Ryan Dunn of Jackass dead in car crash

[quote name='empyrium']Hi I'm Ryan Dunn, and this is the "Car Crash"

too soon? :)[/QUOTE]

Nope, too late and not as creative.
[quote name='Ugamer_X']Alternate news headline: "Ryan Dunn performs the best Jackass stunt ever!"

You think before he died he turned to an imaginary camera and said "Hi I'm Ryan Dunn and this is the 'Road Less Traveled'"?[/QUOTE]

Now that was "too soon" worthy.
[quote name='empyrium']Hi I'm Ryan Dunn, and this is the "Car Crash"

too soon? :)[/QUOTE]

too late

i liked "The Road Less Traveled" better
Better him than some innocent kid riding their bike. Or some innocent kid pushing another innocent kid off the curb in a shopping cart.

It is sad though, I liked that guy more than most of the others. He seemed like a nice guy.
The whole thing is a shame... despite the fact that he basically murdered his passenger as well, I don't think its fair to sum up a persons entire life by a pair of bad decisions, so my sympathies to friends, family and fans.

I really can't believe celebrities take the chance of not calling a cab after a night out. And if it wasn't a matter of sobriety than I can't believe people are crazy enough to drive at such excess.. I get white knuckles when I hit a 70 zone and have to do 75 to keep up with flow of traffic... too many things can easily go wrong.

Either way, a lesson learned too late. RIP.
If you are going to drink, don't drive. That simple - have a friend drive who hasn't had anything to drink, or call a friend or family to pick you up, or call a cab.
I just randomly watched the first episode of his G4 show the other day. I didn't watch too much jackass, but I also think he was one of the more sensible ones (is that saying much?) in the group, and he seemed like a cool cat, and genuinely funny. But to hear (and see) the details of the crash... it sucks to see someone die so young and so suddenly, but driving a Porsche drunk? I mean, I don't know much about cars to speak of, but the speed of acceleration and the power in a car like that is crazy as it is, but under the control of someone who has been drinking (even under the legal limit), how else could that situation have turned out? One call for a cab and this shit could have been avoided. Either way, dead is dead, and my thoughts go out to his friends and family. RIP man...
I feel bad for his friends, family, and fans, but as someone who's none of them (only really watched the first Jackass movie and I have no clue if he was in it or not, it's been so long), I find it hard to think of him as anything more than a douche right now, considering not only did he drive drunk, not only was he going 110 MPH, not only did he kill himself, he also killed another person. Even if neither of them died and there was no accident, he would still be a giant douche in my book for the first two.

I find it lame that Ebert is getting flak for his "joke" that actually was a clever way to bring about the "don't drink and drive" message IMO. Even lamer that Bam Margera had to tweet about how pissed he was. I wonder how many times Bam let his friend drive drunk before? I know he wasn't there last night but still, I doubt this was a first-time occurrence.
Anyone thats watched him from Cky to Jackass knows him and speed and wrecks go hand in hand. Several wrecks including one that he rolled a car 6 or 7 times into on-comming traffic.

Wont condone the drinking and driving but can say this saddens me simply because Ryan and the Cky/Jackass crew made me genuinely laugh from deep within and Im the kind of person that can appreciate someone that can do that for me.

Its not so much a shock that he went out this way, but more of a shock he died before Bam and Steve-O.

R.I.P. Random Hero aka Dick Farm Dunn.
In his honor, I'm watching Haggard again.

I find it kind of ridiculous that most people in this thread seem to think that 34 years of life need to be completely disregarded because of the last ~4 hours. There's a difference between "God damn, what a shame, was a good guy, will be missed." and "fuck YEAH DRUNK DRIVING HE WENT OUT LIKE A TRUE HERO."
The left side of my brain is saying good riddance you could have killed somebody else you asshole. The right side of my brain is saying damn what a shame, it's too bad your choices led you to that fate, you will be missed. I can't decide what to think though, so I will think both.
[quote name='Rocko']I find it kind of ridiculous that most people in this thread seem to think that 34 years of life need to be completely disregarded because of the last ~4 hours. There's a difference between "God damn, what a shame, was a good guy, will be missed." and "fuck YEAH DRUNK DRIVING HE WENT OUT LIKE A TRUE HERO."[/QUOTE]

I'm not disregarding his entire life. I just have no sympathy for him in the manner that he died. He was a world class moron - there is no excuse for driving drunk and certainly no excuse for driving 130 mph. Never mind doing both at the same time. It sucks that he had to go out like that but what was he expecting?

I'll probably change my mind if we later find out that his buddy was having a seizure and he was the least drunk out of everyone at the bar and everyone's cell phones mysteriously stopped working and he was headed to the hospital trying to save a life. My money is on colossal moron though.

