Resistance 2 - Out Now - Get your co-op on!

With the Resistance 2 public beta now in full swing, we wanted to make you aware of a few important dates for those in North America.

* The open application process will close today at 4 p.m. PDT. If you haven’t applied yet, head to
* Today is not your last chance! Much like with the LittleBigPlanet beta, USA Today will be distributing (hundreds of) codes on their site beginning next Tuesday.
* The download servers will shut down on Wednesday, October 29 at 5 p.m. PDT. What’s that mean exactly? You won’t be able to download the beta after this date.
* We’ll be shutting down the beta servers on Thursday, October 30 at 11:59 p.m PDT. After that, you’ll need a retail copy of R2 to continue playing this first-person shooter.

That's good, we can have a CAG night this Saturday, if people can play (since it will be open then). I also heard the max level you can go to is 10 in the beta.
[quote name='Sarrasis']
I'm not sure why but competitive feels a lot different than R1 MP... granted have I spent the majority of my time in coop so far.[/QUOTE]To me it feels like Serious Sam and some other wild fps games. At first I felt a bit weird, but once I played it more it started to grow on me (especially with the experience you can earn). They really cranked up the speed and stuff.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']
To me it feels like Serious Sam and some other wild fps games. At first I felt a bit weird, but once I played it more it started to grow on me (especially with the experience you can earn). They really cranked up the speed and stuff.[/quote]

[quote name='Inf^Shini']I wonder if they'll carry over your experience over from the beta to the retail game.[/quote]

R2 multiplayer is definitely different but still feels real familiar. If anything though I think it feels a tad slower, like more of a COD4 pace.

The biggest differences I think are obviously the weapon system and berserks but also the crazy hectic nature of some of the battles (see Orick). I definitely think one of Resistance's biggest strengths though is its versatility in providing different multiplayer experiences. It was a little hard to make the transition from R1 to R2 multiplayer, but I think I'm starting to get used to it.

I doubt exp will carry over but maybe.
Now that this game is nearing release is there any chance that Insomniac might go back and add trophy support to previous PS3 titles? I know they cited development work on this game as their reason for not already doing it. I fear that they're gonna spend the next year patching and supporting the Resistance 2 infrastructure.
[quote name='NTolerance']Now that this game is nearing release is there any chance that Insomniac might go back and add trophy support to previous PS3 titles? I know they cited development work on this game as their reason for not already doing it. I fear that they're gonna spend the next year patching and supporting the Resistance 2 infrastructure.[/quote]
They'll be focusing on the next Ratchet game after R2 ships. It's possible though.
  • We’ll be shutting down the beta servers on Thursday, October 30 at 11:59 p.m PDT. After that, you’ll need a retail copy of R2 to continue playing this first-person shooter.
Finished the download. I'll be playing some tonight if anyone is on and wants to play co-op send a message (be warned I'm a newb)
played some last night co-op... to be honest, I'm not a fan of the actual game, but I love how the co-op is setup random and the classes. has a very good MMO vibe to it.
Well, if people want a CAG night, what I'll have to do is (since people seem to prefer co-op) is to split everyone up into groups of host. I'd definitely be one of the host. I'm guessing we'd need 2-3 hosts. We could do a TDM or something beforehand together. My connection can handle a lot of people in Warhawk, so I expect the same for R2.
Actually, if you get a good team you're way more effective than with randoms. I hooked up with a player who was an okay shot, but really understood teamwork. It was just the two of us in a squad and were were killing off 3-4 man squads with good choice of weapon combos and voice chat use.

I'd use the auger and hybrid rage, sensing enemies for him. Then I'd pop shields that he could use while I fired away.
I got a beta invite, I don't even remember signing up for it either. Should be interesting since I use wireless... only option unless I feel like buying a lot of ethernet cord.
After playing this game non-stop. I can see where the "squad" comes in place. Atm almost everyone playing is new so they don't know where to go/what to do exactly. But I've had some good team ups where it's amazing.

