RPG Thread XIX is getting a rhythm game spinoff

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I'm considering preordering Drakengard 3. This is a prequel do I have to play the others first? I hear it ties in with NieR, play that first?
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When I opened my Nier case last night, there was no disc. Now I'm wondering if I never got a disc (I bought it from game stop 6+ months ago), or I took it out once, and left it somewhere else...

I played Drakengard 2 on the :ps2: only for a few hours though.

Maybe I'll start Dragon's Dogma after I finish Brothers.

I don't see anything fun in them. Then again I'm staring at the ceiling for every battle encounter, so maybe I'm missing something.
I like RPGs where dungeon strategy is important (how and when to conserve MP, multiple trips to clear, etc.) so it's nice in FF1. There's also that feeling when you find a cool item (doubly so if it has a helpful active, which is important in FF1 because of inventory space) or getting a cool spell like FAST, and it has basic/general stat progression that you can follow along with.

Heck, even grinding is easy in FF1 with hallways that spawn giants on every step, or the Eye defending the Floater.

The Ice Cave... oh man. Now that's a difficult dungeon, which really doesn't have a true boss unless you want to count the Eye...

So, Etrian Odyssey? =P~
I played the first one and got pretty far, then I got distracted by something. Maybe League of Legends.

Strangely, after the Dragon Quest series, the only other game that comes to mind with that style is Might and Magic VI. Kind of. You can still take naps in the dungeon.

Play Nier because it is a great game. Ending B is my favorite but ending C and D are pretty epic. New Game+'s go quick since it puts you in the middle of the game, not start all over.

I'm not sure how Drakengard 3 connects to Nier, because the world of Nier is based off the ending/outcome D or E of Drakengard 2, and Drakengard 3 is a prequel to Drakengard 1.

Play Nier because it is a great game. Ending B is my favorite but ending C and D are pretty epic. New Game+'s go quick since it puts you in the middle of the game, not start all over.
Really? I thought ending B was too similar to A and one of them should have been cut so C and D could have been shunted to the second playthrough instead of being stuck on the third because even though you're starting in the middle the second two times, three runs of a game is a lot.

I just got the Bravely Default CE! :whee: Amazon shipped it in a bubble mailer, but amazingly enough, there's no major damage to the thing! Might start it up this weekend.

Oh, and Persona 4 is going well. I was dying a bit yesterday, though; it certainly has that MegaTen-style difficulty.

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Is there any point to cooking in Vesperia? I find myself rarely cooking even though I have quite a bit of recipes. The only time I really cook is before a boss fight comes up. Because yeah, I gamefaqs the boss fights to get those secret missions, wanna fight about it? 

Are there any console differences I should be aware of as far as Nier goes? Thought I remembered being told to go PS3, but I might just be making shit up.

Is there any point to cooking in Vesperia? I find myself rarely cooking even though I have quite a bit of recipes. The only time I really cook is before a boss fight comes up. Because yeah, I gamefaqs the boss fights to get those secret missions, wanna fight about it?
Only reason I ever cooked was for the titles.

Are there any console differences I should be aware of as far as Nier goes? Thought I remembered being told to go PS3, but I might just be making shit up.
I don't believe there are any major differences between the two unless you are getting a Japanese import. I heard the PS3 version can have more frame-rate drops when alot is happening on-screen, but the game isn't real strong graphically anyway, so I don't think its very important.
You shouldn't be too surprised. More and more games (classic and new) are being made exclusively for phones and tables. However, I would love an HD version on consoles and PC. 

Really? I thought ending B was too similar to A and one of them should have been cut so C and D could have been shunted to the second playthrough instead of being stuck on the third because even though you're starting in the middle the second two times, three runs of a game is a lot.
Massive spoilers to Nier behind spoiler tags, do not click!

I could be remembering wrong,
but I thought Kaine died on ending C, and I know Nier faded out of existance in ending D. Kaine did sorta remember who he was, but they just left me very sad, Emil was sad enough.
Though they were epic endings.
While A left an unresolved feeling, I felt B had more resolution, and didn't sacrifice people. The 'human' race might die off, but there may have been some hope.

