Rush Limbaugh is in serious condition in a Hawaii Hospital

Good job. You got your talking points straight from MediaMatters. It's funny, in my previous post I was going to mention people taking their word for things instead of checking it out from the source, but I decided that "attacking" MM would be construed as "hateful" by people here. I guess I should have left that comment in.

Furthermore, upon reading that list, a handful of those comments definitely are not "politically correct". Even more of them are even slightly humorous (even if in a juvenile way). But almost all of them, when taken in context are quite benign all together. And none of it is hate mongering. But what does "context" mean to the George Soros crowd?

You attack me for going to his website. But have you actually been there? As I said before, I doubt it. If you had been there, you would know there is no "spinning". All it is a bunch of links to transcripts of the show from the day before. Additionally, like I said, I actually have tuned in to listen to whole shows. Have you? I know what comes straight from his mouth. I don't hear everything, but I have listened enough to know that he is not hate mongering.

And why can't someone listen to another's opinion without being told they don't think for themselves. You got your smear-points from MM. Does that mean you are stupid too?

Okay. I see you keep editing your post. I'm not going to keep reading your filth to keep up with your MM cut'n'pastes. I'm proud of you for being able to do a search on that site, which is truly built upon hate. If you want to think that a comment about a stupid reality show with an even more stupid race dividing gimmick (which sounds like it was used as a commentary on illegal immigration) is hateful, go right ahead. If you want to think that his comments about women depending on men for money and comfort are hateful, then okay. But you disagree with the past couple hundred years of studies in human relationships. If you think his comments about a black QB are racist, whatever. I don't watch NFL and all I know of are white QBs. I barely started watching much college football in the past year or so and I can't really think of too many black college QBs either (I'm not a big fan, but I do watch a bit). I guess I'm racist and hateful too. Rush calls Obama a socialist from morning to night. I see Obama that way too. I even think that GWB had some socialist policies. I must be more hateful than Limbaugh!

Like I mentioned before, Rush has said that people needn't be PC about things if they are going to get things done. That's all it is, it isn't hate. I mean, look what being PC got the military down in Ft. Hood. Afterwards everyone involved with the shooter knew there had been red flags, but everyone was afraid of losing their career if they said (or did) anything about it.

If you are going to hate someone, at least listen to them and make the decision for yourself. Don't listen to people who already hate them. If such a person already hates them, then obviously you are going to hear the worst possible things about them. And you talk about spinning? You really think MM doesn't spin this crap all over the place? Go to the source material, you can't go wrong. Listen to the show. You may not agree (and it sounds like you won't because you refuse to, not because he is wrong), but he isn't hateful.

And it's funny, if not altogether ironic, that you should lead a cut'n'paste vomit trail with a quote about Al Sharpton when you are denouncing the subject of the thread for hatefulness.
[quote name='lokizz']its scary how easily swayed epople are by the dumbest shit.[/QUOTE]

Like secondhand commentary from people with an agenda instead of finding out for themselves what the truth is.
[quote name='MorPhiend']Like secondhand commentary from people with an agenda instead of finding out for themselves what the truth is.[/QUOTE]

Says the man defending Rush Limbaugh?


[quote name='MorPhiend']Furthermore, upon reading that list, a handful of those comments definitely are not "politically correct". Even more of them are even slightly humorous (even if in a juvenile way). But almost all of them, when taken in context are quite benign all together. And none of it is hate mongering. But what does "context" mean to the George Soros crowd?[/QUOTE]

Sorry, what fucking context makes it OK to tell a black person to "take the bone out of his nose?"
Politics or not, Limbaugh is far from Ted Bundy, Jim Jones, or the Beltway Sniper. Wishing him to fail in his career is one thing, that is fair game, wishing him to die is ridiculous. I'd say the same if Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or Louis Farrakhan (all made just as ridiculous and/or racist comments as Limbaugh) was in the hospital and conservatives wanted him to die.

A some point you need to put your politics aside and act like a decent human being even if the person is someone you don't think deserves it. THAT is what makes change and progress possible in the world, not ideological grudges. Instead of being the bigger, better man you just drop yourself to the level of those you hate and the cycle continues.
What the fuck, man?

