Reporting People Who Produce and Sell Pirated Xbox 360 Games


How would you go about reporting a person you know that produces and sells pirated xbox 360 games on a military instalation and off of the military installation. I had already reported to Microsoft via their website, but now I'm considering going off post and reporting it to maybe the FBI and on post to CID. I know several THOUSAND isn't hurting Microsoft too much, but it does take a toll on copyright and laws.

Just need some in put.
I know one Soldier that doesn't give ANY money for their child to eat from!!! so don't give me stuff about about ppl that don't give food to their children?
[quote name='GUNNM']god forbid some soldiers save some money to buy stamps to send letters back to their kids[/QUOTE]

So are you one of ppl that actually like ppl who rip games and sells them? Just wondering...
[quote name='whitecastle']So are you one of ppl that actually like ppl who rip games and sells them? Just wondering...[/QUOTE]
gonna snitch me out to the diaz brothers?
Dude seriously dont say shit, I can think of tons of websites and people I know that sell pirated Xbox360, PC, and even PS3 games . There are way too many people to point out.

That is just my opinion,
[quote name='iKilledChewbacca']Dude seriously dont say shit, I can think of tons of websites and people I know that sell pirated Xbox360, PC, and even PS3 games . There are way too many people to point out.

That is just my opinion,[/QUOTE]

I just want to know what would even happen? I mean seriously, can anything really happen? Is doing the right thing a waste of time or what?
How many time have I always done the right damn thing and get nothing from it? This really sucks. Maybe its time to burn someone else's pants and see if they get the same dame luck!
[quote name='whitecastle']How many time have I always done the right damn thing and get nothing from it? This really sucks. Maybe its time to burn someone else's pants and see if they get the same dame luck![/QUOTE]


Stop worrying about shit that has nothing to do with you.
[quote name='whitecastle']How would you go about reporting a person you know that produces and sells pirated xbox 360 games on a military instalation and off of the military installation. I had already reported to Microsoft via their website, but now I'm considering going off post and reporting it to maybe the FBI and on post to CID. I know several THOUSAND isn't hurting Microsoft too much, but it does take a toll on copyright and laws.

Just need some in put.[/QUOTE]
Well, dispite how many ppl here want to buy pirated games. I will be reporting and I think people really need to see the serverity for what they do. Hell, my ass didn't burn any copies and sold it on and off a military installation....that's just plan stupid especially when you have a clearance.
Read what the image says, again.


Seriously. Want to stop these people? Join the FBI's anti-piracy division or whatever the hell entity takes care of this shit.
It all depends on what course of action you should take. If you are in the military along with the other person, you could take it through your chain of command. This would be the best course of action since it will fix the issue and keep the issue in house. Though you could also report them to the Provost Marshal's Office (MP Station). This can be tricky though. Since a lot of Military Police commanders see their commands as reporting agencies and not Law Enforcement agencies it could get lost in the tape. If you go this rout ask to speak with a MPI (Military Police Investigations) investigator. They are more inclined to assist with the issue, though a report would need to be made through the PMO first. They will just help get the ball rolling faster.

Depending on the size of the installation CID (Criminal Investigations Division) would just throw this under the carpet since it is small potatoes compared to their normal case load which includes but is not limited to: Drugs, prostitution and serious violent crimes.

Just be warned though... If you are reporting someone for the sole reason of pissing you off it will back fire on you. If you have bought the games from the guy he will rat you out as well. If you have known for a while of him doing this, he will rat you out. Since you did not report this issue sooner you could face UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) action as well, if you are military. I have almost 10 years of law enforcement under my belt to include 6 years of US Army Military Police. 9/10 times people talk to save their own asses.

Also if this is someone who is charging people for the Disks used for the copy and are giving them to people being deployed, this will get washed away.
I understand your concern but posting on an open forum who's subscribers generally all want to save a buck on videogames be that through holiday deals, glitches in the system, pricing errors, or preordering then returing said item but keeping the preorder bonus isn't going to get you much sympathy.

If you're on a military installation you should be talking to whomever runs security there not on the interwebs, or better yet call xbox...I'm sure their the ones who would be concerned the most and want to take action.
[quote name='100xp']I understand your concern but posting on an open forum who's subscribers generally all want to save a buck on videogames be that through holiday deals, glitches in the system, pricing errors, or preordering then returing said item but keeping the preorder bonus isn't going to get you much sympathy.

