Regular list now back up, Buy some of my Video Game Pixel Art!!

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[quote name='OldSchool77']Guess what...

I found Dark Spire new with the slipcover and soundtrack. It was at the GameStop in Vegas, let me know if you still want it ;)[/QUOTE]

Sweet, yes I'd probably be interested in that, assuming it's not too expensive. As long as it's under ten bucks, go ahead and pick it up and I'll pay you back/trade you something in return. Hope you're having fun in Vegas.
still loving my pokemon pixel art.
though i missed cause i think i lost espeon and umbreon when i moved.
When im back in the green i may ask u to make them again.

Also i have Dragon Warriors 3 cart only.
[quote name='adriley313']still loving my pokemon pixel art.
though i missed cause i think i lost espeon and umbreon when i moved.
When im back in the green i may ask u to make them again.

Also i have Dragon Warriors 3 cart only.[/QUOTE]

Glad you still like you're pokemon pixels, sorry about you losing Espeon/Umbreon. I'd of course be happy to make some more for you whenever you want them. I'd like to get DW3 from you, but sadly I am broke as fuck right now, I may buy it from you if/when I get some spare cash.
[quote name='deadbodyman11']Sweet, yes I'd probably be interested in that, assuming it's not too expensive. As long as it's under ten bucks, go ahead and pick it up and I'll pay you back/trade you something in return. Hope you're having fun in Vegas.[/QUOTE]

I think that around $10 sounds good, How do you want me to ship it? I'll ship it when I get home but I'm going to wait for your lowball sale to see what I want to trade it for;)
[quote name='OldSchool77']I think that around $10 sounds good, How do you want me to ship it? I'll ship it when I get home but I'm going to wait for your lowball sale to see what I want to trade it for;)[/QUOTE]

For now, you can just wait to ship it in case you pick up anything else for me as long as you don't mind holding on to it for a little while. My lowball sale probably won't happen for a little while, I'm going to wait until this round of lowballs end so I can see how they do and then decide if I want to have one or not. Feel free to browse my list though, I just added a crapload of stuff, so I'm sure you'll see something that you'd be interested in.
Bump, my proposal story will be up later when I feel like writing the whole thing. :D Spoiler Warning:
She said yes. :D :D :D :D
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[quote name='deadbodyman11']Bump, my proposal story will be up later when I feel like writing the whole thing. :D Spoiler Warning:
She said yes. :D :D :D :D

Congratulations, I can't wait to hear the whole story;) I have the Dark Spire game all boxed up and ready to go whenever you want me to ship it. Is there a GameStop near you that carries cheap UMD movies? the stores near me used to carry UMD's from around $3 to $5 but every time I've gone lately they don't have a very good selection.
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']I will be paying today :razz:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, sure you will, you've got about an hour before today is officially over. :D

[quote name='OldSchool77']Congratulations, I can't wait to hear the whole story;) I have the Dark Spire game all boxed up and ready to go whenever you want me to ship it. Is there a GameStop near you that carries cheap UMD movies? the stores near me used to carry UMD's from around $3 to $5 but every time I've gone lately they don't have a very good selection.[/QUOTE]

Whole story will be up tonight once I get back home. And yes, the GS's near me always have a decent stock of UMD movies, but most are disc only. You can check the tracker if you want, zip code is 43213, my two closest stores are 3733 East Broad and Shops at Collingwood. I'd be happy to pick anything up for you if you see something you wanted.
[quote name='OldSchool77']Congratulations, I can't wait to hear the whole story;) [/QUOTE]

Okay, since I'm back home I'll tell the whole story, and I'll try to keep it as short as I can. So after I was racking my brain to think of the perfect way to propose, it hit me. I decided to take her back to where we had our first date, or rather where our first date ended.
I'll stop here to give a little back-story. Our first date was a pretty normal one, but after the standard dinner/movie, I took her to a small place about 30 miles from where I live, it's a beautiful little spot where we sat and watched the sun set. She always said that it was her favorite place in the world, so it was kind of a no brainer to propose there. Of course it took me like three weeks to actually realize that it was a no brainer. So I decided to bring her there and propose during sun set.
After the usual anniversary stuff, presents, surprises and such, I took her back to that spot. Like I said it's sort of a long drive, and I planned something else out to help pass the time. About a week prior to this, I called a local radio station, and asked about getting a special request played. I explained my situation to one of the dj's, and he gave me the run-down of how it would work.
Again I'll stop for a little back-story. One of her favorite songs is Under the Milkyway by Sia, which is not an oft played song. So, in order to get it played along with a special message, I had to call into the radio station about a half an hour before I wanted it played. So before we left our house, I called in and asked them to play her song, along with a message about wishing us a happy anniversary. It came on the radio when we were halfway there. She of course loved it.
After that, we got to our place and sat down and started to watch the sun set. I took the ring out as the sun was just about to set, she went ballistic and started crying, said yes, then I went ballistic. We stayed there for about an hour and then headed back home, where I had most of our friends and her family there for a little engagement party. I called into work the next day as well, and we talked about when the wedding would happen, etc. Deciding on a wedding day was pretty easy, we figured June 21st, 2011 was perfect.
So there it is, not quite as epic as I had originally intended, but it was just perfect for her.
[quote name='ZxT Vendetta']bump! just paid you :D

