show game status (like if they are in single player, multiplayer, free roam, what region they are in, etc.)?
I thought all PS3 games do that now? I've noticed Little Big Planet shows a status of what map the person is on and how many players in that server.
Finally found some like minded PvPers in free roam and we just had a FFA shootout in Escalara. I quickly realized that this game really isn't about skill like I thought, because it does auto-aim if your gun has the range. That and if you're vastly outranked by someone with better guns, you're just going to get noobed over and over. Plus people just end up camping on high ground, especially if they have a sniper rifle. I hate shit like that and it's garbage for PvP; zero skill in it.

Still, I did find one guy trying to do a hideout and after killing him like ten times in a row (spawn camping is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too easy in this game) he was sending me rage tells of all sorts lol. "It's a fucking mission, you retard!" Cry. More. Noob.
[quote name='The 7th Number']This game is great. I cant say that enough. Its almost been a week and i havent even finished the story yet... still in mexico. Ive been playing this game non stop too. Usually i beat games in 2-3 days tops. But wow there is so much to do and its so much fun. I dont even fast travel because i love riding the horse around, and running into events/cool spots. Treasure hunting is fun, i havent used a location map, and dont plan to. I havent sold any of my bars of gold ive found either. hehe, got around 10,000 dollars. I havent bought any guns or ammo yet.

If i had one wish, i would wish this game had some sort of fishing game. That would have been nice being able to sit by the lake at 2am fishing under the stars and hearing the crickets chirping.[/QUOTE]

I would've liked if they allowed you to at least swim. It would've saved me about 20 real time minutes of riding my horse AROUND a lake/river to get to the next gang hideout.

But yeah, a fishing mini game while you're camped out by a river/lake would've been a nice addition as well.

[quote name='Jodou']Finally found some like minded PvPers in free roam and we just had a FFA shootout in Escalara. I quickly realized that this game really isn't about skill like I thought, because it does auto-aim if your gun has the range. That and if you're vastly outranked by someone with better guns, you're just going to get noobed over and over. Plus people just end up camping on high ground, especially if they have a sniper rifle. I hate shit like that and it's garbage for PvP; zero skill in it.

Still, I did find one guy trying to do a hideout and after killing him like ten times in a row (spawn camping is WAAAAAAAAAAAAY too easy in this game) he was sending me rage tells of all sorts lol. "It's a fucking mission, you retard!" Cry. More. Noob.[/QUOTE]
Remind me never to play with you then, since I play free roam for doing what I want and I almost always make a private free roam to avoid having people with the 'kill everyone' mentality killing me for their own personal fun.:razz:
I had to take a break, my OCD or whatever is kicking in and its taking me out of the element of the game. I just finished mexico... (spoiler heavy)

So when you have to chase the mexican guy (one of the two) you are looking for, it says to kill him or capture him alive. So i decided to capture him alive. Then there is the part where you find williamson and it tells you to shoot him. Well i shot williamson and the guy with the sword both at the same time with dead eye. Im pretty sure all of this wont make a difference, but now im thinking i should have killed the mexican guy, and i shouldnt have killed the guy with the sword. Im pretty sure if i had only killed williamson, reyes would have killed the guy with the sword. IDK, but then im thinking i should load an old save and redo it and kill the two guys im going after and not shoot the sword guy. But then again you only experience the game once and it doesnt seem right to do it over again. IDK but i had to stop because i couldnt stop thinking of my decisions and focus on what i was doing after these events. Yeah i got issues.
Auto aim is complete garbage and so is the call of duty aim assist if you plan on playing competively. I don't mind the aim assist so much if i am playing with friends but it still kind of bugs me. It was funny listening to these kids trying to get a high bounty last night cause they were all into it and they only had 200 dollar bounties. Funny thing is they were playing with full on autoaim. Thats the kind of shit that can make the game look stupid.
did anyone notice how dead eye changes in the game? when i first started all it did was slow things down without any x's showing up and i prefered it that way but after a certain point you get all those red x's.
If anyone is looking to trade for other pre-order codes/items, I made a trade thread for that purpose HERE .