From what I've played...medic best for "solo". Spec ops can "solo" too but very squishy. Soldier can soak up dmg but the aim is isht (on main weapon) Nothing beats a soldier/spec ops combo.

BTW the highest level per class atm is 10.
Just played co-op and traditional online once each. The co-op really is great. The 60 man team death match was kind of silly, although if they do implement more squad focused objectives (maybe in non-deathmatch games) it has potential.

A cag night would be awesome.

Putting 8-player class based co-op with leveling in a shooter is just genius. I hope future DLC will expand the co-op in addition to regular multiplayer.
Well, anyone who can possibly make it on Saturday at 8pm EST, post it in this thread. I'm going to get an idea how many want to play, and then I'll see how I can group everyone.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']im hopping in soon, ill make a group so we can game together[/QUOTE]We'll see how many want to play first. If it's 8 or less, you'll be our only host. if more people want to play, we'll try getting more host.

Who is in (By PSN-ID):
  • Darknyss * (9pm EST more likely)
  • galvatron2k1 (late night
  • Ghost_Face_36 *
  • gubermonster *
  • I_Am_ProZac *
  • Inf_Shini *
  • JoelF15 *
  • KnightsDwn * (8:30pm EST or later)
  • ManaKnight *
  • neverletthem *
  • Phoenix_Azure
  • ratzombie *
  • Sinistar83 *
  • Tyga24 *
  • Veridis_Quo

* PSN Buddy of ManaKnight
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My PS3 is in repair, so I don't think I'll have enough time to play Resistance 2 beta.

If anybody wants my key PM me here with your e-mail address.
I realize this is still in beta, but are the graphics supposed to be so... uninspired? I usually don't place emphasis on graphics, but here it's just very noticeable.

The game's OK. I didn't play the first Resistance. I hear it takes the same amount of bullets to kill in the first game as it takes in this second game. I just think kills require too many bullets. It takes twice as long to kill in Resistance than it does in Bad Company--and Bad Company takes a while.

As of now, my opinion on the series is: meh.
[quote name='Chase']I realize this is still in beta, but are the graphics supposed to be so... uninspired? I usually don't place emphasis on graphics, but here it's just very noticeable.

The game's OK. I didn't play the first Resistance. I hear it takes the same amount of bullets to kill in the first game as it takes in this second game. I just think kills require too many bullets. It takes twice as long to kill in Resistance than it does in Bad Company--and Bad Company takes a while.

As of now, my opinion on the series is: meh.[/QUOTE]Graphics in the first Resistance weren't all that special, but Resistance hasn't been all about graphics, since the single player experience was really good. It's more of a game that goes to lower graphic detail, but tons and tons of enemies on screen at once.

Actually, it does take longer to kill enemies in Resistance 2 (Resistance 1 was a little more instant). Then again, since we are in a beta and low leveled, we will get better as time goes on. Co-op is still the best part.
Co-op and multiplayer, co-op is definitely the highlight. It's randomly generated levels and 3 classes to choose from (not sure if more will be in the game). You can level up and get some extra weapons for each class too. And it's hard. I only made it through once (my first time) and that was mainly because it was 8 of us so we were never all dead at the same time (someone was normally lost and away from the fighting).
I've been pretty fortunate, my first group was pretty coordinated and good all around, sent one an invite and basically have been kinda "recruiting" guys who are pretty good, so we usually win all the games we go in to.

As far as graphics, I'm not blown away, but I don't see them as mediocre either. I prefer the way the titan blew up in the first one, the warning sounds then the explosion, it was perfect :D

Anywho, I had a bit of down time, had to go do some stuff, but now I'm free for the night.

Send me a friend invite to Inf_Shini. I'll invite you or just join my party, I'm still charging my mic, so you might not hear me for awhile.
Hehe was fun Shini. I might play later tonight and a friend of mine might join. But not sure about it yet. As far as graphics is concerned; it's not mind blowing but definately a step up from part 1. I really can't wait for the other levels for co-op..I want to play more! Hehe too bad our stats won't carry over when the game goes live.
I just got off a game of co-op. It's really fun, but it's HARD as nails. I only quit because I got disconnected because of a stupid network error. Pfft. Man, those really suck the fun out of everything.
I have yet to run into a network error aside from creating a game.

