Ridiculously cheap HDTV, 360 Premium, and Madden Package - Best Buy

wow thats pretty nice. too bad poughkeepsie is too far from the city, my friend is looking to buy a HDTV for his room and he is also looking for a 360!!!
hrm, your right, it is national.

i'm shopping for a TV for a dormitory. I could probably sell the 360, madden, and extra controller for about 400 making this TV be about $550 dollars.

Not having to pay sales tax makes this riddiculously good!
Damn, if you'd sell off the 360 on eBay or something you'd have an HDTV for only $450 (assuming of course you'd get $510 for all the 360 stuff). Too bad I'm moving into college next year, so there's no point in me buying a big TV.
well, as a real cheapass, the cheaper the TV the greater the percentage savings..:)

deal is supposed to work on tv's 800 and up, but it works on this which is on sale for 750, hence the 350 savings.
I have this tv and it is pretty nice. I bought my tv with a similar offer from best buy (2 months ago)...

XBOX 360 Premium
The tv
wireless controller

all for 999.99

The only bad thing is that TV resolution only goes to 780 and not 1080...
[quote name='oasisboy']I have this tv and it is pretty nice. I bought my tv with a similar offer from best buy (2 months ago)...

XBOX 360 Premium
The tv
wireless controller

all for 999.99

The only bad thing is that TV resolution only goes to 780 and not 1080...[/QUOTE]
720p is probably better for the games you'll be playing, anyway. 1080i is good for slower moving stuff (The Office looks great in 1080i), but for a game of Burnout, you'll want progressivity.
[quote name='theeipi']hrm, your right, it is national.

i'm shopping for a TV for a dormitory. I could probably sell the 360, madden, and extra controller for about 400 making this TV be about $550 dollars.

Not having to pay sales tax makes this riddiculously good![/QUOTE]

You probably don't want a 30" CRT for a dorm. They're really heavy, even the slim fit ones, and since you're in a dorm, you're gonna be moving it around atleast at the end of the year, back to your house, then back to another dorm/apt. Not to mention if you feel safe leaving it over the winter break. And $550 isnt really that good of a deal , you can get a refurbished phillips one in the $300s, or a 26" LCD HDTV from Compusa this week for $549.
ikohn, nice signature. I don't think Kurono can be dead though!!! It's nice to see a fellow Gantz reader. Whats up with the long ass vacation until november for the manga :/

Anyways, to stay on topic, I heard the TV has geometry issues, meaning a straight line across the screen won't actually be straight, like the news bar on the bottom of msnbc.
[quote name='oasisboy']

The only bad thing is that TV resolution only goes to 780 and not 1080...[/QUOTE]

That TV's resolution is 1920 x 1080 so its native in 1080i . Yes it can accept any and all HD signals but the TV its self processes the Video to 1080i. Go and change you XBOX to 1080i so the TV gets it native signal and it will look better (in theory)
Didn't they have a similar deal a month or two ago? How is the TV for any of you or for those that got in on this a while back?
I also bought this TV on the same deal in June, with the 360 and PGR3. It's not huge, but the picture is really nice if you want something in the 30 inch range. Everything on the 360 looks real good. Older consoles through composite cables look kind of meh.

It does do 720p and 1080i, but not 1080p.
it actually works on any samsung tv, doesnt have to be hi-def.

its $300 of any samsung tv when you buy a 360, wireless controller, and madden
Do not forget Circuit City 10% off instore coupon by cashier register.... 90% of bestbuy stores accept CC coupon for pricematch. You endup around $100 for taxes and don't forget BB Reward zone card (you endup get at least $50 Reward zone GC for it). :)
[quote name='XboxHardcore.com']DO NOT GET THAT TV. IT STINKS!

I bought one and returned it within a week. Horrible. Has geometry and bowing issues. Avoid![/QUOTE]

Agreed. Have a friend who has had one for almost a year and he suffers from the exact same problem. Horrendously poor geometry on these sets. For the price you'd expect perfection, but I've see cheapo SDTV sets that have far superior picture geometry than this p.o.s. does.
[quote name='pinoy530']You probably don't want a 30" CRT for a dorm. They're really heavy, even the slim fit ones, and since you're in a dorm, you're gonna be moving it around atleast at the end of the year, back to your house, then back to another dorm/apt. Not to mention if you feel safe leaving it over the winter break. And $550 isnt really that good of a deal , you can get a refurbished phillips one in the $300s, or a 26" LCD HDTV from Compusa this week for $549.[/quote]
sorry, its not for a dorm room for me. i'm the res life director at a boarding school. its for the students' dorm lounge. won't be moved.
[quote name='psincubus']

