RPG Thread XIX is getting a rhythm game spinoff

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aw man I was excited about this Codename Steam game, coz Fire Emblem and Advance Wars are real good and the developer has dat pedigree.

and so I played the demo.

first of all the demo is hecka long, took me like 5 days to beat it, I cant imagine getting real far into the actual game.

but man this game is hot garbage.

like, it's the antithesis of fun.

so glad I checked it out, coz that's $40 saved right there,

and less distractions keeping me from actually finishing Earthbound this year lol

I haven't played the Codename Steam demo yet, but I was never really thrilled with the art direction. I'll try and give it a go sometime in the next couple of weeks.

Earthbound is great old-school RPG fun. I've just beaten the Kraken sea-monster thing, and on the tropical island village. I did a bunch of grinding back in the desert, getting those worm-things that shell out 30k XP apiece, so now everything is running away from me.

Still, Poo is a stupid name.

I'm really bummed about tri-Ace getting bought out by a mobile game company. They have produced some of my favorite console JRPGS over the last several years, from the Valkyrie Profiles, Star Oceans, and the awesome Resonance of Fate.

Does anyone here play many RPGs on their phone? I don't. Guess it's another sign of where the game market is in Japan.
well, the mobile industry in japan is probably more evolved than in any other nation, so they may not be making the same garbage that finds its way over here. when i think japan i think school kids on public transit; which explains why games like monster hunter, dissidia, and various mobile games are so huge over there. it must be so easy to link up with people whereas in the U.S. my 3DS doesn't leave my couch.

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Even if they don't make garbage mobile games, I have a very difficult time trying to get into any mobile game. The main reasons are the screen is too small and the controls are on the screen, shrinking it smaller. Also the controls are not as precise as a controller. The sound also sucks and the graphics and gameplay can potentially suffer more because it's similar to a PC where there are a lot of different specs.

I have a Galaxy Note 3 with a much larger screen, but my hands feel so fucking huge when I'm playing a mobile game.

But because the screens are so tiny, they use less resources designing everything and thus cost less. So they assume that they can get more money per product or churn out enough at a lower cost where the profit is decent.

And yes, everything is more cramped in Japan and so there's more use of public transportation which gives rise to mobile/handheld gaming. It's also much more common to walk places there. I have a theatre two blocks away from me but I will rarely ever walk there if I go there. Half of the reason is because people are idiots here and I think in the last month there was a shooting in front of that theatre. The stuff about Ferguson is also close to where I live. It's just a racial bomb that's been ticking for a long time.

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Right now I'm playing Hyperdimension Neptunia Re Birth1. I just got it from last week's  sale. I'm enjoying it but I'm having problems. My main problem are the save points. There need to be more save points or options to save between each boss in the story. Right now I'm in a story dungeon and I have to fight 2 bosses and there are no saves in-between. I die at almost the very end and I have to start all over again. My characters are level 17/18 now. I feel like I have to grind to level 20 just to beat this boss.

Right now I'm playing Hyperdimension Neptunia Re Birth1. I just got it from last week's sale. I'm enjoying it but I'm having problems. My main problem are the save points. There need to be more save points or options to save between each boss in the story. Right now I'm in a story dungeon and I have to fight 2 bosses and there are no saves in-between. I die at almost the very end and I have to start all over again. My characters are level 17/18 now. I feel like I have to grind to level 20 just to beat this boss.
If you're having issues, you can always look up where the enemies are which give a boat load of EXP. I think at your level, you can do a Child Whale, which requires 'Add Enemies' on a certain map I can't remember. There are periodically enemies that will give you a boat load of exp like the Child Whale that can help boost your level to make it through anything.

If this is the fight in Chapter 2 where there's a save point right before them, then you probably need to explore a bit more and unlock better armor from plans in dungeon chests. I don't believe they should be an issue at that level, however the second boss has an AoE attack that can happen often if you let your characters get too close.

There will be more places where you will have back-to-back boss fights, but they shouldn't be too bad. At least I don't remember it being difficult, but I also said screw it and powerleveled using the exp bank enemies because it's not the kind of game I play for a challenge.

If you're having issues, you can always look up where the enemies are which give a boat load of EXP. I think at your level, you can do a Child Whale, which requires 'Add Enemies' on a certain map I can't remember. There are periodically enemies that will give you a boat load of exp like the Child Whale that can help boost your level to make it through anything.