I think what I will do is slowly get the whole cast made from you :D[/QUOTE]

Thats perfectly fine with me, just let me know whenever you need some more made.

Also, I need another $17, so somebody buy $17 worth of stuff!!
[quote name='deadbodyman11']Bump, lowball sale will happen probably starting Sunday.[/QUOTE]

Awesome! I've been waiting forever for this lowball sale to start;) I'll be going online this weekend to see if the GameStop stores near you have any UMD's that I want and I'll let you know. I don't care if the UMD's are boxed just as long as they aren't falling apart and can still play.

Congratulations on a well thought out and romantic proposal. After all, the proposal didn't have to be epic it just had to work:lol:
[quote name='OldSchool77']Awesome! I've been waiting forever for this lowball sale to start;) I'll be going online this weekend to see if the GameStop stores near you have any UMD's that I want and I'll let you know. I don't care if the UMD's are boxed just as long as they aren't falling apart and can still play.

Congratulations on a well thought out and romantic proposal. After all, the proposal didn't have to be epic it just had to work:lol:[/QUOTE]

The lowball won't be that good, not near as good as my last three lowballs anyway. But I should be able to get around 75 items total. Preview should be up later on tonight and I think I'll start it tomorrow.
Just let me know which UMD's you want me to pick up, it might take me a few days to get to GS depending on what I've got going on though.
And thanks for the congratulations, I'm pretty happy about how it turned out too. Like you said, it just had to work, and it worked pretty damn well. :D
[quote name='OldSchool77']Bump...

Woohoo! lowball preview is up... and is that a Batman PC game manual that I see?[/QUOTE]

Nope, it's for the 360, the manuals are just positioned badly. I don't think I actually have anything PC related that I could lowball off.

[quote name='sagecooker']Looking forward to bidding on many items![/QUOTE]

Well, you won't have to wait much longer, lowball should start at around 7 or 8 EST, once I list up a few last minute items, get pictures of everything, and number the whole list.
Right on. Meant to say, great proposal story as well. I'm in the process of figuring out the perfect way to pop the question myself. Congratulations, man.
Lowball sale is officially LIVE!!! GO GO GO!!!

[quote name='IanKazimer']Right on. Meant to say, great proposal story as well. I'm in the process of figuring out the perfect way to pop the question myself. Congratulations, man.[/QUOTE]

Thanks a lot. A little advice, there is no perfect way. I've been thinking about the most epic and perfect way to propose, and after a lot of worry, I just thought about what would be perfect for her. If you think about what she would love most, it gets a lot easier. Good luck though.
I'll keep that in mind! Cheers, sir.
Lookin' forward to the lowball. :D

[quote name='deadbodyman11']Lowball sale is officially LIVE!!! GO GO GO!!!

Thanks a lot. A little advice, there is no perfect way. I've been thinking about the most epic and perfect way to propose, and after a lot of worry, I just thought about what would be perfect for her. If you think about what she would love most, it gets a lot easier. Good luck though.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='elessar123']Bump; I thought you had playboy the mansion manual?[/QUOTE]

I do, I'll add it up to the lowball list here in a minute since I didn't see much to trade for. Added, it's number 84.5.

[quote name='sagecooker']#155 to #168 $1 each[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the large amount of bids, everything should be updated now. :D
good luck from flower dog


22. Final Fantasy III (Cart Only)- $4
42. Metal Gear Solid 4 (Sealed) - $2
50. Mini Mario Set-Has a Mini Mario, Mini boo, and Mini Mushroom, all magnet - $1.50
52. Chrono-$1.50
53. Frog From Chrono Trigger - $1.50

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