Remembering the World Before

[quote name='PlumeNoir']See my comment in my long ass rambling about OnTV. :lol: I know exactly what you're talking about.

But for the double post, I'll add this: dialing into "servers" at the University of Michigan to play a text MMORPG called HeroMud on what...a 1200 baud modem? That was '89 or '90, and my mom would get so pissed about the phone bill![/QUOTE]

A-HA SEE it wasn't just my TV :D And yes I too had to endure the "GET OFF THE PHONE" yelling, but this was in 86 and I was dialing into C64 warez boards :D

And to the poster above, I also remember LIKE Cola, wasn't it the cola that had like HALF the caffeine of Coke/Pepsi? This was of course in the days BEFORE we had caffeine-free Coke......

Remember Pepsi Lite? That tasted like lemons and was one of the first "diet" drinks.....well besides TAB, which TAB. (and no, TAB today doesn't taste like TAB of old...)

I remember in the late 70's or early 80's when my buddy came to school with a videogame watch that played space invaders AND the theme song from The Twilight Zone, and we all secretly wanted to kill him for it...
Oh and for the record, MTV jumped the shark in...85 or 86..whatever it was the first year that they introduced the "shows" to MTV like REMOTE CONTROL and stopped playing videos 24/7.....they also fired all the original VJ's around that same time, which was a real shocker.

Because they replaced them with some very questionable talent :p
[quote name='Maklershed']I remember Liquid TV. The progenitor to Beavis and Butthead, Office Space, and Aeon Flux. And there was that crazy Dog Boy show. *shudders*

Speaking of Dog Boy .. I remember the Duracell people. *shudders harder*[/quote]
I think i remember seeing Halloween costumes based on the Duracell family.
[quote name='doctorfaustus']LOL, I remember "What Al 'Sexual' Harris Meant" from Dinosaurs.

Christ, I even had a t-shirt that featured the baby and the slogan "Not the mama!"

I remember Up All Night, Monster Vision (gotta love those cheesy monster flicks), Duckman, Weird Science (The T.V show), all on USA.

Staying up late to watch Movie Macabre with Elvira Mistress of the Dark.

When large toys came in cardboard boxes and only one side featured a photograph of the contents (think Castle Grayskull).

When Zack Morris was the only high schooler with a cell phone.

Watching the original Star Wars saga oh VHS over and over and over and over...

When Star Wars merchandising was almost non-existent...talkin' about that dry spell between 1986-95 or so...[/quote]
Yeah i remember watching weird science, at the time i don't think i even knew of the movie.
Great. now I feel old.

I remember having a TV with /real/ wood paneling. I fondly remember snuggling close to it in the winter to bask in the warmth from the vacuum tubes.

I remember rotary phones. I remember eight tracks, and changing out the needles on the record player.

I remember Caldor, and before that, Woolworths. I remember sitting on the hood of my dad's truck while the parents went shopping at Woolworths. With the added height I could watch the movie playing at the drive in theater next door to the store, and would imagine what the sound was like.
24 here but I can remember..

Acting like I was paying attention in keyboarding class (old IBM's) but actually playing Oregon Trail every second I had (Freakin Typhoid :bomb:).

I remember Kid Cuisine was the best possible meal in the world.

And I remember that the Pop-Secret popcorn actually had different colors when you popped it.
[quote name='HeadRusch']IAlright here's one for you OLD timers: Anyone remember when you could take an old TV, swtich it over to the UHF dial, and then go up near the upper parts of the dials and sometimes..SOMETIMES late at night you'd wind up finding porn that was semi-scrambled? ANd like you'd be lookin and could sorta make out a boob..or..maybe it was an elbow...hard to tell... :D

I still to this day have no idea what that was about :p

This was in the northeast...[/quote]
Ah scrambled porn. You damn kids with your internets and utoobs. We had porky's and we liked it.
Heh, you guys are taking me back...especially epobirs and HeadRusch...

I remember-

When the only satellite dishes were 10 feet in diameter, and all the neighbors complained what a monstrosity it was..

Watching MTV for the first time. Not my first time--the first time it was on! "Video Killed the Radio Star"...not!..

Spending hundreds of dollars worth of quarters on that new-fangled arcade machine called Space Invaders...later Pac-man too...

Watching Star Wars. At the movies. When it first was released. Jaws too.

The energy crisis, not the one we just went through, the REAL one where you could only get gas if it was your day of the week..odd or even license plate?

The moon landing? Yup. One of my earliest memories!

When a home PC meant an Altair, and you had to build the thing yourself!

Watching Monday Night Football when Howard Cosell announced that John Lennon had been shot and killed...

Damn, suddenly I'm feeling like I need to take my Geritol and go to bed now.... ;)
[quote name='keithp']Heh, you guys are taking me back...especially epobirs and HeadRusch...

Watching Monday Night Football when Howard Cosell announced that John Lennon had been shot and killed...[/QUOTE]

I was 9 days old when that happened.
I dont remember when exactly John Lennon got shot but I remember seeing his picture on the cover of Time Magazine a week later. I knew who John Lennon was before I knew about the Beatles...
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Screw you all. I remember when fire was the height of technology and porn consisted of stick figures inside a barely lit, damp cavern.
[quote name='Maklershed']Sure do.

And I remember hypercolor t-shirts[/quote]dude I thought that was the greatest shirt ever when I got one. Matter of fact it was a birthday present. it rocked son.. it rocked hard.

