San Andreas gang and recruit details 10/17


According to Game Informer you will be able to control your recruits! So now they don't just follow you around and do what they like, but you actually order them to do stuff.

Here is how gang wars will go down in SA:
- Gang presence in an area colours that part of the map in the gang's respective colour.
- To start a gang war you need to start a rukus (e.g shooting at others gangs), this will make the map flash red and starting the fight.
- The opposing gang will attack in waves and once all have been defeated the area is yours and therefore is coloured into the colours of the OGF (green).
- Gangs will try to regain their turf by attacking at random intervals, you must defend your turf against waves of these attackers.

Recuiting peds
- Approach a ped in OGF colours and press R1, the process will begin.
- Using the D-pad you choose whether to recruit him, if you recieve a gang symbol he is now yours to lead.
- To control these new found recruits you use the D-pad to order them to attack, defend or follow you.

Here is some other info
- Cop helicopter fly around the cities, searching for criminals even when you havent got any stars.
- Kung fu, boxing street fighting can all be learnt, once you have learnt them you can use them and mix and match between them.
- The Gant bridge is SO big that the weather can be different on both ends.
- you have 360 degree camera control. The faster you go the less rotation is allowed - eg. go fast and you can only look left and right.
- You can drive a combine harvester into the city.
- No 2 buildings are the same (with the exception of a selection of houses in estates which would look the same in real life).
- Along with the already-confirmed katana, the golf club makes a return, too.
- Just as you could stop criminals from running from the cops in Vice City and get $50, you can do the same except with putting out fires in San Andreas.
- One animation improvement is that Carl will not only change his stance with each new weapon, but he will also change stances with the same weapon as his skills increase with that particular weapon.
- Carl automatically targets enemies heads when he is at the correct range.
- Carl can lock onto anyone in the game (even if he isn't holding a weapon).
- Some of the time, you will be able to block (depends on the weapon that Carl is holding).
- Fires will play a bigger role than you might think. Through explosions from cars, grenades or even molotov cocktails, you could set fire to a huge portion of the map. This includes buildings, countryside and more. This can be used to your advantage, of course.
- There are several environmental objects that you will be able to destroy: milk crates, chain-linked and barb-wire fences, several types of plants, couches, chairs, other furniture and etc.

*Info is from


- There will be hundreds of interiors.
- There will be Banjos.
- There will be a Nuclear Submarine (Non drivable).
- You will have to beat the Master of ____ (Dojo, boxing etc..) to learn new moves.
- You can dig holes in the desert (No info on graves though)
- Using the Pay 'n' Spray will not over ride (mess up) any custom Paint job you have.
- You can Straffe, Roll and Shuffle whilst crouched.
- Trees and bushes snap if you hit them hard enough.

IGN Feature Highlights




"Completely different than the dojo we explored in Los Santos, Cobra Martial Arts offers a weight set, a treadmill, and one badass Japanese sensei that's ready to whip some behind at a moment's notice. But instead of teaching Carl the street fighting techniques he grew up with (and expanded upon in Los Santos), this particular sensei can teach CJ a much more refined technique. A quick conversation with the potential teacher brings up a dialog box that then allows you to choose which types of moves you'd like to learn -- but not until you can first defeat him in unarmed combat to prove your worth. How very Kung Fu!

Anyhow, the San Fierro sensei's primary strength seems to be teaching kicks, as his principal list of moves included front kicks, roundhouses, and drop heels. But rather than just give your character an automatic move and be done with it, the sensei actually walks you through the proper button pressing procedures; followed by an instructional lecture on when's the best time to use those attacks. Furthermore, once the new move has been learned can then be switched out with existing moves in your repertoire; allowing players to literally create their own fighting combos and styles as they continue to their reflex education. You can even practice your moves on sparring partners in each dojo!...

After learning a couple of foot chops, our next destination took us through the remnants of the historic 1989 earthquake. But along the way we ran into some cool little hotspots and bonus areas. San Francisco's famous trolley tracks, for instance, have been implanted into San Fierro as well -- and just like the city-to-city trains that players can hop on to save travel time from the game's various train stations, the trolleys can be ridden too. Of course, if you want to hijack one of them and take it for a ride all by yourself you can do that too; the choice is entirely yours...

