*RESOLVED FOR NOW*I am having a problem trading with the user name James

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thats because " CLOUdSPEKK " lived in colorado.

dum dum dum! This just in!...

Terror has struck the hearts of a small gaming community. The friends and family over at cag have been struck with grief tonight. The man formally Known as Cloudspekk has ROSE from the grave altered beast style and has come back to haunt this small cheapass comunity. CLOUDSPEKK IS BACK! AGHHHHH! My god have pitty on the poor mans soul. Keep these nice people
in your hearts and your prayers tonight as they face this horrible tradagy yet again. Many people have been effected by this mans horrible actions of ripping off these nice people. Good night and god bless. Now back to our regular sceduled program.
[quote name='James']No. I don't want to give any more of my personal information to anybody. I know that i'm telling the truth. No bullshit. I can even tell you that it snow on thrusday in colorado you wanna know why because i lived there strange time to snow but that's colorado weather for you.[/quote]

You need to give manofpeace your personal info to prove that you have been hijacked. You have manofpeace’s personal info, so give him yours to prove your innocence. “james” it would be in your best interest to help this situation by one phone call.
[quote name='James']What so i have to give out my personal info to someone i don't even know or call someone and get charged? Why don't you just post that address from that so call james from VA. What's wrong? If that was my personal information wouldn't i don't want a wholebunch of stranger to know about?[/quote] :bs:
How am i'm lying. Haven't you read all my message that i posted before my account got stolen. They're way completely different and i don't post that offen. What after a few day my typing style change and i started to post more often.
[quote name='James']I know that i'm telling the truth. No bullshit.[/quote]

That may be true, but noone else knows you are. And if you are, it is in your best interest to help yourself and manofpeace20 resolve this issue and finish the trade.

It appears that manofpeace20 is preparing legal action, and he has every right to do so. So, if this is the real, legitimate James whose profile has been hacked by another party, then I suggest you get on the phone with manofpeace20, guyver2077, or MightySlacker and help them fix this problem. As it stands, you are the only thing that is keeping this from being resolved. And that isn't going to reflect on you too nicely when manofpeace contacts the authorities about this.
Why in the hell would a hacker say "hey, lets hack Jame's account and trade some stuff!" Then the hacker actually makes a legit trade with Guyver. See the hole in the story?

Also, I initially asked James to compensate because he should be held responsible. His reply:

From: James
To: manofpeace20
Posted: May 16, 2004, 1:01 am
Subject: Re: pandor
For What!! I did nothing wrong. I just read yoour message that you posted and yes i did post a message about a lunar game that i was looking for and It wasn't a private post message it was a message i posted on the request a cheap ass deal. That was the last ever message i ever posted before someone got a hold of my account. I found out that someone was using my account when i saw my name on a forum and that was when i got my password change i also tried to change my username and couldn't. Why don't you report this to the BBB ( Better Business Burearu) and report him and give them his address.
Well i just got a pm that manofpeace won't answer any more pm. And i don't even have any of his personal info. Don't know his real name, Address, Phone #, nothing okay.
This is exciting. I'm just sitting here waiting for the next post. James you need to start talking. Talk to manofpeace20 and fix this.
Why don't you scroll down your PM's. My address should be sitting around there somewhere.

If you want to phone me, it won't be tonight. I don't enjoy 4am phone calls.
[quote name='James']Well i just got a pm that manofpeace won't answer any more pm. And i don't even have any of his personal info. Don't know his real name, Address, Phone #, nothing okay.[/quote]
Let me guess the hacker erased all of his/her/your PMs.
Well haven't you notice my user name isn't like the rest of your guys. example bluetooth89 my is my real name and my password was the same as my real name and you really don't have to hack anything okay. it was stupid of me to use my real name and my password as the same thing as my username. i thought it would be easier for me to remember my password okay. Stuipd dumd mistake on my fault.
[quote name='James']Well haven't you notice my user name isn't like the rest of your guys. example bluetooth89 my is my real name and my password was the same as my real name and you really don't have to hack anything okay. it was stupid of me to use my real name and my password as the same thing as my username. i thought it would be easier for me to remember my password okay. Stuipd dumd mistake on my fault.[/quote]

Look, it's pretty obvious that you are caught (I'm a little confused as to what you've been caught doing, as is everyone on this thread), so just quit making up stuff and fess up. End this before it ends you.