[quote name='Gourd']I remember rotary phones. [/quote]it's weird to think that my kids won't even know what a rotary phone is, I still have our old one under my bed somewhere.

[quote name='xtreme_Zr2']24 here but I can remember..

Acting like I was paying attention in keyboarding class (old IBM's) but actually playing Oregon Trail every second I had (Freakin Typhoid :bomb:).[/quote]did your class ever have those covers they'd put over they keyboard so you couldn't see your fingers. I remember those bad boys. You had to learn to type or you weren't typing.

[quote name='HeadRusch']Alright here's one for you OLD timers: Anyone remember when you could take an old TV, swtich it over to the UHF dial, and then go up near the upper parts of the dials and sometimes..SOMETIMES late at night you'd wind up finding porn that was semi-scrambled? ANd like you'd be lookin and could sorta make out a boob..or..maybe it was an elbow...hard to tell... [/quote]ah.. yeah i remember that scrambled premium channel fun. That's where I first saw Wicked City. I remember I must have hit the jackpot because one time I got near perfect audio and tolerable (for the time) video of the show scene with the old dude and the chick who tried to melt into him or whatever. If you've seen Wicked City you know that scene was ripe with nudity.
[quote name='jaykrue']Screw you all. I remember when fire was the height of technology and porn consisted of stick figures inside a barely lit, damp cavern.[/QUOTE]

Making you a vertebrate and a mere infant.

I remember when we thought we soooo cool because we were multicellular lifeforms.
I remember first being introduced to the wonderful world of IRC back in high school. Spent a lot of time on there.

I also remember going to Walmart, K-Mart, Best Buy, etc. and seeing actually good and original PC games on the shelves. So many great adventure games. As soon as we got to the store, I'd walk back to the electronics department and would look at the PC games the whole time my parents were shopping around. During those years, Doom and Duke Nukem 3D were still on shelves. Man I miss those days.

I'm so nostalgic.
I remember when Ronald Reagan was shot. I was at Mcdonald's, after helping out my brother's cub scout troop sell toys at the mall, and a guy ran in and started screaming that the president had been shot. I remember that we went to the park afterwards. I went to the sandbox and buried the toy from my Happy Meal in the sand. I started to cry quietly because I thought the world was going to end. :lol:

I still get made fun of for that by my brother and cousins to this day.
Hubba Bubba soda? That sounds damn good. I remember Dr. Pepper in reverse form, as bubble gum. It was gum outside and had a liquid center with a think Dr. Pepper like syrup.
[quote name='JolietJake']Hubba Bubba soda? That sounds damn good. I remember Dr. Pepper in reverse form, as bubble gum. It was gum outside and had a liquid center wit a think Dr. Pepper like syrup.[/quote]

Stuff was pure sugar. It was awesome times 100 for a little kid.
[quote name='HeadRusch']

Alright here's one for you OLD timers: Anyone remember when you could take an old TV, swtich it over to the UHF dial, and then go up near the upper parts of the dials and sometimes..SOMETIMES late at night you'd wind up finding porn that was semi-scrambled? ANd like you'd be lookin and could sorta make out a boob..or..maybe it was an elbow...hard to tell... :D

I still to this day have no idea what that was about :p

This was in the northeast...[/quote]

I remember flipping my cable box to a really high channel and watching 70% scrambled with terrible audio wwf pay-per-views circa 1992-1998. It was the old time equivalent to watching it on a laggy stream.
-I remember waking up early to watch the Megaman, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and Sonic Cartoons on USA. I also remember watching the Mario Bros., Zelda, Woody Woodpecker, Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck, and TaleSpin cartoons in the afternoon (I watched a lot of TV in those days).

-I remember buying Windows 95 the day it came out and how much hype there was around it

-I remember getting my first computer only to hear a week later about the Pentium II processor

-I remember writing reports and having to go to the library for research (lolz)

-I remember when Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles were popular

-I remember when the Knicks were a great basketball team (seems so long ago)
I remember The Banana Splits and Lancelot Link Secret Chimp...No wonder I am so fucked up!

I remember getting Jetfire for Christmas, and my brother breaking it within minutes trying to transform it.

I remember my friends Kenji and coco having cool robot toys from Japan and a turtle that wore a diaper.

I remember "Where's the Beef" Gum.

I remember the first cable controller wired to the TV that you had to click a button then choose if you wanted the high, middle, or low channel.
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Tranzor-Z...oh man did that show suck :D

On the upside, that was also around the time you could watch that borderline-porno "Aerobics" show with the three chicks moving in unison to the New Wave dance music...:D
Those aerobics shows from the 80s did seem like quasi-porn. Women in skin tight outfits bending over again and again.
-I remember Saturday Night's Main Event.
-I remember Howard Stern on Channel 9.
-I remember He-Man, G.I. Joe, She-Ra, Robotech, Thundercats, Mighty Mouse, Smurfs, Voltron...
-I remember my friend stealing a VHS tape of the Transformer movie from the local video store and all my other friends ditching school to watch it at my house the next morning.
I remember having to tune each channel I wanted to record on my VCR.

I remember when there was no cable, and my set was black and white.

I remember playing Legend Of The Red Dragon (LORD) on a college server I happened to find dialing random numbers with my modem.

I remember when MTV played music videos and Transformers were made of metal.
bread's done