Robertson warns Pennsylvania voters of God's wrath


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Robertson warns Pennsylvania voters of God's wrath
Eight 'intelligent design' school board members lost election

Thursday, November 10, 2005; Posted: 5:27 p.m. EST (22:27 GMT)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- Conservative Christian broadcaster Pat Robertson told citizens of a Pennsylvania town that they had rejected God by voting their school board out of office for supporting "intelligent design" and warned them Thursday not to be surprised if disaster struck.

Robertson, a former Republican presidential candidate and founder of the influential Christian Broadcasting Network and Christian Coalition, has made similar apocalyptic warnings and provocative statements before.

Last summer, he hit the headlines by calling for the assassination of leftist Venezuelan Present Hugo Chavez, one of President George W. Bush's most vocal international critics.

"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: if there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God, you just rejected Him from your city," Robertson said on his daily television show broadcast from Virginia, "The 700 Club."

"And don't wonder why He hasn't helped you when problems begin, if they begin. I'm not saying they will, but if they do, just remember, you just voted God out of your city. And if that's the case, don't ask for His help because he might not be there," he said.

The 700 Club claims a daily audience of around one million. It is also broadcast around the world translated into more than 70 languages.

In voting on Tuesday, eight Dover, Pennsylvania, school board members up for re-election lost their seats after trying to introduce a statement on "intelligent design" to high school biology students.

Adherents of intelligent design argue that certain forms in nature are too complex to have evolved through natural selection and must have been created by a "designer." Opponents say it is the latest attempt by conservatives to introduce religion into the school science curriculum.

The Dover case sparked a trial in federal court that gained nationwide attention after the school board was sued by parents backed by the American Civil Liberties Union. The board ordered schools to read students a short statement in biology classes informing them that the theory of evolution is not established fact and that gaps exist in it.

The statement mentioned intelligent design as an alternate theory and recommended students read a book that explained the theory further. A decision in the case is expected before the end of the year.

In 1998, Robertson warned the city of Orlando, Florida that it risked hurricanes, earthquakes and terrorist bombs after it allowed homosexual organizations to put up rainbow flags in support of sexual diversity.

"I'd like to say to the good citizens of Dover: if there is a disaster in your area, don't turn to God, you just rejected Him from your city," Robertson said on his daily television show broadcast from Virginia, "The 700 Club."

"And don't wonder why He hasn't helped you when problems begin, if they begin. I'm not saying they will, but if they do, just remember, you just voted God out of your city. And if that's the case, don't ask for His help because he might not be there," he said.

So if nothing happens, does that mean that the christian god actually agrees with the majority of Dover citizens and it doesn't want intelligent design being taught in biology?

If you ask me, this is just sloppy prophecy.
What does God have to do with intelligent design? I'm confused, I thought it was a totally separate entity from creationism.... :roll:
[quote name='Kayden']What does God have to do with intelligent design? I'm confused, I thought it was a totally separate entity from creationism.... :roll:[/QUOTE]
I'd love to hear someone ask him that. :lol:
Why do christians belive in electricity?

Electricity cannot exist without relativity (electric waces are energy, energy=mass change times the speed of light squared, which is an integral part of special relativity), which defines the universe in ways that they don't believe.

Based on that, Robertson should cancel his TV show and repent.
You're such an uneducated idiot. Electricity is the power of God's love. Thats why CA always blacks out.

[quote name='Quackzilla']Why do christians belive in electricity?

Electricity cannot exist without relativity (electric waces are energy, energy=mass change times the speed of light squared, which is an integral part of special relativity), which defines the universe in ways that they don't believe.

Based on that, Robertson should cancel his TV show and repent.[/QUOTE]
When you buy a pack of batteries you're buying a little slice of god's magic.

Rechargeables are the devils work.

"I believe in Intelligent Design AND God's wrath!"
I love how god teaches love but at the same time he is a vengeful god? Some people say that god forgives everything but then you've got this angry little troll Robertson saying God's gonna take out anyone who disagrees with him. fuck him if he wants people to die just cause they disagree with him and his god. I think its about time we have HIM assasinated.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']Alert! Alert!