...or JSweeney ends you.
ok we get you. But why would some one hack your account then make legit trades on it? hmm normaly when people steal my bank account info they don't make depostits into it. They take stuff and not worry about me. Why would they chat for two days make some legit trades and leave a trace at that.? Don't quite get that part. Then they had the items sent to there own home? If I was going to steal I don't think that would be the way I would do things. c what i mean there *cough cloudspekk* James.
So what do you guys want me to do to prove that i'm innocent? and my account did got stolen? Want me to give you the address of every school i went to. My old adress where i used to lived in what? If you really want me to call i will just give me your number and i will call dialing 1-800-collect so i don't have to waste my money just because i'm a victim.
and wouldn't you have know about your acoount being open by new pms coming into your email box? Why did you wait till the trades went through to change your account info? As soon as I had seen something I didn't do my password would have been chnged and Emails to cheapy d and the mods and try to find out who was stealing this account? I would have been a little worried since now they have your ip address and can get other personal info too Ie address phone number social and bank info. Don't make cents to me bud. Try to lie better in the future. Thanks for playing. Here is your parting gift! :^o :boxing:
[quote name='James']So what do you guys want me to do to prove that i'm innocent? and my account did got stolen? Want me to give you the address of every school i went to. My old adress where i used to lived in what? If you really want me to call i will just give me your number and i will call dialing 1-800-collect so i don't have to waste my money just because i'm a victim.[/quote] Even if you are a victim you're not the only one. This is your fault too. I'm sure you can shell out a little bit of money to fix this anyway.
You keep going on, yet you ignore my question:

What are you going to do to resolve this?

I am not going to go away. Now I am pissed because I know I am being conned. I'm not some 13 year old kid. I am an adult, and this won't go away James. Make things right with me and you will get out of this unscathed.
james just pm your phone # to manofpeace and talk to him!! I am sure manofpeace will pay the $2 to try and resolve this if you are that much of a tight ass.
Well haven't you notice that i ain't a regular like you guys i only go to this website once in a while. look at you, you join january 10 and posted a thousand time more than me and i join 10 days before you.

I don't care about the mod beacuase i have nothing to worry about.
File a mail complaint to both and watch and see what happens. Some ones going down.

So you only come here every once and a while to rip people off. I can see that too.
[quote name='spoo']james just pm your phone # to manofpeace and talk to him!! I am sure manofpeace will pay the $2 to try and resolve this if you are that much of a tight ass.[/quote]

Whats the point? He keeps trying to convince me he is innocent even though he is clearly busted. I can only imagine what a phone call would be like. When he makes it clear he is ready to resolve this, then I will talk to him via telephone.
[quote name='James'] so i don't have to waste my money just because i'm a victim.[/quote]

If you really are a victim, then you would be working as hard as manofpeace20 is to get this fixed. $3 or so dollars for a phone call is better than years of bad credit or the possibility of paying damages.
[quote name='James']Well haven't you notice that i ain't a regular like you guys i only go to this website once in a while. look at you, you join january 10 and posted a thousand time more than me and i join 10 days before you.

I don't care about the mod beacuase i have nothing to worry about.[/quote] So your excuse for all of this is that you don't post very often. :roll:
[quote name='sj41'][quote name='James']Well haven't you notice that i ain't a regular like you guys i only go to this website once in a while. look at you, you join january 10 and posted a thousand time more than me and i join 10 days before you.

I don't care about the mod beacuase i have nothing to worry about.[/quote] So your excuse for all of this is that you don't post very often. :roll:[/quote]

So then why would this "hacker" target your cheapassgamer account if you are never here?
[quote name='James'] i only go to this website once in a while.[/quote]

I'm totally using this excuse for paying bills.

"I'm sorry I didn't pay you, I don't go to my mailbox that often..."

Oh wait, I'm not gonna use this excuse, BECAUSE IT WILL GET ME SUED.
and trust me if a mail complanit is filed it'll stick with you for awhile too. Maybe even jail time along with it. The reason people are getting upset with you James is because it sounds like a 5 year old trying to lie his way out of trouble. YOu story don't stick. It has to many easy holes. I htink you need to get your story stright. And you do have something to worry about on this. Like I said before if "they" have your ip address they can get alot more info. You were worried about strangers getting your phone # before but why not now. especially when you know they have done things to you " makes trades for you at cag". see thats another hole. Might wanna patch that up first.
Than why don't you give me your # so i could call you or anybody the area code will show up as 303 and that will prove my case. and What do you mean how and i'm going to resolve this if i have no clue that my account was stolen and someone was trading on it.
I know this is a serious situation but the shit you guys are saying to "James" is great! Nothing like a sarcastic wit to chip away at a thief.. I mean victim ..yeah that's what I meant "victim" ...Good luck with this half-wit Manofpeace....
back to this simple question.