Are you saying I should wish he shouldn't die? Everyone has to die. But you want him to not die? Where does it end? Should he not die this week? This month? This year? This decade? This millennium? Ever? Where does it end!? WHERE. DOES. IT END, SIR?

That implies I want him to become an undead zombie, lusting for the warmth of live human brain as he shuffles from around the Earth in his semi-immortal state.

Or do you want me to wish he drank unicorn's blood, living a wretched half-life for the rest of his days?

Or that he become a vampire? Swayed by public thought that these monsters are currently popular? Is that it, sir? IS THAT IT?

Those things are WAY worse than hoping he'll die some day. We obey the laws of thermodynamics where I'm from, buster, and to question or deny them to someone is paramount to blasphemy against the supreme great God himself. Zeus!

Hey, don't get mad at me. I'm the only one brave enough to ask these questions. You're the one saying he should live forever, doomed into an immortality where all of his friends and family die long before him. You're the one wishing that sort of incessant, tremendous, unthinkable pain upon him, where he lives far into the future, incapable of resolving himself in the world he finds himself in, as the last bits of blood he's friendly with is slowly buried, leaving him all alone.

Christ, the nerve of some of you people. Wanting him to be the last man alive, watching the world burn, with no one else to comfort him. Having to survive on this planet by himself, endlessly waiting for a sweet release that never comes. Hoping day after day that aliens - who aren't great Americans, I'll tell you that - might someday bring him new worlds to conquer. Or that the great Gargobeasts of Gargotron also whisk him away to their home planet. I'd say that's a WAY worse fate that dying. But noooooooo, you people, with your pie-in-the-sky dreams, want him to live forever. you? No, only rational people can understand the 1/1 project, where we hoped Rush would die, thereby sealing his honest fate as a human being that suddenly is granted the everlasting peace only death can bring. How dare you, sir, suggest that he should live forever, that we should join him in such maddening suggestion, without considering the lonely and terrible existence a lifetime such as that would imply through endless endurance. To think that Rush, our lovable friendly radio personality, with his cheeky loveableness, would want to live by killing his fellow man in search of their blood or brains, or have to constantly hunt in the forbidden forest for the elixir of magical horse beasts (of which there is a dwindling supply, endangered they are for their beautiful horns, which are known to cure all disease). How unmistakeably inhuman, how heinous, to even ASK if he shouldn't die, and thus most assuredly wish the torment that living forever would surely bring.

No, only true Americans and patriots want him to die! That's the way our country, freedom, the CONSTITUTION, and the mighty Thor himself would want it!




I'm sorry...I just....*sniff*...want my abilitytowishfordeathuponothers back...
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[quote name='Strell']What the fuck, man?

Are you saying I should wish he shouldn't die? Everyone has to die. But you want him to not die? Where does it end? Should he not die this week? This month? This year? This decade? This millennium? Ever? Where does it end!? WHERE. DOES. IT END, SIR?

That implies I want him to become an undead zombie, lusting for the warmth of live human brain as he shuffles from around the Earth in his semi-immortal state.

Or do you want me to wish he drank unicorn's blood, living a wretched half-life for the rest of his days?

Or that he become a vampire?

Those things are WAY worse than hoping he'll die some day. We obey the laws of thermodynamics where I'm from, buster, and to question or deny them to someone is paramount to blasphemy against the supreme great God himself. Zeus!

Hey, don't get mad at me. I'm the only one brave enough to ask these questions. You're the one saying he should live forever, doomed into an immortality where all of his friends and family die long before him. You're the one wishing that sort of monstrous pain upon him, where he lives far into the future, incapable of resolving himself in the world he finds himself in, as the last bits of blood he's friendly with is slowly buried, leaving him all alone.

Christ, the nerve of some of you people. Wanting him to be the last man alive, watching the world burn, with no one else to comfort him. I'd say that's a WAY worse fate that dying. But noooooooo, you people, with your pie-in-the-sky dreams, want him to live forever. you? No, only rational people can understand the 1/1 project, where we hoped Rush would die, thereby sealing his honest fate as a human being that suddenly is granted the everlasting peace only death can bring. How dare you, sir, suggest that he should live forever, that we should join him in such maddening suggestion, without considering the lonely and terrible existence a lifetime such as that would imply through endless endurance.