She has infiltrated the Vs. forum.[/QUOTE]

She won't last long, her head would burst from all the darkness.
What will be fun is when there's a major storm front that moves through Kansas next year, wiping out a major part of the state. That will OBVIOUSLY be because God is mad at Pennsylvania for not teaching ID, and have nothing at all to do with the fact that Kansas IS teaching ID. Rather like how God took out New Orleans to punish all them fags in California, or how New York was attacked to punish Disney World for holding a 'Gay Day' celebration. God has bad aim - get over it.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I love how god teaches love but at the same time he is a vengeful god? Some people say that god forgives everything but then you've got this angry little troll Robertson saying God's gonna take out anyone who disagrees with him. fuck him if he wants people to die just cause they disagree with him and his god. I think its about time we have HIM assasinated.[/QUOTE]

The Christian god as depicted in the old testament has little to do with the gentle persona of Jesus.

My question is - if Jesus was Jewish, why does he have a Puerto Rican name? ;)
[quote name='Drocket']What will be fun is when there's a major storm front that moves through Kansas next year, wiping out a major part of the state. That will OBVIOUSLY be because God is mad at Pennsylvania for not teaching ID, and have nothing at all to do with the fact that Kansas IS teaching ID. Rather like how God took out New Orleans to punish all them fags in California, or how New York was attacked to punish Disney World for holding a 'Gay Day' celebration. God has bad aim - get over it.[/QUOTE]

God took out New Orleans to punish the fags celebrating there; it's a shame that the worst damage occurred in the residential wards (mostly poor black neighborhoods), and the French Quarter had relatively no damage or flooding. Matter of fact, one bar on Bourbon or Royal street remained open the whole time.

God likes the party people.
[quote name='mykevermin']God took out New Orleans to punish the fags celebrating there; it's a shame that the worst damage occurred in the residential wards (mostly poor black neighborhoods), and the French Quarter had relatively no damage or flooding. Matter of fact, one bar on Bourbon or Royal street remained open the whole time.

God likes the party people.[/QUOTE]

That's because they don't call him to action like Robertson does.
[quote name='mykevermin']God took out New Orleans to punish the fags celebrating there; it's a shame that the worst damage occurred in the residential wards (mostly poor black neighborhoods), and the French Quarter had relatively no damage or flooding. Matter of fact, one bar on Bourbon or Royal street remained open the whole time.[/QUOTE]
Quite possible, though that wasn't the first theory that was put forward immediately after Katrina - the first round of blame seemed to be that it was the fault of gay marriage in MA. I'm guessing that some preachers went out on a limb and took a guess at first, and waited to call God until they could use their 'Nights and Weekends' minutes (avoiding the Peak Hour surcharges for praying during primetime.) Still, even if God did intend to wipe out NO because of the sins that occured in the general vicinity, he was a tad late/early, seeing as those sins weren't actually occuring at the time. In addition to bad aim, God seems to have really bad timing, too.

This, of course, is exactly why we need prophets like Pat Robertson: we'd be completely lost without them when God kills a bunch of innocent people in natural disasters, not having any idea what exactly God was mad about. With his Holy help, we can know for sure that we're supposed to be stoning gay people to death, instead of killing a bunch of poor black people by accident, like God did.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I love how god teaches love but at the same time he is a vengeful god? Some people say that god forgives everything but then you've got this angry little troll Robertson saying God's gonna take out anyone who disagrees with him. fuck him if he wants people to die just cause they disagree with him and his god. I think its about time we have HIM assasinated.[/QUOTE]

"I even did the stuff that contradicted all of the other stuff." - Ned Flanders about the Bible


This pic is the definition of a paradox.

At any rate, attitudes like Robinson's are why organized religion of ANY kind isn't for me.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']At any rate, attitudes like Robinson's are why organized religion of ANY kind isn't for me.[/QUOTE]

Let's not condemn all religions just because of close-minded christians.
[quote name='camoor']Let's not condemn all religions just because of close-minded christians.[/QUOTE]

I'm not condemning them. I am just saying that organized religion, as it is today, isn't for me. Whether or not it is Christianity, Judaism, or Islam is irrelevant. There are plenty of Christians who are good people just as with any other faith. Organized religion in general is too corrupt, too hateful, and too unforgiving IMO. I still have Christian beliefs myself, I just don't express them as freely or as judgementally as others do and I prefer to learn privately.
[quote name='camoor']Let's not condemn all religions just because of close-minded christians.[/QUOTE]
How about we just condemn all the monotheistic ones ?
[quote name='Kayden']What does God have to do with intelligent design? I'm confused, I thought it was a totally separate entity from creationism.... :roll:[/QUOTE]

Marry me.
[quote name='mykevermin']

"I believe in Intelligent Design AND God's wrath!"[/QUOTE]


That is awesome. Gargiles...Brilliant!!