Why would some one STEAL your account? then MAKE LEGIT trades on it? LEAVE a trace?

and you DO NOTHING?
[quote name='manofpeace20'][quote name='sj41'][quote name='James']Well haven't you notice that i ain't a regular like you guys i only go to this website once in a while. look at you, you join january 10 and posted a thousand time more than me and i join 10 days before you.

I don't care about the mod beacuase i have nothing to worry about.[/quote] So your excuse for all of this is that you don't post very often. :roll:[/quote]

So then why would this "hacker" target your cheapassgamer account if you are never here?[/quote] Hate to defend James but if a hacker were to pick someone then he wouldn't pick someone who was here all the time. Lesser chance of getting caught with a noob.
[quote name='Mr_hockey66']back to this simple question.

Why would some one STEAL your account? then MAKE LEGIT trades on it? LEAVE a trace?

and you DO NOTHING?[/quote]
the ghosts did it....dontchaknow?....
this is why i don't want you to call me. Its bad enough I have to deal with this line of crap online. Do you think I want to hear your excuses more on the phone. I'll tell you what will resolve this James:

1) I get back my stuff and what I paid for shipping
2) I get my end of the trade
3) You admit you lied, and compensate me
4) I get the delivery reversed, and I notify the authorities.
The hacker taking a noob account I do agree with that. BUt back to the orginal question. Why Would he do nothing to report the hacker. Just go along with it?

He said he changed his password after a trader had been done. That takes a few days. He would have know the instant some one pmed him. It would have came to his email box saying he had a pm from cag.

If he was never here that would have sent of a red flag to me that some one was on my account.

I would have changed the password then and notified cheapy and the mods and replay to the pms saying it wasn't me. However nothing was done about it till one of the other deals went down. Then he chaged his pass and said it was someone ele to try to get out of a bad deal and get away with it. But it didn't work his lie got confused

he gave himself away and tried to cover and it didn't fly. so he got backed into another lie and that one was worse then the first.
Excuse me for being the devil's advocate here, but I would just like to know why the heck *IF* (NOTE IF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) James' account was truly hacked, then why the hell would he have to be responsible to compensate your stuff, manofpeace20. That's absurd that you would actually believe that someone who is totally uninvolved w/ the transaction would be willing to do something to help you make up your loss.

Just wondering :\

And this is just a hypothetical question!!!!!!!!!!!
[quote name='manofpeace20']this is why i don't want you to call me. Its bad enough I have to deal with this line of crap online. Do you think I want to hear your excuses more on the phone. I'll tell you what will resolve this James:

1) I get back my stuff and what I paid for shipping
2) I get my end of the trade
3) You admit you lied, and compensate me
4) I get the delivery reversed, and I notify the authorities.[/quote] That is fair James. Just do something to help manofpeace.

So let me get this straight. It's okay to post this guys personal information, because he lives in Fredericksburg, and you LIVED, whoops, I mean LIVE in Denver right? You've already said you don't care if the address is posted. WEll, how about other things?

Such as phone numbers? A purely hypothetical example would be 540-785-****. That's one of a few on the short list.

What about information on his parents? Or their places of employment (if they aren't retired of course)? What about some of the neighbors. Say for example, next door neighbors Roger and Danny! They seem like swell guys!

You seriously need to think about this. I guarantee that this isn't even close to anything interesting that I've found out. And that's just a basic hours worth of work. Others have said a few inconsistencies, but I'm going to point outa few glaring ones that I noticed.

1 - The "hacked" account. Well, that just retarded on a number of levels. First, this place is FREE. There's ZERO incentive to hack an account. But what bothered me is using your TradeGamesNow.com user name is feedback. For those who didn;t catch it, his user name is JamesH1985. JamesH is the "hacker" apparently. So what's his motivation? I mean he has perfect feedback on TGN. So, that means:

A) He got bored with TGN and decided to trade games here. Oh, and instead of making a name he hacked yours.

B) He got mad that you took the James name and hack you. For some reason, he didn't want to register JamesH1985. Just a coincidence.

Whoops, neither of those options sound very realistic, do they?

2 - You made a legit trade. Jesus Chrystler man, that was about the dumbest thing you could have done. As someone pointed out, when someone hacks you, they don't do it to set up legit trades. WTF?

