Saints Row IV 4 Game of Generation Edition in stock on Amazon $129.99 Xbox 360

I work at a business with a warehouse. The weight and size of this is NOT going to be 25 dollars UPS. you are correct that it probably wont be 10 either. A more accurate guesstimate is 15 dollars ( Not counting business shipping discount. ) I dont remember what ebay fee percentage is. profit is profit.
$20 profit on a $200 item isn't long term profit. With the risk/fraud on ebay and that low of margin no business would stay in business on 10%. Maybe a jerk that is running up his credit card hoping not to get stuck with 10 of these would say $20 is solid (like the one joker who bought tons of those betheseda lithographs and now looks to be stuck with them all as he keeps dropping his ebay prices weekly) , but better ways with less risk to make cash in my opinion.

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$20 profit on a $200 item isn't long term profit. With the risk/fraud on ebay and that low of margin no business would stay in business on 10%. Maybe a jerk that is running up his credit card hoping not to get stuck with 10 of these would say $20 is solid (like a few of the jokers who are now stuck with all those betheseda lithographs they bought and will take any profit ) , but better ways with less risk to make cash in my opinion.
Agreed. Also, just fyi this is actually larger and heavier than LoU PPE and you can easily fit 2 ToX's in its the box with plenty of room to spare for those that really think they going to ship this on the cheap. It is HUGE.

Post Pandemic cost me around $25.00 to ship to Utah. It is going to depend on where they live and since I can not exclude shipping to the West Coast not worth it to me.
lol then just use a shipping calculator?

when I see these ebay profit fights on here it's easy to tell who sells on ebay and who is just making up stuff. It is easy to make a profit on this.

$20 profit on a $200 item isn't long term profit. With the risk/fraud on ebay and that low of margin no business would stay in business on 10%. Maybe a jerk that is running up his credit card hoping not to get stuck with 10 of these would say $20 is solid (like the one joker who bought tons of those betheseda lithographs and now looks to be stuck with them all as he keeps dropping his ebay prices weekly) , but better ways with less risk to make cash in my opinion.
I know many companies that can stay in business with 10% profit. There is little to no overhead, and very small risk. The risk/fraud on ebay is rare and can easily be factored out by large amount of sales. The people that are worried about the fraud are the small sellers who can't afford to take a loss. A big business can eat the loss no problem and like i said it's rare.

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I know many companies that can stay in business with 10% profit. There is little to no overhead, and very small risk. The risk/fraud on ebay is rare and can easily be factored out by large amount of sales. The people that are worried about the fraud are the small sellers who can't afford to take a loss. A big business can eat the loss no problem and like i said it's rare.
That is a dumb business plan.. I hope you do not quit your day job.

That is a dumb business plan.. I hope you do not quit your day job.
lol like I said I know many businesses already doing this who have been very profitable for years. I'm sorry if your brain just can't understand it, but hey less competition for the rest of us.

I think 99% of the people on here bashing ebay are just the ones who are selling themselves and don't want any competition.

I make a good living selling on ebay and i'm doing just fine.

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The fees on ebay aren't bad if you know what you are doing.  Every sale might not be a homerun but if do your research you will have extra money with little effort.

lol like I said I know many businesses already doing this who have been very profitable for years. I'm sorry if your brain just can't understand it, but hey less competition for the rest of us.

I think 99% of the people on here bashing ebay are just the ones who are selling themselves and don't want any competition.

I make a good living selling on ebay and i'm doing just fine.

On a 10% margin all it takes is one chargeback to kill you (and it's foolish to think your immune from them). So you might be O.K. in short run, but long run your going to get killed. It's not bashing it's reality. It can happen anywhere not just on ebay. People can do whatever they want, but seen more fools flood stuff (every time there's a best buy deal of the day;-) and end up losing cash rather making it with most short term thinking and small margin.

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To make living on a 10% profit margin requires a huge volume of selling video games.  Which most likely means more money for storage, employees, ect..  If flipping games is your sole means of an income well good luck to you.

I don't make a living selling on eBay, but I do buy most of my yearly games off selling profits. Income from my actual job is for necessary expenses. I try not to dip into my real savings for games unless there is some insane deal that could be profited off of in bulk.

Like for example, if those The Last Story for $8 wouldn't have had a limit per account, I would have maxed out my CC on them. They are going for about $80 now on ebay and at the time they were all the LE copies.

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More flipping talk... Ugh. Shadow, if you call yourself a gamer then I hope you realize you're the bottom feeder who runs gaming for everyone else. When anyone buys more than what is necessary it's either hoarding or for profit. If you buy two, then that leaves someone else missing something they were trying to get. No one should have to resort to paying extra because some jackass wants to make $5 on eBay.
I don't make a living selling on eBay, but I do buy most of my yearly games off selling profits. Income from my actual job is for necessary expenses. I try not to dip into my real savings for games unless there is some insane deal that could be profited off of in bulk.