If this is the fight in Chapter 2 where there's a save point right before them, then you probably need to explore a bit more and unlock better armor from plans in dungeon chests. I don't believe they should be an issue at that level, however the second boss has an AoE attack that can happen often if you let your characters get too close.

There will be more places where you will have back-to-back boss fights, but they shouldn't be too bad. At least I don't remember it being difficult, but I also said screw it and powerleveled using the exp bank enemies because it's not the kind of game I play for a challenge.
Thanks, I'm level 20 on all my characters so I'm going to try it again. I know what dungeon you were talking about. I think it was the factory one. I added the enemies but I fought one huge monster that killed me so I changed it and went back and forth between the factory dungeon and west wind valley. Also, have you guys tried the DLC characters? I'm thinking about getting them.

Also, have you guys tried the DLC characters? I'm thinking about getting them.
If I remember correctly there are only two. Both of which are more powerful than Iffy and Compa because they're able to transform into CPUs. I want to say Plutia is a single target healer that specializes in magic attacks and Peashy is a physical powerhouse. So early on they're quite useful, but later on when you have other CPUs they will be about even with them. Compa is the only character with an AoE heal unfortunately.

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Picked up Resonance of Fate from the library lol. Didn't know they carried such a wide selection.

Pretty bland environments but honestly it's hilarious so far.

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I started playing that Terra Battle ios game from Mistwalker and that music is doooooooooooope son.


Wasteland 2's half off on Steam. I don't think I even want to play it anymore -- so many people were disappointed by it. I might go so far as to remove it from the Wishlist. Serious Business.

A lot of people were disappointed by it? Hm.

I... I guess I would have been if I'd been hyped up for it the way I am for Pillars. But I went into it expecting a game that was a bit too groggy for its own good and that's what I got.

And also they fixed the "enemies basically get infinite AP" bug. That bit's nice.

Ah, thanks.

And there definitely was disappointment on release. Multiple reviews at release complained about bugs, combat being "tactical" in name only, general complaints about the story being ho-hum. That was a while ago, but it was more marks against than I anticipated. It may be a case of inflated expectations.

I'll probably just sit tight, although I doubt I'll grab it unless I find myself once again stagnating like I am now, where I don't really have anything compelling to play. It's making two releases this month unusually tempting: PoE and Cities Skylines. Summer sale can't get here fast enough.

A lot of the combat problems and bugs were related. Like, the semi-infinite AP thing: it made it so that in half the fights, enemies would sprint across the map and stand right fucking next to you right at the start because hey, they've got all this AP, might as well run right beside a dude before I unload on him.

Combat still has problems even with a lot of shit fixed, granted. Cover can be finnicky, the power of a lot of weapon types swings wildly (which relates somewhat to the grogginess I mentioned), it can be really hard to tell what square your dudes are standing in before you enter combat mode, etc.

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I'm almost done with Rebirth 1. I'm on Chapter 7 with characters at level 55 or higher. I'm going to grind a bit before completing the next session. I don't know if I want to platinum the game or not. I might just finish it and come back to it later. I'm ready to go back to Dragon Age. 

I'm almost done with Rebirth 1. I'm on Chapter 7 with characters at level 55 or higher. I'm going to grind a bit before completing the next session. I don't know if I want to platinum the game or not. I might just finish it and come back to it later. I'm ready to go back to Dragon Age.
If it has all the same trophies as the Steam achievements, then you'd need like 3 playthroughs to get everything for it because of the limited memory you get in each playthrough.

If it has all the same trophies as the Steam achievements, then you'd need like 3 playthroughs to get everything for it because of the limited memory you get in each playthrough.
Well if it takes 3 playthroughs than scratch that. I'm a 1 playthrough kind of girl. I'll just try my best to get to the true ending.

Well if it takes 3 playthroughs than scratch that. I'm a 1 playthrough kind of girl. I'll just try my best to get to the true ending.
Although you can get the 'True ending' on your first playthrough, it will be missing some of the dialogue/images because you won't have all the characters. This is because it costs 1024MB each to create the CPU candidates for three of the four cities, costing a total of 3072MB.