3 - If you were telling the truth, and the Lunar thing was your last post, well, that was at the end of January. So I'm dying to know, why did you just HAPPEN to come back after 4 months? I mean, the "hacker" has been posting for a whole month, doing dastardly deeds like doing legit trades. Surely you would have noticed by now? No to mention the serious logic gap in you playing dumb. If the "hacker" had been posting for almost a month, he would have no need to delete PMs. But obviously he did, because you had no clue what MoP was talking about.

You can say whatever nonsense comes out of that thick skull of yours, but we both know it's going to be bullshit. You did start posting again after the CloudSpekk thing happened, so I would suggest searching and looking up that thread to see what you are up against. I don't bluff, and I would be more than happy to share all the info I have with everyone. What they do with it afterwards is no concern to me. You have a very limited timeframe to fix this situation with ManofPeace.

Dave Olson
[quote name='sailorchrono']Excuse me for being the devil's advocate here, but I would just like to know why the heck *IF* (NOTE IF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) James' account was truly hacked, then why the hell would he have to be responsible to compensate your stuff, manofpeace20. That's absurd that you would actually believe that someone who is totally uninvolved w/ the transaction would be willing to do something to help you make up your loss.
Just wondering :\
And this is just a hypothetical question!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]

He won't have to be responsible if he is truly innocent. But the fact that he is completely unwilling to cooperate lends to the fact that he is guilty of SOMETHING, and I believe manofpeace20 has every right to be asking for compensation.
[quote name='sailorchrono']Excuse me for being the devil's advocate here, but I would just like to know why the heck *IF* (NOTE IF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) James' account was truly hacked, then why the hell would he have to be responsible to compensate your stuff, manofpeace20. That's absurd that you would actually believe that someone who is totally uninvolved w/ the transaction would be willing to do something to help you make up your loss.

Just wondering :\

And this is just a hypothetical question!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]

It is his account, and should be held responsible. Its like saying your brother stole and wrecked your car. Wouldn't you want him to cover your expenses? Also, he has yet to prove there really was a hacker.
Yeah how am i suppose to fixed someone wrong that i didn't do. What so if manofpeace called me he will believe me or vice versa? How?
[quote name='James']Yeah how am i suppose to fixed someone wrong that i didn't do. What so if manofpeace called me he will believe me or vice versa? How?[/quote]

Would you like me to repeat me post from earlier, or simply keep pounding my head into the wall?
It's 4:06. I'm going to bed. Please don't change the name of this thread. I want to look this up in the morning.
Ah, I see somewhat of your logic, manofpeace20. (Heh, a mouthful to write out...or handful? W/e). But truth be told, w/e my sibling did, it's all on her. She wreck a car, her problem and responsibility.

I know he hasn't yet proved that there was a hacker, hence me being devil's advocate and stating clearly that is a hypothetical question, I was just curious as to what CAG would do w/ this since it is a very, very good cover-up and an issue that must be brought up. We need to have guidelines to deal w/ this or else the trade forum might as well go nil.

Also, Mighty Slacker, another point I need to point out; although a hacker most likely probably wouldn't do a legit trade, but maybe they wanted to build up the feedback SOMEWHAT, then scam people. Like I said, it's the perfect cover-up!
Classic liar's defense... Act stupid consistently until you give up in disgust..then you beat your head in the wall....
Also, Mighty Slacker, another point I need to point out; although a hacker most likely probably wouldn't do a legit trade, but maybe they wanted to build up the feedback SOMEWHAT, then scam people. Like I said, it's the perfect cover-up![/quote]

Agreed. But here is thing. As soon as the very first trade went down he should have know by then correct? He would get mails and pms right?

His feedback would go up? If I didn't make a trade with anyone but yet I have 5 feedback wouldn't you know some one was using your account and chage your pw and try to clear your name?

Right I would too. Why did he not do this? Why did it take so long to change his pw and come up with this lie?

So he could try to get away with a scam. But it didn't work and thats why he are sitting here on page 5 at 5 am.
Well...bleh, I concede to your points (heh, this banter is great!), but one last thing before James is fed to the dogs...

He said that he didn't check back his account in a long time. This is perfectly understandable! I have accounts on gamefaqs.com and TGN that I barely use since the sheer superiority of CAG trounces them all! So, isn't it possilbe that the same happend w/ James...maybe he got a life or something and then just recently decided to take another at CAG??

But WHY didn't he notice from the emails sent to your email account about gettting new pms?

He would have known. Why didn't he change is pw that very instant?
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