Anyways, to stay on topic, I heard the TV has geometry issues, meaning a straight line across the screen won't actually be straight, like the news bar on the bottom of msnbc.[/QUOTE]

*has the TV*

*at factory settings*

*switches to Fox News*

*sees the scrolling bar*

nah, we're good. :)
That TV is terrible and not even worth what you pay for it as a part of this "deal". If you have relatively unsophisticated taste in televisions and just need a cheap piece of junk HD set because either your parents won't buy anything better for you, or your $6 an hour job won't let you afford anything better, then go ahead and get it. Otherwise, if you want a decent TV, don't even consider it. Get a Pioneer or Panasonic plasma instead.
even if there are geometry problems, can't you adjust the picture to the point that they're minimal? i've seen some pretty horrible monitors out there and they can almost always be tuned to an acceptable picture.

by the way op, "ridiculously" has one D, unless you are saying the deal is badass like vin diesel's riddick. if the latter is the case, please carry on.
Geez no love for the slimfit samsung...I have it and love it! Kayden and Linkin Prime have it too, and Im pretty sure they've had no problems with it.

All I needed to do was tilt the screen slightly. The left side was down further than the right. Anyone who has come over to play the 360 has commented on how amazing the picture looks...I guess you guys are just uber critical of tvs.

And JCdenton, not all of us can just stroll out and buy a plasma tv k?
The majority of these TVs have geometry issues. Just search online. Read AV forums and reviews. You'll see. I took one back and will be going for a Sony or I might just say fuck it and go for a big ass 1080p Mitsubishi :cool:
What other TVs qualify for the deal and how much do you save if you buy them? I'm looking for at least 40" but preferably 50". At the prices they charge for 50" LCD/plasma tvs...they should give me a free Xbox 360, dammit.
Is this HDTV any good? Costco has it for $999 after a $500 off coupon.
The Sceptre® X37SV-Komodo LCD HDTV features 1366 x 768 resolution and a 1000:1 contrast ratio and HDMI video inputs, the other info for the TV is on their website. Another question, what does upscale through the HDMI port to 1080p mean? Does it support 1080p or not? Any help from you guys is appreciated.
[quote name='Wanderlai']Is this HDTV any good? Costco has it for $999 after a $500 off coupon.
The Sceptre® X37SV-Komodo LCD HDTV features 1366 x 768 resolution and a 1000:1 contrast ratio and HDMI video inputs, the other info for the TV is on their website. Another question, what does upscale through the HDMI port to 1080p mean? Does it support 1080p or not? Any help from you guys is appreciated.[/QUOTE]

I used to own a Sceptre and it wasn't very good. I ended up returning it and buying a Pioneer plasma instead. The one I had was a 37 inch Naga with 1920X1080p native resolution(so better than this one), but it was really bad for gaming. The black level is horrible, meaning dark scenes are going to be washed out and it's going to be hard to see details in the shadows. Also, it had a lot of ghosting/blurring. LCD Tvs just aren't designed for this type of thing.
[quote name='greenfox']

It does do 720p and 1080i, but not 1080p.[/quote]

My bad, the tv does 1080i. When I start my 360 and click on "enter" on the remote to find out about resolution, it does tell me that its running1080i x 1920. But when I play PGR 3, it tells 720p... why is that?
A bit surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet, but the 30" Widescreen isn't listed as part of the online selectable bundle, since the sale actually drops the price under $799.99.

(I'm sure it is probably available in-store, as I've seen B&M bundling that Samsung with the 360 prior to this week.)

I'm awfully tempted to jump on this one. Yes, the Sammy Slimfit is known for having less-than-dependable geometry, but there is a lot of variance between the tubes themselves. If you get a good one, this TV has a tremendous PQ (picture quality) for the price. Add in the QAM tuner (picks up HD signals on cable without a digital box) and 2 HDMI inputs, and it's a lot of consumer electronics for the price.

Anyone how good BB's return policy is on defective TVs?
IMO (and I know many people disagree) CRTs blow. I can't stand bending. I have a 27 HDTV samsung CRT and it took A LONG fuckING time to calibrate that thing right. Nice price on the package but I'd rather spend Big $$ on something better.

EDIT:: I have the smasung service codes for CRTs if anyone needs them
[quote name='oasisboy']My bad, the tv does 1080i. When I start my 360 and click on "enter" on the remote to find out about resolution, it does tell me that its running1080i x 1920. But when I play PGR 3, it tells 720p... why is that?[/QUOTE]

Haha, your TV doesn't even have 1920X1080 native res. Were you not aware of this? It''s never going to run at "1920X1080", it doesn't have that high of a resolution.
[quote name='bjkrautk']A bit surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet, but the 30" Widescreen isn't listed as part of the online selectable bundle, since the sale actually drops the price under $799.99.