I beat Valkyria Chronicles yesterday. Overall, I loved the graphics, music (Sakimoto!), and especially the battle system, but felt the story was a bit too predictable-- even by JRPG standards-- in some ways (there's a lot of Skies of Arcadia in there besides the character cameos), and badly thought out in regards to a certain part
(Isara getting hit by a sniper, which resulted in her dying and was very sad, only to be followed up by… Alicia getting hit by a sniper. Felt kind of insulting to have Isara's death be hamfisted foreshadowing for Alicia's awakening -_-).

I'll probably write up my thoughts for my blog later. Will go back to the game itself shortly to play the DLC and whatnot.

Also, unrelated, but seconding what Indignate said about Terra Battle's music: the music is very good. My husband's been playing it on and off; don't think he's done with it yet, though.

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VC had some really good beats to to it sandwiched in between scenes custom-made to make your roll your eyes.

Still struggling all these years later to understand why its cover system works the way it does, though.

Yo it's doooooooooooope. It's like the only reason why I play the game (not that the game is bad or anything, I just don't like playing on my phone).

Also, Crotch, can you just like chill with the whole cover beef thing you do? Go back to talking about abysses and how I shouldn't stare into them.

I had forgotten I ever said how much I hated that quote and I was very confused for a moment.

Clearly I need to remind myself about the things I publicly hate more often.

VC had some really good beats to to it sandwiched in between scenes custom-made to make your roll your eyes.

Still struggling all these years later to understand why its cover system works the way it does, though.
The cover system was… well… It made perfect sense when it came to the sandbag piles, tall grass, and low trench walls, but taller walls, trees, etc. you just kind of stick people behind and make sure the enemies don't have sight-lines for them. It would've been nice to have a defensive position option for any type of area. Sometimes it seemed like enemies could crouch whereever, which was somewhat unfair. Maybe there was one and I simply overlooked it this whole time, but I don't think I didn't…

At least I figured out early on that the best place to stick an engineer was right behind the tank, or otherwise as close as possible to the lancers while still being under cover. Probably the best class in the game.

I think this is also the first SRPG I've played where if you moved a character to a certain spot and found that whatever you wanted to do wasn't possible, you couldn't "undo" that movement. It was rarely frustrating, though, just odd in retrospect.

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The really weird bit about the cover system, I thought, was how damn effective it was against flanks. Sandbags are really good at protecting you from bullets in the back of your head. But yeah, what does and does not count as cover is really odd (and a recurring problem in games like Wasteland 2 and Shadowrun Returns).

Being able to undo movement would've been really funky given that you can take damage during your movement. Guess they'd just have to not let you rewind past any point at which you take damage? I dunno. "Oh fuck, I don't have a good line of sight from my new spot," is a recurring problem in the Xcom games, too. It doesn't happen for me as much in the new one as the original, but when it does, it's much worse due to the simplified movement mechanics. Only other times I can think of in a turn-based SRPG that stopped you from undoing a move were fog of war maps in Fire Emblem (and Advance Wars worked the same way) when you bumped into a hidden enemy.

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The really weird bit about the cover system, I thought, was how damn effective it was against flanks. Sandbags are really good at protecting you from bullets in the back of your head. But yeah, what does and does not count as cover is really odd (and a recurring problem in games like Wasteland 2 and Shadowrun Returns).

Being able to undo movement would've been really funky given that you can take damage during your movement. Guess they'd just have to not let you rewind past any point at which you take damage? I dunno. "Oh fuck, I don't have a good line of sight from my new spot," is a recurring problem in the Xcom games, too. It doesn't happen for me as much in the new one as the original, but when it does, it's much worse due to the simplified movement mechanics. Only other times I can think of in a turn-based SRPG that stopped you from undoing a move were fog of war maps in Fire Emblem (and Advance Wars worked the same way) when you bumped into a hidden enemy.
Yeah, it was funny that a unit could crouch in front of sandbags and not take much damage! Seemed like position in general only really mattered when it came to evasion/accuracy; i.e., enemies are much less likely to dodge/counterattack effectively if their back is turned to you. Unless it's a tank, of course, in which case defense actually becomes important with regards to facing direction. I spent so much time making sure the Edelweiss' rear wasn't exposed :razz:

And good point about the taking-damage-while-moving thing; I'd forgotten about that wrinkle. I wonder why that's the one aspect of the battle system that's real-time when everything else is turn-based? Seems kinda strange to me.