No, only true Americans and patriots want him to die! That's the way our country, freedom, the CONSTITUTION, and the mighty Thor himself would want it!



He goes happy go-jackie on the big white guy like a donkey eating a waffle!
[quote name='Rocko']There's no way either you or the other guy are so dense as to believe that that is the extent of the comparison.[/QUOTE]
there’s no way that you’re so dense that you don’t realize that you’re out of your league.
And this is why we can't have anything nice.

Of course, we're all following the moral code of political discourse taught to us by Limbaugh (and his mentor, Wally George, and a storied lineage that covers Joseph McCarthy and Father Coughlin before that).

A rapid-fire series of "aha! GOTCHA!" moments is superior to ideas. Factually damnable claims are superior to factually verifiable claims based on your feelings of the source from which they come.

When you're convinced that public education, public television, higher education, and every print media imaginable are part of a vast conspiracy to silence you and your worldview (and never consider the alternative that your worldview is myopic and dunderheaded), then you know you've bought wholesale into the political bile of Rush Limbaugh. Everybody is a member of the "liberal media" except for (1) talk radio, (2) blogs, and (3) Fox News. It is a tautological concept that builds a fortress around one's inept mind, refuses to engage new ideas and is scared to death of a conversation that challenges the mind and exposes shades of grey in a clearly black and white world.

You don't want political debate, you want the WWF. Rush Limbaugh's style as a commentator borrows more from Bobby Heenan, the Grand Wizard, Ric Flair and Jesse Ventura than he does Thoreau, Montesquieu, Descartes, and de Tocqueville, among others. Well, you certainly got it. We scream "SOCIALISM!" and "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT WORD MEANS!" at each other instead of engaging in genuine discussion. Limbaugh encouraged such simple-mindedness while he ran away with millions of dollars to jam down his throat in painkillers, becoming the kind of helpless drug addict he regularly panned on his radio show.

Does he deserve to die? It's not going to change who he is or what his legacy is. If he croaks right now people won't suddenly expose their minds to reading good books - they won't stop regarding Anne Coulter as a smart person who has a viable political opinion - they won't stop misusing the word "socialism" under the guise they get what it means - they won't stop doubting that our president is an American citizen - they won't grow up, in short. His legacy would become even greater if he died soon (such is the Machiavellian society we live in, where a man can abuse his body the way Limbaugh does and, when it comes back to kill him, leave him a more highly regarded upstanding citizen than he was before).

So I don't care if he dies or lives. I've listened to his show, and still do on occasion. It's the same old Father Coughlin firestorm it's always been. But he is an ugly human being who has contributed to the dumbing down of society by virtue of his style of "discourse," who supports racism, who supports sexism, who supports and exalts the patriarchy and racism of the current social structure we have, who perpetuates ideas that support the dumbass prison and drug policies we currently have...and so forth. It's not because he's a conservative, it's because of who he is.

William F Buckley was the last great intellectual conservative. That is a man I respect and miss dearly in terms of their political thought process. Unfortunately, there are fewer Buckleys in this world and more Limbaughs. More WWF, less C-Span. That's Limbaugh's legacy.
[quote name='MorPhiend']How does either you or me behaving (or not) in a civilized and compassionate manner towards a fellow human being that may be dying related to whether Rush says something that warms your heart? He's not being payed to warm your heart. Sorry if that breaks your heart. He is being payed to point out his view of what needs to be done in this country. He's a political commentator and even an entertainment personality, but not a hospice nurse trying to make the country feel as comfortable as possible while it slowly dies.

I really don't see him inciting hatred. I listen to him when I get a chance and all he makes me want to do is be even more involved in politics. I certainly don't hate. And I have never heard him try to make any particular group hated. The only thing he tries to get people to see is how the opposing view to his is wrong. But how is that different than anyone else? Doesn't everyone want to be right? I don't know. Maybe I just catch him on the "wrong" days...

