RPG Thread XIX is getting a rhythm game spinoff

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After a longish RPG dry spell, I started Avalon Code today. It's by the Rune Factory producer, and it's kind of awesome/weird. The most out-there gameplay mechanic is that, through using the Book of Prophecy and swappable "codes", you can change the hit points, elemental attributes, etc. of just about anything in the game. For instance, you can not only make new weapons using this system, but also make any individual enemy type stronger or weaker. It's a pretty neat system that wouldn't work in most RPGs, but does in this one, particularly as it's not as important to get stronger as it is to fill the book with new entries.
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Sounds like My World, My Way's mechanics. It is a spin-off of Master of the Monster Lair, which itself is a spin off of Dungeon Maker.

In Master of the Monster Lair, you put down squares to build a dungeon, which you then traverse. In My World, My Way, the princess decides she wanted to dungeon crawl, and has the Master of the Monster Lair's main characters build her dungeons. She can then control enemy difficulties, loot drops, etc.

Yeah, that sounds sort of similar, except that there's no loot in the traditional sense and the world and dungeons are fixed. Some characters/monsters also have special attributes that are locked into place, like invincibility, and you have to figure out how to remove them.

Out of the non-Rune Factory games I've played before, it most reminds me of the Dark Cloud ones, except here you're cataloging stuff for rebuilding before a great disaster instead of picking up the pieces afterward. Avalon Code is still quite different, though.

ETA: Whoa, this is the 1000th reply to this thread!

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Reading the Dragon Age books and watching youtube vids of DA2 DLC (DA2 was so painful I couldn't get myself to buy the DLC) in anticipation.  I truly realized my apathy for DA2 when setting up The Keep, as I don't remember hardly ANY of the decisions I made in that game, yet remember even the minor ones the Keep includes from DA:O.

Disappointed with the lack of Awakening choices in The Keep though.  Wonder if anything will be added since it's still technically in "beta"?

DA:I is obviously the second coming it's getting the same scores as everyone's favorite game DA2.


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DA:I is obviously the second coming it's getting the same scores as everyone's favorite game DA2.
Yeah... I'm not implying anything about DAI (I expect to love it just like I loved the first two), but it's the "conventional wisdom" now that Dragon Age II was this unplayable mess or whatever, but if you go back and look at the reviews, they don't reflect that at all. It got largely enthusiastic reviews in the ~8/10 range. It was only later that everyone decided that it was actually terrible and that they had always thought it was terrible (see also: Final Fantasy XIII).

Finally the RPG tread drought is over. I got tired of Destiny and went back to Tales of Symphonia HD. So far all my characters are around level 40.  

Right now I'm in the mines looking for the Inhibitor ore for Presea's Key Crest.

Still playing Avalon Code; currently up to chapter 5 in that. Ready to just crank through the rest of the game and move on.

I've also been playing Sword of the Stars: The Pit, which is mostly decent. "Mostly" because I've been finding waaay too much rifle ammo, compared to other types, in my recent runs-- and when I finally do find a rifle, it's pretty meh. Yeah, I know roguelikes are supposed to be random, but this is getting silly.
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I don't read too much in to DAI and DA2's reviews. I'm probably at the top of the "DA2 was a really bad game, y'all" list, but even I've been expecting DAI to be at the very least good. I'll still approach it with caution, of course, 'cause Jesus Christ, man, but worst-case scenario I can probably just close my eyes and pretend it's Suikoden, right?

But far more importantly,


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(see also: Final Fantasy XIII).
But in that case it wasn't until XIII-2 came out that everybody was like "man XIII is so boring, Lightning is a shit character."

XIII-2 for PC in December. 60fps at 1080p RPGs on the PC are saved. Thank you Square.

I can probably just close my eyes and pretend it's Suikoden, right?
So you're going to visit locations you logically have no need to go to and just randomly find the map maker there?

My husband finally beat Final Fantasy VI tonight.

Next on the agenda (provided I can tear him away from WoW's new expansion; he had actually asked me to hide his copy of Draenor until FFVI was beaten) is to introduce him to SEGA Fantasy VI:


The original Xbox as Umaro = still the best casting ever.
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I'm gonna wait on Persona Q. My handheld RPG backlog needs more attention.

Played more Earthbound this weekend but it's still slow-going. Jeff is a dork. Zombies are a joke. Creepy Old Man touched my privates. Paula has a sly smirk on her face.
Happy Dragon Age Inquisition day people! Gonna be a loooong day at work waiting to get home and play...
Preloaded Xbone version unlocked at 11:00 pm last night, and before that I already had 6 hours in on the EA Access demo. I think I am ready to embrace life on the cyberdigital e-highway.

