Rondo of Swords

Rei no Otaku

3 (100%)
A new title just announced by Atlus:

Rondo of Swords is an epic fantasy strategy RPG for the Nintendo DS coming to North America on April 15th, 2008.

Rondo of Swords combines an epic narrative, complete with a branching story and multiple endings, with an innovative combat mechanic that takes advantage of the DS touch screen and forces you to add even more strategy and planning to your attacks. Route Maneuvers allow you to hit all enemies in your path and enhance your attack or defense, while managing your Momentum Counter to gain stat bonuses and control who your enemies target becomes critical to success! Challenging gameplay, a lengthy campaign, deep party management, and customizable skills all come together to make Rondo of Swords a compelling fantasy strategy RPG package. Cleanse the sacred blade, protect the princess, and vanquish the oppressing armies of your enemy on your quest to deliver the Kingdom of Bretwalde from tyranny!

Looks good. Kind of reminds me of Fire Emblem.
Glad to see some info out on it. Saw it in the other thread yesterday and I couldn't really find any info on it. I don't even think GameFAQs had its english title in their database yet so I couldn't even find it on there at the time.

[quote name='StinkyCheese']looks like loads of fun. I never really buy ''serious'' RPG's, but this may be an exception. But whats an SRPG?[/quote]

Yeah, that's definitely a strategy RPG after viewing the trailer. Although it's definitely quite unique for a strategy RPG from what that trailer showed.
yeay own my wallet...

I quit my job at the beginning of april man...

what the slut atlus?!?!

what the slut?!?!?!

one week to release so I gotta bump the hypeness!!

but I dont have the time to play this game :cry:

I stopped playing Days of Ruin once Apollo Justice came out...

so unless I can finish Crisis Core and beat Days of Ruin, I wont be getting this game yet...

but for the rest of you.... check THIS out:
I happened to find this review which goes into more detail about various aspects of the game. I prefer really difficult SRPGs which require lots of planning and strategy. It looks like this will be a day one purchase for me too. I'll have to try to fit in time for it between Arcana Heart and Personal 3 FES. Atlus is quickly becoming my favorite game company right now.
[quote name='Cai']Yes, is a great website. Thanks for the link to the site, cletus, it's a wonderful review.[/QUOTE]YOU'RE WELCOME!!
[quote name='JEKKI']ayo I dedicate this one to all the muthasuckaz~!!

all the muthasuckaz dat try to SAVE DAT MONEY!! thanks MidnightMetal!!

50% off a TRU come 4.20

get games, get high, get ice cream, get DAT MONEY!

you're welcome AGAIN![/QUOTE]

A huge thank you for pointing that out! I had no idea Rondo of Swords would be only $14.99 at TRU that week! Not to mention Baroque and Crisis Core at half price as well!
[quote name='JEKKI']ayo I dedicate this one to all the muthasuckaz~!!

all the muthasuckaz dat try to SAVE DAT MONEY!! thanks MidnightMetal!!

50% off a TRU come 4.20

get games, get high, get ice cream, get DAT MONEY!

you're welcome AGAIN![/QUOTE]

DAMN! Thanks a ton dude! I would've never seen that otherwise... plus, I can use my Atlus $5 Amazom coupon elsewhere!:D

Too bad it's only on one game though. I'd love to pick up Rondo and FFT, Crisis Core, and Baroque.:whistle2:(
[quote name='rodeojones903']Price match at BB here I come.[/QUOTE]

BB wont do a % price match has to say price

so the game would have to say 14.99 not 29.99 save 50%

at least here
the parade has unfortunately been rained upon :cry:

[quote name='Starving Gamer']Hate to be the bearer of bad news, guys, but the add reads "50% off any one of these role-playing games when you buy Crisis Core FF VII". So you HAVE to get Crisis Core (at $39.99) to get Tactics, Baroque, KH II, DQMonsters OR Rondo of Swords at 50% off... a minimum investment of $55 or maximum of $60, which really is still not bad for two quality RPGs... If you do decide to get this, ask the cashier for your 'passport to savings' coupon, which will take $5 off your $25+ purchase.[/QUOTE]on the bright side, I save a bit of cash I guess...
[quote name='botticus']:whistle2:( I'm still getting it, I think. Well, that or TWEWY, just gotta pick one for now.[/quote] same with me-probably get rondo cause se overcharges for their ds games-$40 ridiculous.
[quote name='DarkKnightCecil']Hasn't it been getting average review scores lately (7's)?[/QUOTE]

GR only has 2 reviews thus far...

