RockBand 1 & 2 - Gen. Discussion & Info - 3/15/09 - Funk Pack + More!

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That GH:WT lineup has some gems, but overall I prefer the Rock Band 2 list.

Cool to see the Megadeth album coming up already. This may be my first full album purchase.

I guess now the question is answered regarding the status of the Peace Sells track - on disc only, not available for download. Not surprised.
[quote name='Bezerker']FYE is a great place to look. I know I had luck finding the game there.

Unfortunately im stuck using my GH2 wired guitar, which makes my hands cramp up after 10 minutes. I cant wait til they start selling the new guitars.[/QUOTE]

I play RB with the GH 2 guitar...The Stratocaster was the one that made my hand cramp up.

The frets on the strat suck, and the quiet strum was just too weird, plus there are too many buttons near the whammy bar - it was a pain in the ass to use :(

I just hope my GH 2 guitar doesn't die...
[quote name='DestroVega']anyone else able to buy the game early? I might check out FYE near me but I'm thinking it might be time wasted.[/quote]

I stopped at a couple places at lunch but no dice for me. There is one TRU near my house that I'll try on the way home from work today. If there is any place I might score it, that would be the place. The woman working the games counter last time I was there had no clue. If she is there maybe I can convince her to grab a copy from the back. Guess I'll find out shortly...
[quote name='GLOCKGLOCK']I stopped at a couple places at lunch but no dice for me. There is one TRU near my house that I'll try on the way home from work today. If there is any place I might score it, that would be the place. The woman working the games counter last time I was there had no clue. If she is there maybe I can convince her to grab a copy from the back. Guess I'll find out shortly...[/quote]


there is a TRU 30 mins away so, I'm not even going to attempt that.
Man, I'm hoping to score this sometime either today or tomorrow. I hate Sunday releases because then you don't get to have any fun Friday or Saturday night with friends.
I'm hoping for tomorrow midnight at Walmart. I called today though and they don't know if they're doing it. I don't even have a copy reserved, because I don't know who what when or where it going to be first, so I didn't make any commitments.

I might be out right now scopin' the town for some broken release dates, but with gas prices shooting through the mother fucking roof, I don't I'll be doing any cruising around for anything until the prices come back down to Earth.
Getting a GameStop to break a street date? Doubt that will happen at all. They turn in other stores for breaking street date just so that store gets fined.
Been playing for an hour or so. I'm noticing that guitar solos w/o vocals in certain songs are not counted as solos, while guitar parts with vocals are considered solos in other songs.

Like RB1, and GHX, you've got the list of songs per venue, but there are also other options like Random & Local bands. Of the last 15 songs i've played, 6 of those have been "Today" & "Eye of the Tiger" repated. The random mode also likes to pick songs that you will be playing in the next round as well. I hope this gets better later in the game as you unlock more songs...
Well, my Amazon preorder shipped today (Super Saver though), so hopefully I'll get mine early next week. If I can stop myself from picking up a copy Sunday out of impatience that is...
[quote name='Zmonkay']Well, my Amazon preorder
shipped today (Super Saver though), so hopefully I'll get mine early next week. If I can stop myself from picking up a copy Sunday out of impatience that is...[/quote]

I can't get my pre-order, it won't go through for some reason. I might just wait till Sunday also, but I don't want to! AH! :cry:
The owner of the local game store showed me his 5 copies in his drawer and told me unfortunately he couldn't sell it to me. I tried to talk him into just letting me buy it cause he knows me but he said he was afraid of getting fined/in trouble. He did however put my name and number down on a copy without having to put money down. He then wished me luck trying to find it early elsewhere. I think I'm too lazy to check.
Today tried the MadCatz bass guitar and here's a mini-review.