Like for example, if those The Last Story for $8 wouldn't have had a limit per account, I would have maxed out my CC on them. They are going for about $80 now on ebay and at the time they were all the LE copies.
They are NOT going for $80 on ebay, even the limited edition is only going for about $40-50 NEW. Go to slickdeals if your thought process is like that. Here at CAG there is a general rule of three that people with MORALS use. One to play, one to keep sealed, and one to flip. Even that is generally pushing things but when talk goes to "maxing out my credit card" you need to have drawn a line. This website is here so that as many people can get in on a deal as possible, not so one jerk can hoard all the copies.

They are NOT going for $80 on ebay, even the limited edition is only going for about $40-50 NEW. Go to slickdeals if your thought process is like that. Here at CAG there is a general rule of three that people with MORALS use. One to play, one to keep sealed, and one to flip. Even that is generally pushing things but when talk goes to "maxing out my credit card" you need to have drawn a line. This website is here so that as many people can get in on a deal as possible, not so one jerk can hoard all the copies.
I get what your saying but i feel like this is wrong. "Morals" On buying and reselling is stupid because literally you are describing a business. He is taking a risk "maxing" his credit card because at the time there is no guarantee there is a high enough profit margin. Basically im saying is this. If you were offered a game for 1 dollar but you could sell it for 100. And he said hey you could buy all of them off me if you want i have 100 copies. Would you? After that would you sell it for a dollar to be nice if you were struggling to make rent? No... Dont get me wrong though, i get where your coming from because im not a reseller, but i dont think what those who do do it are wrong.

The fees on ebay aren't bad if you know what you are doing. Every sale might not be a homerun but if do your research you will have extra money with little effort.
Are you kidding me? I had been a top rated and a power seller for close to a year now, and will tell you the fees are ridiculous on videogames so don't even try. With paypal and ebay fees together you end up losing close to 20%, less in an auction but then you run the risk of games going for less and that negates the savings. Then you have shipping, I love when people go, well if I sold it for "$X and charged $Z for shipping" those people don't understand that charging $15 for shipping might as well be charging $15 more for the item itself. $15 is $15 and you run the risk of an item sitting there, and sitting there, and sitting there, and the further from launch on items like this, the less demand.

Ebay also could give a *%&# about the seller, if a buyer so much as says they aren't completely happy, bam now you have to take back a return, and lets hope they don't send a bag of rocks, because there is almost nothing stopping them from doing so.

Sure you might come out ahead by $10 but it is NOT a very good business plan, considering you are investing so much time, risk, and the initial $130 investment.

I get what your saying but i feel like this is wrong. "Morals" On buying and reselling is stupid because literally you are describing a business. He is taking a risk "maxing" his credit card because at the time there is no guarantee there is a high enough profit margin. Basically im saying is this. If you were offered a game for 1 dollar but you could sell it for 100. And he said hey you could buy all of them off me if you want i have 100 copies. Would you? After that would you sell it for a dollar to be nice if you were struggling to make rent? No... Don't get me wrong though, i get where your coming from because im not a reseller, but i dont think what those who do do it are wrong.
The MORALS come into play because in your example this would be more like your friend telling you "Hey there are these games that normally are $100 this guy is selling for $1!!!" and he also told all your OTHER friends as well, and the best part is there are 100 of them! So like a good friend you are, you bought them ALL, good for you, you decided to deny the other people the chance to get one, when in all likelihood they just wanted the game. To top it all off, it is because of the good will of someone ELSE that you even KNOW of the deal in the first place, and so you repay it by being an A hole. We do not post these deals so ONE person can buy them ALL, we post them so ALL (we hope atleast) can buy atleast ONE.

Reselling is not wrong, pretty much everyone on here has taken a crack at it, heck even I had made a couple thousand on it earlier this year, but there is a difference in finding one game that you can make a ton off of on your own like in your example, than someone tipping you off onto a deal, but instead you try to buy them ALL, thus causing others to miss out, forcing other people to spend more money themselves if they want the game as a direct result of greed. Also news flash, if you rely on flipping videogames to pay rent, get a different job or a cheaper place to live.

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I was able to buy one that will cost me $0 to ship from one room to the other, and will net me a 0% profit by not being resold. :)

There's 95 left for PS3.

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I thought about picking one up for myself but I just don't feel like $130 is worth it to me. Even if I considered flipping it instead of playing it I doubt I could get that much (something's telling me those copies for $190+ on Amazon just aren't selling).

I bought a 360 version to keep and appreciate the OP for sharing its availability. The PS3 version is back in stock. As far as the flipping talk, well, it's not worth the effort to argue with stupid.

$15 is $15
So true. Thanks for explaining that.

I never understood people spending big money on these limited editions just to get a few trinkets or a bag or whatever. Is it worth paying $70 to get some of these extras? BUT I guess at the end of the day if you like it you should buy it.
I never understood people spending big money on these limited editions just to get a few trinkets or a bag or whatever. Is it worth paying $70 to get some of these extras? BUT I guess at the end of the day if you like it you should buy it.
Once you get a collection and display cabinet going, you will see.

