RPG Thread XIX is getting a rhythm game spinoff

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It was mainly that there were way too many times I'd run out of useful stickers or not even have the right ones to finish a boss fight. That happened with the final boss, I had plenty of stickers, but none that would affect him so I had to go and round up the correct stickers and start the fight all over again. It was ridiculous.

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"Using the wrong stickers" is what's been messing me up in the boss battles so far. I've only done the first two bosses, but had to attempt both of them twice. Both times I would dive right in with the custom-made stickers (the scissors, fan, etc.), only to find that the "right" way to do things is to plink away at the boss with regular stickers, which somehow leads to Kersti saying something, then afterwards fight the rest of the battle as I see fit.

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It was mainly that there were way too many times I'd run out of useful stickers or not even have the right ones to finish a boss fight. That happened with the final boss, I had plenty of stickers, but none that would affect him so I had to go and round up the correct stickers and start the fight all over again. It was ridiculous.
I still haven't beat it for this reason. Slogged all the way through the rounds... and ran out of stickers. I LOVE that game, but screw that noise at the end. It's a terrible Paper Mario RPG, but it's a FANTASTIC adventure game staring Mario in a Paper world.

I finish Chapter 3 in Bravely Default last night at level 54. I started Chapter 4 but there are other stuff I have to do. 

I have to go back and start looking for the ghost ship to do this boss battle for the pirate job. I also might go back to the other temples and get the summons

I only got to World 2 on Paper Mario Sticker Star. I might go back after Bravely Default. 

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I finish Chapter 3 in Bravely Default last night at level 54. I started Chapter 4 but there are other stuff I have to do.

I have to go back and start looking for the ghost ship to do this boss battle for the pirate job. I also might go back to the other temples and get the summons

I only got to World 2 on Paper Mario Sticker Star. I might go back after Bravely Default.
Unless you use the summoner, I would wait on the summons. Because in Chapter 6,
you'll get the key for the blue chests.

I've been looking at the DS library for some rpgs to play on the 3DS and Radiant Historia seemed pretty cool. Has anyone here played it and would like to share their opinion? It reminds me of an ol school SNES game. On a side note, just about to ch. 4 on Bravely. I know enemies have mor HP on Hard, but it seems like they have more attack power as well. I'm trying to figue out how to control enemy aggro better, but they still pick on my mage.

Thousands of people playing pokemon Red, at once
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Established the Devil Social Link in P4 today. This one's gonna be interesting…

As for Sticker Star, I had to run to GameFAQs just now because I was having trouble finding the second route in one of the World 4 stages. I'd found the first route with few problems, but the second one requires some unorthodox sticker usage, as it turns out. I don't remember ever having to use an FAQ for any of these games before -_-;

It's a terrible Paper Mario RPG, but it's a FANTASTIC adventure game staring Mario in a Paper world.
I don't know. By general Mario/Nintendo standards, there's some pretty substandard bits of design in there. Super Paper Mario is less of an RPG than this one is (gameplay-wise) and is much better overall.
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Anyone want a Lighting Returns Art of War DLC code (costume) for PS3?  First to PM gets it.
Aaaand Gone!  Enjoy Raiden!

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Beat Kamek in Dream Team, that last battle with him was rough, I could not figure out how to dodge the broom attack the red one kept doing. Just a little more to go.

Just beat Sticker Star. Zmonkay, what part of the final battle did you get stuck on? Asking because there's one spot where you pretty much need Infinijumps if you're running short on other good stickers.
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Just beat Sticker Star. Zmonkay, what part of the final battle did you get stuck on? Asking because there's one spot where you pretty much need Infinijumps if you're running short on other good stickers.
I don't recall exactly to be honest. I think I got through the first wave/form but burned through too many stickers on the random goons. The games on my growing list of games I'll "beat the final boss" someday (I just... stop, almost at the end, of too many games haha).

Wrote up a lengthy review of Sticker Star earlier today, if anyone's interested - http://www.brainscraps.net/2014/02/not-sticky-enough/

I don't recall exactly to be honest. I think I got through the first wave/form but burned through too many stickers on the random goons. The games on my growing list of games I'll "beat the final boss" someday (I just... stop, almost at the end, of too many games haha).
That sounds like a bad habit to have...