I didn't really notice the Dead Eye changes, lokizz, but then again I don't think I'm that far along as of yet(haven't even finished the Bonnie missions yet).
[quote name='lokizz']did anyone notice how dead eye changes in the game? when i first started all it did was slow things down without any x's showing up and i prefered it that way but after a certain point you get all those red x's.[/QUOTE]

Yeah duels were easy at first, now i have a hard time winning any. Its kind of annoying. I dont know what to do really. Press RB a bunch of times, or RT?
[quote name='lokizz']did anyone notice how dead eye changes in the game? when i first started all it did was slow things down without any x's showing up and i prefered it that way but after a certain point you get all those red x's.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='The 7th Number']Yeah duels were easy at first, now i have a hard time winning any. Its kind of annoying. I dont know what to do really. Press RB a bunch of times, or RT?[/QUOTE]
Don't worry, it changes AGAIN later on to a single marking system you can control. And the point of changing a vital game mechanic three times is. . .I have no fucking idea.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Remind me never to play with you then, since I play free roam for doing what I want and I almost always make a private free roam to avoid having people with the 'kill everyone' mentality killing me for their own personal fun.:razz:[/QUOTE]That's the idea of free roam -- do whatever you want. Some dude I was dueling decided we should team up and just go rape everyone on the server. We found one guy trying to do the hideout with a barn and farmhouse and he literally only had one spawn point, so we just sat camping him for like ten minutes until they d/c'd lol. R* is fucking clueless when it comes to making FFA PvP games and veterans like me take huge advantage. With all the bugs and repetition, I don't see this game lasting more than a few months before everyone quits.
[quote name='Jodou']
That's the idea of free roam -- do whatever you want. Some dude I was dueling decided we should team up and just go rape everyone on the server. We found one guy trying to do the hideout with a barn and farmhouse and he literally only had one spawn point, so we just sat camping him for like ten minutes until they d/c'd lol. R* is fucking clueless when it comes to making FFA PvP games and veterans like me take huge advantage. With all the bugs and repetition, I don't see this game lasting more than a few months before everyone quits.[/QUOTE]
Well then, keep out of any free roam games I make then, since I just like doing the roam part of it without having to worry if everyone I meet will try and shoot me to death.

You wanna play free roam like deathmatch, then go play fuckin' deathmatch and leave me the shit alone.
yeah the spawn system in this game is fucking horrible. no matter what hideout youre attacing if ou die they send you all the fucking way back from it so you have to trek back or wait for our retarted horse to come by after you call it an if youre lucky enough to get him to stop running away from you.

then you go back to the place only to get taken out by one of the enemies whose apparently been trained as a sniper because one shot regardless of the weapon hes using kills instantly. and the beauty of all this is one of the challenges you do has the requirement of you needing to complete 2 of those gang hideouts without dying.

the sp in this game is cool but mp is very annoying and kind of broken. ive had some fun times with it but the further you go into it the more you see how bad things are.
If anyone is wondering where to get the best prices for meat, skins, horns, etc. Here is a little info i noted down. These are the best places to sell the animals listed. If they arent listed then they sell for the same price everywhere... well except Thieves Landing. I did leave a few birds off the list, so you might be able to get some birds feathers for higher prices. This isnt an official list, so correct me if im wrong.

Thieves Landing

  • Never sell here (unless i missed something, they have the worst prices for everything.)
MacFarlane Ranch/ Armadillo

  • Bobcat
Punta Orgullo/Anywhere else in Mexico

  • Beaver
  • Buffalo
  • Cougar
  • Eagle
  • Elk
  • Fox
  • Grizzly
  • Raccoon
Great Plains Area

  • Armadillo
  • Goat

Oh and i really wish the Expert Hunter outfit from the gamestop voting contest was in the game.
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[quote name='lokizz']
then you go back to the place only to get taken out by one of the enemies whose apparently been trained as a sniper because one shot regardless of the weapon hes using kills instantly. and the beauty of all this is one of the challenges you do has the requirement of you needing to complete 2 of those gang hideouts without dying. [/QUOTE]

try to do it with a large posse. you get credit for it even if you didnt do shit, with or without a party. i was part of a 9 man pike's boosting group. the hideout would be cleared in less than 2-3 mins. many times i couldnt even get a kill off, let alone chaining kills, because there were so many of us killing the bad guys.
[quote name='Jodou']That's the idea of free roam -- do whatever you want. Some dude I was dueling decided we should team up and just go rape everyone on the server. We found one guy trying to do the hideout with a barn and farmhouse and he literally only had one spawn point, so we just sat camping him for like ten minutes until they d/c'd lol. R* is fucking clueless when it comes to making FFA PvP games and veterans like me take huge advantage. With all the bugs and repetition, I don't see this game lasting more than a few months before everyone quits.[/QUOTE]

So wrong.

[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Well then, keep out of any free roam games I make then, since I just like doing the roam part of it without having to worry if everyone I meet will try and shoot me to death.

You wanna play free roam like deathmatch, then go play fuckin' deathmatch and leave me the shit alone.[/QUOTE]

Yea, that's the point of free roam. If you just want to hang around and do nothing go play the single player. It isn't like there really even are missions or anything in free roam. If Rockstar didn't want people to be killing each other they wouldn't put it in there. Just like the other guy who was complaining he couldn't get his bounty up high because other players were killing him, well that is the point, to see if you can survive long enough to do it against other people and see if you can survive their onslaught. If you want to just do hideouts or get your bounty up high, just create it a private free roam and you can play by yourself.