If you're on a military installation you should be talking to whomever runs security there not on the interwebs, or better yet call xbox...I'm sure their the ones who would be concerned the most and want to take action.[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure almost everyone here is anti-piracy, but it's the fact that he'll be reporting a soldier from the sounds of it that's providing a cheap service for soldiers who just want some entertainment while their deployed. It's such a stupid move making a whole group of soldiers pay because he has a grudge against the person selling the games.
I sent all my older edition gaming stuff + a few playboys inbetween the rule books to the troops this year. Also used to be in a guild when I played WoW that was comprised of all active troops and their gf's/wives. Pretty cool, righteous bunch of doods.

OP - why don't you just join them?
[quote name='DarkRider23']I'm pretty sure almost everyone here is anti-piracy[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure they're only anti-piracy so they won't get banned.
My only confusion is why you care so darn much about what someone else does in their spare time? Are his actions negatively impacting you in some way, or are you just out to crucify someone who does not get along with you? Or is it because he will not help you out like he is helping others? The way you speak and talk about this fellow, I would think you were butt-hurt in some way...

Honestly, I think what you are doing is petty and you must have way too much time on your hands if you spend time worrying about something as small as this. You should worry about yourself and your own family instead of how to get revenge on someone who dislikes you. If someone is breaking the law and harming others, he will eventually get his. Its not like he is mass distributing on eBay, or selling drugs or sex...he is probably just giving a few fellow soldiers some cheap fun to take their minds of things for a little bit. God forbid our troops get a hold of cheap xbox games from the Taliban (joke). :hot:

Lighten up and live your own life... Life is too short to be overly concerned about what someone else is doing is the way I see it (unless they are directly harming you, that is).
If your both military I would deal with it through your first sergeant. But I would be careful. If you've ever bought a game off him, or assisted him in any way things could come back to you also. It sounds like things have gone south between you and this dude so getting revenge may seem like a good idea but you might want to make sure you want to do this.
[quote name='RedRingOfDeath']My only confusion is why you care so darn much about what someone else does in their spare time? Are his actions negatively impacting you in some way, or are you just out to crucify someone who does not get along with you? Or is it because he will not help you out like he is helping others? The way you speak and talk about this fellow, I would think you were butt-hurt in some way...

Honestly, I think what you are doing is petty and you must have way too much time on your hands if you spend time worrying about something as small as this. You should worry about yourself and your own family instead of how to get revenge on someone who dislikes you. If someone is breaking the law and harming others, he will eventually get his. Its not like he is mass distributing on eBay, or selling drugs or sex...he is probably just giving a few fellow soldiers some cheap fun to take their minds of things for a little bit. God forbid our troops get a hold of cheap xbox games from the Taliban (joke). :hot:

Lighten up and live your own life... Life is too short to be overly concerned about what someone else is doing is the way I see it (unless they are directly harming you, that is).[/QUOTE]

TL; DR version of the above post = "Piracy is ok."
[quote name='DarkRider23']he'll be reporting a soldier from the sounds of it that's providing a cheap service for soldiers who just want some entertainment while their deployed.[/QUOTE]

So that somehow makes it right? If he was just providing entertainment for the soldiers he would do it for free, or close to it. If he's profiting off it, then I think it's a problem that should be dealt with(assuming he's doing this for more than a handful of people). Speaking of, are we talking a dozen copies of the latest game, or hundreds of copies?

If we're talking a few copies every couple weeks, then MS likely won't go after him, but if it's a decent sized operation then they might. Pure speculation of course.
Report him to China. They'll send out a ninja to "inspect" the potential cut into their GNP.
The issue is not about the piracy or selling pirated games, the issue is that this tard who started this thread obviously doesn't have enough things going on to occupy his time he has to worry about the insignificant goings on at a military installation.

If it had something to do with OP or it affected OP at all, the perception would be completely different, but this has NOTHING to do with OP at all other than maybe this other soldier is cutting into OP's pirated games and dvds biz on the base.

If someone found out he was trying to report people he would probably get a soap party in his name.

[quote name='RedRingOfDeath']My only confusion is why you care so darn much about what someone else does in their spare time? Are his actions negatively impacting you in some way, or are you just out to crucify someone who does not get along with you? Or is it because he will not help you out like he is helping others? The way you speak and talk about this fellow, I would think you were butt-hurt in some way...