Used as a tool to help him go faster, the brand new nitrous feature helps Caesar catch some major velocity. And though the Burnout-like blur effect was still being worked on when we saw it, the scenery-warping tears of the surrounding areas certainly conveyed a sense of speed not really seen before in a Grand Theft Auto game. Now keep in mind, that not all of your cars can be equipped with a Nitrous Oxide kit -- only specific ones that meet a certain criteria. Unfortunately, which cars those are weren't revealed to us. But we do know, however, that you'll have the opportunity to add these kits at your local Mod Garage (more on that later) in addition to being able to dictate how much Nitrous goes in them.

The cost of Nitrous is dependant on how big the bottle is and how many charges you want for them. But once the Nitro is purchased, a special canister graphic appears in the back seat or trunk of whatever car CJ is driving. And the more Nitro he purchases, the bigger the visual becomes. Apparently, the most powerful Nitrous upgrade is what's called the N20 -- and it's supposedly incredibly fast...

Before moving on to the next area, Rockstar did touch on one last aspect of how the transportation works -- particularly in the field of their physics. The company reps wanted to make it perfectly clear to IGN's readers that not only has San Andreas expanded its horizons with an assortment of all-new vehicles like bicycles, monster trucks, and go-karts, but that each and every one of them has been built and rebuilt from the ground up. And since these modes of transportation all handle differently with their own unique physics models, it means that braking, turning, accelerating, and interacting with the surrounding environments are all entirely distinctive based on which vehicle you're using. Apparently, these kinds of aspects will play into how well you can drive through certain areas too. With some cars best suited for lengthy trips on the freeway and others meant to climb the many hills of San Fierro...

As we mentioned earlier, another one of the new features in San Andreas this year is the inclusion of what's being called Mod Garages. Located all over the state of San Andreas, these garages allow players to pimp out their rides in any number of ways. Though it's not a feature that's available to all cars inherently, it still supports a nice collection of them -- and in the San Fierro Mod Garages known as Transfender and Wheel Angels, users will be able to upgrade their exhaust pipes, front and rear bumpers, roofs, wings, and wheels in addition to getting brand new paint jobs.

Rockstar's pretty hopeful that users are going to eat this new mode up too. As the ability to grab customized flaming paintjobs or blend multiple color types together for a nice combination are just a few of the options available to them. You can even specify if you want a hard top, soft top, or open top roof and increase the bass in your car's stereo!

This expensive process also allows for specific customization types if you're looking for a particular kind of ride. Wheels Angels, for example, specializes in doing street racing mods while one of Los Santos' garages has experts in creating high-end low-riders. But if that's not what you're looking for, then there more garages all over the state that sport different fortes of their. So if it's a general practitioner or a master of a specific trade, your number of choices is favorable...

On our way there, we learned that at some point there will be a series of brand new tow truck missions that allows players to tow cars whether they want to be pulled or not. And as has been mentioned before, the Taxi and Ambulance missions have returned as well...

he'll need to employ an all-new gameplay mechanic to survive... stealth!
Once on the deck of the ship, Carl borrows the second element taken from Rockstar's brutal island horror game Manhunt with a very similar stealth kill mechanic. Now able to hide in darkened corners or alleyways, Carl can use the silence to his advantage. And silence is what he'll need, as noise is the number one method by which enemies will be able to spot you. To aid players as they try and avoid such a fate, the mini-map will turn CJ's location dot blue when he's hidden the shadows. If he walks slowly (or crouches and walks slowly), then he'll probably stay undetected. Once behind an enemy and is ready for a kill, though, he'll be given a number of specific methodologies to do so.

