RPG Thread XIX is getting a rhythm game spinoff

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I don't think anyone said it was 30 hours? Thirty hours for the first 4 chapters, maybe. I'm a little under 60 in chapter 8, but I spent like like 15+ hours in chapter 6 and 7 alone, mostly leveling to max.

I don't think anyone said it was 30 hours? Thirty hours for the first 4 chapters, maybe. I'm a little under 60 in chapter 8, but I spent like like 15+ hours in chapter 6 and 7 alone, mostly leveling to max.
I've seen this around a few places: (source)

Last October, Bravely Default producer Tomoya Asano revealed that a number of significant improvements had been made to Bravely Default: For the Sequel, an updated version of the game. These improvements, Asano stated over Twitter, had lowered the game’s completion time from around 70 hours to around 30 hours.
I think I'm around 40 hours chapter 4, and I've been doing a lot of unnecessary grinding. Y'all need to step your game up =)

Xenogears story at the time was pretty slick although now a lot of the story elements nowadays are tropes. As far as themes, there are Biblical references, reincarnation, plot twists, origin of humanity debates, immortality, class differences, racism... It has a really wide scope and it does a pretty good job of easing you in.

Things don't really pick up until after the (ugh) sewer section in Kislev.

Also the graphics suck even for their time and the game had some real annoying bugs, like random battle spawns freezing control input, so you could miss a jump because of a random battle.

In high school I thought it was awesome but not so much nowadays.

I think I'm around 40 hours chapter 4, and I've been doing a lot of unnecessary grinding. Y'all need to step your game up =)

Xenogears story at the time was pretty slick although now a lot of the story elements nowadays are tropes. As far as themes, there are Biblical references, reincarnation, plot twists, origin of humanity debates, immortality, class differences, racism... It has a really wide scope and it does a pretty good job of easing you in.

Things don't really pick up until after the (ugh) sewer section in Kislev.

Also the graphics suck even for their time and the game had some real annoying bugs, like random battle spawns freezing control input, so you could miss a jump because of a random battle.

In high school I thought it was awesome but not so much nowadays.
It's still my favorite game ever so whatevs. There's a ton of philosophical and psychological stuff in there too. I mean, there's a character called Id, so you know.

That jumping bug doesn't really have any negative effect through, unless you're in the (ugh) Babel section. I don't know who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put platforming into an rpg. #datshitkray

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Is there anything about the sewers that I'm not remembering? I mean, the entire time you spend in Kislev is a drag, but I don't recall anything specifically about the sewers.

The sewers had shitty map design and hard battles and was the longest part of being in Kislev.

Babel was the only part the jumping bug really annoyed me.

I would still rank it among my favorite games, just that if you were going to play it now, a lot of the things that were "revolutionary" are pretty ho hum nowadays.

whooo~!!! finally made it to chapter 3!

that said, it is now March!

and I try to beat at least one game every month!

in the month of February I beat a grand total of zero games!

thanks Bravely Default!

I think I gotta take a break for a while and find another game to play =P

in other news, I also picked up Inazuma 11!!!!

Let me know how that game is. It seemed fun.

I think I only beat 2 or 3 games in Feb. Maybe not even that. 

FFX this month doeeee. 

Just beat Sonic Chronicles. Can't believe what they did for the closing credits; it's weirdly brilliant.
It was treated as a dialogue between Tails, Omega, and Sonic. Only ever could've worked for a game with a small team. And yes, they were skippable, but I didn't :razz:

The ending was somewhat open-ended, BTW-- they get home from the final battle to see that Eggman had built up his forces again. It wasn't a bad ending, but I wish they'd handled it more dramatically. It did include a mention of chili dogs, which was a pleasant surprise.
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Chapter 8 on Bravely. I can see why people think chapters 5-8 are a drag, but I'm still digging it. Closing in on 100 hours though. Need to beat it so I can look at the damned artbook I imported.

Aren't you supposed to be like playing Persona or something that's weird.
I'm right before the school festival in P4. I tried to tell my classmates that we should set up a treasure hunt for the Chaos Emeralds, but they wouldn't listen and we're doing something else instead.

Bear Bravely Default at just over 100 hours last night. Went back for the other ending, then went ahead and cleared out the bonus stuff too. Had a really great time with game. Agree that some things mid-game could have been trimmed down approached differently, but for how long I was waiting for this game, it totally delivered.

I really don't feel like collecting 100 coins to take on the final Bowser castle in Super Mario 3D, so I'll probably start EO IV tonight.

