S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call Of Pripyat -- Out Now!


12 (100%)

Game hits the states on 2/2/10

Official Website

Amazon Listing

UPDATE: Amazon has removed the collectibles picture, but hosted a new collector's edition picture sans tin case. :(
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I've had a hard time getting in to the series, both the games I've played feel like they lack a sense of direction (Which isn't always necessarily a bad thing)

Anyone know if they're changing up the formula much for this one?
[quote name='Hydro2Oxide']Anyone know if they're changing up the formula much for this one?[/QUOTE]
Don't think so. They generally tweak a lot of gameplay elements and expand the world map with new areas. It's pretty fair to call them expansions, because that's exactly what they do without harming the perfect balance of atmosphere and general gameplay. If you're not big on dystopian environments or the RPGFPS elements, then you probably won't like it again.
They released a freeware version of this game awhile back.

Part of the reason why the game felt like it had no direction was because they ripped and jammed in features @ the last minute prior to launch.

You can play the freeware version here - http://clanbase.ggl.com/news.php?nid=311993

It's a shame too because some of the features in the freeware would have made the original release far superior.
[quote name='Megazell']They released a freeware version of this game awhile back.

Part of the reason why the game felt like it had no direction was because they ripped and jammed in features @ the last minute prior to launch.

You can play the freeware version here - http://clanbase.ggl.com/news.php?nid=311993 [/QUOTE]

beat this game, but dude you're sick.
[quote name='ChernobylCow']beat this game, but dude you're sick.[/QUOTE]

How so? :)
Pre-order is FINALLY on Amazon and comes with some really sweet loot to boot for the low price of $40! Updated OP to include link/pics.
[quote name='Jodou']Pre-order is FINALLY on Amazon and comes with some really sweet loot to boot for the low price of $40! Updated OP to include link/pics.[/QUOTE]

That price needs to go down a whole lot more before I think about touching it.
[quote name='Megazell']That price needs to go down a whole lot more before I think about touching it.[/QUOTE]
Haha, I thought I was stingy. That price is still amazing considering it's a new release and CE. I mean, the game is mostly an expansion pack since a lot of areas are revisited for the third time but I figure $30 + $10 for collectibles is very reasonable. After playing Killing Floor religiously these past two weeks, I've come to the conclusion that European devs just rock and get PC gamers. These greedy, American companies can fuck off IMO.
[quote name='Jodou']Haha, I thought I was stingy. That price is still amazing considering it's a new release and CE. I mean, the game is mostly an expansion pack since a lot of areas are revisited for the third time but I figure $30 + $10 for collectibles is very reasonable. After playing Killing Floor religiously these past two weeks, I've come to the conclusion that European devs just rock and get PC gamers. These greedy, American companies can fuck off IMO.[/QUOTE]


My personal budget for gaming is $20 per game. Add to this the fact that I am use to getting free and legal games that are awesome...games that require purchase have to really impress me.
As of this morning, the collector's item picture was removed from the product listing. Not sure what the deal is but I'll try emailing them to find out what's going on. Just wanted to give people who may have ordered this a heads up.
Well, Amazon NEVER responded to my email regarding the missing picture or whether the collectibles are still included. However, they hosted a new picture today that clearly states collector's edition at the bottom. It's tiny print, but reads: Includes map, tech-tree poster, stickers, and more! The original picture showcased a map, bandana, patches, and a lighter in a tin case so it appears we're not getting the same CE. I was really hoping to get the lighter, but I somehow doubt we'll be getting that as part of the 'and more!' :cry:
It's good to see another expansion. I personally liked the idea of Stalker, but the difficulty is too fucking hard for me to really enjoy the game.
[quote name='Sir_Fragalot']It's good to see another expansion. I personally liked the idea of Stalker, but the difficulty is too fucking hard for me to really enjoy the game.[/QUOTE]
Probably because STALKER is not run 'n gun. Doing that is a quick way to get yourself killed. Now, if you want to talk about hard try installing the realistic guns mod that ups damage for you and enemies. They will headshot you so much you'll probably rebind your quick load to mouse 1. ;)

I actually prefer STALKER because of the difficulty TBH.
NGN review is very favorable. Sounds like they've finally managed to quell the bugs and pull everything together into a shiny package. Mine comes today and I can't wait!
Well, they must've made up the cost of stickers and map/tech tree (printed on the same sheet of paper) from the collector's edition by not having any cover art insert for the case lol (it's one of those enviro-cases too :\). They seriously picked a shitty publisher because the CE is cheap as hell and the 'and more' must refer to the instruction manual + game because there is nothing else in the package. Aside from the disappointing CE (considering EU got a sweet package), the game is classic STALKER.

