RUMOR: Bungie Leaves Microsoft - Update Bungie Goes Independent...Sort Of.


Update 10/5:
Microsoft and Bungie Studios to Evolve Relationship

Published October 5, 2007
REDMOND, Wash. — Microsoft Corp. today announced a plan for Bungie Studios, the developers of the Halo franchise, to embark on a path to become an independent company. Microsoft will retain an equity interest in Bungie at the same time, continuing its long standing publishing agreement between Microsoft Game Studios and Bungie for the Microsoft owned Halo intellectual property as well as other future properties developed by Bungie.
The critically acclaimed Xbox 360™ exclusive Halo® 3 achieved $300 million in global sales in its first week. Released on Tuesday, September 25, Halo 3 is the fastest-selling videogame ever and already one of the most successful entertainment properties in history.
"Our collaboration with Bungie has resulted in Halo becoming an enduring mainstream hit," said Shane Kim, corporate vice president of Microsoft Game Studios. "While we are supporting Bungie's desire to return to its independent roots, we will continue to invest in our Halo entertainment property with Bungie and other partners, such as Peter Jackson, on a new interactive series set in the Halo universe. We look forward to great success with Bungie as our long-term relationship continues to evolve through Halo-related titles and new IP created by Bungie."
"This exciting evolution of our relationship with Microsoft will enable us to expand both creatively and organizationally in our mission to create world-class games," said Harold Ryan, studio head for Bungie. "We will continue to develop with our primary focus on Microsoft's platforms, we greatly value our mutually prosperous relationship with our publisher, Microsoft Game Studios, and we look forward to continuing that affiliation through Halo and beyond."
Bungie Studios will remain in its current location in Kirkland, Washington.
I doubt it. MSFT owns them, why would they let the entire company to break apart from them. Worse case scenerio, some/majority of the staff quits, but msft would still have ownership of the bungie name, and whatever staff that likes working there. Maybe I am wrong, but it would make no sense for msft to just seperate bungie as a company and get nothing for it.
Sounds like horseshit. It wouldn't matter if Bungie was turning out 5 minute flash games, Microsoft wouldn't get rid of them. They're a figure head for MGS studios.

If it were Molyneux leaving Lionhead, I'd believe that more than this.

Especially since Microsoft recently disbanded FASA Studios and doesn't rearrange studios that close together.
So far this has been an entertaining 1000 post thread on GAF... only updates beyond that blog (aside from all the other outlets picking up on it) is the standard non-denial from Microsoft PR. Something to the effect of "No such announcement has been made. Halo 3 is great."
Why would Microsoft put out a press release saying Bungie's no longer part of them? Did Nintendo put out a press release when they got rid of Rare? You tell the public what you want them to know.

Second, it just plain doesn't make sense. If people in Bungie didn't want to make Halo anymore, they'd just leave Bungie. Even if they all left, Microsoft would retain the name. The whole company wanting to leave en masse is idiotic to consider.

I'm embarassed that something so fake like this is getting attention. It continues a bad precedent: Make up junk and people will pay attention to you.
Bungie can't make Oni, Take Two still owns that IP. Either way, I call this fake, I think something more along the lines of a mass leaving makes more sense.
By the way, this isn't a news report, it's a reader blog. So unless we hear something from MS or Bungie I'd file this under yet another internet rumor. Sure, it could happen, but unless there was some kind of breach of contract, aren't these studio buyouts kind of permanent?

However, I wonder how many of the original Bungie team are left at the studio? You know the original guys who worked on Halo and Marathon.
[quote name='Vanigan']However, I wonder how many of the original Bungie team are left at the studio? You know the original guys who worked on Halo and Marathon.[/QUOTE]

The guys that worked on Halo were probably different than the guys who made Marathon.

For those keeping track at home

Alex Seropian and seven other former Bungie employees formed Wideload

Hamiliton Chu and Michael Evans left to form Giant Bite

Max Hoberman founded Certain Affanity. Chad Armstrong and David Bowman left Bungie to join his team which has only made Halo 2 maps

There's the whole Double Aught thing, but they left before Halo was even finished.
They are working on a secret project after Halo (according to what I read in I would think Microsoft would give them a lot of creative freedom.
Well, with the success of Halo, Bungie could really make anything and say the creators of Halo and sell tons of copies.
Regardless, they're not leaving MS. There's just no way.
I wouldn't be surprised actually. With FASA closing, Digital Anvil out, Bizarre Creations going to Activision (although MS never owned them), talk about the Crackdown creators making something else (I'm going to bet it's for another publisher, but I could be wrong), rumor of Rare going out, and now this, so that's why I'm not surprised.