Two of those methodologies were revealed to us pretty convincingly. The first of which being the always-useful knife kill -- which you can be done when CJ's arm raises ever so slightly near his face to signify that he's within striking distance. One quick tap of the circle button after that and the knife is immediately plunged into the enemy's neck; keeping the area quiet and keeping Carl undetected. The other kill technique is just as useful but far more powerful. Utilized with a silenced pistol, this eliminator allows players to take headshots from a distance via the analog targeting system or via auto-lock at close range. There's an un-silenced version of this kill too, but it would likely alert your enemies if you perform it.

A good majority of this mission focuses on the stealth kill aspect. And whether it's sneaking up behind your unsuspecting victim or using the all new climb feature to crawl over boxes and obstacles to get to other areas, silence and patience are your primary ally for this challenge...

Gamespot feature Highlights

Safe Houses

Just like previous Grand Theft Auto games, you'll come across safe houses throughout your game. The first safe house in the game you'll find is CJ's old house where his mother lived. You'll be able to hang out for a while, check out the consoles, or take the opportunity to change your clothes. Any clothes you've bought will be kept in the wardrobe of your safe house. Besides offering a place to chill, the safe houses will let you save your game. In San Andreas you'll find that your save marker is a 3.5 floppy disk, the onetime pinnacle of computer storage. Any time you want to save your game, you'll just have to find a safe house, which are spread throughout the state of San Andreas. One thing to note about them is that some are free to CJ, while others will become available as you acquire property.

Have Guns Will Travel

Home sweet home, San Andreas-style.

As you'd expect, one of the most important attributes CJ will have is his weapon skill. CJ's ability to take down enemies quickly and accurately is often a matter of life and death. So if you'd rather not spend a whole lot of time dying, you're going to clock in some time improving your skill. If you want to be methodical about the process, you can see how proficient CJ is with different weapon types and decide where you should focus your training. Pressing L1 while holding a weapon will let you view the skill status CJ has with the weapon he is holding. The stat displays a meter that fills in white as you gain skill by using that particular weapon. CJ will start every weapon with a status of "Poor," but can upgrade his skills to "Gangster" or "Hitman" if he works at it.

Practice makes perfect.

The quickest way to become proficient with a weapon is to stop by a local Ammu-Nation store that has a shooting range. When you get to the range, you'll be facing-off against two competitors in a race to score the most hits. The range provides three rounds for each weapon; the first round's winner is determined by who can shoot out three targets (each target has seven spots to hit) at varying distances. The next round features moving targets, which is also a race to shoot them all first. The third round has a moving target that everyone is shooting at, the shooter with the most number of hits wins.

As you gain skill in weapons you'll be rewarded by different upgrades. As a general rule of thumb, reaching higher skill levels will increase the rate of fire and accuracy for all weapons. However in some cases getting better skills will give CJ the ability to fire while moving and strafing. While GTA: San Andreas will offer a wide variety of weapons to choose from, we'd like to call one in particular to your attention: the Ammu-Nation Special, the double-barreled shotgun. This little number gives you two sawed off barrels with a hand-carved pistol grip that lets you fire off two quick shots in rapid succession. On the plus side, you'll be able to run and gun with the power of a shotgun. The only drawback is it isn't terribly accurate. Fortunately, once you build up your skill level sufficiently, CJ can dual wield it, meaning four shotgun rounds at a speedy clip which is most excellent when fighting in close quarters. Who cares about pinpoint accuracy if you're toe-to-toe with someone and can fire those off?

School Time

While some stats you can improve by the kind of self-schooling described above, others will require a more-formal approach. As a result, plan on getting some schooling during your time in GTA: San Andreas. Of the schools you'll find in the game, driving school is arguably the most important one you'll attend. The driving school will teach CJ new techniques that can be used in the game or enhance his existing driving skills. As you'd expect, better driving skills will improve his overall control over a vehicle, eventually enabling him to do things like make sharp turns at high speed, or quicker-than-usual stops. One thing to note is that four-wheeled vehicles in San Andreas feature in-air control, meaning you can adjust the pitch and roll of your vehicle in mid-air much like you could on motorcycles in Vice City, though not nearly as quickly. Gaining this skill may turn out to be pretty handy if you happen to take an accidental jump off a canyon, which could actually happen. In addition to in-air control, you'll be able to learn controlled stops, how to control your car when a tire blows out, and the perfect barrel roll.