Holy shit! It is damn nice, much nicer then expected in every possible way. Somehow the strum bar(s) have gotten the best of both with it having the Rock Band design, but with the Guitar Hero type strumming without any of the clicking. Instead felt super smooth and literally is one of the better strum bars for plastic guitars (if not the best). There is no whammy (which makes sense), instead there's a dial/knob on the side that you have to fiddle with, but it feels a bit too far out of place to mess with on first try. Also there's an area for your thumb to rest, while strumming. Other notable things is I guess there's a switch on the back to set calibration between either Rock Band 1 or 2. The longer neck also takes a bit to get used to, but overall I came off SUPER impressed with it.

The new drumset by the way really makes no noise unless you go apeshit on it and the bass pedal feels more sturdy, but different. So may take awhile to get use to.
Yeah, I got to look at my copy today (Fri) at my local Blockbuster. They got all of one copy in to sell and since I preordered it, it is mine. But I don't get it till Sunday :cry:. I'm transferring the songs from RB1 right now and will trade the game in tomorrow, hopefully getting $32 for something I bought 2 weeks ago at GS for $29.xx. That's nice at least ;).

I guess so much for the drums shipping early though. I went in to Gamestop Friday evening and tried to preorder them but they said they had no release date so they couldn't. That has got to be a first - a Gamestop rejecting a preorder! The guy seemed to think that no release date meant they weren't coming out any time soon. I told him the GS web site said the 14th and he said he didn't know why it said that. Oh well... Hopefully they will be out next week as others have said. I'd really like to give the drums a try (have only played the Best Buy demo stations of RB1 to this point).
[quote name='io']Yeah, I got to look at my copy today (Fri) at my local Blockbuster. They got all of one copy in to sell and since I preordered it, it is mine. But I don't get it till Sunday :cry:. I'm transferring the songs from RB1 right now and will trade the game in tomorrow, hopefully getting $32 for something I bought 2 weeks ago at GS for $29.xx. That's nice at least ;).

I guess so much for the drums shipping early though. I went in to Gamestop Friday evening and tried to preorder them but they said they had no release date so they couldn't. That has got to be a first - a Gamestop rejecting a preorder! The guy seemed to think that no release date meant they weren't coming out any time soon. I told him the GS web site said the 14th and he said he didn't know why it said that. Oh well... Hopefully they will be out next week as others have said. I'd really like to give the drums a try (have only played the Best Buy demo stations of RB1 to this point).[/quote]
The drums should be shipping. My Gamestop had there's in yesterday and my friend got one so we could do a Rock Band 2 party.
[quote name='bardockkun']The drums should be shipping. My Gamestop had there's in yesterday and my friend got one so we could do a Rock Band 2 party.[/QUOTE]

Damn that guy today then - it seems like they ought to know if they are actually on the way to the store or not. But I don't want to be too hard on him as he was pretty good in letting me use multiple coupons in the past. In fact, I was glad he was there when I went in because I was going to give him a preorder (for the drums). Oh well...
[quote name='io']and will trade the game in tomorrow, hopefully getting $32 for something I bought 2 weeks ago at GS for $29.xx. That's nice at least ;).[/QUOTE]

Whoa you get $32 for RB1 at blockbuster? Do they take guitars and or drums too?
[quote name='striker199']Whoa you get $32 for RB1 at blockbuster? Do they take guitars and or drums too?[/QUOTE]

They only take the game for $32, gamestop and blockbuster don't take the drums, and I haven't checked on the guitars, gamecrazy takes everything.

[quote name='bardockkun']Today tried the MadCatz bass guitar and here's a mini-review.

Holy shit! It is damn nice, much nicer then expected in every possible way. Somehow the strum bar(s) have gotten the best of both with it having the Rock Band design, but with the Guitar Hero type strumming without any of the clicking. Instead felt super smooth and literally is one of the better strum bars for plastic guitars (if not the best). There is no whammy (which makes sense), instead there's a dial/knob on the side that you have to fiddle with, but it feels a bit too far out of place to mess with on first try. Also there's an area for your thumb to rest, while strumming. Other notable things is I guess there's a switch on the back to set calibration between either Rock Band 1 or 2. The longer neck also takes a bit to get used to, but overall I came off SUPER impressed with it.