Personally, I feel MS should keep them and continue building their first party studios. I think Bungie will remain with MS, but I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't.

What I see MS doing now is unloading their first party studios, since they count against the money spent on their home entertainment division (which hasn't made a profit yet, and MS promised investors a profit by 2008). By eliminating pay for all of them, that may lessen MS debt. This doesn't mean MS will have fewer exclusives, because they'll probably just pay third parties to make exclusive games out of pocket (so that money doesn't count as continuing to lose money in their home entertainment division). This is just 100% speculation by me.
The worst case scenario for MS? They retain the name Bungie and the IP for Halo, take the 360 engine, and churn out Halo 4 in 12 months. Meanwhile, Frank O'Connor, Jason Jones, and the rest of the gang that began Bungie as a painstaking labor of love (or idiocy, as who makes games strictly for the Macintosh?), leave and begin another studio that makes games people forget about.

Look at what "Hironobu Sakaguchi" and that other guy leaving Square, and what did they do with Mistwalker? Create Blue Dragon. A solid RPG, but one that will be forgotten in 5-7 years. Meanwhile, the Final Fantasy franchise chugs along like the juggernaut it is.

The most likely scenario? It's all bullshit.
[quote name='mykevermin']
Look at what "Hironobu Sakaguchi" and that other guy leaving Square, and what did they do with Mistwalker? Create Blue Dragon. A solid RPG, but one that will be forgotten in 5-7 minutes. [/QUOTE]

fixed :)

This rumor sounds completely BS...I can't see MS saying "Thanks guys, it has been swell!"

I can see them putting guns to Bungie's collective head and forcing them to make Halo 4.
MS: It was never meant to be. I mean, I had a great time and I will always remember you. But I've found someone else.

Bungie: But you always said "forever".

MS: Never say never.

Bungie: What? I don't get it.

MS: Huh, I don't either. This breakup is seriously getting strange.

Bungie: Well, let's end it. This is "Goodbye".

MS: "Goodbye". .... Oh, "Hello."

Bungie: So the skank was just right around the corner. You mind as well tell me who she is.

MS: Ok, but don't get mad. Her name is


Mwa hahahahaha
[quote name='Chuplayer']Maybe now we'll see Oni 2 :p[/QUOTE]

OMG! Someone other than me actually wants an Oni 2!!:)

And, I honestly can't see this happening. Halo basically made the Xbox a what it is everywhere in the world sans Japan. Without Halo, MS is like a porn star without implants.
[quote name='Vanigan']By the way, this isn't a news report, it's a reader blog. So unless we hear something from MS or Bungie I'd file this under yet another internet rumor.[/QUOTE]

I'd be willing to bet it's just another Sony fanboy jealous of the all attention Halo 3 is getting.
[quote name='Vinny']OMG! Someone other than me actually wants an Oni 2!!:)

And, I honestly can't see this happening. Halo basically made the Xbox a what it is everywhere in the world sans Japan. Without Halo, MS is like a porn star without implants.[/QUOTE]

there's a whole "we want oni 2" thread on GAF...but apparently Take 2 owns the rights to the game. and that thread *almost* made me wanna try the PC version. almost. then I remembered people sometimes have odd, clouded memories about older games :lol:
[quote name='Apossum']there's a whole "we want oni 2" thread on GAF...but apparently Take 2 owns the rights to the game. and that thread *almost* made me wanna try the PC version. almost. then I remembered people sometimes have odd, clouded memories about older games :lol:[/QUOTE]

Yeah, don't pick it up. Not too bad for when it came out, but these days it'd be painful to play through.
Of course they can leave Microsoft, just not with the Bungie name or any of their IP. They'd have to form a new studio with a new name and all that, but it's not a stretch. I'd doubt they'd leave since I bet MS does all they can to make sure they're happy.
This reeks of 12 year old sony lover making a blog to stir shit up. Did you read the actual blog post?
I thought people would know better than to believe these "friend of a relative's husband's cleaning lady" things.
If it were true I'd follow Bungie whatever platform they're on. Halo 3 is so good.
[quote name='jer7583']This reeks of 12 year old sony lover making a blog to stir shit up. Did you read the actual blog post?
I thought people would know better than to believe these "friend of a relative's husband's cleaning lady" things.
If it were true I'd follow Bungie whatever platform they're on. Halo 3 is so good.[/QUOTE]

That's a pretty cynical way to look at things.
Bungie made two of the best games ever. And no, it's not Halo. Old PC gamers probably remember Myth and Myth II TFL.