Earning a license, San Andreas-style.

Meanwhile, boat school will provide a variety of challenges that will help improve your boating skills. You'll earn points for time taken to complete the given goals. The catch is that there are deductions for boat or buoy damage as you go about your business. Walk up to red marker in front of the video monitor at these institutes of higher learning to set up the boat school facility and begin the challenges. Eventually, your skills as a seafarer will allow you to control boats much more readily than you may be used to from past GTA games.

Train Jacking?
One of the notable spots in San Fierro is Cranberry Station, the local stop for San Andreas' own Brown Streak Express. While not the fastest way around the state, the Brown Streak Express offers a scenic ride that's a nice change of pace from the typical rat race. You'll be able to climb aboard, kick back, and watch the scenic countryside of San Andreas zoom by your window. But, while this novel reminder of simpler days is nice, you can spice up your trip courtesy of a special minigame. To start the game, hijack a train when it stops at any of the stations. If you're wondering how you hijack a train, we say to you: "It's GTA. How do you think?" You'll simply run up to the engine, yank the engineer out, and go! Once you're in control of the train, press R3 to begin the freight train challenge.
- Gangs will try to regain their turf by attacking at random intervals, you must defend your turf against waves of these attackers.

This better not turn the game into some Final Fantasy random battle crap. If I'm off on a days-long killing spree or just even searching for packages and jumps I don't want to have to stop what I'm doing to drive across the state to fight some damn gang war.
[quote name='blackjaw']hopefully i can graduate college with this game and halo 2 in my hand[/quote]

Its looking more unlikely every day
[quote name='hutno'][quote name='blackjaw']hopefully i can graduate college with this game and halo 2 in my hand[/quote]

Its looking more unlikely every day[/quote]

exactly, im done in december... a bad time to attempt finishing :(
thats kinda cool.. the whole gang thing.

if the other gangs dont attack unless you "start a rukus", then i'm gonna make this huge ass gang and recruit a shitload of people and take over

...that would be so damn sweet... i'm kinda thinking that when you start out, it's hard to recruit people b/c you arent known very well, and as you gain a reputation by beating missions and killing people and stuff, it probably becomes easier to recruit...
There's so much stuff in this game I hope they can pull it off effectively. It would blow if they try and cram too much in and it drags the game down. I have faith though that this game will rock and consume many months of my life.

I can't wait to get my blood thirsty hands on that katana.
I'm beginning to think that there's almost TOO much stuff in this game. I'm almost disinterested and intimidated because there's so much stuff you have to do/take care of. That and the fact that the city is supposed to be 4 times the size of Vice City. The strategy guide is gonna be bigger than most of my text books.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I'm beginning to think that there's almost TOO much stuff in this game. I'm almost disinterested and intimidated because there's so much stuff you have to do/take care of. That and the fact that the city is supposed to be 4 times the size of Vice City. The strategy guide is gonna be bigger than most of my text books.[/quote]

well..thats not that different from rpgs w/ their side quests and backtracking...their books are fuckin huge w/ all the stats and crap too
Hopefully mine wont crap out but when they do crap out i end up being able to fix it by cleaning the laser and adjusting the laser. and this GAME LOOKS SOOOOO SWEET!!!!!!!!! about 2 more weeks!
I hope I don't have problems reading the DL disk, but others have said that they have had DRE problems and still have been able to read DL games.

As far as this game having too much stuff - well it doesn't. Would you rather the game be 2 hours long? Anyway, like the other 2 GTAs a lot of this stuff will be optional. The point of all of it is to create virtually endless replay value. So even if you finish you can run through it again for a new experience or never stop playing. That is the beauty of emergent gameplay - you can play the same game 100 times and never have the same experience twice.
that sounds awesome, but is it just me or does it seem like GTA SA is trying to do way too much on the PS2 platform. It's great in theory but i cant imagine all of these aspects rockstar is trying to incorporate into GTA SA are actually going to work.
I got some questions about the gangs part:

Is there a actual number of people? like 193 members, then you run 1 over and it says 192?