At any rate, if you ever need any tips, I can help :razz:

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At the giant Bowser battle in Dream Team, can't quite seem to land the star to finish him but it lets me continue right at the part rather than starting the whole battle over so I should get him eventually.

Hey I haven't talked about Pillars of Eternity in a while so here's its lead designer talking about stuff:


Hype status: still yes.

At the giant Bowser battle in Dream Team, can't quite seem to land the star to finish him but it lets me continue right at the part rather than starting the whole battle over so I should get him eventually.
That's actually pretty nice. I had some issues with getting the 3DS to read directions properly for the spinning crossfire type segment of that battle. No checkpoint for that one.

Well it took awhile but I beat him yesterday, haven't had a lot of time but currently chipping away at Antasma when I get a chance.

whooo~!!! went street passin yesterday!

got my Bravely Default village to 100+ residents!!

I'm still on chapter 2 tho lol.

my party is very strong based solely on ablink + some real strong weapons from town building =P

whooo~!!! went street passin yesterday!

got my Bravely Default village to 100+ residents!!

I'm still on chapter 2 tho lol.

my party is very strong based solely on ablink + some real strong weapons from town building =P
Don't worry, the game'll catch up. I was concerned that I'd over-leveled everything, and then a certain chapter rolled around and started laughing at me thinking I was hot shit.


I don't have high hopes for Wasteland 2 but maybe I'll get a fun Jagged Alliance-y game out of it while I wait for Torment and Pillars of Eternity I guess?

Hey Fargo please don't fuck up with Torment, alright?

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Started Sonic Chronicles over the weekend and am currently in Chapter 8. It's a bit longer than I thought it would be. I also didn't have as high expectations for it as I did for Sticker Star, so despite the occasional design quirk, it's been an alright experience most of the time  :razz:

Also, the fall semester has started in my own personal Inaba. Not much else to say about that...

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Started Sonic Chronicles over the weekend and am currently in Chapter 8. It's a bit longer than I thought it would be. I also didn't have as high expectations for it as I did for Sticker Star, so despite the occasional design quirk, it's been an alright experience most of the time :razz:

Also, the fall semester has started in my own personal Inaba. Not much else to say about that...
Patience of a saint. I love Bioware, I like Sonic. That game was borderline unplayable. I really don't think I played more than an hour or two before returning it to gamestop (so glad I bought it used, so I could return it).

Don't worry, the game'll catch up. I was concerned that I'd over-leveled everything, and then a certain chapter rolled around and started laughing at me thinking I was hot shit.
That's how I am now on Chapter 4.

I'm basically done. I'm just leveling up to fight the Vampire.

Patience of a saint. I love Bioware, I like Sonic. That game was borderline unplayable. I really don't think I played more than an hour or two before returning it to gamestop (so glad I bought it used, so I could return it).
It's got issues, for sure. The enemy difficulty/reward ratio is horribly unbalanced at times. Then there's the debilitating lack of rings, which makes equipment shopping a pain. The touchscreen-only controls. Most of the POW moves (the support characters were largely useless until I got a certain Chao). The bland soundtrack, which is an insult to the franchise.

I don't really play Bioware games, but it's obvious that this one's pretty phoned in. However, there's some decent-to-good parts (the level designs, the flat character graphics, no overly annoying puzzles, a few unexpected pop culture references), and I'm more than halfway through at this point, so might as well wrap it up. I've played worse Sonic games ;)

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Yeah I figured Bioware making a Sonic rpg would possibly be up there with any of the Mario rpgs, instead I found it a disappointing mess.

As a company which isn't known for either handheld games or all-ages games, Bioware was a really odd choice to make a Sonic RPG in the first place.

I still like the general idea of a Sonic RPG, but if another one is ever made again, it should be done by a more appropriate studio. Which reminds me, Sega Sammy owns Atlus now… hmm...

Hey Crotch, how sweet is the Tale of Two Wastelands mod?
It's easy to remember the differences in writing and world design between New Vegas and Fallout 3, but holy crap did I ever forget how many gameplay and quality of life improvements New Vegas made. It's kind of like how even though I consider Fallout 1 a better game than Fallout 2, I can't actually play it; all the little improvements from the second game make the first just feel so clunky and archaic.

