Sarah Palin is McCain's Choice for VP

I think they should focus more on Palin/Biden only because if McCain wins he is clearly going to die about 2 weeks later :lol: where as Obama will immediately be shot down by a white, most likely from the south.

So, Palin and Biden.. who do we want? :lol: :cry:
You know better than that. Following Hillary's path to power, you latch onto a good politician. When he gets to be president, let him cheat on you publicly. Then, go to a liberal state and win an easy election.
We now present "All In The Family" or "The Most Awkward Photo Op Ever," starring the Palins and the McCains.

Scene 1: Archie meets Meathead

"So we meet at last, you little shit. You just about sank my campaign. Now smile for the cameras before I break your fucking arm like they did mine in 'Nam. That's right. You too, Jezebel."

Scene 2: Bun in the Oven


"Jesus Christ! The middle one has a baby too?! Can't you people keep your legs closed? What's that? Oh, that's just Trig. Now who does he belong to again?"

"Anyway, Bristol, what are you at? 11 months? Jesus. You're huge! Eat a salad or something. BTW, have you met my wife, the trollop?"

Scene 3: The Happy Family


"I said wave, goddammit!!! Do I have to do everything myself?! That's it. I'm making sure your big brother gets bomb patrol."
I like how they say she governs the largest state in the union too. Yeah, the largest state with one of the smallest populations. Good job.
[quote name='lilboo']Who is that lady in red?![/quote]

I believe that's McCain's wife. Thought it was Anna Nichole Smith back from the dead? So did I.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: STFU, oh my GOD.
This election season is HILARIOUS.

So that's McCain with his .... wife...and everyone else is a Plain + that girls BF?
[quote name='Sporadic']After reading her wiki page (had no idea who she was until she was announced as McCain's running mate), I'm amazed at how much of a complete hypocrite/dirtbag she really is. Was the McCain campaign so desperate to try and catch the Hillary voters (who still won't vote for him) that they turned a blind eye to everything else?[/QUOTE]

To be fair, wikipedia being wikipedia, and her being in the spotlight after being nobody (I heard a GOP talking point call it "the biggest state in the nation" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:), it's a wholly unreliable source.

Chances are if you click on the page right now, and click on the page 24 hours from now, the contents will be vastly different. It's the nature of wikipedia: a generally, but not always, reliable resource.

And, for what it's worth, Palin was selected as a person to interview and vet much the same way a high school student writes a paper they were told about the first week of the semester: they stay up late the night before it's due and write it then.

[quote name='iluvmywife']Two words for all the Dems and Media that are attacking Palin.



Nuff said, but for those kids here who don't know google Kennedy family and Clinton and see what immoral and unethical things that they have done over the years.[/QUOTE]

Well, if that's the standard you're going to use to elect a "family values"/social conservative ticket into the white house, why not go back and get Rudy "I got more wives than a Senate Bill's got earmarks" 9iu11iani?

Also, who'd have thought that the forebearer of that old pick'mup truck maxim "THE SOUTH WILL RISE AGAIN!" would come from the northernmost state?

"We don't stand for America" should OUTRAGE those people who point to Jeremiah Wright as indicative of Obama's "true" outlook. If you refuse to respect Obama's candidacy, or refuse to vote for him because of that, then I take it that it logically follows that you folks, out of the need for moral consistency, won't vote for a secessionist candidate either.

Having seen that video, and seeing both the embarrassing baggage Palin brings, in addition to the intellectual gymnastics of those trying to argue for Palin's "experience," if you think the McCain campaign spent more than 14 minutes looking her over, let me ask you this: would YOU vote for someone who spends six months evaluating candidates for the second highest position of prestige in American politics, and THIS is what they accomplish in that time frame?

Personally, I'd be less embarrassed for them if they admitted they threw a dart at a GOP donor directory. Right now they're holding the kind of artwork a 5-year old with ADD hopped up on Pixy Stix could put together in 3 minutes with a box of Crayola markers, and beaming with pride like they spent ages putting together a fucking Gil Elvgren masterpiece.
Yeah, McCain's wife is something. It looks like her face is stretched across her skull.

*has nightmares*


[quote name='JolietJake']Even though this is fake, it's still hilarious.


I'd hit it.


I actually think the picture goes from "heh" to "HAHAHA" because of the can of Schlitz (not just beer, but fucking SCHLITZ) and cigarette on John-boy in the background.
I have to admit, his wife looks the most out of place in those photos. It's like one of those "one of these things just doesn't belong" games.