Either way, free roam kind of sucks and is pretty lifeless. I was kind of hoping for various quests and missions to do with a posse other than just going to a hideout and killing some gang. I think I'm pretty bored of this game, the story is just horrible and auto-aim ruins it for me.
[quote name='Thongsy']Either way, free roam kind of sucks and is pretty lifeless. I was kind of hoping for various quests and missions to do with a posse other than just going to a hideout and killing some gang. I think I'm pretty bored of this game, the story is just horrible and auto-aim ruins it for me.[/QUOTE]

turn off auto-aim if its ruining your game. youll get a trophy for it too.

in mp, they probably will be coming out with what youre looking for in dlc.
[quote name='Thongsy']
Yea, that's the point of free roam. If you just want to hang around and do nothing go play the single player. It isn't like there really even are missions or anything in free roam. If Rockstar didn't want people to be killing each other they wouldn't put it in there. Just like the other guy who was complaining he couldn't get his bounty up high because other players were killing him, well that is the point, to see if you can survive long enough to do it against other people and see if you can survive their onslaught. If you want to just do hideouts or get your bounty up high, just create it a private free roam and you can play by yourself.

Either way, free roam kind of sucks and is pretty lifeless. I was kind of hoping for various quests and missions to do with a posse other than just going to a hideout and killing some gang. I think I'm pretty bored of this game, the story is just horrible and auto-aim ruins it for me.[/QUOTE]

Agreed 100%. Im bored of the story already (Just started Mexico), the online is straight garbage. I should have rented
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Well then, keep out of any free roam games I make then, since I just like doing the roam part of it without having to worry if everyone I meet will try and shoot me to death.

You wanna play free roam like deathmatch, then go play fuckin' deathmatch and leave me the shit alone.[/QUOTE]Whenever our clan plays a game, we play villains. If it's red, it's dead. Honestly, you have to stir the pot in games like this because it breathes life into them. Trust me, starting wars with randoms just leads to hours of fun where you'd otherwise grind PvE shit until you got bored and quit. Camping people is all part of it since they're likely to call friends or bring more people into the fight. The true PK's like me understand that DM is garbage and predictable. World PvP is where it's at.
[quote name='enufs8d']try to do it with a large posse. you get credit for it even if you didnt do shit, with or without a party.[/QUOTE]
Lol, thanks for reminding me. Many times when I'm playing free roam and start harassing players in hideouts, I end up getting like 1k exp for doing so rofl. All you have to do is sit inside the hideout zone and you'll get credit when it finishes. So exploitable it would never, ever have made it live in a real MMO.
[quote name='Thongsy']So wrong.[/QUOTE]I know but R* allowed it with bad design.
[quote name='enufs8d']turn off auto-aim if its ruining your game. youll get a trophy for it too.[/QUOTE]I'd agree except it puts you at a horrible disadvantage, since everyone else and the AI can effectively aimbot. The game was designed and meant to be played with auto-aim, which can't really be helped on consoles sadly.
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got my $20 giftcard it is now going towards alan wake. haven't been able to play since this weekend got to play a lot of free roam and free for all. so far my experiances with free roam have been good not many people just out killing eachother
[quote name='Jodou']Whenever our clan plays a game, we play villains. If it's red, it's dead. Honestly, you have to stir the pot in games like this because it breathes life into them. Trust me, starting wars with randoms just leads to hours of fun where you'd otherwise grind PvE shit until you got bored and quit. Camping people is all part of it since they're likely to call friends or bring more people into the fight. The true PK's like me understand that DM is garbage and predictable. World PvP is where it's at.[/QUOTE]

I would prefer a PvP DM in the entire game world of RDR. At least then you have to really work for a kill.

As far as people calling friends to get into the game, I think it's been the opposite for me when I play the dick role and go after people just out doing other random shit in a game. They tend to leave and call me a dick for shooting them when they were just trying to do whatever.

I hope Rockstar adds the same multiplayer options like the GTA games had(cops, friendly fire and auto aim on or off at the game creators discretion)cuz then the deathmatching shmucks in free roam will leave in 20 seconds flat once they realize I'm either A) Superman and invulnerable or B) have the friendly fire OFF.:D

Of course, that doesn't make the idiots in GTA IV and the Episodes multiplayer go away very quickly many times, especially now that they have that fuckin' Buzzard chopper and the APC to keep shooting me with.:roll:
Well im 77% done, and still only did one mission since getting to the great plains area. I finished treasure hunting, finding plants, and close to finishing the rest of the challenges. Im thinking sharp shooter 10 is gunna be tough. You have to
un arm 6 guys without reloading or switching weapons. The one before that was kill 6 wild animals without reloading. Which i was able to do by shooting 6 buffalo with dead eye. But then once i killed the buffalo i got an achievement that said i killed all the buffalo in the great plains. Wonder if ill ever see them again.
I really hope they add DLC to this game, like more treasure maps, that was fun. I didnt like finding the flowers though, it was just time consuming and not even hard if you used the survival map.