NP only gave it a 65% which you should take with a grain of salt as NP is a really easy grader but generally favors Nintendo published titles. Play is pretty unreliable- it seems like they like games that look pretty.:whistle2:k

Regardless, not enough reviews to judge this yet.

I was thinking of getting TWEWY you screw the $40 price tag. It'll eventually hit $20 sooner or later.
crap gamefly still dont have it meaning i be lucky to have it by next tuesday....

wonder why gamefly shows the pokemon shipping next weds when everyone gets it sunday.
It's so hard. Coming from someone who beat Etrian Odyssey.

I'll get some decent impressions up tomorrow when I have some time; played about two hours worth so far.
Theres Etrian Odyssey hard and then theres Etrian Odyssey post-game hard, which borders on stupid.

But EO has the option to level grind to make up deficiencies, something that is not always common in SRPGs.
[quote name='slidecage']BB wont do a % price match has to say price

so the game would have to say 14.99 not 29.99 save 50%

at least here[/QUOTE]

They will do it for me. :D
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Theres Etrian Odyssey hard and then theres Etrian Odyssey post-game hard, which borders on stupid.

But EO has the option to level grind to make up deficiencies, something that is not always common in SRPGs.[/quote]
There is some semblance of grinding if you really wanna do it - if you choose to quit and retry a mission (before you officially fail), you keep your exp. But that would be annoying, I think. But helpful nonetheless.
[quote name='slidecage']game sounds too broken to pay 30 for it....[/QUOTE]your face is too broken for $30... ooooooohhh~~!!!

and got damn 7 is not an average rating!!!

I am on C25 in Days of Ruin... if I can beat this game soon then I can Rondo is up!!
[quote name='Poor2More']I got Rondo for 24.99 Shipped with 2 day shipping, looks awesome, love old school art style[/quote]

Spent another hour when I should have been going to bed finally beating the mission I was stuck on last night. Although this game doesn't have permadeath like Fire Emblem, it makes FE look like a children's SRPG.

Healing items are few and far between (perhaps it will be less so once Errands open up and I can do some shopping), and even if you have them, most of them heal less HP than you'll lose on the next attack. Whereas in FE, a unit is essentially a wall, that is certainly not the case now that you and enemies can move through units. If you're not careful, or unlucky, you could get half of your team decimated in one attack. One thing to note, that took me a bit to figure out, is that while your allies will give you various stat boosts if you pass them in your route, this only occurs before they have taken their turn. If they have moved and then you pass them, you get nothing.

Be prepared to use the quit/retry function often. If your hero dies, or you fail any of the mission objectives, you get a game over screen and go back to the main menu; however, if you decide that there's no hope continuing, you can restart the level retaining the exp you had gained.
[quote name='botticus']Spent another hour when I should have been going to bed finally beating the mission I was stuck on last night. Although this game doesn't have permadeath like Fire Emblem, it makes FE look like a children's SRPG.

Healing items are few and far between (perhaps it will be less so once Errands open up and I can do some shopping), and even if you have them, most of them heal less HP than you'll lose on the next attack. Whereas in FE, a unit is essentially a wall, that is certainly not the case now that you and enemies can move through units. If you're not careful, or unlucky, you could get half of your team decimated in one attack. One thing to note, that took me a bit to figure out, is that while your allies will give you various stat boosts if you pass them in your route, this only occurs before they have taken their turn. If they have moved and then you pass them, you get nothing.

Be prepared to use the quit/retry function often. If your hero dies, or you fail any of the mission objectives, you get a game over screen and go back to the main menu; however, if you decide that there's no hope continuing, you can restart the level retaining the exp you had gained.[/QUOTE]

i think that was either nintendo power or egm major complant... the AI Is way too powerful.
I am really good at SRPG or Thought I was at least, I tried the first mission 4 times and can not escape to the southwest gate of the town.......Rondo of Swords is HARD!.....btw I canceled my preorder because they werent shipping it out until like 5 days after release, so i wouldent of seen it till 4/25-4/27 with 2 day shiping.