I just about laughed myself into a coma when CNN showed that shot of Piper Palin smoothing Trig's hair with spit. Oh..the pain. So wonderful....

Come on YouTube. Help me out.

EDIT: Here we go![/QUOTE]

I think that proves Palin is a good mother. She realizes she needs to train her children how to take care of babies at an early age...
[quote name='bigdaddy']I think that proves Palin is a good mother. She realizes she needs to train her children how to take care of babies at an early age...[/QUOTE]


So with Sarah Palin, we have Republicans and campaign spokespersons scrambling to establish that she is a proper choice, and establish that she is qualified. At the same time, here's what little we know about her:

1) She's involved in a firing scandal known as "Troopergate." She denies any wrongdoing or malfeasance, which is fine. Her efforts to delay, obstruct, and obscure the investigation demonstrates not guilt, but someone who has the same sort of "accountability" issues that George W. Bush demonstrated. Someone who wants to play poker with investigators rather than get to the bottom of the matter. Someone whose history involves firing people who are, like Bush, constantly found to be political enemies; we are led to believe by both Bush and Palin that this is coincidence. Associates are found to be involved in abuses of power, but are never brought up on charges.

What will follow now is interesting. Since no public employees have come forward except for the accusers, this is a clear indicator of her "TRUE" approach to fighting against Washington. Here's the secret: she's just like them. Now persons are being subpoenaed because Sarah Palin, defender of the people and compliant with the law of the land, has not had anyone testify in this investigation yet.

It's the same tactic the Bush Administration used in the Scooter Libby investigation; hide until subpoenas are issued (or in Bush and Cheney's case, speak privately, unrecorded and off record).

2) She is a deeply religious person. But, hey, who isn't? Her religion is a guiding principle of her political ideology, however. She uses religion to justify the war in Iraq, she uses her faith to inquire as to banning books from the library, she uses religion to justify taking away women's rights.

3) She's willing to take money before she's against it. Obviously we all know now about her patent lie about "thanks but no thanks" to the bridge to nowhere. She exhibits contempt for the voters by being so willing, repetitively, to lie to your faces.

4) Let us not forget that she's going to be protected from the media. From now until the election, the only time you'll see her not giving a prepared speech is when she isn't talking, or when she's debating Joe Biden. The McCain campaign may get called out on this, but for right now, it's a full-on strategy to keep her from being exposed. From having to answer questions. From having to talk in a way that's not sculpted for her. And let's not forget: while her delivery of her acceptance speech was well done, that speech was written before she was even selected as VP, so if you think you've seen the "real" Sarah Palin, you're wrong.

There are pretty substantial indictments of her character. What is it that she would bring to Washington that you support, then? What that you like that she hasn't already violated in ways that show you "more of the same," while a cute campaign slogan, is EXACTLY what you're going to get if you vote for McCain/Palin?

I mean really? Why would you want to vote for her? Are you in favor of more idiots in the white house? 4 more years of hiding facts and blocking/stonewalling investigations? 4 more years of war fueled by a naive sense of religious obligation? I mean, if the woman legally changed her name to "Esther" I wouldn't be shocked; I think on some level she truly believes she is an incarnation of Esther.
Last edited by a moderator:
[quote name='mykevermin']:rofl:

So with Sarah Palin, we have Republicans and campaign spokespersons scrambling to establish that she is a proper choice, and establish that she is qualified. At the same time, here's what little we know about her:

1) She's involved in a firing scandal known as "Troopergate." She denies any wrongdoing or malfeasance, which is fine. Her efforts to delay, obstruct, and obscure the investigation demonstrates not guilt, but someone who has the same sort of "accountability" issues that George W. Bush demonstrated. Someone who wants to play poker with investigators rather than get to the bottom of the matter. Someone whose history involves firing people who are, like Bush, constantly found to be political enemies; we are led to believe by both Bush and Palin that this is coincidence. Associates are found to be involved in abuses of power, but are never brought up on charges.

What will follow now is interesting. Since no public employees have come forward except for the accusers, this is a clear indicator of her "TRUE" approach to fighting against Washington. Here's the secret: she's just like them. Now persons are being subpoenaed because Sarah Palin, defender of the people and compliant with the law of the land, has not had anyone testify in this investigation yet.

It's the same tactic the Bush Administration used in the Scooter Libby investigation; hide until subpoenas are issued (or in Bush and Cheney's case, speak privately, unrecorded and off record).