(I'm sure it is probably available in-store, as I've seen B&M bundling that Samsung with the 360 prior to this week.)

I'm awfully tempted to jump on this one. Yes, the Sammy Slimfit is known for having less-than-dependable geometry, but there is a lot of variance between the tubes themselves. If you get a good one, this TV has a tremendous PQ (picture quality) for the price. Add in the QAM tuner (picks up HD signals on cable without a digital box) and 2 HDMI inputs, and it's a lot of consumer electronics for the price.

Anyone how good BB's return policy is on defective TVs?[/QUOTE]

Ha, I was thinking the same thing. Went to a Best Buy today. This TV IS NOT part of the bundle. It clearly states the TV must be a HDTV Samsung at $799.99 or higher. Notice, no one that has posted here has actually purchased this particular deal with this TV.
I'm pretty sure PGR 3 is only 720p, so the system setting of 1080i isn't going to affect that...

In fact, there was some kind of rumor that PGR3 runs at less than 720p and the system upscales it. Either way, it looks pretty good to me.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']IMO (and I know many people disagree) CRTs blow. I can't stand bending. I have a 27 HDTV samsung CRT and it took A LONG fuckING time to calibrate that thing right. Nice price on the package but I'd rather spend Big $$ on something better.

EDIT:: I have the smasung service codes for CRTs if anyone needs them[/QUOTE]

I'm one of those who disagree. I have a 51" CRT (for ~$870) and the only thing I've ever done to it is a quick run through AVIA about a week after I got it. Awesome picture.
[quote name='quickstraw']Ha, I was thinking the same thing. Went to a Best Buy today. This TV IS NOT part of the bundle. It clearly states the TV must be a HDTV Samsung at $799.99 or higher. Notice, no one that has posted here has actually purchased this particular deal with this TV.[/quote]

When I posted this deal, I did not know about the national advertisements. I posted what I read on the sign on the display which stated:

This TV, Madden, wireless controller, and 360 premium for $959.99.

Although the deal does not work online, in store there were ads for it. At least in the Poughkeepsie, NY store.
I agree, CRT is the way to go if you want the best picture for low cost. I purchased the 30" Samsung slimfit, and returned it after about 1 week because of bowing issues. I thought the TV was okay, and would probably have kept it it the price were right (I paid $800). After returning it, I purchased a $1200 Sony for $700 from JR.com.

Note that with the Samsung, the geometry issuses can be minimized with professional calibration, but I ocouldnt do it by myself. Also note that although they claim 1080i, that is only the resolution at the center of the screen. At left and right margins, the resolution is lower (due to a large angle of incidence of the beam hitting the screen as a result of the slim design). The housing of the TV is gorgeous. THe picture was bright, and gave me the WOW factor that an HDTV gives when you arent used to them.

Its not a bad TV if the price is right.
Am I mis-informed?
I thought CRT hdtv could not do 720p. 1080i is interlaced, on a CRT TV it is something like 540p, which is not much different with a 480p res.

I might be wrong, but I really thought CRT hdtv only does 480p. (They take 720p signal, but they could not display the native 720p)
Minmao, you are kinda wrong there. Of course CRTs can do real HDTV resolutions, but they are indeed limited to 1080 (no real 720p) if I remember right.
My Sony CRT does 720p, and 1080i. Not sure if CRT's can do 1080p. 1080p TV's are rediculously high priced at the moment, from what I understand. They were only recently introduced to the market. That is one of the critisms of the PS3, which is capable of doing 1080p - most people dont have 1080p now, or will in the near future due to the high cost. I'm not sure I agree with this critism, as (in this case) I would prefer to be future proof. I cant afford a PS3 anyhow - not until the price drops significantly.
[quote name='horrido']My Sony CRT does 720p, and 1080i. Not sure if CRT's can do 1080p. 1080p TV's are rediculously high priced at the moment, from what I understand. They were only recently introduced to the market. That is one of the critisms of the PS3, which is capable of doing 1080p - most people dont have 1080p now, or will in the near future due to the high cost. I'm not sure I agree with this critism, as (in this case) I would prefer to be future proof. I cant afford a PS3 anyhow - not until the price drops significantly.[/QUOTE]

Your sony CRT can Accept 720p but not display a 720p image, it will upconvert it to 1080i.
[quote name='clariste']I'm one of those who disagree. I have a 51" CRT (for ~$870) and the only thing I've ever done to it is a quick run through AVIA about a week after I got it. Awesome picture.[/QUOTE]

Yea well you Know about AVIA so you KNOW what your doing, most of the nubs dont. and a 51" CRT? how much does it weigh?
bread's done