Think when i play it again ill do some more of the story.
[quote name='The 7th Number']close to finishing the rest of the challenges. Im thinking sharp shooter 10 is gunna be tough. [/QUOTE]

I noticed that i'm able to auto-aim on birds and animals a lot more easily now that I was at the beginning of the game.. I'm only a sharpshooter lvl4-- is that why? Or is it because I met Landon Ricketts?
[quote name='nbballard']
I noticed that i'm able to auto-aim on birds and animals a lot more easily now that I was at the beginning of the game.. I'm only a sharpshooter lvl4-- is that why? Or is it because I met Landon Ricketts?
Different gun, different range. The challenges don't add anything but fame and once you unlock legendary for each, they reduce the exp level required for rewards in MP. Incredibly nice to have because you can get the final horse at level 26 rather than 50 (with 4 rank 10 ambient challenges completed).
[quote name='Jodou']Different gun, different range. The challenges don't add anything but fame and once you unlock legendary for each, they reduce the exp level required for rewards in MP. Incredibly nice to have because you can get the final horse at level 26 rather than 50 (with 4 rank 10 ambient challenges completed).[/QUOTE]

Ahh-- that makes the most sense. I wasn't even factoring that in.
[quote name='The 7th Number']
un arm 6 guys without reloading or switching weapons. The one before that was kill 6 wild animals without reloading. Which i was able to do by shooting 6 buffalo with dead eye. But then once i killed the buffalo i got an achievement that said i killed all the buffalo in the great plains. Wonder if ill ever see them again.

You won't see them again. They haven't respawned since I destroyed them. A smidge of irony there huh?

To get level 10 Sharpshooter, do a Hideout. (Did mine on Gaptooth) Use the Mauser and stay in Aim mode and use dead eye on each guys arm. For some reason Dead Eye refills your ammo but it still counts to your 6 Disarms. Take plenty of Moonshine/Chewing Tobacco to refill your meter. Make sure not to come out of Aim and not holster your weapon. May take a few tries but it's easy.

I'm working on Master Hunter 7 or 8, It's the one where you have to knife a Grizzly. I'm hoping I can wound it with my gun before slaying it with my knife. I'll be trying that this evening.
question wasnt the gambler outfit supposed to come with a hat? ive used the suit a few times to play poker but ive never had a hat. is it something you need to find or was it taken out? or am i wrong and its another costume?
I was just watching a video on how to level 1-50 online in a matter of hours and it's not so much surprising that hideouts are the quickest way to powerlevel, but the fact that levels don't taper out faster after 20 or so. I was expecting something in the line of Uncharted 2 where it can take a day just to get one level, but this guy leveled from 45-46 in the span of three minutes while showing the video. Granted he had a good strat for Twin Rocks, but even so that's ridiculous. I'm even more convinced the MP will die after a month with zero replay value.
Big Storyline Spoilers.

I was surprised that there were more missions after you kill Dutch. I was expecting the credits to roll, but I guess it's nice to see Marston try to get his life back to what it was before the whole 'family is kidnapped and forced to kill' thing.

And good thing Marston finally got to tap that. I think he's the most loyal protagonist Rockstar has created ;).
[quote name='Jodou']I was just watching a video on how to level 1-50 online in a matter of hours and it's not so much surprising that hideouts are the quickest way to powerlevel, but the fact that levels don't taper out faster after 20 or so. I was expecting something in the line of Uncharted 2 where it can take a day just to get one level, but this guy leveled from 45-46 in the span of three minutes while showing the video. Granted he had a good strat for Twin Rocks, but even so that's ridiculous. I'm even more convinced the MP will die after a month with zero replay value.[/QUOTE]

im gonna try that later in a private room ust checked out the video on youtube and it sees easy enough and pretty quick since it only took the guy just under 2 minutes.
[quote name='enufs8d']twin rocks sucks. theres even a better one.[/QUOTE]
Everyone will swear by w/e hideout they're comfortable with. When it comes to speed, I doubt any of them has Twin Rocks beat for the exp/hour.

Finished Mexico and got my legendary outfit. Not sure what it does because dead eye hasn't changed from what I can tell, but it does look sexy. Thank god this game is almost over because it's just been dragging ever since Mexico. If he has to explain his situation to another person one more time. . .
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bread's done