... the difference being, I guess, that I still prefer New Vegas to an updated Fallout 3. But it is nice to have the option of going back to DC with Mercy on my back.

All the previously announced Persona games have been confirmed for NA! :D

Seems we are getting Persona Q in the fall, as well as Persona Arena, and the rest during 2015. 

All the previously announced Persona games have been confirmed for NA! :D

Seems we are getting Persona Q in the fall, as well as Persona Arena, and the rest during 2015.
Don't have a 3DS (yet), but I'm there on day 1 for everything else. Only slight disappointment (though not a surprise) is no P5 on :360:.

Just achieved my first maxed-out Social Link (Hierophant) in P4! :whee:

Wonder how many I'll be able to max by the end of the game. IIRC, I had ten in P3; think I can beat that for sure.

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So, I finished Tales of Vesperia. I really loved it. Finna buy the First Strike Blu-Ray since I can't get enough of these characters. Does the new game plus add anything else to the overall game or is it just a typical NG+?

After being disappointed with Lightning Returns, I'm in the mood for a classic JRPG, so I've started up Xenogears. I've always heard how great this game is, but haven't played it until now. Somebody wanna tell me why Xenogears gets so much love? I mean, so far its okay, but I cannot understand why people put this game so high on their list of favorite PS1 JRPGs. The combat system seems very simple, and the story seems average for the era. I'm only to the desert town, so I hope things get better.

I'm also still plugging away in Bravely Default. Just a little into Chapter 3 now.

The story starts pretty simple,but it really becomes something else later on. I myself enjoy the cast of characters such as Grahf,who IMO is one of the best villains in a game.The on foot battle system is pretty standard stuff,but the gear battles are better. The game also has an excellent Mitsuda soundtrack. The game has aged a lot like every PS1 game and it has some of the worst voice acting on the system,but I still enjoy the game to this day.

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The key to enjoying Lightning Returns is to completely dismiss the doomsday clock, so, the narrative of the game. Play and level up as you please, explore, and just eat the Game Over when it comes around. You can just carry the stats and items over to the new game, and tackle the main story quests when you feel ready for them.

But I think that just really goes to show how unimpressive the game is. You're paying for a cool battle system and a glorified trophy hunter, basically. 

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The combo stuff is pretty neat in Xenogears. I always felt that made it more than a typical RPG in terms of combat, but I guess there's really no difference between hitting Light Light Strong to do the Headbutt combo from just choosing the Headbutt command from a menu that a typical RPG would have.

It's the story that I really love about that game, despite the shortcomings in production that occur in the second disk. There are heavy themes in that game that weren't that prevalent at the time in other games.

I'm 22 hours into Bravely Default.

still on chapter 2 lol.

and my town is finally maxed out


yeay rite this game takes 30 hrs to beat lol.

I haven't played more than a couple of hours, trying to finish Persona 4 Golden before I really get into it.

I'm 22 hours into Bravely Default.

still on chapter 2 lol.

and my town is finally maxed out


yeay rite this game takes 30 hrs to beat lol.
Yeahhhh I think they lied on that one. You've really gotta be speeding through & skipping stuff to get through in 30.

After being disappointed with Lightning Returns, I'm in the mood for a classic JRPG, so I've started up Xenogears. I've always heard how great this game is, but haven't played it until now. Somebody wanna tell me why Xenogears gets so much love? I mean, so far its okay, but I cannot understand why people put this game so high on their list of favorite PS1 JRPGs. The combat system seems very simple, and the story seems average for the era. I'm only to the desert town, so I hope things get better.
The story gets pretty crazy. If you're into that, stick with it.

The story gets pretty crazy. If you're into that, stick with it.
It is crazy but none of the drama it draws from is warranted. The original game neatly wrapped up each character's plight, but LR is to make us believe that each party member is not only miserable again, but that they're perhaps the most devastated souls in the world? It's like, alright Vanille, do you really have to repent for that lie you told half a millennium ago? And Snow -- you couldn't find another woman in the past 500 years? The player was hardly introduced to the Snow/Serah chemistry at any point beyond the CGI fireworks proposal cutscene. How am I supposed to not find this ridiculous?

And Sazh is distraught over Dajh again because the kid has once again been put in some magical stasis? These characters have been rendered completely impotent. All of their stories are being rehashed and made 100000x more melodramatic than they should ever be.

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