RPG Thread XIX is getting a rhythm game spinoff

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(Also don't remember being able to OHKO endgame bosses, but none of the game's bosses or FOEs were too much trouble. I did occasionally find myself running into certain FOEs I was unprepared for, though.)
Imperials can OHKO the dragons. Takes a couple of turns to buff, but it's still one hit.

Imperials can OHKO the dragons. Takes a couple of turns to buff, but it's still one hit.
Ahh, I can see that.
I had to grind a bit to beat the dragons, and I don't remember if I ever beat the last one. Also, I think I only had an Imperial (the Prince) in one of those fights; it's been awhile.
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Started Tales of Xilia a few nights ago. Not too bad so far. I had never been into the Tales games before.

I definitely had to re-map the buttons.  Square is for attack, not guarding. And I don't seem to have the dodge and attack from behind move down. I could do it in the tutorial, but not afterwards.

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So how's Pokemon Conquest? I can't believe I never played it. 

Also, I came to the conclusion earlier today that FFTA2 was the most unmemorable game I've ever played. I played the game from beginning to end but I couldn't remember a single thing. Hell, I had to YouTube the final boss just to remember what it was. FFTA on the other hand? I still remember quite a bit from that one. 

I'm on that Tactics Ogre again, speaking of SRPGs. The PSP remaster has such an amazing interface, art, everything.
I rented it briefly and while I really really liked what I saw, it frustrated me that I couldn't figure out a quick and easy way to determine who on the field was my squad vs the enemy, as they all looked alike. Is there an option I was missing? It's literally the only thing that's keeping me from picking it up.

So how's Pokemon Conquest? I can't believe I never played it.
I enjoyed it a lot. Not as in depth as some SRPGs, but it's engaging and it's got fuckin' Pokemon. That was enough for me.

Once you clear the campaign, you unlock the ability to go through several differing ones of varying difficulties with other characters. I haven't done many, but it's nice to know that I'll have some new stuff to go back to when I do.

I rented it briefly and while I really really liked what I saw, it frustrated me that I couldn't figure out a quick and easy way to determine who on the field was my squad vs the enemy, as they all looked alike. Is there an option I was missing? It's literally the only thing that's keeping me from picking it up.
If you hold square it highlights your troops as blue and enemies as gold. It's only while you hold it down, though.

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Just received the 4th and final ending to Nier and I loved it. Now, after reading reviews to see other people's impressions of  the game, it looks like it was not well received outside of Japan. I understand that the combat system, need to backtrack, and side quests aren't the game's strengths, but the characters, story, and soundtrack won me over. Anyone else love this little gem? I also like to mention it on here because I've noticed the price for it is steadily rising.

Just received the 4th and final ending to Nier and I loved it. Now, after reading reviews to see other people's impressions of the game, it looks like it was not well received outside of Japan. I understand that the combat system, need to backtrack, and side quests aren't the game's strengths, but the characters, story, and soundtrack won me over. Anyone else love this little gem? I also like to mention it on here because I've noticed the price for it is steadily rising.
Everyone (on CAG) loves it, we've had lots of discussions about it in this thread or the JP thread. I also remember reading a small article about it on Game Informer magazine (4 or 5 issues old) called "Current Gen Cult Classics". Some other gems in that article too.

I paid $7 for it, put it on the back log for like a year. Then when I finally got to it, played it, beat it 4x, heard the music/etc. I felt guilty for getting it so cheap. Not many games I can say that for. Went into the game almost blind, because there just wasn't much coverage/talk on it, and ended up loving it so much I went looking for the translated Grimoire.

If you hold square it highlights your troops as blue and enemies as gold. It's only while you hold it down, though.
Oh, I don't think I knew that! Thanks! I'll def keep an eye out and pick it up at some point (or get it from psn for my Vita). I absolutely loved the story and presentation, but it was so frustrating trying to keep track of who was who on the battlefield. I don't have that problem in other SRPGs, so it really bummed me out.

Just received the 4th and final ending to Nier and I loved it. Now, after reading reviews to see other people's impressions of the game, it looks like it was not well received outside of Japan. I understand that the combat system, need to backtrack, and side quests aren't the game's strengths, but the characters, story, and soundtrack won me over. Anyone else love this little gem? I also like to mention it on here because I've noticed the price for it is steadily rising.
Here's my own personal Nier experience. I remember an old thread here on CAG about "The best stories of this gen" and saw countless people post Nier. I got curious and found the game for $8. At the time I was a new dad, my daughter was just 6 months old so being a father was something new but exciting. Nier hit me on an emotional level that not many video games have done.