[quote name='Dead of Knight']Turns out he wasn't going 110 MPH... he was going 130 MPH.


Wow. So dumb.
Why is everyone so focused on him? Let's get down to the questions that matter... was it a standard GT3 or GT3 RS??

Either way... :drool:
Seriously though, I will miss the guy in those movies. I thought he had a good personality. Showed that he would compete with the best of them for the Jackass stunts without seeming like too much of a douche, like Bam and Raab and some of the others. I could honestly have seen him pursuing a hosting career like his new show would have started for him. Anyway, as much as I dislike Bam, his parents always seemed like good folks. Phil and Ape interview here... http://www.tmz.com/2011/06/20/bam-m...-crash-accident-pennsylvania-video-interview/
[quote name='Doomtime']Margera Interview.

:roll: at the people taking away parts of Dunn's car to sell on eBay.

Leave it up to the best of humanity to "Grab dem shiz".
It's a shame, I really did enjoy Ryan's performances on Jackass and his other shows and movies he was in. There is no excuse for drunk driving but can somebody explain how bars are legal? I used to drink fairly regularly(weekends and sometimes a day during the week) but slowed down to a couple of times a year because of the lack of good judgement made on my part due to drinking. It blows my mind how marijuana is illegal while you can go to a liqour store/bar and get a shot of everclear and get blackout drunk. Enough ranting about the stupid drug rules. R.I.P. Ryan Dunn you will be missed
[quote name='icp_00_111']It's a shame, I really did enjoy Ryan's performances on Jackass and his other shows and movies he was in. There is no excuse for drunk driving but can somebody explain how bars are legal? I used to drink fairly regularly(weekends and sometimes a day during the week) but slowed down to a couple of times a year because of the lack of good judgement made on my part due to drinking. It blows my mind how marijuana is illegal while you can go to a liqour store/bar and get a shot of everclear and get blackout drunk. Enough ranting about the stupid drug rules. R.I.P. Ryan Dunn you will be missed[/QUOTE]

Bars are legal because when they were illegal crime was worse.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Bars are legal because when they were illegal crime was worse.[/QUOTE]

And no taxes were being collected on the hooch that was being sold.
[quote name='Clak']Who the hell starts randomly ripping out speakers and punching windows?[/QUOTE]

He thought the cameras were on still.
[quote name='Javery']I'm not disregarding his entire life. I just have no sympathy for him in the manner that he died. He was a world class moron - there is no excuse for driving drunk and certainly no excuse for driving 130 mph. Never mind doing both at the same time. It sucks that he had to go out like that but what was he expecting?

I'll probably change my mind if we later find out that his buddy was having a seizure and he was the least drunk out of everyone at the bar and everyone's cell phones mysteriously stopped working and he was headed to the hospital trying to save a life. My money is on colossal moron though.

Wow. So dumb.[/QUOTE]
Maybe he wanted to die.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I thought the toxicology results weren't due back for 4-6 weeks.[/QUOTE]
His alcohol level was THAT strong apparently...
[quote name='J7.']Maybe he wanted to die.[/QUOTE]

Maybe but he could have bought a gun or a bunch of pills. He had no right to kill his friend and endanger the lives of others who may have been on the road at the time just because he was a moron.
[quote name='icp_00_111']It's a shame, I really did enjoy Ryan's performances on Jackass and his other shows and movies he was in. There is no excuse for drunk driving but can somebody explain how bars are legal? I used to drink fairly regularly(weekends and sometimes a day during the week) but slowed down to a couple of times a year because of the lack of good judgement made on my part due to drinking. It blows my mind how marijuana is illegal while you can go to a liqour store/bar and get a shot of everclear and get blackout drunk. Enough ranting about the stupid drug rules. R.I.P. Ryan Dunn you will be missed[/QUOTE]

Bars are legal because not everyone has poor judgment. Just sayin...

Why are knives legal? Some people with poor judgment use them to stab people. Clearly, we should get rid of them.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Bars are legal because not everyone has poor judgment. Just sayin...

Why are knives legal? Some people with poor judgment use them to stab people. Clearly, we should get rid of them.[/QUOTE]

Alcohol impairs your judgement.

