RPG Thread XIX is getting a rhythm game spinoff

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Finished the Jude Story of Tales of Xillia. Simply just good,nothing special. Thought the story got stupid near the end,and the last few hours like a ton of RPG's were really padded on.

I rolled a male Qu’Nari in DA:I and regret it. The voice performance sounds wimpier than I had imagined. If you don’t select the impolite dialogue choices on the wheel he sounds about as intimidating as a car salesman. That topped with the gentle facial animations and it’s like he’s a straight up pixar character. I wanted to roll a female human but it’s impossible to get a good looking face in Bioware games. Or if you do, the in-game lighting fucks it all up. Other party members always look so much better. Thank the Maker I can control anyone and pretend the MC doesn’t exist.

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awww yeay Earthbound update.

I found my girlfriend Yu-A, beat a giant mole and got the 2nd song thing, hanged out with a jazz band, and they gave me a ride to the next town!

yah I think this game is pretty cool.

so says the 願い星 of video games.

Finally meet the Persona 3 team. It's so much fan service I love it. Now I'm able to do request and other stuff. I hope later in the game I get an extension on my items. 60 is not enough to carry everything that I need and to bring back.
Welp, I finally beat that first dungeon/labyrinth now on the second one. I'm like 20 hours in at level 20. Man this is a long game but I love it.

I am going back to Etrian Odyssey IV and try to make a run for the end. Gotta do some grinding.

I haven't gotten back to Earthbound for a couple weeks. Still stuck at the traffic jam in the desert somewhere. Story of my life.
Sweet little RPG, Blue. Great job! I never had the patience to make an RPG. I barely have the patience to finish playing one nowadays. Getting old, I guess.

My RPG of the year is Bravely Default.

My RPG of next year will be Persona 5. Hype.
Always wanted to make an RPG, just never had the people with the skillsets I didn't have (graphics, audio, etc).

So I am thinking about starting Kingdom Hearts Final Mix tonight (I never played any game in the series). Thought I would start that, then grab the 2.5 collection.

Wanna finish that series and the FF XIII trilogy in 2015 so I am ready for whenever Square puts out FF XV and KH3. I know XIII has no relation to XV but still want to finish it since I own all 3 games, have not started any of them, lol. Also need to finish the KH series because I am 100% obligated to buy KH3 because my GF loves Disney and is dying to play KH3.

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Sweet little RPG, Blue. Great job! I never had the patience to make an RPG. I barely have the patience to finish playing one nowadays. Getting old, I guess.
Thanks for the feedback :) Even for this little thing, it was a lot of work. Drawing the custom enemies took the longest, but the actual designing/testing of the thing kept me really busy as well for awhile-- it basically ate up all the time that I would've normally reserved for gaming.

It also took me some time to think up what the fourth Legendary Hero was going to be, but that's a different sort of problem :razz:

Always wanted to make an RPG, just never had the people with the skillsets I didn't have (graphics, audio, etc).
RPG Maker comes with a bunch of "default" visual and sound assets, which makes things a bit easier. In particular, I was pleasantly surprised that their stock music didn't suck.
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Sweet little RPG, Blue. Great job! I never had the patience to make an RPG. I barely have the patience to finish playing one nowadays. Getting old, I guess.

My RPG of the year is Bravely Default.

My RPG of next year will be Persona 5. Hype.
I endorse the shit out of this post.

I think I'm headed into the final labyrinth of Persona Q. Game's great.

I endorse the shit out of this post.

I think I'm headed into the final labyrinth of Persona Q. Game's great.
I'm still on the 2nd labyrinth. I haven't been playing as much lately due to shopping and work. I will get back into it later. I agree with Bravely Default. Even with all it's issues, I had fun with the game and played over 100 hours. Now I can't wait for Bravely Second and Persona 5 on the PS4.

Good morning, RPG Thread :) I come bearing an early Christmas present for you all.

I usually do holiday-themed fanart this time of year, but for 2014, I made an RPG instead! It's super short, but I hope you enjoy it all the same - http://cascadia.brainscraps.net
I kinda skimmed past this last week, I thought you just mocked up a screenshot. I didn't realize there was a playable game there! :shock: Gonna try it out when I get home.

Happy 2015! the new year thus marks the end of the Year of the Saturn,

and like the Year of Luigi before it, it was a complete disaster.

Absolutely nothing happened, nothing got done, barely any games were played, let alone beaten, overall the year was useless!

but the worst part of it was there was absolutely no lesson to be learned!!

I didnt need the Year of the Saturn to tell me I'm growing too old for games... I already knew that years ago!!

so here I am, JEKKI, the 願い星 of video games, entering 2015 with his Sega Saturn STILL hooked up beside him,

reminiscing about the PS2 that didnt get played at all in 2014, the Year of the Saturn,

and hoping maybe, just maybe, MKR and Dragon Force may actually be played in this year of 2015,

the Shadow Year of the Saturn.

Good morning, RPG Thread :) I come bearing an early Christmas present for you all.

I usually do holiday-themed fanart this time of year, but for 2014, I made an RPG instead! It's super short, but I hope you enjoy it all the same - http://cascadia.brainscraps.net
lol thanks for this! I finally got around to playing it!

glad to know I finished at least one game this year!