Can you chose a weapon for them to use?

Can you choose a car for them to dominate?

Game questions:

Can building destruct by fire?

had some more but I forgot.
dam this is crazy, im gonna fail all my classes this time around because ill be playing this fucking game instead of reading

Some new info says that you will be able to recruit up to 8 gang members to roll with you!

Time to start thinking of ways to use this small army.
Wow, I'm just amazed how much new stuff they cramed into this game. I just hope the cops are a little less anoying. I really hated how in Vice city you'd be driving and a copy would latch onto the car and you'd be busted.
I am starting to feel intimidated by the amount of stuff in the game. Of course you don't have to do it all, but I like to at least try everything, and do all the stuff that's not just totally frustrating (like those damn ambulance missions).
[quote name='Eastsidecracker']I got some questions about the gangs part:

Is there a actual number of people? like 193 members, then you run 1 over and it says 192?

Can you chose a weapon for them to use?

Can you choose a car for them to dominate?

Game questions:

Can building destruct by fire?

had some more but I forgot.[/quote]

Still need answers
hell shaq-fuing yeah!
I can't wait for this game to come out!
Is it wrong that I'm want this about 15 times as much as halo 2? (i have both preordered)
Thanks for the info OP!
The wait is killing me!
[quote name='Backlash']I am starting to feel intimidated by the amount of stuff in the game. Of course you don't have to do it all, but I like to at least try everything, and do all the stuff that's not just totally frustrating (like those damn ambulance missions).[/quote]

Be a man and do the ambulance missions!!! Especially the ambulance missions in GTA3, in VC they were pretty easy. I have 100% in 3 and VC, and that doesnt come without the pain of the ambulance.
[quote name='coolcps'][quote name='Backlash']I am starting to feel intimidated by the amount of stuff in the game. Of course you don't have to do it all, but I like to at least try everything, and do all the stuff that's not just totally frustrating (like those damn ambulance missions).[/quote]

Be a man and do the ambulance missions!!! Especially the ambulance missions in GTA3, in VC they were pretty easy. I have 100% in 3 and VC, and that doesnt come without the pain of the ambulance.[/quote]

I hated the damn icecream truck where you go like 5mph and you've got 4 stars so the cops are on all sides of you smashing into your vehicle.
I wish there were less timed missions. That was one of the things I didn't like about GTA. I want to be able to ride around in an ambulance, taxi, or squad car and save people, deliver people or bust criminals at my own pace.

I just hope the cops are a little less anoying.

I don't think the cops are going to be as bad this time around cause even though they have a lot of new tactics at their disposal:

1. You can hide and lose people in shadows
2. If the cops chase you into your territory your gang will fight the cops unlike your henchmen in Vice
3. You can have up to 8 guys rolling with you so you have a lot of human shields.
[quote name='Scrubking']I wish there were less timed missions. That was one of the things I didn't like about GTA. I want to be able to ride around in an ambulance, taxi, or squad car and save people, deliver people or bust criminals at my own pace.

I just hope the cops are a little less anoying.

I don't think the cops are going to be as bad this time around cause even though they have a lot of new tactics at their disposal:

1. You can hide and lose people in shadows
2. If the cops chase you into your territory your gang will fight the cops unlike your henchmen in Vice
3. You can have up to 8 guys rolling with you so you have a lot of human shields.[/quote]

I hate the timed missions too I wish they would vanish altogether. The worst is in VC when you have to break all that glass in the mall it took me like 10 times to do it and when I did it was with 5 seconds remaining. The worst part about that is you had to drive all that way to get there I absolutely hate doing things over in games
...I'm sorry, but unless that game comes with a recipe to cook the best burger on a Foreman grill, then I say it isn't yet complete!


So says George...