Your last comment is filled with logic, I grant you. In fact, I want to believe it. But this thread really continues to prove what I said - that liberals (at least the far left) are incapable of compassion.[/QUOTE]
Ted Kennedy fought to get people health care, while conservatives did everything they could to stop him, where the fuck is the compassion in that?

Lets not forget this little gem:
[quote name='JolietJake']Ted Kennedy fought to get people health care, while conservatives did everything they could to stop him, where the fuck is the compassion in that?

Lets not forget this little gem:

Dude, look at the post above you and take a lesson from it.
You expect me to write a one page essay on why you're wrong, while most of your posts barely constitute a paragraph? fuck off. Nothing i said was wrong, you're just afraid to admit it while being faced with the cold truth.

Also i'd like to point out something in this video:

Cold hard capitalism has no room for compassion. As Rush said, it isn't about need. Of course what Rush doesn't understand is that we are not now, nor have we ever been truly capitalist. Nobody, Rush included most likely, would want a totally capitalist system. I'm just pointing out how completely flawed the idea of conservative compassion is.
I was kind of wishing Rush would have a Lee Atwater epiphany but his statement saying America has the best healthcare system in the world because a multi millionaire got awesome treatment showed that to have no chance.
Why do you keep talking about Ted Kennedy? Even people on the far left know that he is not their go to guy. If you think that the conservatives in Washington opposed the current health care reform purely because they hate you are dumb, naive or both. Let me be clear I am not a rank and file republican or democrat. I happen to believe that both parties are corrupt. This is just more of the Aha Gotcha crap that the guy above me is talking about.
[quote name='xxDOYLExx']Why do you keep talking about Ted Kennedy? Even people on the far left know that he is not their go to guy. If you think that the conservatives in Washington opposed the current health care reform purely because they hate you are dumb, naive or both. Let me be clear I am not a rank and file republican or democrat. I happen to believe that both parties are corrupt. This is just more of the Aha Gotcha crap that the guy above me is talking about.
Of course i don't think that, i'm sure they have plenty of misguided reasons for opposing it. I'm not concerned with the means, but rather the ends. The end being that people like myself still go without insurance, while Limbaugh's drug addicted ass sits in a hospital getting world class care.

I don't care what you think of Kennedy's personal life, but he did more for people like myself than conservatives ever will. Now again, where is the compassion in conservatives opposing public health care? Aside from compassion for the insurance companies i mean. Seems most conservatives would sooner spit on the uninsured than help them.

I would say Rush should have to live without insurance , but then he doesn't really need it anyway. I'd say the same thing about congress, but again, most of them have the money to just pay for it outright.

And posting evidence to support your claim is not a "gotcha" moment. I'll post anything i find to dispel the "compassionate conservative" myth.

edit-Quoted your post just in case it decides to "disappear" again.
[quote name='JolietJake']Of course i don't think that, i'm sure they have plenty of misguided reasons for opposing it. I'm not concerned with the means, but rather the ends. The end being that people like myself still go without insurance, while Limbaugh's drug addicted ass sits in a hospital getting world class care.

I don't care what you think of Kennedy's personal life, but he did more for people like myself than conservatives ever will. Now again, where is the compassion in conservatives opposing public health care? Aside from compassion for the insurance companies i mean. Seems most conservatives would sooner spit on the uninsured than help them.

I would say Rush should have to live without insurance , but then he doesn't really need it anyway. I'd say the same thing about congress, but again, most of them have the money to just pay for it outright.

edit-Quoted your post just in case it decides to "disappear" again.[/QUOTE]

There is absolutely no reason to respond to this. You made all of my points already.
Oh yeah and when he croaks will the media swoon this racist hypocrite fat waste of space? Will they play back his beautiful singing of "Barack the magic NEGRO"? Say hi to hell for me Rush!

And here's a winner. Remember when Fatboy was attacking Michael J Fox for BS shit? Keep Rush's sympathy in mind to someone who suffers from Parkinson's before we even send an ounce of sympathy for when this demon has to vacate his useless corpse.
[quote name='bmachine']It's probably just a ploy to get more pain killers.