I was in a small clan (OMAG or Order Me Another Guinness) with someone named Deckard, who later went on to work on the Halo project. He wrote most of Halo 1 & 2.

Anyway, I'll shoot him and email and see what he thinks of this article :)
Yes, this makes perfect sense.

MS pulls in the biggest first day media release (money-wise) in history and as a reward they are going to let their flagship studio leave (even though they own them) with the rights to their flagship title.

Perfect sense.
[quote name='mykevermin']That's a pretty cynical way to look at things.[/quote]

True, but the source is tenuous at best.

This has got "don't believe everything you read on Internetz" written all over it.
Halo DS

By now, you must have heard the rumor of Bungie leaving Microsoft that started at 8Bit Well, we can't provide further info now (we'd put our sources in trouble) but we're going to tell you that it is more complex than simply Bungie leaving Microsoft or Microsoft letting Bungie go.

There will be an official announcement this week, definitely before October 12th...
[quote name='ananag112']

By now, you must have heard the rumor of Bungie leaving Microsoft that started at 8Bit Well, we can't provide further info now (we'd put our sources in trouble) but we're going to tell you that it is more complex than simply Bungie leaving Microsoft or Microsoft letting Bungie go.

There will be an official announcement this week, definitely before October 12th...[/QUOTE]

interesting. I'm guessing it's either people leaving (but why would that require an announcement) or some new deal that gives them a bit more freedom. Or Microsoft is changing their company name to Halo 4 presents: Microsoft
While the main point of this rumor (Bungie leaves Microsoft) is ridiculous, it's almost guaranteed that something is happening given Microsoft's refusal to flat-out deny the rumor. Now that TeamXbox has given some credence to the rumor it's only a matter of time until we hear some news. I don't think it will be anything as major as the initial speculation, but it will be interesting nonetheless.

[quote name='Apossum']...Or Microsoft is changing their company name to Halo 4 presents: Microsoft[/QUOTE]
[quote name='dallow']What's at that link? Can't read it at work.[/QUOTE]

game informar sez:

rumors are floating abound that Halo masterminds Bungie will be leaving Microsoft. The rumor’s source being a reader blog from stating that in fact, as of yesterday, Bungie is no longer part of Microsoft. While the majority of Internet denizens are stating that this could never happen and that it’s not true, we’ve heard the opposite. From a source close to Bungie, Game Informer has learned this rumor has some merit. It looks like with Halo 3, Bungie really is finishing the fight.

Our source stated that Bungie is “tired of Making Halo, and didn’t want to do future Halo games.” For an unstated, but significant amount of money, Bungie shareholders bought the studio name back from Microsoft. Our source also revealed that even though Microsoft will retain the rights to Halo, Microsoft also has “the right of first refusal on future games.” This means that Microsoft has the first shot at publishing Bungie’s future titles. How this will come into play if Bungie decides they want future game X to appear on the PlayStation 3 and Wii alongside an Xbox 360 release will make things quite interesting.

We contacted Microsoft, and their boilerplate statement basically skirts the issue.

“There’s been no such announcement. We continue to celebrate the tremendous success of the global phenomenon that is Halo 3.”

After every Halo release, members of Bungie have departed to form their own development houses such as Certain Affinity and Wideload Studios. Why would Microsoft actually let go of the company who single-handedly made Xbox what it is today is the big question. And for that, Microsoft nor Bungie have revealed a true answer.

We’ll have more on this story as it breaks.

so what this adds up to is-- bungie is becoming 3rd party, but MS gets first dibs??
[quote name='whoknows']I guess they're sick of Halo.[/quote]

Well, no one wants to get stuck doing the same thing all the time(wonder how the hell Neversoft still has fun cranking out Tony Hawk games). After they did Myth 2, they moved onto other things(Halo & Oni). So it makes sense after finishing the Halo trilogy that they'd want to move onto other games, even if MS wants them to keep cranking out Halo games.
[quote name='ananag112']Damn, this really sucks for Microsoft. I guess working for MSFT is about as bad as working for EA.[/QUOTE]

I'm assuming there's A LOT more to it than that.
bread's done