Revolution Name Revealed - Nintendo Wii? WTF?

Nintendo sure doesn't make it easy on their fans, do they? Yech. Actually, that's a better name for it. The Nintendo Yech.
I have a question for all of you little boys obsessed with tinkle:

When someone says to you, "We saw the best movie the other day," do you fall all over yourselves in giggling fits?

"YOU SAID 'WEE'!!!!"

Yeah, I thought so. :roll:
Revolution is better, but whatever, shit happens. They need the Nintendo OMGWTFBBQ, that would sell like hotcakes.
[quote name='Tybee']I have a question for all of you little boys obsessed with tinkle:

When someone says to you, "We saw the best movie the other day," do you fall all over yourselves in giggling fits?

"YOU SAID 'WEE'!!!!"

Yeah, I thought so. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Well, to be fair, when I have a conversation about a movie I saw the other day I'm not holding a phallic looking controller in my hand.
[quote name='Tybee']I have a question for all of you little boys obsessed with tinkle:

When someone says to you, "We saw the best movie the other day," do you fall all over yourselves in giggling fits?

"YOU SAID 'WEE'!!!!"

Yeah, I thought so. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Not the same context. Nothing weird with saying "Wii is my favorite video game system," either. People are stupid and have low brow humor, that's just how it is. I mean, the story on is titled "Nintendo goes Wii," for god's sake.
Just wow. I'm sure this was pushed by Corporate in Japan who think it's a fantastic name , but I'm sure NOA will welcome as much buzz as they can get over the system--especially free publicity going into E3 where they're supposed to let go with all the vagaries and secrecy on the next gen and more.

Of course, I'm buying one regardless of if they call it Revolution, Wii, or Game Boner, so here's a "meh" reaction overall from me...
The name of the flash file on the revolution site - "wii_teaser.swf"

That's right, the Nintendo Cocktease, it seduces you, you want it, you can touch it, you can play with it, but it just won't let you go all the way...Nintendo will own you.

Wii looks great, sounds horrible, I'm sure I'll get over it.
[quote name='SpazX']
Wii looks great, sounds horrible, I'm sure I'll get over it.[/QUOTE]

My feelings 100%. E3 can't come soon enough. :mrgreen:
[quote name='SpazX']Wii looks great, sounds horrible, I'm sure I'll get over it.[/quote]

I don't think it even looks great. For an English speaker, it's a completely unnatural-looking word, with no intuitive pronunciation whatsoever. We have no words with two consecutive i's.
Wii bitches.

As someone said on Slashdot, "They could call it 'Nintendo OMG Ponies' and I'd still buy one".

I'm preordering ASAP.

They do have a point about it being easy to recognize internationally though. I mean, it's a syllable for God's sake.
I think Gambit makes a good point. I'm not so sure how the casual fans will react to my stance has yet to change on the system, as soon as the online smash bros comes out for it, I'm buying it.
Well I made it to about page 13 of this thread before vomiting with rage at the sheer number of pee jokes.

Heffer: Say it again!
Filbert: Ok...Wii Wii!
::Both giggle::

And now that I've gotten that bit of Rocko's Modern Life into the thread...

I effing hate the name Wii. It in no way affects my view of the system or it's potential, but it is a bit of a disappointment to drop to this from Revolution. To me it just came across as a much more exciting name for a console, and admit it or not, name affects image, image affects opinions, opinions affect sales. That being said, I'm planning to buy the system as soon as I can afford to, even if it ends up being called the "Nintendo Herpe". Because it will have fucking Smash Bros.
Is there ANY chance this could be the Japanese only name?

I mean the NES was Famicon in Japan,... please oh please.
Another example of Nintendo thinking they are so unstoppable, that they can name their console something this ridiculous. It's the equivalent of the GameCube handle. Can you imagine how this is gonna confuse the already braindead EB, GameStop, and Wal Mart clerks?

"Hi, do you guys have Wii?"

"We who?"

"No, not We, but Wii"

"What about us?"

"No idiot, not the WORD We, the Nintendo console Wii"

"What should we do with Nintendo?"
I like it.

It's different and has good meaning behind it. Unfortunately it's shown how immature a lot of people are.
[quote name='alongx']Wii bitches.

As someone said on Slashdot, "They could call it 'Nintendo OMG Ponies' and I'd still buy one".

I'm preordering ASAP.[/quote]
Always wise to pre-order something you know nothing about. I think I'm gonna go put down $50 on the Xbox 720 as well.
[quote name='viewtiful7']I like it.

It's different and has good meaning behind it. Unfortunately it's shown how immature a lot of people are.[/QUOTE]

But I do agree with whoever the poster was who said it should be named the
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Always wise to pre-order something you know nothing about. I think I'm gonna go put down $50 on the Xbox 720 as well.[/quote]

We know practically everything that matters. Launch window, price range(cheap), enough about games to see where things are headed, everything but specs, and the final details at E3.
[quote name='zionoverfire']The knights who say Wii?

But hey if it's going to play snes and genesis games (and the games are available cheap) I might consider buying it.[/quote]
Yeah, I would gladly pay $200 for a console that lets me play games I could easily get on my PC for free.
awesome sig dr mario kart

yeah the new name wont deter me from the console, it actually looks cooler visually. Cheap concept but whatever
[quote name='Dkellar']Wow, I don't know if I'm going to get this system at launch like I had planned.[/quote]

Did they change what the controller does? Did they decide to not make Zelda or Mario games anymore? Did every 3rd party company who've fallen in love with the controller just throw thier dev kits in the trash?

...(Insert mean and hurtful words describing many peoples close-mindedness)
[quote name='viewtiful7']I like it.