Fat fucking drug addict.[/QUOTE]

Nahhhh. He's getting new tits.

[quote name='JolietJake']Wtf, you deleted your post?[/QUOTE]

Come on. Even as a joke character I know enough to quote people. 'Some of the best moments' etc...
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Politics or not, Limbaugh is far from Ted Bundy, Jim Jones, or the Beltway Sniper. Wishing him to fail in his career is one thing, that is fair game, wishing him to die is ridiculous. I'd say the same if Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or Louis Farrakhan (all made just as ridiculous and/or racist comments as Limbaugh) was in the hospital and conservatives wanted him to die.

A some point you need to put your politics aside and act like a decent human being even if the person is someone you don't think deserves it. THAT is what makes change and progress possible in the world, not ideological grudges. Instead of being the bigger, better man you just drop yourself to the level of those you hate and the cycle continues.[/QUOTE]

The world will be better off with Rush out of the picture. He is partly responsible for the xenophobia in this country and a belligerent foreign policy that condones the bombing of innocent civilians as long as they are not American. He has caused great damage with his pulpit that he has by brainwashing the audience he has and fomenting their fear of all others not like themselves... get what I am saying here?
[quote name='xxDOYLExx']There is absolutely no reason to respond to this. You made all of my points already. [/QUOTE]
That is a response.
[quote name='joeboosauce']The world will be better off with Rush out of the picture. He is partly responsible for the xenophobia in this country and a belligerent foreign policy that condones the bombing of innocent civilians as long as they are not American. He has caused great damage with his pulpit that he has by brainwashing the audience he has and fomenting their fear of all others not like themselves... get what I am saying here?[/QUOTE]

I don't disagree with that if that is how you feel. Do what you can to get him off the air, or get people to disagree with him. Last time I checked, the people of this country spoke by voting a Democrats into power so they have said clearly they want to try a different path. Wishing for him to die implies that you don't think you can beat him ideologically as far as I am concerned.

Are you guys really that scared of this man despite the Democrats being in power? Despite the obvious advantages you guys have with your online presence as opposed to the radio presence for conservatives?

For the record, I voted democrat locally because I thought Tom Periello was the best choice for my area, plain and simple.

BTW, xenophobia and foreign policy has been crazy long before Rush took the air in the 1980s.
[quote name='GuilewasNK']I don't disagree with that if that is how you feel. Do what you can to get him off the air, or get people to disagree with him. Last time I checked, the people of this country spoke by voting a Democrats into power so they have said clearly they want to try a different path. Wishing for him to die implies that you don't think you can beat him ideologically as far as I am concerned.

Are you guys really that scared of this man despite the Democrats being in power? Despite the obvious advantages you guys have with your online presence as opposed to the radio presence for conservatives?

For the record, I voted democrat locally because I thought Tom Periello was the best choice for my area, plain and simple.

BTW, xenophobia and foreign policy has been crazy long before Rush took the air in the 1980s.[/QUOTE]
People like Limbaugh terrify me, not just him specifically. Their ways of thinking halt progress, which to them seems to be a terrifying prospect.

Conservatives seem to fear progressive change more than anything else in the world. Of course, what they don't seem to notice is that although it takes time, you can't halt progress. All of the things they rally against like gay marriage will eventually happen. It may take a while, folks like Limbaugh may not even live to see it, but one day it will happen. Hopefully the same happens for health care.
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[quote name='MorPhiend']Good job. You got your talking points straight from MediaMatters. It's funny, in my previous post I was going to mention people taking their word for things instead of checking it out from the source, but I decided that "attacking" MM would be construed as "hateful" by people here. I guess I should have left that comment in.

Furthermore, upon reading that list, a handful of those comments definitely are not "politically correct". Even more of them are even slightly humorous (even if in a juvenile way). But almost all of them, when taken in context are quite benign all together. And none of it is hate mongering. But what does "context" mean to the George Soros crowd?

You attack me for going to his website. But have you actually been there? As I said before, I doubt it. If you had been there, you would know there is no "spinning". All it is a bunch of links to transcripts of the show from the day before. Additionally, like I said, I actually have tuned in to listen to whole shows. Have you? I know what comes straight from his mouth. I don't hear everything, but I have listened enough to know that he is not hate mongering.