I really need to give the vita some attention as well. I just don't have time to play two different hand held games at once, so I switch back and forth between systems.

Do you lose anything story wise or collectible if you play EO IV on the "easy" mode?

Finished Bravely over the weekend in about 75 hours. Great game overall, but they should be ashamed of themselves for those last few chapters. I cheesed the last boss a bit by summoning another player for 130k+ damage. I don't feel bad about it.

I really don't feel like collecting 100 coins to take on the final Bowser castle in Super Mario 3D, so I'll probably start EO IV tonight.

I really need to give the vita some attention as well. I just don't have time to play two different hand held games at once, so I switch back and forth between systems.

Do you lose anything story wise or collectible if you play EO IV on the "easy" mode?
No, but EO IV was easier than even EO III on normal. You can one-hit KO the dragons.

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Getting very close to the end of P4G, just beat
Adachi and whatever that thing with the big eye was
, hopefully be able to finish it this week and focus mainly on BD as my main portable game.

999,999 attack sent. NOW I can be done with Bravely.


Persona 4, early November.

The plot just went to a place I totally saw coming (thanks, foreshadowing!), but didn't want to actually witness…

Namatame, whatever, but Nanako-chan ;_;

Upon completing Nanako's dungeon, I'm going to find myself emotionally devastated, a la P3's turning point, aren't I?
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I got to that point back home over a Christmas break and just poured all of my attention into the game from that point onward. Shit got so real.

Bear Bravely Default at just over 100 hours last night. Went back for the other ending, then went ahead and cleared out the bonus stuff too. Had a really great time with game. Agree that some things mid-game could have been trimmed down approached differently, but for how long I was waiting for this game, it totally delivered.
I agreed the first half is amazing. I could have did without 2 or 3 chapters. For 100 hours you can't say you didn't get your money's worth.
Persona 4, early November.

The plot just went to a place I totally saw coming (thanks, foreshadowing!), but didn't want to actually witness…

Namatame, whatever, but Nanako-chan ;_;

Upon completing Nanako's dungeon, I'm going to find myself emotionally devastated, a la P3's turning point, aren't I?
I'll admit it, that part totally got to me, I wasn't bawling or anything, but felt really depressed for a bit playing it...

Persona 4, further into November:

Rescued Nanako; she's since woken up and the weather reports are all fog. The music when I come home to that empty house (not to mention the empty house itself) is simply depressing...
Also, got my third and fourth maxed S. Links today. Gotta say… Yosuke is SO ADORABLE sometimes :3

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Persona 4, early December:

Nanako died and we went to Namatame's room. Had no idea that that pair of decisions was going to be a Point of No Return. I pretty much sided with the girls (well, Chie, Rise, and Yukiko), Nanako was resuscitated, and time sped along until I had to leave Inaba and the credits rolled.

Going to play that scene over again, differently. The whole thing was tough to go through, especially when it seemed like the little girl who's probably my favorite character in the entire game had passed away. Right now, I have a headache...

ETA: Sided with the guys (and Naoto). Welp, that didn't work… time for the middle option.

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Persona 4, early December:

Nanako died and we went to Namatame's room. Had no idea that that pair of decisions was going to be a Point of No Return. I pretty much sided with the girls (well, Chie, Rise, and Yukiko), Nanako was resuscitated, and time sped along until I had to leave Inaba and the credits rolled.

Going to play that scene over again, differently. The whole thing was tough to go through, especially when it seemed like the little girl who's probably my favorite character in the entire game had passed away. Right now, I have a headache...

ETA: Sided with the guys (and Naoto). Welp, that didn't work… time for the middle option.
When I got to this part I quit the game and new game+'d and never finished. I really hate games where conversation path determines whether you can continue or not, especially if it's not too obvious. I thought it was completely obvious here but I didn't do the right conversation path. Meh.

Gonna read your comment later, kainzero, if  that's okay.

Got that first bad ending again, WTF -_-; Pretty sure I knew what I did wrong, though…

Gonna read your comment later, kainzero, if that's okay.

Got that first bad ending again, WTF -_-; Pretty sure I knew what I did wrong, though…
Kain's comment is safe if that's your concern. :)

I can't recall, are you playing Golden or the PS4 version?

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Saw it; thanks :) I don't blame you, kainzero.
I'm playing the original PS2 one. Also:
Got further in the conversation path this time (up to the fourth dialogue choice), but apparently flubbed that one and got the "anti-throw-in-the-TV" ending again.
This really sucks, since it's been a great game so far and this is the one spot that has been absolutely terrible >_< I'm done making any more attempts for today.
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I've always had a problem with the dialogue options in P3/P4 during S.Links because there are times when it doesn't make much sense to which option is the "good" option.

