Resistance 2 CAG Clan/Night - Get yo ass on! - Friday Nights @ 7PM PST/10PM EST

We had a pretty good turnout tonight. I think we ran with around 6-7 CAGs in each match. Some of those games got pretty hectic, but it was a lot of fun.

I need 8 more Bryce Canyon reports to have all the levels unlocked. We went through quite a bit tonight.
[quote name='Zyzomys']Sorry but I cannot seem to join tonight. I keep getting error 00180000. I will try again later.[/quote]
I was getting network errors so I logged off. There was just me, you and Synical online... and some other guy who kept joining our games b/c we rock :cool:
[quote name='Sarrasis']I was getting network errors so I logged off. There was just me, you and Synical online... and some other guy who kept joining our games b/c we rock :cool:[/QUOTE]Well, I tried logging on right after you and got zero network issues. Ever since I configured my router for SCEA Severs (opening ports), not a single network error for me.

Anyway, that was fun and I look forward to Wed.
That was fun, though I think I hate being a Spec Op though since I would have to constantly toss out ammo packs since it seem everybody was always in need of them. Sorry I didn't have a mic, it seems the battery ran out so I had to recharge it. Oh well, it was fun.
Yeah, I couldn't get on either...constant Network Connection errors. Yet I can exit out to the XMB and bring up Google on the web browser. WTF Insomniac? Get your servers straight.
[quote name='Sarrasis']I was getting network errors so I logged off. There was just me, you and Synical online... and some other guy who kept joining our games b/c we rock :cool:[/QUOTE]

Hehe yeah it was fun while it lasted. My R2 network got screwy after the team thing or else I would've played a few more rounds.

Shini - sorry I didn't see your invite til the end. Was playing with a friend of mine before we left.
[quote name='silks']Yeah, I couldn't get on either...constant Network Connection errors. Yet I can exit out to the XMB and bring up Google on the web browser. WTF Insomniac? Get your servers straight.[/QUOTE]The servers are fine mostly right now according to them. I stopped getting network errors once I opened some ports on my router:

It specifically says this on SCEA's website:
If you are able to connect to the Internet but cannot get into Sony Computer Entertainment America's (SCEA) game servers or network, it may be a firewall issue. A firewall is a security product that employs a combination of hardware and software to prevent unauthorized users or Internet traffic from gaining access into a private local area network (LAN) or personal computers. These settings will need to be entered into your router.

Below are the TCP and UDP (firewall) port numbers you will need to connect online with PlayStation® products.

SCEA Game Servers

All games published by SCEA (first-party) may use the following ports for communication with SCEA (first-party) game servers:

* TCP Ports: 80, 443, 5223, and 10070 - 10080
* UDP Ports: 3478, 3479, 3658, 10070, and 50100

What that means is many times when you try to connect, even if you have the DMZ open (which isn't 100% open), there are certain ports which are still protected by a firewall a little (or completely if there is no DMZ open). Every time you try to connect, the firewall on the router will block the connection and not allow access. Oh course, since router Firewalls aren't always perfect, sometimes it will grant you access, which explains why it will sometimes work. All SCEA games can use these ports, so once you have them open, everything should be fine or greatly improved. This seemed to be the problem for most people. Some people have problems only because their media servers are on or off (the UPnP), but that wasn't mine (I leave it off). Many third party games use their own ports, and now I feel a little stupid now blaming some for connection problems, where once I opened a port I was suppose to, made a big difference.

You may still see a disconnection if the host or someone didn't open ports (or is running on a highly secured firewall).
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TMK, as I mentioned in the other Resistance 2 thread, I opened every single port needed for SCEA yesterday after reading your post about SCEA. I had previously opened all the ports for PSN. My system is hardwired and everything runs perfectly unless I am playing certain games on the PS3. I am sorry but I have everything set up as suggested by Sony and I still have problems. That tells me that this is a server side issue. I never have any problems with my Xbox 360 games (Live requires different ports and they too are open when I am on my 360).

I did eventually get on, in fact minutes after my post last night. The very next game I got into (still staging in the Lobby), everyone was bitching how they all had been dumped out of their game. I was not even playing with these people, so it is not like their host affected me - nor did I affect them! In fact a remarkable number of games were all staging at the same time - coincidence? I think not.

I still had lots of fun last night while I was playing. I wish after joining up with a group and playing through a level successfully, the game did not dump you out of the group and lobby you are in. I realize I am not in that groups official party, but we are a party that just successfully completed a level. I think it should be set up that you stay with that group unless you opt out.

I tried out playing a Spec Ops when I joined a group that had none. What a brutal role - I spent the entire game spamming the "O" button trying to get as much ammo out as possible to keep everyone going. I very seldom even had time to shoot at an enemy. I also think it was the first time I did not die in a co-op game. I spend the entire game playing support trying to keep everyone else supplied - and they still bitched. Not a fun experience - but the group did need a Spec Ops. The next game I played I was much more considerate of the Spec Ops people - I know their roles sucks if played properly.
I was getting mad connection errors yesterday. Shit froze I dunno how many times, it's gotta be a game issue because this is just gettin' silly.

It's fun and all, but the network issues and freezing aren't.
Saturdays are nigh impossible for me for a Clan night. I go out most saturday nites but I'm looking forward to joining some of you on Wednesday.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']I was getting mad connection errors yesterday. Shit froze I dunno how many times, it's gotta be a game issue because this is just gettin' silly.