According to the latest issue of Gamepro, ditching a car in the middle of the street does not mean that you will automatically lose it. They say that tow trucks go around picking up your ditched cars and you can pick them up later at the inpound yard.
Do they also mention in there somewhere that when you hit a fire hydrant, your car won't go GA-BLAMM!!! like it usually does in the GTA games? Hell, you hit a stray pedestrian and you flip over...
[quote name='Fatesealer']Do they also mention in there somewhere that when you hit a fire hydrant, your car won't go GA-BLAMM!!! like it usually does in the GTA games? Hell, you hit a stray pedestrian and you flip over...[/quote]

[quote name='Scrubking'][quote name='Fatesealer']Do they also mention in there somewhere that when you hit a fire hydrant, your car won't go GA-BLAMM!!! like it usually does in the GTA games? Hell, you hit a stray pedestrian and you flip over...[/quote]


What I meant by that comment is that sure, I can put rims and paint jobs and such on my sweet sweet jacked ride, but, what about the durability of the cars? If I drive like a maniac, will they still suffer that same damage to then explode? Do I have to repimp my ride if it DOES explode?
[quote name='Fatesealer'][quote name='Scrubking'][quote name='Fatesealer']Do they also mention in there somewhere that when you hit a fire hydrant, your car won't go GA-BLAMM!!! like it usually does in the GTA games? Hell, you hit a stray pedestrian and you flip over...[/quote]


What I meant by that comment is that sure, I can put rims and paint jobs and such on my sweet sweet jacked ride, but, what about the durability of the cars? If I drive like a maniac, will they still suffer that same damage to then explode? Do I have to repimp my ride if it DOES explode?[/quote]

Pay N Spray will restore your car to its former pimped out glory. If it explodes then you will need to pimp out a new ride I guess.

Yes cars will recieve damage just like the previous games and they will also wear down with time without recieving any damage. So whether you drive crazy or not you will need to maintain your car if you don't own a garage. R* wasn't clear if your safe house garages automatically restore your cars like in the previous games, but I assume that they do.
Well, in two weeks, I shall do my best to do as much as I can... then again, the way Rockstar is telling it, we may be playing this game for months... I initially went from 'oh great, they based it in the hood' to 'oh shit, this might truly be something'... then again, I'll let the reviews come in, and my opinion tell the tale...

Here are some new pics. Also the SA TV commercial is out.


CJ Gambling


Here is the huge desert - take note of that strange rock


Yes. There is a driving school as well as other schools to better your skills in other vehicles
Well, time to put that thing I call ''my life' on hold and get to work on this game... :D... just a few more days now...

Hey did anyone else get the Casino card from EB, where you can transition your deposit on GTA: SA over to Midnight Club 3: Dub Edition? Are they referring to the $5 reserve or the entire $50 amount? Cause if it's the latter, I'd willing pay off my GTA...

Here are some new gang pics.


Chugin a forty


Drop-top drive by


Rolling with your crew. Notice how they all have different weapons! Could be a mission or a cutscene though.


Gamespot article highlights

"Finally, hand signs are a third identifier for gangs in the game, which also ends up showing off the improved graphics engine nicely. You'll notice that gang member character models in GTA: San Andreas now have distinct fingers. Besides showing off Rockstar North's coding skills, the new feature is actually a gameplay element. Characters in the game will often need to throw hand signs to communicate, to identify themselves as a member of a particular gang, and to disrespect rival gang members.

If you'd like to avoid being beaten or shot at you'll want to be keenly aware of your surroundings. Signs of a gang's influence are pretty much all over their turf. Gang graffiti is usually the first sign that you're on someone's turf. Tags mark the territorial boundaries for the gangs in Los Santos and are effective warnings to any trespassers or other gangs in the area that they are not welcome. To keep things extra interesting, you'll often see plenty of action, whether you choose to get involved or not, where gang territories border each other. Drive-bys, skirmishes with the cops, and a crew of Ballas jacking some pedestrian's car and going on a rampage through the city are all sights you can expect to see on the streets of Los Santos."
Damn I thought school and games was a balancing act, the real balancing act will be Halo 2 and this.

Just curious, I don't want to sound like a jerky noob or anything, but was I the only one that was slightly dissapointed by Vice City? This honestly looks like the sequel I was waiting for.
bread's done