The opening cinematic is hilarious because they must've changed the script for the voice work, as most of the time he's speaking he either omits words or says something completely different than what the subtitles read. Twice he even says a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT YEAR from what is written. The ingame voice acting is pretty bad, even for the STALKER series (I face-palm every time someone says "What's up, bro?"). Four months to localize the game and you came up with this? Either way, it's nothing memorable and drags on too long so you can skip it.

The graphics are noticably dated now but character models seem improved right down to the teeth-grinding animations they used to sport when talking. Ever seen a horse eat? Yeah, that's how they used to talk lol. FINALLY, the UI is functional and everything has descriptions when you mouse over them, right down to comparing the item to what's currently equipped. This is a huge step forward since it details exactly what items do now and never leaves you guessing. Being able to hotbar consumables is incredibly helpful too since you used to have only two hotkeys for bandages and medkits. The PDA now outlines areas of interest such as key landmarks or anomalies and makes questing super easy with a new quest tab overlay. Everything just clicks now and I really can't complain about anything here.

The gear upgrade system is back and making money is much easier now thanks to increased value of quest turn-ins and artifacts. I recommend still carrying as many guns as you can when you find them, since even though you will need to repair many of them before selling -- you can generally make a profit by fixing them up then selling it. Don't forget to empty the clip first though! What I really like about the upgrade system is money isn't really the limiting factor anymore so much as finding the tools for your boy so that he can perform them. Oh and getting him drunk with vodka seems to be the key to fine craftsmanship since many upgrades list it as a requirement rofl.

The enemies are extremely deadly now as well, since they move really fast and are harder to dodge. Stealth and avoiding fights early on are the best approach since mutants don't drop anything anymore. Really sucks too since they're the most common enemy you'll find and in the past you'd have jobs from the trader to get 5 dog tails (for making fluffy dildos or something, IDK). In fact, there's really no reason to kill any mutants unless it's specific to a quest or they're just in your way. Pretty annoying TBH. This game isn't any easier than it has been in the past, so if that was a turn off before -- it will be again.

Overall, everything does feel genuinely fresh and new so it's definitely worth a look if you're even remotely interested. It took a few years, but they finally delivered on what STALKER was supposed to be and I've yet to have any crashes or see any game-hampering bugs. I've only played for about four hours now, but the game is shaping up to be a classic.
[quote name='xycury']how much is it going for? I wonder if I can pick it up cheap.

Glad it's out though.[/QUOTE]
It's $40 right now, but I don't see it holding that price for long.
I've yet to play the first one. I snatched it up when it was $2 during the steam holiday sale and installed the 'Stalker Complete 2009' mod. The features I read about it sounded like it basically took the first Stalker and fixed and updated it and made it a bit less brutal.

Looking forward to trying it out and seeing what this series is all about. If I like it, I'll probably pick up Clear Sky and then Call of Pripyat when they're on a steam midweek/weekend/holiday sale.
[quote name='Razzuel']I hope Steam gets this soon. I love the STALKER games.[/QUOTE]
I was just talking to my boy about how nobody seems to have this for sale, even Steam when he went looking for info about it. They really picked an awful publisher because it's costing them sales. Amazon is back-stocked until next week FFS.
[quote name='Jodou']I was just talking to my boy about how nobody seems to have this for sale, even Steam when he went looking for info about it. They really picked an awful publisher because it's costing them sales. Amazon is back-stocked until next week FFS.[/QUOTE]

It's bad enough the STALKER series often gets eaten by pirating. This does sound like a mess.
[quote name='Jodou']It's $40 right now, but I don't see it holding that price for long.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Jodou']I was just talking to my boy about how nobody seems to have this for sale, even Steam when he went looking for info about it. They really picked an awful publisher because it's costing them sales. Amazon is back-stocked until next week FFS.[/QUOTE]

yeah I'll wait for the drop :bouncy:

but that's sucking if I can't find a copy anywhere...
I just got this and opened it. I slid off the cardboard cover and the DVD case doesn't have a paper sleeve, and the plastic covering ripped off along with the shrink-wrap, leaving parts of the discs exposed on the back.