They are NOT going for $80 on ebay, even the limited edition is only going for about $40-50 NEW. Go to slickdeals if your thought process is like that. Here at CAG there is a general rule of three that people with MORALS use. One to play, one to keep sealed, and one to flip. Even that is generally pushing things but when talk goes to "maxing out my credit card" you need to have drawn a line. This website is here so that as many people can get in on a deal as possible, not so one jerk can hoard all the copies.
Last time I checked they were and they did go for $80-$90 for quite a while, actually.

Don't freak out, because 1) There was a limit so I did only order 3. 2) In this particular instance that would be a huge money maker. You are throwing away free money. If someone makes a lot of money from flipping, good for them.

You people probably leave balances on your credit card, so think of it this way, generating more cash flow through a large sale, even with a low margin, actually helps you pay off this month's balance. This is called managing float.

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You people probably leave balances on your credit card, so think of it this way, generating more cash flow through a large sale, even with a low margin, actually helps you pay off this month's balance. This is called managing float.
Actually no I don't use a credit card, I use a debit card from my bank so I don't end up spending money that I do not have.

The point is they are not making money.  That seems to be lost here, but if someone thinks that they can make money flipping it for $180.00 I encourage you to max out your credit card and buy the rest of the stock on Amazon and list on Ebay.

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The point is they are not making money. That seems to be lost here, but if someone thinks that can make money flipping it for $180.00 I encourage you to max out your credit card and buy the rest of the stock on Amazon and list on Ebay.
There's a serious disconnect in logic here.

Jesus, people are selling it and making profit. Is it just enough to supersize their meal at Mcdonalds, yes. Still profit is profit and if they want to go through the hassle to make $10 who cares. Its stupid, and not worth the hassle but people have the god given right to be stupid.

Now stop that back and forth with that nonsense already.

Once you get a collection and display cabinet going, you will see.
If he doesn't understand it, it's doubtful he goes that route.

Btw, has anyone ever had a "display cabinet" that ever impressed anyone other than themselves? I'm curious. I mean, if one collects things, then they are usually ultra careful about the condition. If they are ultra careful about the condition, then odds are it isn't put in a typical display area. Like in a living room or something where guests could rummage through them. It usually is tucked away in a corner of a gaming room. Kind of defeating the purpose of displaying.

or something

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If he doesn't understand it, it's doubtful he goes that route.

Btw, has anyone ever had a "display cabinet" that ever impressed anyone other than themselves? I'm curious. I mean, if one collects things, then they are usually ultra careful about the condition. If they are ultra careful about the condition, then odds are it isn't put in a typical display area. Like in a living room or something where guests could rummage through them. It usually is tucked away in a corner of a gaming room. Kind of defeating the purpose of displaying.

or something
Different people have different strategies of display, but I never had guests that knocked over my stuff or anything, it's not like I have seven year old kids over to my house (but I assume that would change once I have a kid, by then hopefully I would have bought a bigger house to have a dedicated work/game room).

Being able to sell one or a few at $180 doesn't mean someone can sell 600+. Easy enough to understand?

Actually no I don't use a credit card, I use a debit card from my bank so I don't end up spending money that I do not have.
Are you a credit junkie on withdrawal or something? It's easy enough to set up automatic full payments every month, and earn hundreds if not thousands in rewards every year.

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I don't think you know what sarcasm means and you didn't have a point.
You will not make any money selling for $180.00 and the people listing it for that much thinking they are making a profit are idiots. Is that simple enough?

Anyone who thinks this won't net a decent profit once Amazon/GS sell out is a fucking idiot.  It'll get priced up to account for shipping/fees/etc.  You can't judge a CEs long-term selling prospects during the week of its initial launch, herpderp.

You will not make any money selling for $180.00 and the people listing it for that much thinking they are making a profit are idiots. Is that simple enough?
You will if you ship it internationally....

Anyone who thinks this won't net a decent profit once Amazon/GS sell out is a fucking idiot. It'll get priced up to account for shipping/fees/etc. You can't judge a CEs long-term selling prospects during the week of its initial launch, herpderp.
Yep. LOZ SS CE and MGS HD LE came back in stock multiple times during release week.

Although I'd much rather deal with a CE that's smaller in size like those then one that is much larger and heavier like this because it requires more time on my end

You will not make any money selling for $180.00 and the people listing it for that much thinking they are making a profit are idiots. Is that simple enough?

A lot of sellers confuse cash flow with profits. Some don't even realize how much ebay fees are until they get the bill or how much shipping costs. (hell you see folks still charge shipping on ebay when shipping is charged ebay fees and by charging shipping it leaves the DSR wide opening for low ratings on shipping), Let's face it we are dealing with flea market types in most cases not rocket scientists ;-) Another aspect to consider on the small profit on a 200 item. It won't take long before you hit the 20 grand paypal level and then you had better of kept detailed records of what you spent vs what you received. Otherwise the IRS is going to say you made 20 grand.

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man, I thought the GotG version was sold out and preordered the Super Dangerous Wub Wub edition instead :/

What should I do now

and I'm really sad I missed Last Story + Soundtrack for $8 sigh

I rented the game last night. Kind of glad I didn't jump on this. The CE is awesome. Just wasn't that impressed with the game to spend $130
bread's done