Rumor: 360 Premiums shipping with 100GB HD's?


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Crank up the Xbox 360 rumor mill, because this one's a doozy. But, as with all rumors, take this with a huge grain of salt.

According to a post on the forums at, there is supposedly an internal Best Buy document that states that all new Xbox 360 Premium systems will come with a 100 GB hard drive, instead of the 20 GB hard drive currently in the Premium version of the 360.

Speculation continues that this could be true, since Microsoft and Direct TV are now working together for what many speculate will be some sort of Xbox 360 Digital Video Recorder.

I can't get to from this computer, so if anyone wants to see if there is any more info over there, feel free.

I fully expected to see a larger hard drive this year, but I can't quite believe that it would ship with the premiums now.
I saw this at Teamxbox but its supposed to come out in April and for the same price of 399.99. MS would be fools if they release this some day. What a joke if its true.

My 2 cents...
This is BS, pure and simple.

Pricing on 2.5" 100GB HDD's is like $170+. There's no way they can cost factor the 360 down enough in 6-8 months of full production to meet the added cost/expense of making this standard equipment in the premium bundles.

No f'in way.
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']This is BS, pure and simple.

Pricing on 2.5" 100GB HDD's is like $170+. There's no way they can cost factor the 360 down enough in 6-8 months of full production to meet the added cost/expense of making this standard equipment in the premium bundles.

No f'in way.[/quote]

Unless its cheaper to have a company make 100gb hard drives their already making, instead of having them retrofit their manufacturing machines to go back 3-4 years in 2.5" HDD tech.

Working for an automation company for GE, sometimes its easier to give the customer what they really want, when you're already making what they really want on another front.
Wow, I'd be a little upset to hear that--- I Just bought one of the Second line of 360 premium's last Thursday with the 20 gig. While I don't use it to put music on the HDD (I use my computer through streaming) it'd still be a tremendous kick in the junk.
it will happen eventually. I also thought each year the xbox 360 was going to drop about $100 untill it reaches a certain point. I am pretty sure there was a price drop in the cost of manufacturing this past january. I had read it in some articles and listening to jeff keiley (sp?) talk on g4.
it's called a it early and get to play it first for primary gratification, or sit it out and wait until more is added or a price drop...

fundamentals of economics, people...this kinda thing has been discussed with the redesigning of the DS as well...
Since the hard drive is external it's more likely this could happen. If MS can get a price break so that both drives are basically the same price. When buying Millions of drives the cost could come very close.

Customers chose to buy the 360 Premiums as they are for $399

You really can't get mad at MS for including a bigger drive at the same price. They have to find some way this fall to encourage people to spend $399 for the system rather than wait for that first price drop.
[quote name='KwanzaaTimmy']Wow, I'd be a little upset to hear that--- I Just bought one of the Second line of 360 premium's last Thursday with the 20 gig. While I don't use it to put music on the HDD (I use my computer through streaming) it'd still be a tremendous kick in the junk.[/quote]

Agreed. I just got mine last Sunday and this would be some bullshit.
This was posted by a BEST BUY employee on a FORUM. How reliable do you really think it is?

Ok, how's this. I'm a Best Buy employee now. And everyone who bought a 360 between launch and today is getting one million dollars free. See, I have an "internal memo" in my hands right now, so I know the info is legit! WHOO ONE MILLION DOLLARS FREE!

Or we could all just wait until its been confirmed by a more reputable source before we get angry. Just a suggestion.
[quote name='mmn']This was posted by a BEST BUY employee on a FORUM. How reliable do you really think it is?

Ok, how's this. I'm a Best Buy employee now. And everyone who bought a 360 between launch and today is getting one million dollars free. See, I have an "internal memo" in my hands right now, so I know the info is legit! WHOO ONE MILLION DOLLARS FREE!

Or we could all just wait until its been confirmed by a more reputable source before we get angry. Just a suggestion.[/QUOTE]

Don't foget that BB is holding on to units till the larger hard drive Xbox 360s come in. I mean Hey Lets piss people off so that they don't want the system anymore even MORE!
[quote name='PittsburghAfterDark']This is BS, pure and simple.

Pricing on 2.5" 100GB HDD's is like $170+. There's no way they can cost factor the 360 down enough in 6-8 months of full production to meet the added cost/expense of making this standard equipment in the premium bundles.

No f'in way.[/QUOTE]

I doubt this news is true, but I don't know where you get $170+.
and I'm sure MS would get them for cheaper if they did this.
[quote name='radjago']Premium+?[/quote] Nope. It will be 'Platinum ZooperDeeDooper' with extra BS included!*

*Fisherman hip-high wader boots not included

If this comes to fruition, it will be an addon at the most.
That crap was discussed forever with the old system , and I believe some batches got a 10gb. However, I don't see them shipping with 100gb's new ones tomorrow. If anything, why wouldn't they do 40gb or 60gb which are much more available in 2.5" size. They bought/ contracted those 20gb units a long time ago. The company producing them (IBM???) isn't going to flip to 100 gb for the heck of it. HD's aren't in short supply either.