Nier's main focus is on the the MC trying to cure/save his daughter. I can't think of any other video game that has a father/daughter relationship as a main driving point. Those of you who have gone through ending D know how powerful their bond is. I was easily able to relate to the main character and to be honest (I know this is corny) made me want to be a better dad.

Nier caught me off guard and I loved it for that. That and Deadly Premonition will be two of the greatest "under my radar" games of all time.
whoooooo~!!! I finally got to chapter 4 in Bravely D!!!

I got the ninja class, switched Tiz to it, and it totally nerf'd him :cry:

I was doing so much damage with the wolf hunter or whatever class it is, now he does baby damage along with everyone else...

oh well game still aint too hard yet...

at this rate, I highly doubt I'll make it to chapter 5 by month's end lol

I'm glad to hear that Nier at least has a "Cult Classic" form of recognition; it  deserves at least that much. I'm happy that America received the Gestalt version only because making the main character older and a father helped make the game unique. What I'm trying to say is that the game broke alot of genre cliches and I loved it for that. Love and friendship to save the world!

Also, Nier reminded me of Deadly Premonition in that both games' strengths lie in their characters, story, and soundtrack. Gameplay and graphics take a backseat, throughout.

I loved Nier so much I refreshed myself on the story of the first Drakengard. Let me be frank, I played this game when I was about 12 or 13 and I hated it; but at the same time, the world was so dark and grim that it kept me interested. I got all the endings, but I never thought I would be looking forward to another Drakengard game.

I was wondering, has anyone imported Drakengard 3? I can't help but be interested knowing that the same director and composer from Nier joined forces again for this game. I know I shouldn't expect another Nier, but for those who have played it: are the characters as memorable/engaging as Nier's? Is the story as compelling? How about the soundtrack? I just don't want to go in Day 1 if it is as repetitive and lacking in likable characters as the first game.

Maybe I'm just not used to Tales games, but the combat in Xilia seems really confusing.

Link! This button to block, to attack, now this button to combo when something is flashing, This button and a stick movement to magic guard....

Tales of Xillia 2 will be released on August 19 with a nice Collector's Edition. Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment will release digitally on PSN this summer. Time for me to finish up Xillia 1 and start Symphonia. So many JRPGs, so little time to play them. 

Maybe I'm just not used to Tales games, but the combat in Xilia seems really confusing.

Link! This button to block, to attack, now this button to combo when something is flashing, This button and a stick movement to magic guard....
I'd say I'm a Tales series vet, but Xillia's battle system did take me some time getting used to as well. I mainly stuck with Alvin and Jude the first quarter of the game until I understood it, then I mixed it up to keep the game fresh. The micro management of skills and arts did get a little tedious.

I've heard mixed feelings on Xillia 2. Not going all in on this one just yet.
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Even though I'm almost finished with Xillia 1. I didn't quite get the battle system. I mostly just played with Mila and Jude linked. I did switched up the linking and starting playing different characters. I will go back to it this weekend after some personal/family stuff is resolved. 

I'm only about 2 hours into Tales. Long as no body's dying, I'll just keep those two linked and button mash my way through the combat.

You can switch difficulty down to easy at any time w/ no penalties, right?

Only 2 hours in it's understandable to be a little lost. Xillia doesn't do a good job explaining things. I know it's a pain but maybe go to combat tutorial and read up. I had to a little bit. It's not a very difficult game, just make sure not to wander off to areas you shouldn't be in yet or you'll get overpowered.

Alvin's fun and his charged attacks are cool. I'd try him out once you get him. The other 3 are best left in the background or as linked characters. Try em out if you want (I did and enjoyed it) but it's not necessary. 

If you like Jude you might want to give Alvin a try. They're similar but the main difference is Alvin can charge up certain Arts (hold down and the "o" button I think) but make sure he has the "Charge" skill equipped. He can get more of these skills which lets him stack charges. Charging arts are just variants making it more powerful or giving it more hits. He was my favorite character and I used them all quite a bit.

im supposed to believe demon's gaze is worth $39? Game looks like its from 1994
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A few reviews have mentioned that the presentation looks cheap but the game itself is worth playing. I'm going to start playing it this week so I'll post some impressions soon. 

A few reviews have mentioned that the presentation looks cheap but the game itself is worth playing. I'm going to start playing it this week so I'll post some impressions soon.
Why would you pay $39 for it though? That's a ridiculous price for a digital game that isn't even 500MB.

I'd be willing to try that Curry God, Conception or even Magus first.

People like Etrian Odyssey and even pay $40 for those games and the games are like 700 MB with no voice overs. I have yet to play the game so I can't really defend it or even say it's worth the $40. I'm simply throwing out a counter-argument. 

It is strange that the game is barely 500 MB, though.

I had to google Magus. Wow, those reviews....