And why can't someone listen to another's opinion without being told they don't think for themselves. You got your smear-points from MM. Does that mean you are stupid too?

Okay. I see you keep editing your post. I'm not going to keep reading your filth to keep up with your MM cut'n'pastes. I'm proud of you for being able to do a search on that site, which is truly built upon hate. If you want to think that a comment about a stupid reality show with an even more stupid race dividing gimmick (which sounds like it was used as a commentary on illegal immigration) is hateful, go right ahead. If you want to think that his comments about women depending on men for money and comfort are hateful, then okay. But you disagree with the past couple hundred years of studies in human relationships. If you think his comments about a black QB are racist, whatever. I don't watch NFL and all I know of are white QBs. I barely started watching much college football in the past year or so and I can't really think of too many black college QBs either (I'm not a big fan, but I do watch a bit). I guess I'm racist and hateful too. Rush calls Obama a socialist from morning to night. I see Obama that way too. I even think that GWB had some socialist policies. I must be more hateful than Limbaugh!

Like I mentioned before, Rush has said that people needn't be PC about things if they are going to get things done. That's all it is, it isn't hate. I mean, look what being PC got the military down in Ft. Hood. Afterwards everyone involved with the shooter knew there had been red flags, but everyone was afraid of losing their career if they said (or did) anything about it.

If you are going to hate someone, at least listen to them and make the decision for yourself. Don't listen to people who already hate them. If such a person already hates them, then obviously you are going to hear the worst possible things about them. And you talk about spinning? You really think MM doesn't spin this crap all over the place? Go to the source material, you can't go wrong. Listen to the show. You may not agree (and it sounds like you won't because you refuse to, not because he is wrong), but he isn't hateful.

And it's funny, if not altogether ironic, that you should lead a cut'n'paste vomit trail with a quote about Al Sharpton when you are denouncing the subject of the thread for hatefulness.[/QUOTE]:roll:

EDIT: I feel like it's rude of me not to somewhat respond. We have different views. That's fine. I have listened to his show many times in the car because I have many friends who are staunch conservatives. He doesn't have to go out and blatantly say "I hate women and minorities, specifically blacks" for it to be hate speech. I'm not denying that he has the right to say what he wants or believes to whomever will listen, but I still think it's wrong to be in a position of power and be so ignorant of the social climate around you. I used MM to grab soundbites from his radio show, I won't deny that they have an agenda, but the words are coming out of his mouth. Saying "AIDs has been hyped in Africa" is fucking ridiculous no matter what context it's in.

This thread, however, is about how he could die due to whatever condition. I already said I don't give a shit if he died, because some other blowhard will take his place.
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[quote name='Halo05']Yo I am druck as fuck on Beast Ice but still. I'd rather Rush stick around than Beck get more viewers/power. Rush I can deal with, that crying motherfucker is nuts.[/QUOTE]

Why is it the most honest post comes from someone who's drunk as shit?
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[quote name='GuilewasNK']Politics or not, Limbaugh is far from Ted Bundy, Jim Jones, or the Beltway Sniper. Wishing him to fail in his career is one thing, that is fair game, wishing him to die is ridiculous. I'd say the same if Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or Louis Farrakhan (all made just as ridiculous and/or racist comments as Limbaugh) was in the hospital and conservatives wanted him to die.

A some point you need to put your politics aside and act like a decent human being even if the person is someone you don't think deserves it. THAT is what makes change and progress possible in the world, not ideological grudges. Instead of being the bigger, better man you just drop yourself to the level of those you hate and the cycle continues.[/QUOTE]

i agree with this guy. but even if the world was a perfect place people would still find something to complain about or hate. i always think back to the sneeches.
[quote name='mykevermin']And this is why we can't have anything nice.

Of course, we're all following the moral code of political discourse taught to us by Limbaugh (and his mentor, Wally George, and a storied lineage that covers Joseph McCarthy and Father Coughlin before that).