Anyway, one of the best reasons to play through besides new endings is hard to explain without spoiling the game. Basically, you get new story in a 2nd+ playthrough.
I'm talking about Kaine being able to understand the 'monsters' (don't kill the bosses too fast! Good dialogue) and the voice in her head, some great stuff making you understand the game more as a whole and turning the plot upside down making you feel like the monster.

Bravely Default in da house~!!!!

saturday plans got canceled lol, which aint too bad coz now I'll definitely get some hours into this game!

I gotta add some of u guys as friends if I can figure it out

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Persona 4 stuff, regarding Kanji:
I played the bits today where you defeat his Shadow and later get him in your party. Regarding his Shadow side, I think they may have copped out a bit here.
With the previous Shadow sides, its crystal clear that they really are the hidden sides of their respective characters. However, with Kanji, he doesn't come out of the closet, but instead goes into his discomfort regarding people's opinions of him, regardless of gender. His interest in specific traditionally feminine activities (sewing) remains, but the questions his Shadow brought up about who he really is weren't resolved satisfactorily.
I know that this is a Japanese game and they don't do this sort of material well at all, but if they simply wanted Kanji to have a hidden feminine side, then they pushed it too far in a certain direction with the way his Shadow was presented. Then again, Yukiko's Shadow had that whole "scoring a hot stud" focus which seemed to have been downplayed later on, so maybe I'm reading too much into this. I'm not sure I am, though...
I don't have a Social Link with Kanji yet (assuming I get one, but it seems pretty obvious that I will at some point), so I don't know if I'll learn something about him which will tie in closer to his Shadow/Persona, but I guess I'll see. Anyway, just had to share my thoughts :razz:
P.S. - If you reply to this, no spoilers for stuff that comes later on, please and thanks :)
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I got Bravely Default as well. I will play some at work since it's Saturday and no supervisors and managers are available.
fuck you Amazon for still not shipping my Bravely Default (who's title this whole time I have had in my head as Bravery Default, forcing some sort of Engrish twist on it...).

Massive spoilers to Nier behind spoiler tags, do not click!

I could be remembering wrong,
but I thought Kaine died on ending C, and I know Nier faded out of existance in ending D. Kaine did sorta remember who he was, but they just left me very sad, Emil was sad enough.
Though they were epic endings.
While A left an unresolved feeling, I felt B had more resolution, and didn't sacrifice people. The 'human' race might die off, but there may have been some hope.

Anyway, one of the best reasons to play through besides new endings is hard to explain without spoiling the game. Basically, you get new story in a 2nd+ playthrough.
I'm talking about Kaine being able to understand the 'monsters' (don't kill the bosses too fast! Good dialogue) and the voice in her head, some great stuff making you understand the game more as a whole and turning the plot upside down making you feel like the monster.
Yeah, the extra stuff you get in the second playthrough is fucking amazing. I just wish you didn't need an arbitrary third playthrough that doesn't really contain anything new in it to unlock the last two endings. Endings A and B are certainly good and the game stands up as fantastic on its own, but ending D is god damn "Kobayashi mug dropping"-tier. I'm not sure I can think of any game that ends as well as NieR's ending D.

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I'm really enjoying Bravely Default. Thank God for the demo, I probably would have died a lot if I didn't know what I was doing. I just finished the first dungeon and got the first 3 jobs. I'm going to do a bit of grinding before going to the next dungeon. 

Bravely Default is real good!! how do I add friends? lol

I clicked on the street pass or internet or whatever thing out of random and the game gave me 5 "guests" so my town population is 25 instead of 20!

I can't stop playing Bravely. I meant to get so much done this weekend and I just haven't even fucking started any of it.
I've been playing this game all day. So far I'm on the 2nd chapter with a level 26 party. I'm going to do a bit of grinding before the next boss.
Bravely Default is real good!! how do I add friends? lol

I clicked on the street pass or internet or whatever thing out of random and the game gave me 5 "guests" so my town population is 25 instead of 20!
You will have to register friends on your system. There is a Google doc on the Bravely Default tread in the deals section with a list of friend codes. To add guests, go to any traveler(dude in red coat), click save, and update data. This will add villagers and enemies to your town. You can do this daily. Click add friends to add the friends you've registered in your system.
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Glad to see the love for BD, I can't put it down myself. I wish people would update their 'summon friend' attack instead of just leaving it as the default (pun) attack. Granted I don't need them, even on hard, but I like to use them in random battles and I like to see the effort people. I really don't feel like I'm grinding in this game, I mean its actually fun to farm job points just to see what ability is next. Turn off exp gain, encounter up and go to town.
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I can't stop playing Bravely. I meant to get so much done this weekend and I just haven't even fucking started any of it.
Shit, I'm going to have to buy it right away aren't I? I've been at least trying to wait til I've got P4G done...