Most of the SRPGs I play are in the Final Fantasy Tactics/Disgaea mold, so I'm used to movement undos from those. I am sort of interested in the newer Xcom stuff, after seeing my husband play some of Enemy Unknown, but I don't know if I'll ever actually get around to playing it.
Finally finished the first part of NieR and well into the second part. Laura Bailey has some awesome lines where she curses alot, so that was kinda cool. I gotta go find the soundtrack to this game now...

I have to decide now if I want to juggle both FF Type-0 and Borderlands at the same time or just do Borderlands.

I have FF Type-0 and Borderlands The Handsome Collection preordered and a lot of my friends will be playing Borderlands like crazy but I wanna play FF Type-0 before it reaches the depths of hell which is my RPG backlog.

I have to decide now if I want to juggle both FF Type-0 and Borderlands at the same time or just do Borderlands.

I have FF Type-0 and Borderlands The Handsome Collection preordered and a lot of my friends will be playing Borderlands like crazy but I wanna play FF Type-0 before it reaches the depths of hell which is my RPG backlog.
I'm on the fence about FF Type-0. I have way to many RPGs in backlog hell so I might just wait. I do want to play FF 15 demo though.

You can tell the FF15 demo is of a very early build. Still absolutely impressed with it.Type-0 is alright. Feels really cheap, you know, like a PSP game lol.

Speaking of the FFXV demo, I found this kinda… interesting:

Not playing anything FF right now, but did start Rune Factory 4 today. Love that there's the option to choose the main character's gender right from the start, but I eventually decided to play the boy as usual because Rune Factory waifus. The husbandos I've met so far are pretty adorable in their own way, though.
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Looks like the main Persona's in P5 are going for famous fictional thieves. Arsene being the MC's initial Persona. I wonder who there other are going to have? Maybe Moriarty

I have this weird urge all of a sudden to get into the Atelier series. I got Shallie for PS3 but I'm out of town for a few days with my Vita and I'm thinking of picking up Rorona Plus.
The only Atelier game I've played is the very first original Rorona one for the PS3. It was okay I guess, just real simple and the combat got really boring and the story was pretty bland. I assume the remakes of Rorona are a little better? I have been intending for awhile to pick up one of the Dusk games to see if they are an improvement.

I'm about finished with NieR. I've just beaten it for the second time for the second ending. I was expecting it to take longer, but the New Game+ starts you back at the half-way point, and since I'd already done all the sidequests (stupid garden grinding too...) it only took a couple hours to get back to the final boss. Guess I may as well do it again a couple more times for the last two endings.

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My biggest complaint about NieR is that you can't get the last two endings on your first run of New Game+. I mean, it's worth the extra run, but everything should have been available on your second game, not your third.

My biggest complaint about NieR is that you can't get the last two endings on your first run of New Game+. I mean, it's worth the extra run, but everything should have been available on your second game, not your third.
I decided to you tube the last endings. It got too grind heavy at the end for me, especially achievement wise.

I have not played an Ateiler game yet I own 5 of them, lol. More so for collecting purposes because I have every intention to play them but this is CAG, lol.

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My biggest complaint about NieR is that you can't get the last two endings on your first run of New Game+. I mean, it's worth the extra run, but everything should have been available on your second game, not your third.
It's been a few years but I remember the 3rd and 4th runs only lasting an or 2 at the most. Bosses become a joke as well.

Youtubeing the ending is fine but there are scenes that change within the game too. Like finally understanding what the shadow things are saying. It really opens your eyes to the world.

It's much shorter, yeah, but I still think everything should have been folded into the first New Game+ run. It just seems like unnecessary padding.

It is a short run for the last two endings, but yeah, they easily could have all been folded into a single ending.

But I'm done with it now. Good game, great soundtrack.

Not many more PS3 JRPGs that I'm interested in playing that are left. Still no hard release dates for Persona 5, Lost Dimension, or Tales of Zestria. :(

Anyone want to recommend a PS3 JRPG that I should check into? Not too much a fan on the anime-ish games like the Neptunias and Disgaeas, and I've played most of the big releases.

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