Honestly, I think what you are doing is petty and you must have way too much time on your hands if you spend time worrying about something as small as this. You should worry about yourself and your own family instead of how to get revenge on someone who dislikes you. If someone is breaking the law and harming others, he will eventually get his. Its not like he is mass distributing on eBay, or selling drugs or sex...he is probably just giving a few fellow soldiers some cheap fun to take their minds of things for a little bit. God forbid our troops get a hold of cheap xbox games from the Taliban (joke). :hot:

Lighten up and live your own life... Life is too short to be overly concerned about what someone else is doing is the way I see it (unless they are directly harming you, that is).[/QUOTE]

I missed this post but yeah, pretty much.
Is this guy hurting you? Is he taking food out of your mouth or money out of your pocket?

Mind your own business.

You can dissapprove of what he's doing, but thats where it should end.

Come to New York and you'll see illegal immigrants selling bootleg dvds of movies still in the theater on every street corner, thats about 25 broken laws right there, and then marvel as uniformed police officers walk right past them without batting an eye.

Go live your own life. Get crazy, maybe rip the tags off your mattress or something.
[quote name='tbassett']If your both military I would deal with it through your first sergeant. But I would be careful. If you've ever bought a game off him, or assisted him in any way things could come back to you also. It sounds like things have gone south between you and this dude so getting revenge may seem like a good idea but you might want to make sure you want to do this.[/QUOTE]

If it's like any of the Tops I've been under, he'll just laugh in his face.

But this guy seems like the officer type, in my few years I've dealt with a few of them. This is seriously stupid. He seems like that snith in high school that no one liked and got into a better college then everyone else.

fuck it, Enlisted all the way!
Are there people in this thread seriously condoning production and sale of pirated games? Are you fucking serious? This is a completely new low for CAG. You want to be apathetic? That's your business. Don't make some stupid claim about this dude "helping" soldiers. Fat chance. If this guy is willing to rip off game developers and Microsoft, who's to say that he's not pulling in a decent paycheck by selling these wares at an inflated rate?

I understand that some posts in this thread basically amount to "OP should do something else with his time." That's different from people who are comparing piracy to flipping/glitching just because their sense of morality is skewed. Someone is doing something illegal, and the OP wants to report it because he can do whatever the hell he wants with his time. Painting the perp out to be a saint is stupid. And justifying it because it's on a military base is equally stupid.
[quote name='GuardianE']Are there people in this thread seriously condoning production and sale of pirated games? Are you fucking serious? This is a completely new low for CAG. You want to be apathetic? That's your business. Don't make some stupid claim about this dude "helping" soldiers. Fat chance. If this guy is willing to rip off game developers and Microsoft, who's to say that he's not pulling in a decent paycheck by selling these wares at an inflated rate?

I understand that some posts in this thread basically amount to "OP should do something else with his time." That's different from people who are comparing piracy to flipping/glitching just because their sense of morality is skewed. Someone is doing something illegal, and the OP wants to report it because he can do whatever the hell he wants with his time. Painting the perp out to be a saint is stupid. And justifying it because it's on a military base is equally stupid.[/QUOTE]

The point is: What are you going to do about it? Nothing.

See my picture.

But no you're right. This guy definitely deserves life in prison and the death penalty. Send in the dogs. Red team go red team go!
[quote name='hustletron']The point is: What are you going to do about it? Nothing.

See my picture.

But no you're right. This guy definitely deserves life in prison and the death penalty. Send in the dogs. Red team go red team go![/QUOTE]

Red team go... lol

Got a good laugh reading that one :)
[quote name='hustletron']The point is: What are you going to do about it? Nothing.

See my picture.

But no you're right. This guy definitely deserves life in prison and the death penalty. Send in the dogs. Red team go red team go![/QUOTE]

I get it. I just don't understand how some people are justifying the sale of pirated games. Not even the distribution. The SALE. Never mind the morality of it. I figured that would outrage cheapies in here. The guy is probably selling his merch at like, what, a 1000% markup... what a ripoff. Worse than Gamestop, am I right? hurr hur
[quote name='GuardianE']Are there people in this thread seriously condoning production and sale of pirated games? Are you fucking serious? This is a completely new low for CAG.[/QUOTE]
But think of all the money I could be saving!!!!! WOOT! Finally my dream of a bed made out of money is coming true!! YAY!
[quote name='GuardianE']I get it. I just don't understand how some people are justifying the sale of pirated games. Not even the distribution. The SALE. Never mind the morality of it. I figured that would outrage cheapies in here. The guy is probably selling his merch at like, what, a 1000% markup... what a ripoff. Worse than Gamestop, am I right? hurr hur[/QUOTE]

The only person that knows all the details is OP and obviously he's only giving us his side. So why get worked up?
[quote name='hustletron']The only person that knows all the details is OP and obviously he's only giving us his side. So why get worked up?[/QUOTE]

I don't necessarily care about the plight of the OP. My gripe is with the number of posts in this thread that attempt to justify piracy, weakly.