Shit, I'm going to have to buy it right away aren't I? I've been at least trying to wait til I've got P4G done...
Man, I dunno. I adored P4G, but Bravely is shaping up to be a classic for me. It's got pretty much everything I love about RPGs going for it. Obviously too early to tell, but I'm hooked.

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Shit, I'm going to have to buy it right away aren't I? I've been at least trying to wait til I've got P4G done...
I ended up deciding that I should finish P4 myself before starting Bravely. Been hearing nothing but good things about it, but first things first!

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Persona 4 5ever <harts 4 it. I wonder if Persona Q will have any friend-code/social feature. Seems like the perfect game to make use of it honestly.

I've run into more people playing BD than I thought I would. Nice seeing that honestly.
I'm really glad to see how well it's been received. I consider it everyone doing me a personal favor by giving SE enough money to keep getting these games over here. Otherwise I'll just have to learn Japanese and I'm waaaay lazy for that.

I'm glad to see Bravely Default doing well. I'll pick it up eventually, probably after Lightning Returns and X/X-2 HD. 

Glad to see the love for BD, I can't put it down myself. I wish people would update their 'summon friend' attack instead of just leaving it as the default (pun) attack. Granted I don't need them, even on hard, but I like to use them in random battles and I like to see the effort people. I really don't feel like I'm grinding in this game, I mean its actually fun to farm job points just to see what ability is next. Turn off exp gain, encounter up and go to town.
I went from updating the attack, to caring about the available jobs. I figured most people won't have a commoner at level 9, so it'd be more useful than 7000 atk.

You act like you didn't hear nothing but good things about P4 and that it's a chore to get to Bravely!

Hah, not at all. I am totally hooked on P4, but don't want to start Bravely and have it distract me. Having tons of good long JRPGs to play is a problem, but it's a good problem.

You will have to register friends on your system. There is a Google doc on the Bravely Default tread in the deals section with a list of friend codes. To add guests, go to any traveler(dude in red coat), click save, and update data. This will add villagers and enemies to your town. You can do this daily. Click add friends to add the friends you've registered in your system.
oh sweet k I'll try that today, thanks!

I dont care about a google doc tho... I care about yallz!!

Damn BD is deep as hell. I'm on the 2nd chapter and WOW, it got dark quick. Has anyone one max out any of the jobs yet?

Don't know if this is consider a spoiler. Right now I got Tiz(Thief), Agnes(White Mage), Ringabel(Merchant), and Edea(Black Mage). I might change Ringabell to a different job since you have to spend money for his attacks. I really don't want to change jobs yet since everyone is at a level 9.

Here is my name and friend code: Pumkin 3582-9246-7525

I will add people as soon as I get home today from work. 

Just went through a whole bunch of PLOT in P4:
rescuing Rise, and later on, King Moron's death and Teddie entering the "real world".

It'll be interesting to see where the story goes from here. I do wish there were breaks in these long strings of cutscenes where one could save, though; that last set I went through was something like an hour long.

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The more I play Vesperia, the more I love the game. Although the game really hasn't been much of a challenge outside of the
Schwann/Raven fight, which was totally awesome
. Trying to pound through the game before Lightning Returns arrives and I'm lost for the weekend for Valentine's day.

Just went through a whole bunch of PLOT in P4:
rescuing Rise, and later on, King Moron's death and Teddie entering the "real world".

It'll be interesting to see where the story goes from here. I do wish there were breaks in these long strings of cutscenes where one could save, though; that last set I went through was something like an hour long.
The long stretches of plot with no saving start to add up from here on out.

Just be aware.

You want to see the longest death scene ever made? Play Eternal Sonata. :razz:

Also I can counter attack now...why wasn't this there from the start?!

I'm on Chapter 5 of Eternal Sonata and all the splitting up constantly is a bit irritating. I have a few characters I'm liking but then it forces me to use new ones or under leveled ones.

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