That part of the game is like they decided to bring in that awfulness to advance the story.

With the S. Links and other dialogue choices, I mainly just go with what I think my character would actually say and/or do. If I don't give the "right" answer, it's not a big deal, since I can usually make up for it later on (though it might take longer). I like to roleplay as much as possible with these games, but it seems like that's not really an option in this instance.

Given how far I got this last time, it seems like the most vague, wishy-washy route is the way to go… but again, I'm done for the day.

Also, I went that way the first time around, but somehow sided with the girls with my answer to the second question.
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I normally wouldn't mind if it didn't have big implications on the battle system, and generally you have to follow the right path to max all S.Links which could also mean that failure to select the right answer could mean that you don't get to see parts of the story.

As cool as Bravely Default is, I just have no motivation whatsoever to sit myself down and play it. I'll probably just sell it and pick it up later on down the road. I'm thinking of finishing Ys next or possibly start Etrian Odyssey 4.

Or I can just play Tales of the Abyss. So many RPGs on the handhelds! 

With the S. Links and other dialogue choices, I mainly just go with what I think my character would actually say and/or do. If I don't give the "right" answer, it's not a big deal, since I can usually make up for it later on (though it might take longer). I like to roleplay as much as possible with these games, but it seems like that's not really an option in this instance.

Given how far I got this last time, it seems like the most vague, wishy-washy route is the way to go… but again, I'm done for the day.

Also, I went that way the first time around, but somehow sided with the girls with my answer to the second question.
At this point, why not look at a faq for the correct responses?

I don't remember it being that vague. You just kind of pick a side on the matter and stick to it and there's really only two sides there. I think there's a point where you have to pick the same response twice, which is probably what throws most people off as seeing the same exact option come up again immediately after picking it might make you think it wasn't correct the first time.

Yeah, if it's starting to impact your momentum and enjoyment of the game, I say FAQ it. It would be a shame to miss out on the endgame based on that. I do recall the correct responses feeling pretty unintuitive to me; I totally looked it up.

As cool as Bravely Default is, I just have no motivation whatsoever to sit myself down and play it.

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As cool as Bravely Default is, I just have no motivation whatsoever to sit myself down and play it. I'll probably just sell it and pick it up later on down the road. I'm thinking of finishing Ys next or possibly start Etrian Odyssey 4.

Or I can just play Tales of the Abyss. So many RPGs on the handhelds!
Way too many RPGs on the handhelds but I love it. Bravely Default becomes a chore near the end but it's a good game. I might sell/trade it myself after I finish it. I don't see myself playing it again. I might play Kingdom Hearts HD or go back and play Jude side in Xillia when I'm finish.

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Aside from the awfulness that is Bravely Default Chapter 5-7...

The battle system is really broken and not fun anymore. =(

I pretty much run the same strat for every battle and hope that no one gets killed.

-Cast Enigma/Adaptation on the Dark Knight who spams Dark Nebula.

-Performer spamming BP All + Mime.

-Someone stealing stuff.

Aside from the awfulness that is Bravely Default Chapter 5-7...

The battle system is really broken and not fun anymore. =(

I pretty much run the same strat for every battle and hope that no one gets killed.

-Cast Enigma/Adaptation on the Dark Knight who spams Dark Nebula.

-Performer spamming BP All + Mime.

-Someone stealing stuff.
Might be a fight in 8 that blows that up. I'll be curious.

Game's only as broken as you let it be. If you're bored with it, why not try some other classes out? This is far from the first JRPG to have broken job combos. I get that not everyone's in for for the strategizing and fights, but it's not like you can't burn through chapters 5-8 super quick if you want to.

Yeah, if it's starting to impact your momentum and enjoyment of the game, I say FAQ it. It would be a shame to miss out on the endgame based on that. I do recall the correct responses feeling pretty unintuitive to me; I totally looked it up.
I'm not at the FAQ stage yet-- I'm both extremely stubborn and extremely patient ;) My plan right now is to speed through all the cutsceney bits until I get to that point and work out the solution that way. I can always go back and play it again at "regular" speed once I figure stuff out.

And yeah, it feels unintuitive to me, too. As I thought about it, I remembered the branching paths in Nocturne and Persona 3 FES (and Etrian Odyssey III); all those were far more obvious when it came to the implications of what taking a specific choice would mean for the rest of the game. Not that I'm going to play it, but is it any better in Golden?
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