Did I get a weird box or is this normal?
[quote name='Dezuria']I just got this and opened it. I slid off the cardboard cover and the DVD case doesn't have a paper sleeve, and the plastic covering ripped off along with the shrink-wrap, leaving parts of the discs exposed on the back.

Did I get a weird box or is this normal?[/QUOTE]

They still make DVDs for PC Games???

Just playing...this does not sound normal at all!
[quote name='Dezuria']I just got this and opened it. I slid off the cardboard cover and the DVD case doesn't have a paper sleeve, and the plastic covering ripped off along with the shrink-wrap, leaving parts of the discs exposed on the back.

Did I get a weird box or is this normal?[/QUOTE]
That's what I explained in my semi-review: the cheap ass publisher didn't include a cover art insert for the case and the DVD case is one of those new enviro-cases. So yes, it's perfectly normal but shows how much they were cutting corners.
IGN gives it a 8.2/10. That's a fair score if you're not a raving fan like me and now that I've played it much more in depth, it's a must buy for any fan. Pretty much every complaint has been addressed and I've still not run into ANY bugs (unless you count mission hub NPCs not pre-loading fast enough but this is more of a technical issue than bug) nor crashes yet. The game is simply amazing but it will only cater to a certain crowd who enjoy a challenging, dystopian shooter.

I think the biggest improvement with this iteration is that no two missions are alike. Each mission is entirely different and doesn't follow a template the likes of Assassin's Creed II does. In fact I found myself WANTING to find every mission possible because each one is incredibly enjoyable. This is amplified by the fact that gunfights will almost always erupt while you're en route to the mission marker. You can either choose a side, kill them all, or simply wait til the dust settles then start scavenging the bodies for loot. It's shear brilliance how well this works on a psychological level, since you're literally fighting for survival. Your gun doesn't run on radiation, after all.

I think my favorite moment in this game
was the first time an emission was detected (not THAT kind of emission, perv), which sends you running for cover. What surprised me was the fact that all NPCs in the vicinity were also seeking the same shelter and if opposing factions meet, they will fight for who gets in. They ended up duking it out for so long that they all died when it went off. Curiously, I heard a series of *thunks* outside before emerging to loot all the bodies of the unfortunates. Turns out, all the birds had dropped dead and were hitting the roof of the barge I was in.
Fan-fucking-tastic atmosphere.
I'm glad to see so many positive comments for this game. I loved Shadow of Chernobyl, so I'm going to have to check this out, I guess.
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']Funny enough I saw two copies of this at my local Target. Here's to hoping they eventually hit 75% off clearance.[/QUOTE]
I'm sure it will soon enough. This game is one of the rare times I'll pay full price since it's supporting an awesome dev. At least I know it's going towards a good cause because an interview last year revealed they're working on STALKER 2, which probably means an engine update finally!
I haven't finished the first one yet, or gotten the second one (or the expansion or whatever it is), so I am in no rush to get this newest one, though from the box it looked very cool.
So I did a little homework on the NPC spawn issue and turns out it's because of SecuROM. Wish I could make this shit up but installing a no cd crack is supposed to fix the problem. God damn I hate DRM and the fact that it is actually inhibiting gameplay is unacceptable. Apparently this has been a problem since release in Russia, so a fix is looking unlikely after five months of patches. For me, NPCs do eventually spawn but some people report that entire objects, like the barge, will not spawn until they quicksave/reload. That's pretty bad, but I can see how this could make it through testing since they wouldn't have garbage like DRM running.

Best I can hope for is a removal tool soon.
[quote name='Jodou']So I did a little homework on the NPC spawn issue and turns out it's because of SecuROM. Wish I could make this shit up but installing a no cd crack is supposed to fix the problem. God damn I hate DRM and the fact that it is actually inhibiting gameplay is unacceptable. Apparently this has been a problem since release in Russia, so a fix is looking unlikely after five months of patches. For me, NPCs do eventually spawn but some people report that entire objects, like the barge, will not spawn until they quicksave/reload. That's pretty bad, but I can see how this could make it through testing since they wouldn't have garbage like DRM running.