It's different and has good meaning behind it. [/quote]

Yeah, I'm with ya. I mean, hey, it's different...but I don't think it's bad different. I also think the whole "People will be embarrassed to ask or refer to it" thing is a bit overblown. As someone else said, we say "We" probably dozens of times a day, at least...and considering this name will become rather commonplace in the coming weeks, or the coming months to non-gamers just hearing about it through the media, I'm totally confident that any sort of negative connotation of the term will die out COMPLETELY.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Yeah, I would gladly pay $200 for a console that lets me play games I could easily get on my PC for free.[/quote]

Why do you post in Nintendo threads again?
[quote name='Genocidal']Why do you post in Nintendo threads again?[/quote]
Because I have opinions, not ALL of which are negative. I DID say earlier that I'm starting to come around on the Wii. And that post you quoted isn't anti-Nintendo. I just find it funny that someone would buy a NEXT GENERATION console because of it's ability to play games made in the early 90's.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Yeah, I would gladly pay $200 for a console that lets me play games I could easily get on my PC for free.[/quote]

People seem quite happy to purcahse DVDs, CDs and books.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Yeah, I would gladly pay $200 for a console that lets me play games I could easily get on my PC for free.[/quote]ROMs? Besides those being illegal, that is only one of the Wii's selling points. It can do other things, believe it or not. One of them happens to be playing new games! NO WAI! Or maybe it is a reference to Pangya Golf? That is one game, and the contol on the PC will be different. AKA, it is not a port. Sorry to bash the 360, but I need an example. Guess what! Call of Duty 2, Condemned, Oblivion, GRAW, and many other 360 games can be found on the PC but with the same feel/controls! And if you're really into getting free things, you can always get them for free off the internet. Unfortunately for companies, PC games are easy to find on the internet.

If the word "Revolution" were to be dropped from most internet sites, I could digest this much easier.
[quote name='CheapyD']"We" are disappointed.
Revolution was much better.

Why was this revealed before E3?[/QUOTE]

Because everything of any importance is told before E3. It's been the way of the world for years, sadly. Those fun video packages and items "unveiled" are shown off days before E3 to press with the floor showing the next week/later that week.


[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Yeah, I would gladly pay $200 for a console that lets me play games I could easily get on my PC for free.[/quote]

Well sure, you have an XBOX.
[quote name='Foolman']ROMs? Besides those being illegal, that is only one of the Wii's selling points. It can do other things, believe it or not. One of them happens to be playing new games! NO WAI! Or maybe it is a reference to Pangya Golf? That is one game, and the contol on the PC will be different. AKA, it is not a port. Sorry to bash the 360, but I need an example. Guess what! Call of Duty 2, Condemned, Oblivion, GRAW, and many other 360 games can be found on the PC but with the same feel/controls! And if you're really into getting free things, you can always get them for free off the internet. Unfortunately for companies, PC games are easy to find on the internet.

If the word "Revolution" were to be dropped from most internet sites, I could digest this much easier.[/quote]
Wow, what a post. Again, my comment was directed towards someone who said SPECIFICALLY, that he wanted the Revolution to play SNES and Genesis games. If he said he wanted it to play those games AND Revolution games, I wouldn't have said anything, since he would be buying a NEXT GENERATION system to play NEXT GENERATION games. And that 360 debate is so tired. I have a PC, so that means I can play GRAW, Condemned, and COD2, and not notice a difference? Funny, my PC can't even play 2 year old baseball games! With a 360, I don't need to dick around for hours configuring video cards, drivers, screen resolutions, etc. etc. I have always hated that "It's on the PC too!" debate, I prefer my gaming to be pain-in-the-ass free.

And ROMs, illegal? Yawn. When was the last time someone went to jail for downloading a copy of Pocky and Rocky?
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Yeah, I would gladly pay $200 for a console that lets me play games I could easily get on my PC for free.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='VanillaGorilla'] I don't need to dick around for hours configuring video cards, drivers, screen resolutions, etc. etc. I have always hated that "It's on the PC too!" debate, I prefer my gaming to be pain-in-the-ass free.

[quote name='Oops! I did it again.']considering this name will become rather commonplace in the coming weeks, or the coming months to non-gamers just hearing about it through the media, I'm totally confident that any sort of negative connotation of the term will die out COMPLETELY.[/QUOTE]

That's what I'm hoping will happen.

Anyway, I officially like the new name. I just talked to a couple people about it on the phone, and I think actually talking about it and saying it helped me get used to it a little bit more. So yeah, I think it's cool. Whether it's the best name from a marketing standpoint is a different question, but since I recieve no share of Nintendo's profits, I don't fucking care about that.
Nintendo's final nail in the coffin. That trailer from IGN better NOT be the offical boot logo when you fire that thing up. Damn it Nintendo, fucken hold off another year and rethink your designs and fucken change the name of the damn system back to Revolution.
As I've said before, there is no real problem here.

1) No gamer is going to turn down fun because of a non-sensical name. I'll tell you right now that you are not a gamer if you think so.

2) For everyone else, the non-gamers, we never had them anyway, regardless of names, graphics, games. Nowhere to go but up.

But hey, think of all the innovative naming schemes:

Castlevania: Wind of Incandescant Illumination
Advance Wars: War of Ignited Irritation
Ice Climbers: Wicked Ill Ice
Warioware: Wario's Impure Impulses
I havent read through the whole thread but heres my opinion. I don't like the name. I really like Revolution and it was around for so long (longer than Dolphin and other code names before it) that it stuck. I think Nintendo shyed away from that because of what the worth meant. The new name is a risk and I think another mistake to chalk up for Nintendo. But also I really can care less about the system name if the system itself is good. I mean I own a system called Playstation. So a name is only a name. I dont think this helps them out on the people who think Nintendo is kiddie and what not. I really doubt they will change it but oh well.
bread's done