It's fun and all, but the network issues and freezing aren't.[/QUOTE]

did you open up the ports on the router; because I was getting some errors as well, but since I opened up some ports, I played some 40 and 60 player matches, and it was extremely smooth. I did play late after 1am so maybe there were less people. I need to test it out during the day.
I've opened up all those SCEA server ports as listed, so we'll see if my connection issues persist.

What I don't get is why Sony requires all these ports to be open. For my 360 I only have two ports (3074 and 88) and everything works like a charm (in fact, opening up those two ports is how I got Halo 3 to see my NAT Type as "Open").
Froze on me last night, and just an hour ago. This is getting insane :( I cant complete a damn level in co op, but competitive has been decent.

I got the SALUTE ME trophy (for lieu.) at level 29.. and i didnt level up.. which means the trophy is somewhat glitchy.
All right, I did finally get a network error. This is something I'm going to investigate and did post it on MyResistance. What happened was I did press start instantly as the save icon appeared, then I had problems logging in. I reset the game and it worked (I just waited until after it disappeared). I do NOT know if it was a cause of the problem, but I'm going to try various things. I did mention on MyResistance that I had the issue despite being wired, had DMZ open, and ports open. It's strange because after I reset, it was completely fine, lol (and I played for over an hour).
This will be my first CAG clan nite so what do I need to do to find you guys tonite. I have our firms basketball game @ 630 but should be home by 9est.
I may not be able to be on tonight..

I have to review a concert tonight.. plus i have backstage passes and its a good hour away.. Ill try to make it back but no guarantee @_@
We are online right now, for those who want to play. The party has currently been started by Darknyss. Those who want to play with us, sign up for the CAG Clan (the right one, headed up by Shini).
It was fun while it lasted, I was thinking next time we could get a group for some competitive ranked gaming, maybe some custom, unranked ones to get warmed up to them.
It was fun while it lasted, I was thinking next time we could get a group for some competitive ranked gaming, maybe some custom, unranked ones to get warmed up to them.
I stopped gaming with you at 2 am - how long do you think game night should last?
Are cag nights just big competitive multiplayer or co-op too (I'll play both)?

My copy shipped from amazon today so I'll be joining them soon.
I'm only interested in co-op right now. Competitive is broken and just not that fun for me. So if there are people that only want co-op I can arrange a separate group if needed.
[quote name='Sarrasis']I'm only interested in co-op right now. Competitive is broken and just not that fun for me. So if there are people that only want co-op I can arrange a separate group if needed.[/QUOTE]I'm not sure if the recent patch fixed match making. That's my ONLY issue with competitive (since one team is just really good and another team isn't). I usually just play DM, which feels a bit more even. The gameplay is fun IMO, just needs to balance out teams better.
The patch hasn't fixed the team balancing issues.

One thing that I noted as of today is that instead of two matches in one game, it's been cut down to 1 match per game, at least with TDM, I don't know about Core Control.
As for game night, I don't know how long I'll be able to stay on, my bro is gonna be playing a friend on Smash Bros Brawl later online, so I might leave early to let him on.
I got on late but still managed to get in two games before I screwed up and dropped out of the party. I took that as a sign to pay some attention to the wife :)
[quote name='TheHammerGod']I got on late but still managed to get in two games before I screwed up and dropped out of the party. I took that as a sign to pay some attention to the wife :)[/QUOTE]I figured you did that and was about to send you an invite, but wasn't too sure whether to do that (since I thought you might have intentionally quit also). I knew about that because you were still in the party, but not staging.
I can't believe they made the Auger stronger. Man I hate playing against teams that use nothing but that gun and the marksman. I like to use all the weapons and don't understand why some bitches never change it up. A lot of people need to learn how to play the game.
[quote name='Mr. 420']I can't believe they made the Auger stronger. Man I hate playing against teams that use nothing but that gun and the marksman. I like to use all the weapons and don't understand why some bitches never change it up. A lot of people need to learn how to play the game. [/quote]
People don't like dying, and if those guns keep them from dying and nabbing more kills, then they're gonna do it.

All you can do is take it to em' with another gun, IMO the Carbine+40mm or Bullseye w/ tags are my favorites other than the Marksman. Fareye is good if you can keep your distance, Magnum if you can't reload in time or want to set a trap with a couple bullets on the floor (fyi, you can melee a lot faster with the magnum, all it takes is two hits to down someone), Shotgun if you can really get up close and personal, Wraith if you prefer camping a bit or prefer to play defensive (treat it like a flamethrower, powerful but horrible range).

The only one I find kind of a joke is the splicer unless you can find time to charge it up, fire, hide, charge up again, and fire. You might end up going through a whole clip just to take out one person.

For some reason, it seems that the hedgehog grenade has more range than the frag and goes off faster as well. Air-fuel will rarely kill anyone, it's more of a defensive grenade to buy you some time or keep enemies at bay.
[quote name='Mr. 420']I can't believe they made the Auger stronger. Man I hate playing against teams that use nothing but that gun and the marksman. I like to use all the weapons and don't understand why some bitches never change it up. A lot of people need to learn how to play the game. [/quote]

They had to make the Auger better. I actually find it pretty well balanced now.
same problem for me... got caught up playing SF2HD. lol. finally joined a coop game. then had connection problems.
I just purchased 6 games in the past two days. How the hell am I going to get around to that? Hella crazy.
I can't wait for Resistance 2 to come to my sweet, sweet door so I can taste the sweet nectar that is Resistance 2. NECTAR!
I played the hell out of that game until I got Warhawk. The multiplayer really, really lost it's attractiveness once COD4 came out. Hoping they improved on it a bunch. I really can't wait for Killzone now, though. That looks bananas.
bread's done