Sure was fun Psyko, too bad my mic died, that's part of the entertainment :p
That one dude I always invite Grashi is pretty good, since a good team makes it all the more enjoyable :D
Managed to level myself up to 9 with my Special Ops tricked out with the 2 upgrades. I've recently completed an entire mission with just one of each of the classes. It was intense to say the least ;).

I can't seem to stop playing the game so add me if you need another person to kick ass with.
Another thing to remember, R2 clocks in at 42 GB of data on the bluray.

The beta is 2.2 gigs and is still not a final build.

There's probably a lot of things, like detail textures, they left out.

Just remember, for example, how people complained in the early videos how the water was bland. Now, the water animates in all sorts of ways and looks really, really good.
I wonder why it's just 1 level, though. Albeit I have played on about 3 different variants of it through Co-Op. The whole party thing...I don't quite understand it yet. Stupid Network Errors...grr.

The game is pretty fun on co-op, though. I didn't really get too far into Resistance 1, though. Mainly because when I died I went back a good 20 minutes. Didn't really like that too much.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']I have yet to run into a network error aside from creating a game.

Sure was fun Psyko, too bad my mic died, that's part of the entertainment :p
That one dude I always invite Grashi is pretty good, since a good team makes it all the more enjoyable :D[/quote]

sorry for leaving early and the sore throat. If I'm not too busy with little big planet tomorrow I'll be on saturday night.

I realize spec opps should make it a point to give the gunners grenades... would speed up alot of the game if done so. easy way to clear rooms.
Quick question, though I don't know if anyone knows or not:

If you noticed when you beat a co-op game, the Mission Status Report number goes up by one. What exactly does that thing represent? Does it amp up the difficulty each time you get into a room?

I ask because I noticed that when I was the leader of the room, with 12/12 mission reports attained, at one point of the map on that mountain with the rocks and trees with one teleporter around the middle of the area (pretty vague description, but I think it's wayyyyyyyyyy in the back of the map), there were four or five Titans instead of the usual two (one on top of the mountain firing down and one walking around the map).

Can anyone confirm if really having a larger number of mission reports attained amps up the difficulty? If so, I'll be making a lot more rooms since these rooms I join go by really quick since there aren't too many enemies.
I do know that those mission reports affect what missions get unlocked for you in co-op.

However, I think the difficulty scaling is mainly because you played with higher level players.
I tried playing co-op and it's pretty fun, I played as Medic., since I always play Medic in TF2 lol.. Anyway, I'll join the CAG nights when you guys have them.
I played co-op and I was confused since there were all these enemies that appear out of nowhere. Than another time I died and than kept respawning and dying since it was where all the enemies were at. I have run into network errors quite a few times when trying to create games and a couple of times when trying to invite a friend.
I just played another Round as a Medic, and something weird happened. Basically the one where you go through and have to open the doors there's this big guy. Well, this guy didn't die, and me and about 3 other Medics were just firing on him nonstop, and he wouldn't die. So around the +2000 XP mark I have on this guy EVERY ENEMY IN THE ENTIRE MAP SPAWNS AT ONCE AND WE GET DESTROYED! No seriously, EVERY ENEMY IN THE ENTIRE MAP SPAWNED! Holy Crap!
[quote name='Inf^Shini']I have yet to run into a network error aside from creating a game.

Sure was fun Psyko, too bad my mic died, that's part of the entertainment :p
That one dude I always invite Grashi is pretty good, since a good team makes it all the more enjoyable :D[/quote]

haha but of course. It's especially fun when you and grashi go up and melee the boss. That's when I don't both to spam heal you both :lol:

Don't worry about your mic dying. Mine died too a couple of mins later.
bread's done