Plus, at the moment >> Who NEEDS 100gb. IT would be nice to load all your music on, but mine is networked to my home computer anyways. Outside of storing demos forever, who cares???? (I say this today ;))
Well, a 100 GB would definitely be necessary if the rumors of downloadable Dreamcast games and Xbox 1 titles come to fruition as well. Heck, with the FFXI demo installed on my X360 right now, I think I only have around 4 gigs left at the moment.
[quote name='A.VOID']That crap was discussed forever with the old system , and I believe some batches got a 10gb. However, I don't see them shipping with 100gb's new ones tomorrow. If anything, why wouldn't they do 40gb or 60gb which are much more available in 2.5" size. They bought/ contracted those 20gb units a long time ago. The company producing them (IBM???) isn't going to flip to 100 gb for the heck of it. HD's aren't in short supply either.

Plus, at the moment >> Who NEEDS 100gb. IT would be nice to load all your music on, but mine is networked to my home computer anyways. Outside of storing demos forever, who cares???? (I say this today ;))[/QUOTE]
I nearly filled my HD with demos, had less then 30mb, but deleted some. Would be nice to just leave them all there.
They need to make it so you can store data on your pc, then drive size would not be a problem. You guys wanting a bigger drive just want to make up for smaller other things? ;)
[quote name='sononkyo']i call BS on the source.[/QUOTE]

Chunk: Listen, okay? You guys'll never believe me. There was two cop cars, okay? And they were chasing this four-wheel deal, this real neat ORV, and there were bullets flying all over the place. It was the most amazing thing I ever saw!
Mikey: More amazing than the time Michael Jackson come over to your house to use the bathroom.
Brandon Walsh: More amazing than the time you saved those old people from that nursing home fire, right?
Mouth: Yeah, and I bet it was even more amazing than the time you ate your weight in Godfather's pizza, right?
Chunk: Okay, Brand. Michael Jackson didn't come over to my house to use the bathroom. But his sister did.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I saw this at Teamxbox[/QUOTE]

man, what is it with you and that fucking site.. even whored it out in the Outfit thread..
Ok, I'm a BBY employee . The internal documentation that is spoken is the Retail Insider and says that we should expect to see less Xbox 360 premium systems coming in. It does not say why, but it says we will be informed soon as to why this is.
[quote name='mykevermin']Xbox scene just debunked it. Look it up yourself, I'm going to be lazy.[/quote]

I got the time. I'm at work:

100GB Hard Drive Rumor False
>> There's been a rumor today on the internet that the US Xbox 360 Premium Pack would, starting April, include a 100GB HD instead of the current 20GB. I didn't post it here 'cause it didn't sound very realistic and it's now been officially denied by Microsoft via the Team Xbox GamerScore Blog:
To answer this rumor getting a lot of steam: during April, will Xbox 360 will come bundled with a 100 gig hard drive? No. Not true. False. Here's the official statement:
"We haven't announced any additional hard drives for the Xbox 360 beyond the 20GB version available today."
I welcome the addition if it comes true....yes, us early adopters would be screwed, but if the price was right, I might pick up one....think about it though, they are selling the current HD for $100...I would pay maybe that much for 100GB version
[quote name='shipwreck']Well, a 100 GB would definitely be necessary if the rumors of downloadable Dreamcast games and Xbox 1 titles come to fruition as well. [/QUOTE]I have heard a couple of fleeting references to this... is there a thread about it somewhere? I looked around but didn't find anything. This intrigues me!
[quote name='mykevermin']Chunk: Listen, okay? You guys'll never believe me. There was two cop cars, okay? And they were chasing this four-wheel deal, this real neat ORV, and there were bullets flying all over the place. It was the most amazing thing I ever saw!
Mikey: More amazing than the time Michael Jackson come over to your house to use the bathroom.
Brandon Walsh: More amazing than the time you saved those old people from that nursing home fire, right?
Mouth: Yeah, and I bet it was even more amazing than the time you ate your weight in Godfather's pizza, right?
Chunk: Okay, Brand. Michael Jackson didn't come over to my house to use the bathroom. But his sister did.[/QUOTE]

Awesome reference! Also let me say this: If M$ can (and is) selling out of every single Xbox 360 they can make at the current price why would they add more to the package (costing them more) and end up losing more money on something that would only benefit a small part of their consumer base. Simply put they are selling them like hotcakes and have absolutely no reason to add more to the package or drop the price in the foreseeable future. (In Japan however.....)
[quote name='Purkeynator']Awesome reference! Also let me say this: If M$ can (and is) selling out of every single Xbox 360 they can make at the current price why would they add more to the package (costing them more) and end up losing more money on something that would only benefit a small part of their consumer base. Simply put they are selling them like hotcakes and have absolutely no reason to add more to the package or drop the price in the foreseeable future. (In Japan however.....)[/QUOTE]

totally agree.

but you never know with gaming industry.

just look at DS Lite...
Gawd I hope so, cuz 20GB is a pathetically SMALL drive if they really expect people to take full advantage of the 360's multimedia abilities.
[quote name='mackaikai']totally agree.

but you never know with gaming industry.

just look at DS Lite...[/QUOTE]

Firstly the DS Lite costs more, makes money on every system, and they are probably expecting some people with DSs already to buy a DS Lite. It's a totally different situation.
[quote name='mackaikai']maybe microsoft really will ship with 100 gb soon...

sony just announced 60gig HD for PS3[/QUOTE]

It was JUST confirmed as a RUMOR. Stop being so goddamn paranoid.
bread's done