Why would you pay $39 for it though? That's a ridiculous price for a digital game that isn't even 500MB.

I'd be willing to try that Curry God, Conception or even Magus first.
Huh? They have physical copies. And how does it look bad, compared to other dungeon crawlers (Etrian Odyssey, Class of Heroes, Unchained Blades, etc). Quick google shows Etrian Odyssey III as being about 20 MB, and Unchained Blades is 250 MB, so I don't know how 500 MB for a dungeon crawler is low.

It's supposed to be better than Conception II. And Curry God was junk, unless you're completely new to roguelikes, which is a roguelike-lite-lite.

Magus looks like shit.

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Huh? They have physical copies. And how does it look bad, compared to other dungeon crawlers (Etrian Odyssey, Class of Heroes, Unchained Blades, etc). Quick google shows Etrian Odyssey III as being about 20 MB, and Unchained Blades is 250 MB, so I don't know how 500 MB for a dungeon crawler is low.
Yeah, I think Demon Gaze looks pretty good for the genre. If I had a Vita, I'd probably pick it up.
I'd pick it up too. I like dungeon crawlers. But not for $39. For me, that's the price equivalent of a new, this generation Vita game (ie Soul Sacrifice, etc)

And yes, Magus looks horrible.

How is that Guided Fate game? Or Mystic Chronciles?

(I really wish the Vita Atelier games would go on sale)

Has anyone played Conception II yet? I just wanted to know you guys thoughts on the game. I'm thinking about picking it up. 

Has anyone played Conception II yet? I just wanted to know you guys thoughts on the game. I'm thinking about picking it up.
I.... no.

Here's what happened. I opened it, put it in my Vita, attempted to play it like 10 different nights. Finally got past the opening.
The reason being my free time being taken up by bicycles, Lego Hobbit, and Netflix adding House M.D. The first consumed a huge chunk of my weekend, and the second has been traded in. As for House, I'm at the end of season 4, but I'll lose interest soon because I didn't like S5+.

tl;dr: I will have time to play it soon.

I'll give an opinion soon.

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How is that Guided Fate game?
Very fun game so far. Unfortunately, it takes awhile to really gain any sort of momentum. The pacing is incredibly slow. After clearing a floor, you are ALWAYS treated to some sort of cutscene. At the beginning of the game, you can clear a floor in less than a minute and then watch another 2-3 minute cutscene. Even 20 hours in, the game still does this. However, it has opened up, the dungeons are longer, there's a ton of customization, and there are some bonus dungeons to tackle. When the game-play is uninterrupted, it is addictive.

People like Etrian Odyssey and even pay $40 for those games and the games are like 700 MB with no voice overs. I have yet to play the game so I can't really defend it or even say it's worth the $40. I'm simply throwing out a counter-argument.

It is strange that the game is barely 500 MB, though.

I had to google Magus. Wow, those reviews....
Oh yea, I got Magus. Its like a third person Quake shooter but with magic!! Thats your type of game right doe?

On chapter 3 of Conception II. It's decent. Better than I expected, which wasn't much.

It's like a Persona Lite, with a lot more dating sim visual novel elements. It's a little on the easy side (0 KOs so far), but it's harder than Curry God. If you're comfortable with SMT games, you can probably skip this. If you liked SMT, but found it too hard, then maybe give this a try.

The story is crap so far. And there's a lot of head-scratching moments. A lot of things seem contradictory. It's B-Movie script at best.

The gameplay itself is surprisingly polished. I expected it to feel like the first Neptunia game, from what I saw of the game before playing it. But it's smooth and makes (mostly) intuitive sense. My only complaint is the battle view when there are multiple enemies.

It feels like it'll be a little grindy. The Star Children you create have level caps that go up as you progress (might be based on the girls' level, I'm not sure yet). Once they hit the cap, you can release them, which raises the town's level. Think Bravely Default's village. Then you create more children, but they start at level 1, which means they're really weak and die easily.

Your party consists of you and one of the girls, and up to 3 groups of Star Children. Each group being 3 children, but you can't have less than that per group. So you need either 3, 6, or 9 Star Children for a party. So essentially, it's a 1 to 4-man party. How you group the children affects what skills and strength they have, but I don't fully know how to exploit it yet. Right now, I just group casters, melee, and ranged attackers, for the most part.

It's not really that ecchi, but the "conception" animation is like an silhouette/etheral form, like Rei in End of Evangelion, or when magical girls transform. Oh, and each girl has a transformation CG, which you can skip. One of the older girl wear something that looks like S&M gear. And the "loli" character wears the most clothing.

I'm absolutely grabbing it. Been waiting for a while now. Wish NA was getting the deluxe version. Need to figure out which console to go with.

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