The fact that he might be in the military, the fact that he could be selling near at-cost to soldiers, the fact that the OP may or may not be a spiteful individual are not valid reasons for him to be selling pirated games. Hell, he could be giving his pirated game profits to charity. It's still wrong.
so this is what our troops are doing with their time when they are not in combat and taking shots from guns, rpgs and such? damn, they're hustling and making $ while our government is gambling with their lives. no really, I don't approve of it but to each their own. you gotta remember, it's not like there is a local gamestop selling retail games nearby or anything like that and the internet is just about anywhere & everywhere nowadays so yeah, maybe it's their only choice/source of getting games.
[quote name='intoxicated662']so this is what our troops are doing with their time when they are not in combat and taking shots from guns, rpgs and such? damn, they're hustling and making $ while our government is gambling with their lives. no really, I don't approve of it but to each their own. you gotta remember, it's not like there is a local gamestop selling retail games nearby or anything like that and the internet is just about anywhere & everywhere nowadays so yeah, maybe it's their only choice/source of getting games.[/QUOTE]

Why not?
[quote name='synweb']It all depends on what course of action you should take. If you are in the military along with the other person, you could take it through your chain of command. This would be the best course of action since it will fix the issue and keep the issue in house. Though you could also report them to the Provost Marshal's Office (MP Station). This can be tricky though. Since a lot of Military Police commanders see their commands as reporting agencies and not Law Enforcement agencies it could get lost in the tape. If you go this rout ask to speak with a MPI (Military Police Investigations) investigator. They are more inclined to assist with the issue, though a report would need to be made through the PMO first. They will just help get the ball rolling faster.


His Chain of Command isn't going to do a damn thing but look out for him. Everyone one that ever served in the Armed Forces (like myself for 12 yrs) knows that the Army looks out for themselves first....the COC will do that. Now, I thought of MPI instread of CID too. I am not doing this to piss someone off, but for not doing the right thing. I have cancer and am dying...he and I have a baby he doesn't want to FOOD for our daughter! I know you all might not think its important but to me it is. I was MI and never did anything against the law..never had. I know nothing will back fire on me.
[quote name='GuardianE']Why not?[/QUOTE]

Wait, what? I'm having a hard time understanding your post. From what I'm getting, you're asking why there isn't a Gamestop somewhere in Iraq or Afghanistan.
Every installation I have been assigned to, did TDY at, had friends at, has a bootleg guy. The bootleg guy is like a feral cat. You take him out and another one will eventually take his place.

Like others said, MPI or CoC are the best approach. If there is a large "pirating ring", CID might be interested. Could suck for this guy because on base is federal law and off base is state law (generally). Crimes could be different depending on the jurisdiction of the post. OP I highly suggest you don't bother to waste everyones time on it. If this guy is really I nuisance he will land himself in hot water. If not, he or you will PCS soon enough.

OP, I can only assume you feel this guy lacks "integrity" and falls in the "F-up to Move-up" category and that is getting under your skin. Let karma sort that out. Ratting him out will only bring about negative karma to you. Like I posted before, let it go and it will work itself out.
[quote name='whitecastle']he and I have a baby he doesn't want to FOOD for our daughter! I know you all might not think its important but to me it is. I was MI and never did anything against the law..never had. I know nothing will back fire on me.[/QUOTE]

I am now calling bull shit on this post. Here is why:

FIRST, the military has a system in place to care for dependents. Being that you were "MI" you would know this. Instead of him receiving Basic Quarters Allowance you would receive a form of Child Support from the Army. In some cases the Army actually issues both.

Second, You never did anything against the law? You just admitted that you knew that he has been doing this and had not reported him. I am going to assume this was done in your shared residence, though it doesn't matter. This, in most states is aiding and abetting in the commission of a crime. In the UCMJ it is filed under Failure to Obey a Lawful Order since you were given a lawful order in basic training to report any violations of the law to the appropriate personnel.

Third, you say you aren't doing this because he pissed you off and then rant about some bull shit story which equates to him leaving you since you obviously have issues.

Report him, but spare us the drama!
[quote name='GuardianE']Are there people in this thread seriously condoning production and sale of pirated games?[/QUOTE]

I'm with this guy.

I think the situation takes care of itself though;
Pirate voids warranty ---> Xbox RRODs ---> Pirate is SOL

Link is somewhat related...
bread's done