Instead I went to Gamestop and told them I dident like Etrian Odyssesy because it was too hard, low and behold the game I swap it for is too damn hard also....only $12 out of pocket for Rondo of swords :), they gave me full credit on the used price of Etrian Odyssey
ugh. WHY?! WHY ARE ALL THESE GOOD GAMES OUT NOW?! I have 4 DS games I haven't even started yet, but I want this one SO BAD! DAMN YOU GOOZEX!
It has been so long since I've played a challenging SRPG that I've forgotten how much fun they can be. This game is probably one of the hardest SRPGs I've ever played. Even Hoshigami or Super Robot Taisen OG2 were more tedious then actually difficult. It took me 6 tries just to beat mission 5 and I haven't even beaten the final tutorial level. I can type up my strategy for that mission if anyone is interested (there are 3 ways to win).

This game does get a bit easier once my heavy knight learned ZOC. By then I also got a healer which helps a bit. Even so, positioning is very important in this game. Since enemies go through you when attacking you really have to plan out where to put your characters. Plus half of my units can be killed in one hit.

I love this game. If you want a challenging without being cheap or tedious SRPG then you should definitely get this. I'll edit this part if the game becomes tedious or easy later.

Quick tip for recruiting hidden characters. Occasionally a character shows up on a map who won't automatically join. All you have to do is bring one of your characters next to them to talk to them. Sometimes you have to use a certain unit and sometimes you don't. Once you recruit them they will still be AI controlled but they'll be labeled as non-player characters rather then visitor characters. After you recruit them it doesn't matter if they die or not. They will still show up in your party after the stage.

Has anyone else noticed Izuna from that DS roguelike game is in this? I saw her on the game's site but haven't seen her ingame yet. Did the same company make both games?
Hidden Characters and how to get them:

Hidden character list:
Stage 5 Ansom
Stage 7 Owl
Stage 9 Koten (* hidden stage)
Stage 10 Alhambra
Stage 11 Rukia
Stage 12 Elmer
Stage 13 Arios
Stage 15 Shino
Stage 17 Aegil
Stage 18 Yumiluna
Stage 18 Simon
Stage 19 Izuna (* hidden stage)
Route A
Stage 21 Garahad
Stage 24 Arishia
Stage 29 Alberich
Route B
Stage 21 Garahad
Stage 28 Naji
Stage 35 Alberich

How to recruit:
Stage 5 Ansom > talk with anyone
Stage 7 Owl > talk with Marie
Stage 9 Cotton > save all towns people stage 8 + clear stage 9
Stage 10 Alhambra > go close to big boulder + talk with Serdic
Stage 11 Rukia > talk with Serdic
Stage 12 Elmer > talk with Selmer
Stage 13 Arios > if got Elmer talk with Serdic, if missed Elmer talk with Selmer. Serdic can also recruit him
Stage 15 Shino > talk with Serdic while Marie is alive
Stage 17 Aegil > send Serdic to door east of start point while Marie is alive
(I heard that you can get Aegil at the end of the stage without the above but I have not tried)
Stage 18 Yumiluna > talk with Serdic or Margus
Stage 18 Simon > Marie talk with Serdic
(I'm not sure about the above since I always brought Marie to this stage and talked to Yumiluna with Serdic...and Simon with Marie... this seems to work as well)
Stage 19 Izuna > talk to Yumiluna with Serdic in stage 18 + Shino talk with Izuna
Route A
Stage 21 Garahad > talk with Igraine
Stage 24 Arishia > Serdic talk with Margus or Kei and send them to Kel?(city? name)
Stage 29 Alberich > save and talk with Serdic stage 19 + talk with Serdic
Route B
Stage 21 Garahad > talk with Igraine
Stage 28 Naji > Bring Aegil and send her to the open door
Stage 35 Alberich > save and talk with Yumiluna stage 19 + talk with Yumiluna
(I can't remember if this was stage 35 or 34...)

info courtesy of gamefaqs!!


this is the game for another one of the hidden characters in this game:


more info:

it seems like there's hella games in this series... and none of them came to US =P

does anybody kno if any of the other characters in the game are crossover from other games??
hopefully this comes tomorrow via gamefly...

next week going to be packed

by next saturday should get

this+ pokemon darkness + world ends withy you all from gamefly... + a few games off goozex and here
damn, so far it seems like team casualties are necessary to win??

that practice stage 10 was hella hard!!

I beat it coz the mage attacked my girl, but in killing her he also killed everybody else in the line of fire =P
bread's done