A rapid-fire series of "aha! GOTCHA!" moments is superior to ideas. Factually damnable claims are superior to factually verifiable claims based on your feelings of the source from which they come.

When you're convinced that public education, public television, higher education, and every print media imaginable are part of a vast conspiracy to silence you and your worldview (and never consider the alternative that your worldview is myopic and dunderheaded), then you know you've bought wholesale into the political bile of Rush Limbaugh. Everybody is a member of the "liberal media" except for (1) talk radio, (2) blogs, and (3) Fox News. It is a tautological concept that builds a fortress around one's inept mind, refuses to engage new ideas and is scared to death of a conversation that challenges the mind and exposes shades of grey in a clearly black and white world.

You don't want political debate, you want the WWF. Rush Limbaugh's style as a commentator borrows more from Bobby Heenan, the Grand Wizard, Ric Flair and Jesse Ventura than he does Thoreau, Montesquieu, Descartes, and de Tocqueville, among others. Well, you certainly got it. We scream "SOCIALISM!" and "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT WORD MEANS!" at each other instead of engaging in genuine discussion. Limbaugh encouraged such simple-mindedness while he ran away with millions of dollars to jam down his throat in painkillers, becoming the kind of helpless drug addict he regularly panned on his radio show.

Does he deserve to die? It's not going to change who he is or what his legacy is. If he croaks right now people won't suddenly expose their minds to reading good books - they won't stop regarding Anne Coulter as a smart person who has a viable political opinion - they won't stop misusing the word "socialism" under the guise they get what it means - they won't stop doubting that our president is an American citizen - they won't grow up, in short. His legacy would become even greater if he died soon (such is the Machiavellian society we live in, where a man can abuse his body the way Limbaugh does and, when it comes back to kill him, leave him a more highly regarded upstanding citizen than he was before).

So I don't care if he dies or lives. I've listened to his show, and still do on occasion. It's the same old Father Coughlin firestorm it's always been. But he is an ugly human being who has contributed to the dumbing down of society by virtue of his style of "discourse," who supports racism, who supports sexism, who supports and exalts the patriarchy and racism of the current social structure we have, who perpetuates ideas that support the dumbass prison and drug policies we currently have...and so forth. It's not because he's a conservative, it's because of who he is.

William F Buckley was the last great intellectual conservative. That is a man I respect and miss dearly in terms of their political thought process. Unfortunately, there are fewer Buckleys in this world and more Limbaughs. More WWF, less C-Span. That's Limbaugh's legacy.[/QUOTE]

I like how everyone saddled by this well-reasoned post to continue their bickering. Cheers to you Myke, but the lack of response makes me wonder why even bother sometimes?
[quote name='tokitoki50']:roll:

EDIT: I feel like it's rude of me not to somewhat respond. We have different views. That's fine. I have listened to his show many times in the car because I have many friends who are staunch conservatives. He doesn't have to go out and blatantly say "I hate women and minorities, specifically blacks" for it to be hate speech. I'm not denying that he has the right to say what he wants or believes to whomever will listen, but I still think it's wrong to be in a position of power and be so ignorant of the social climate around you. I used MM to grab soundbites from his radio show, I won't deny that they have an agenda, but the words are coming out of his mouth. Saying "AIDs has been hyped in Africa" is fucking ridiculous no matter what context it's in.

This thread, however, is about how he could die due to whatever condition. I already said I don't give a shit if he died, because some other blowhard will take his place.[/QUOTE]
It's like the way i've heard people say "I'm not racist, i just don't think blacks and whites should marry." You don't have to come out and actually call someone something racist to have it implied in other things you say or do.

I do think it's funny though that someone like Bill Maher can say something that may offend some people and get his show taken away, but Rush and friends not only get away with it but are applauded.
[quote name='c0rnpwn']I like how everyone saddled by this well-reasoned post to continue their bickering. Cheers to you Myke, but the lack of response makes me wonder why even bother sometimes?[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Typically if it's early in the morning, I'm waiting for the water to boil so I can make my coffee. There's not a whole lot I can accomplish until I've had my cuppa. ;)
I came in here looking for some Rush gifs. 7 pages and nothing.
bread's done