"I don't want your tainted money!!!" "Get out!!"
Patwas...genius, although it sounds like something I'd order in a greek restaraunt.

I didn't p'shop that card, Derwood. I wish I had that kinda skill.
[quote name='bmulligan']How about we just condemn all the monotheistic ones ?[/QUOTE]

The Abrahamic faiths don't have a great track record do they? However the Deists seem to attract a better stock.

Regardless, the main fault I find with religions such as christianity is that they act as if their religion is all about peace and love, but then they're the first people to call for war. If you're going to act like a warlike people, either admit that you like the vengeful, angry god of the old testament better then Jesus, or pick a religion that better complements your bloodlust (such as Nordic mythology).
Deists only attract more thoughtful people because it is usually a choice. It wasn't something normally given at birth. The conditions in which it exists in are vastly different.
[quote name='camoor']The Abrahamic faiths don't have a great track record do they? However the Deists seem to attract a better stock.

Regardless, the main fault I find with religions such as christianity is that they act as if their religion is all about peace and love, but then they're the first people to call for war. If you're going to act like a warlike people, either admit that you like the vengeful, angry god of the old testament better then Jesus, or pick a religion that better complements your bloodlust (such as Nordic mythology).[/QUOTE]

woah woah, lets not condemn all Abrahamic faiths, I know personally from being one Jews really havent done all that invading, forcing conversion, or conversion. Some people might say Israel but just because your Jewish does not link you with Israel. I mean one of the Jews' biggest problems through history is that they like to stick with their own which allowed people to stereotype them easier, but most Jews arent like that today. So try Judaism the layed back religion.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']woah woah, lets not condemn all Abrahamic faiths, I know personally from being one Jews really havent done all that invading, forcing conversion, or conversion. Some people might say Israel but just because your Jewish does not link you with Israel. I mean one of the Jews' biggest problems through history is that they like to stick with their own which allowed people to stereotype them easier, but most Jews arent like that today. So try Judaism the layed back religion.[/QUOTE]

Already tried it. That religion doesn't match my shoes.
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']woah woah, lets not condemn all Abrahamic faiths, I know personally from being one Jews really havent done all that invading, forcing conversion, or conversion. Some people might say Israel but just because your Jewish does not link you with Israel. I mean one of the Jews' biggest problems through history is that they like to stick with their own which allowed people to stereotype them easier, but most Jews arent like that today. So try Judaism the layed back religion.[/QUOTE]

First of all, I'm not condemning, just examining the historical record.

I believe you may be right that the Jewish people have the most balanced approach to religion out of all the Abrahamic religions. However I'd be lying if I said that I respected the Jewish religion's treatment of women or the way that they slaughter animals (if you've ever seen a video of chickens being slaughtered the kosher way, you know what I mean). Also I find that many of the rules they follow, such as their dietary restrictions, are rather archaic or arbitrary. But hey, when you're stacking that up against years and years of hypocritical war campaigns, forced conversions, and torture in the name of christianity, it's not so bad. ;)
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']woah woah, lets not condemn all Abrahamic faiths, I know personally from being one Jews really havent done all that invading, forcing conversion, or conversion. Some people might say Israel but just because your Jewish does not link you with Israel. I mean one of the Jews' biggest problems through history is that they like to stick with their own which allowed people to stereotype them easier, but most Jews arent like that today. So try Judaism the layed back religion.[/QUOTE]

There's two primary reasons, one they are not an evangelical faith. Two, for most of history they've been persecuted. But the bible even writes of people they conquered when they had more power.

Though Israel is tricky, some jews have done everything possible to connect judaism with Israel. The wars its been involed in no, but the land it has occupied and settled is often justified by reclaiming the promised land.
bread's done