Happy 2015 indeed :) 2014 wasn't all that great, so here's hoping this year's better.

My own Year of MegaTen ended with merely three games in the series beaten, leaving five left in my backlog, and Devil Survivor 2's 3DS port is coming out this year, so I may double-dip for that :razz: The three MegaTens I did play were very good, though, and (unrelated) I also finally played the entire Half-Life series!

So, like JEKKI's Shadow Year of the Saturn, 2015 may very well be a Shadow Year of MegaTen for me. I also need to finally get done with my PS2 and 360 backlogs so that we can get a PS3 and I can start the RPGs on that system...
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Shadowrun Returns disappointed me (and a lot of people) on release, but god damn if Dragonfall didn't deliver. High hopes for Hong Kong. Maybe this time they'll let you use god damn walls as cover.

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I just started Dragon Age Inquisition. Man this game is good. It's the only Western RPG that I've gotten into. Right now I'm a level 10 mage. I finished the 2nd part of the story and now working on the 3rd. I tried playing the 3rd at a level 9 but keep getting my butt kicked at the end. I decided to go back and level up some more. 

If they can stick to that date, that gives me a month and a half to complete it before I have to go up north.

Also, new Fire Emblem announced! Some of the art looks really neat and... ugh, pair-up/support attacks are still in. Bleh.

Carrying other dudes isn't a new concept in Fire Emblem. Awakening had no restrictions on carrying, sure, but that's not my complaint. It was the way paired up and/or supported attacks clowned all over damn near every enemy that bugged me.

EDIT: That said, a horse riding on top of a winged horse was pretty goofy.

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Carrying other dudes isn't a new concept in Fire Emblem. Awakening had no restrictions on carrying, sure, but that's not my complaint. It was the way paired up and/or supported attacks clowned all over damn near every enemy that bugged me.

EDIT: That said, a horse riding on top of a winged horse was pretty goofy.
I know it's not new. I liked it then too.

Up the difficulty. Or don't do it, I dunno, MAN.

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It's not even specifically that it's easy, it's that the sheer power of your characters, primarily through skills and pair-up/support, creates very binary situations for a very large portion of the game: steamroll or suddenly fucking die. You walk up to a bunch of enemies and you faceroll them and then you hope that a shitload of dudes don't appear out of nowhere and 6v1 your pegasus. And if they do then you reset and you remember their spawn points and you make sure you stand some people on them next time and then you win.

you know it's a good day when you get home from work and 2 of the games u really wanted on your pita, Tactics Orgy and Trails in the Sky, are on sale!

and like all games these days, I look forward to never having the time to play them!

but I got em anyways!

I haven't been following it, however I lucked into catching a good part of the stream last night. It looks good, though it was hard to get past him naming his character "Hey lady." If that's the route you're gonna go, he could've at least tried a stupid pun.

However, I'm excited to play it once the price dips below $5 on steam. So see ya in 2017, PoE.

Also that dude on the stream looks and sounds like a neighbor of mine. I can't wait to tell the neighbor that someone on the internet looks like him. He's gonna be super stoked.

You'd never!

I'm using an "st" in mine to increase the chances of seeing that silly affected loop on top of the "s" in the "st" for the dialogue font they use.

That's how deep the game is: not only did they include "font ligatures" in the game, they had to first invent "font ligatures" so they could implement them. A lot of people don't know that. Obsidian invented font ligatures. Then they created a time rift to implement font ligatures throughout history. If they hadn't reached the $2M kickstarter level, font ligatures would've never been a thing. And idiots like the one I pretended to be would continue to call them "loops."

One of those interesting facts. I'm a history buff though so I know all about weird bullshit like that.

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I'm halfway through my first playthrough of Shadowrun Returns right now. Picked it up for either $1.49 or $0.99 last November.

It's taking forever because it's not much fun so far. The combat doesn't feel particularly tactical: cover's hard to come by, enemies are functionally retarded, and fuck me if there's something useful in shamanism. I rolled a decker/shaman hybrid only to learn that I'm losing on both counts. 1) up to the halfway point there's only 1 or 2 datajack points that benefit from a decker spec and 2) lightning wall is about the only thing good in being a shaman so far, and it's undermined by the fact that enemies are too dumb to stroll into the pinchpoints where my lightning walls sit, unused and forgotten. (Wait, I guess the bear totem is a benefit to being a shaman.)

And am I supposed to have any say in this story? The other side of the dialogue rarely seems to care what my response is.

By the time I finish the second half, I may be able to grab PoE for less than $5.

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Bear is OP.

Shaman is for summoning. Conjuring kind of sucks except for stuff like Haste.

Decking will come through on story beats where you have to go into the matrix since you won't have to deal with some lousy pre-generated character, but outside of those 2 situations, it's kind of the worst spec.

Crotch can tell you all about how you can't use walls for cover. He can also tell you how Dragonfall is a way better game.

Your dialogue choices in this game are very similar to those in TellTale games in that they really never fuckin matter.

There are literally dozens of adjectives you could have used to describe the enemy AI that weren't offensive.

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