[quote name='Javery']Maybe but he could have bought a gun or a bunch of pills. He had no right to kill his friend and endanger the lives of others who may have been on the road at the time just because he was a moron.[/QUOTE]

Good point.
[quote name='J7.']Alcohol impairs your judgement.[/QUOTE]

Not if you don't abuse it, it doesn't. I'm not defending people's right to get blackout drunk. But there's no reason having a couple beers after a long day of work should ever hurt anybody. Drinking responsibly is no different than being a responsible parent. Some people just can't handle it.
[quote name='n8rockerasu']Not if you don't abuse it, it doesn't. I'm not defending people's right to get blackout drunk. But there's no reason having a couple beers after a long day of work should ever hurt anybody. Drinking responsibly is no different than being a responsible parent. Some people just can't handle it.[/QUOTE]

I get what you are saying, I am just saying that there is not many things in this country that is as popular as booze that you can go and buy legally and get basically mentally disabled for a night. Also about the bar, I'm glad that you can have a beer or two at the bar after work my point is the % of people that go way past that level of inebriated is huge, and affects everybody on the road by putting them in danger. The government normally cracks down on stuff that effs you up that bad.
[quote name='icp_00_111']I get what you are saying, I am just saying that there is not many things in this country that is as popular as booze that you can go and buy legally and get basically mentally disabled for a night.[/QUOTE]

Not just in this country, more like the world.
[quote name='icp_00_111']my point is the % of people that go way past that level of inebriated is huge, and affects everybody on the road by putting them in danger. The government normally cracks down on stuff that effs you up that bad.[/QUOTE]

Then we need to do more than slap people on the wrist when they get a DUI. If law enforcement isn't going to take it more seriously, why should citizens? Trust me, I know lots of people drive drunk. Outside of big cities with mass public transportation, most people don't have a way to get home after drinking. And most don't want to be "that guy" who has to sit out and be the DD. But at the end of the day, it's still the responsible thing to do.

If we're going to argue being responsible behind the wheel though, when does texting while driving get brought into it? Studies have shown that it's just as distracting as driving while drunk. People do it all the time. Why? 1. because they think it doesn't affect them that much. And 2. because they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. In both examples, it's just human beings acting like ignorant, selfish assholes. Welcome to planet Earth.
banning alchol wont do anything they need to have stricter punishments for drunk driving. the fact that theres alot of people who have done it numerous times with very little consequences is what sucks the most. the first time you do it they should permanently take your car and you should get 2 years in jail minimum.
[quote name='lokizz']banning alchol wont do anything they need to have stricter punishments for drunk driving. the fact that theres alot of people who have done it numerous times with very little consequences is what sucks the most. the first time you do it they should permanently take your car and you should get 2 years in jail minimum.[/QUOTE]

That's way too harsh in my opinion. But I think losing your license for two years with a pass to only drive to and from work (which happens now a lot anyway) would be a solid deterrent.
Alcohol is legal and will continue to be because the majority of drinkers know how to moderate their drinking and not do stupid shit like drive drunk. It happens very often, but it's still not a majority doing it. 2 years would be insanely stiff for drunk driving. I think penalties should reflect level of drinking mixed with circumstances surrounding getting caught. Riding your bicycle home with a .09 is not the same as driving 130mph at over .16. These people are already flirting with the danger of hurting someone else and getting charges of manslaughter thrown on top. The problem is that crimes are commited by people who don't think about consequences or care about them.

If any blame is to be passed off (besides Ryan himself for not keeping his night in check, or if he had one, seeking help for his drinking problem), the bar itself should be held responsible. Unfortunately, while it is the bar's responsibility to observe their patrons and not serve visibly drunk individuals, no bar is going to count drinks, and no bar is going to deny a sale, because that rule is never enforced. Even after this happens, the bar will go on doing what it does.

Oh well, c'est la vie. He's just another tick on the checklist of young celebrities meeting an unnecessary demise. He won't be the last either.
I suppose I'm one of the few that isn't saddened by this. Sure... the shit these guys do is entertaining (to the sub-30-year old crowd), but when you watched the first season of Jackass or the first film, did any of you actually think that all of these guys would live to see 60? Or even 40 for that matter?

When I first started watching Jackass, I remember a conversation with a friend about which member would be the first to die. Several years ago, I was fairly certain it would be Steve-O... followed by Bam and Pontius. Dunn would have been near the bottom of the list. But I assure you, this isn't the only tragic event we'll see involving the Jackass crew. It won't be the "stunts" that kill them... it will be the retarded party lifestyle these guys lead.

Also... Bam Margera is an idiot. The video of him at the crash site is ridiculous. There's no tears! He's all freaking out, rubbing his face, wiping away tears that aren't there. Perhaps he's too sad to cry? Or is he trying to soak-up the limelight?
Drunk off his ass while doing over 2x the speed limit..........the only sad part of this story is the poor Porsche that was destroyed.

I have no sympathy for those that abuse drugs/alcohol and get themselves killed. They are just lucky they didn't kill anyone else.
bread's done