Best I can hope for is a removal tool soon.[/QUOTE]

That sounds like a TAGES DRM to me...

I didn't know SecurOM would do that sort of stuff in-game. I thought it was mainly a copy check/activation DRM.

:( Damnit DRM.
[quote name='xycury']That sounds like a TAGES DRM to me...

I didn't know SecurOM would do that sort of stuff in-game. I thought it was mainly a copy check/activation DRM.

:( Damnit DRM.[/QUOTE]
Actually it was Starforce for the Russians and SecuROM for the US/UK. I think I misread that it was also a problem in Russia, so it may only be a problem domestically. That gives me hope that a fix will be released eventually. Here's the thread.
[quote name='Jodou']Actually it was Starforce for the Russians and SecuROM for the US/UK. I think I misread that it was also a problem in Russia, so it may only be a problem domestically. That gives me hope that a fix will be released eventually. Here's the thread.[/QUOTE]

stupid site has some iframe, the post you mean is this one:


Anyways, I'll have to grab that no-check and watch for a cheap version somewhere.

Thanks for the info! I do hope it gets fixed though.
Yet, another reason for me to stay away from retail games.

They need to get their act together. IF the stories of this DRM nonsense is true.

But who am I kidding. I will be there when this goes freeware! *Ric Flair voice* WOOOOOOOO!
[quote name='xycury']stupid site has some iframe, the post you mean is this one:


Anyways, I'll have to grab that no-check and watch for a cheap version somewhere.

Thanks for the info! I do hope it gets fixed though.[/QUOTE]
Bah, yeah that's the one. The fucked up part about this issue is triggered events will NOT function properly if an actor is missing. This is a huge problem for ingame cinematics when your character needs to be on the screen. It can ruin the entire scene because the spoken dialogue for your character doesn't start until you're present and there are no subtitles. It's actually a pretty horrible way to script events since it desynchronizes the camera action with the actors and once the event script ends, so does any outstanding dialogue.
Call of Pripyat is on Steam! I am so glad I waited! It only costs 20 bucks if you already own Clear Sky or Shadow of Chernobyl!

Oh glorious day, I thank thee!
[quote name='rumarudrathas']Holy shit!

So, when is Valve going to get on the ball here and offer a discount on L4D2 for those who already own the original L4D?[/QUOTE]

LOL - You asking for fairness (too much) from a company - LOL
Yeah, can't believe the price this is at already. Thank god I only paid $28 for my copy or I'd be pissed. That loyalty promo is a joke since everyone bought the original game for $2 during the holiday sale. Basically $22 for the first game and Pripyat; just incredible.
[quote name='Jodou']Yeah, can't believe the price this is at already. Thank god I only paid $28 for my copy or I'd be pissed. That loyalty promo is a joke since everyone bought the original game for $2 during the holiday sale. Basically $22 for the first game and Pripyat; just incredible.[/QUOTE]

Seems like a good deal to me! Although I'm still going to wait until I actually finish the first game. And CS. But I'll wait until the guy who did Stalker Complete 2009 finishes his CS Complete project. It'll probably be on sale between then and now, right?

EDIT: Ha, i thought CS was $20-$30 on steam, but it's only $10.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']Seems like a good deal to me! Although I'm still going to wait until I actually finish the first game. And CS. But I'll wait until the guy who did Stalker Complete 2009 finishes his CS Complete project. It'll probably be on sale between then and now, right?

EDIT: Ha, i thought CS was $20-$30 on steam, but it's only $10.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, if you don't have either game yet, it's like 'gee, do I pay $30 for CoP or do I get two games for the same price?' I hate to see the price tank like this just a week after release because I do want to see more from these guys in the future. They must be doing alright for themselves though since a STALKER 2 is supposed to be in the works.
Finished this just now and my only complaint is that the final area is way too short and underused. By the time you make it here, you're pretty flush with cash and ammo so exploration is entirely up to you outside of the very few missions. Luckily, you can choose to free roam instead of leave right away at the end in case you want to finish any outstanding missions, which is a nice option.

My advice to anyone getting this is don't rush through the main storyline, because it's extremely short if you do. There's tons of side quests to check out with some sweet loot and scenarios you don't want to miss. Let me know if you get stuck or can't find something because I've pretty much done it all.
bread's done