Started playing Tales of Xillia recently. It's decent so far. The biggest issue I have is the extremely lazy level design. It's the type of stuff I expect to see in a Compile Heart game.

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I have noticed a decline in the dungeon designs in "Tales of" games. The first Symphonia game was so great partly because of the dungeons and the puzzles were more than just pushing a couple boxes around. Of all the last few games in the series that I have played (Symphonia 2, Xillia 1 and 2, and Graces) they have all had some pretty lazy dungeon designs that require little to no thought to traverse. Quite disappointing.
Beat Avalon Code. It's got some interesting ideas, but ehh, I can't really recommend it. If only they had made it more efficient to both flip through the book and manage codes (and, on a more minor note, had been clearer about the map warp feature), it would've made for a much better game.

Also, the ending was somewhat anticlimactic since the world wasn't actually destroyed and rebuilt. However, one of the better characters is only scannable postgame, and he wouldn't have been present in the new world if that had happened, so I guess it's all right?

I have noticed a decline in the dungeon designs in "Tales of" games. The first Symphonia game was so great partly because of the dungeons and the puzzles were more than just pushing a couple boxes around. Of all the last few games in the series that I have played (Symphonia 2, Xillia 1 and 2, and Graces) they have all had some pretty lazy dungeon designs that require little to no thought to traverse. Quite disappointing.
Haven't played any of the more recent Tales yet, but as someone else who enjoys the dungeon puzzles, that does sound disappointing. I've been considering not following the Tales series anymore and just watching the anime adaptations (when they make them), since, for me at least, the meat of these games is in the linear storytelling and characterization, much more so than in other JRPGs.
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Etrian Odyssey V is a thing:


Hope they bring the difficulty back up somehow. IV was so good but the combat was so boring…

Another new Etrian game was unveiled as well; looks like a party-based roguelike (ETA: yup, it's a Mystery Dungeon, as though Spike Chunsoft's involvement wasn't enough of a clue :razz:):

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Etrian Odyssey V needs to have more new stuff to get my monies. I got so bored of EO IV. Anyone here started Persona Q? The soundtrack sounds pretty neat.
Speaking of good dungeons I always enjoyed the Wilds Arms series (especially 5) for having great puzzles in dungeons. At least in 5 they would turn off random encounters during difficult and long puzzles.

But agree with Krymmer on the Tales series and their dungeons being lazy as of their recent entries. I remember Vesperia being good. I don't remember much of the dungeons.

Etrian Odyssey V needs to have more new stuff to get my monies. I got so bored of EO IV. Anyone here started Persona Q? The soundtrack sounds pretty neat.
I just got it yesterday. I only played for about 2 hours and I'm enjoying it so far. I love that opening song. I wish the full soundtrack was included in the premium edition. It only has 4 songs. The map making is much more easier than EO IV. I was just throwing stuff on the map.

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Finished the Fezebel Marsh section in Tales of Xillia. Am really enjoying the game. The character while all the usual anime archetypes are voiced well and all have little quirks that make them likable.I also enjoyed the whole system of upgrading the shops instead of the usual buy new gear at each town.It is hard to shake the feeling that the game could've been so much more though. It looks like a later-era ps2 at points.Then the lilium orb system which could've had bit more to it.

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Opened my PQ Wild Card edition and got a scare when I saw two huge cracks in the CD. Turns out they were on the plastic protective bit covering the CD! Whew.

Anyway, still don't know when I can start it. Can't do it this weekend and I'm going to be busy until mid-December, at least. Gotta love this time of year :razz:

Which reminds me, I haven't even opened Fantasy Life yet...

Have a good Thanksgiving, all. Don't spend too much on Steam ;)
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whatup whatup! it's me!


the 願い星 of video games,

about to tell u guys a tale about money.

the moolah.


dolla dolla bill yall!

I spent $17 during the recent steam sale to pick up Dragon Age Origins and the next gen Fallout games.

that's $17 on games that'll sit pretty in my library, along with Mass Effect 2 and the Witchers never being played...

which actually isnt as bad as the $138 I spent on the recent Fangamer / Earthbound kickstarter...

and I've never even played Earthbound!!!

so yah, it was raining this week so I stayed in and started this game finally


finally lookin forward to seeing why everybody loves it!!

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bread's done