The new drumset by the way really makes no noise unless you go apeshit on it and the bass pedal feels more sturdy, but different. So may take awhile to get use to.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I got the Bass yesterday and got a chance to play it last night, I love it, like you said the neck being longer is something to get used to but I love the strum bar(s).
[quote name='KingofOldSchool']So how do you transfer your songs from RB1 if you don't have RB2?[/quote]

After the game updates, There is an option to transfer songs under the Options menu. Then just fallow the instructions in there. It will cost $5 and it will download all of them onto your HD.

As a side note. I just went to Blockbuster and they wouldn't let me get the game wil tomorrow. But they did take my RB1 for $32
My Wal-Mart is selling at midnight for sure, all of the Wal-Marts should have them at midnight so as long as the electronics associate isn't super lazy everyone should be able to pick it up at 12 tonight.
Pain Killer

(this video is kind of comical since some guy comes in asking who ordered what food)


I am slightly confused about all the Pain Killer talk on drums. That song looks hard, but it looks like the awesome kind of hard that you want play and have a good time.

Visions though...I think the video title has it right.

I thought my game was topping out but I am going to have to jump leaps and bounds if i am going to want to tear that song up on the drums.
Yeah, screw midnight man, I'm going to be out drinking at that point. I'll just wait until tomorrow. Not a huge thing.

Actually...I think I won't get the new drum kit.
I'm going to go ahead and purchase the ion kit...maybe.
My friend let me borrow his drum kit, and I'm enjoying learning how to play it, but it's way too loud.
I think the ion kit is just the solution!
Almost got the game early (1 day) at Wal Mart today. Got it out of the case and when getting checked out, it promted not selling till midnight. Bummer. Talk about getting kicked in the crotch by Wally World as always.
[quote name='koogabah']Almost got the game early (1 day) at Wal Mart today. Got it out of the case and when getting checked out, it promted not selling till midnight. Bummer. Talk about getting kicked in the crotch by Wally World as always.[/quote]

wow.. that sucks... talk about so close yet so far...
fucking Painkiller. I was watching it thinking "Oh that's not so bad". Then the first solo came and I thought "This will be pretty tough, but Overdrive will save my ass". Then I saw the second solo.

Oh well. It won't be as bad getting my ass kicked by this song instead of GGaHT.
[quote name='JohnnyFoxDarko']No, I meant a real drum set.[/quote]

Note that in order to use the Ion drum kit you have to spend an extra $350 on the brain, or however much a midi converter costs.
[quote name='lolwut?']fucking Painkiller. I was watching it thinking "Oh that's not so bad". Then the first solo came and I thought "This will be pretty tough, but Overdrive will save my ass". Then I saw the second solo.[/QUOTE]
It looks doable. If you could complete GH3 on expert then those solos should be cake.
[quote name='Dingleberry']After the game updates, There is an option to transfer songs under the Options menu. Then just fallow the instructions in there. It will cost $5 and it will download all of them onto your HD.

As a side note. I just went to Blockbuster and they wouldn't let me get the game wil tomorrow. But they did take my RB1 for $32[/QUOTE]

Err...don't you want the Rock Band 1 songs? I thought you needed the original disc?
[quote name='GizmoGC']But don't you first need Rock Band 2 disc to export the Rock Band 1 disc?[/quote]

No, it exports them to the HDD.

And it's not just for RB2, it says that you can export them for future Rock Band titles, not just RB2. So whenever a RB game comes out, all my songs from the first game will be included in whatever version is out next.
[quote name='GizmoGC']But don't you first need Rock Band 2 disc to export the Rock Band 1 disc?[/quote]
The export feature is part of a title update for Rock Band 1. The update released sometime last week - it enables a feature to export the songs to the HD for $5. Once they're copied to the HD, there's no need for the RB disc anymore.

For anyone who doesn't have Rock Band already, it's entirely possible to go buy a used copy (or rent one), export the songs to the HD, and return the Rock Band disc, instantly doubling the available songs for future Rock Band titles (minus "Enter Sandman", "Paranoid", and "Run To The Hills", I believe).
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