2) She is a deeply religious person. But, hey, who isn't? Her religion is a guiding principle of her political ideology, however. She uses religion to justify the war in Iraq, she uses her faith to inquire as to banning books from the library, she uses religion to justify taking away women's rights.

3) She's willing to take money before she's against it. Obviously we all know now about her patent lie about "thanks but no thanks" to the bridge to nowhere. She exhibits contempt for the voters by being so willing, repetitively, to lie to your faces.

4) Let us not forget that she's going to be protected from the media. From now until the election, the only time you'll see her not giving a prepared speech is when she isn't talking, or when she's debating Joe Biden. The McCain campaign may get called out on this, but for right now, it's a full-on strategy to keep her from being exposed. From having to answer questions. From having to talk in a way that's not sculpted for her. And let's not forget: while her delivery of her acceptance speech was well done, that speech was written before she was even selected as VP, so if you think you've seen the "real" Sarah Palin, you're wrong.

There are pretty substantial indictments of her character. What is it that she would bring to Washington that you support, then? What that you like that she hasn't already violated in ways that show you "more of the same," while a cute campaign slogan, is EXACTLY what you're going to get if you vote for McCain/Palin?

I mean really? Why would you want to vote for her? Are you in favor of more idiots in the white house? 4 more years of hiding facts and blocking/stonewalling investigations? 4 more years of war fueled by a naive sense of religious obligation? I mean, if the woman legally changed her name to "Esther" I wouldn't be shocked; I think on some level she truly believes she is an incarnation of Esther.[/QUOTE]

Funny thing is before you even said this I had already thought of her as the female version of Bush. Horribly inexperienced red neck with a questionable history and background and delusional belief that God is directing their hand.

McCain I wasn't happy with...especially after he announced who he thinks the great Supereme Court Justices are. Palin I am down right terrified of......especially given McCains age. I mean we just got rid of Bush......Palin I think might actually be worse.
[quote name='mykevermin']:rofl:

So with Sarah Palin, we have Republicans and campaign spokespersons scrambling to establish that she is a proper choice, and establish that she is qualified. At the same time, here's what little we know about her:

1) She's involved in a firing scandal known as "Troopergate." She denies any wrongdoing or malfeasance, which is fine. Her efforts to delay, obstruct, and obscure the investigation demonstrates not guilt, but someone who has the same sort of "accountability" issues that George W. Bush demonstrated. Someone who wants to play poker with investigators rather than get to the bottom of the matter. Someone whose history involves firing people who are, like Bush, constantly found to be political enemies; we are led to believe by both Bush and Palin that this is coincidence. Associates are found to be involved in abuses of power, but are never brought up on charges.

What will follow now is interesting. Since no public employees have come forward except for the accusers, this is a clear indicator of her "TRUE" approach to fighting against Washington. Here's the secret: she's just like them. Now persons are being subpoenaed because Sarah Palin, defender of the people and compliant with the law of the land, has not had anyone testify in this investigation yet.

It's the same tactic the Bush Administration used in the Scooter Libby investigation; hide until subpoenas are issued (or in Bush and Cheney's case, speak privately, unrecorded and off record).

2) She is a deeply religious person. But, hey, who isn't? Her religion is a guiding principle of her political ideology, however. She uses religion to justify the war in Iraq, she uses her faith to inquire as to banning books from the library, she uses religion to justify taking away women's rights.

3) She's willing to take money before she's against it. Obviously we all know now about her patent lie about "thanks but no thanks" to the bridge to nowhere. She exhibits contempt for the voters by being so willing, repetitively, to lie to your faces.

4) Let us not forget that she's going to be protected from the media. From now until the election, the only time you'll see her not giving a prepared speech is when she isn't talking, or when she's debating Joe Biden. The McCain campaign may get called out on this, but for right now, it's a full-on strategy to keep her from being exposed. From having to answer questions. From having to talk in a way that's not sculpted for her. And let's not forget: while her delivery of her acceptance speech was well done, that speech was written before she was even selected as VP, so if you think you've seen the "real" Sarah Palin, you're wrong.

There are pretty substantial indictments of her character. What is it that she would bring to Washington that you support, then? What that you like that she hasn't already violated in ways that show you "more of the same," while a cute campaign slogan, is EXACTLY what you're going to get if you vote for McCain/Palin?

I mean really? Why would you want to vote for her? Are you in favor of more idiots in the white house? 4 more years of hiding facts and blocking/stonewalling investigations? 4 more years of war fueled by a naive sense of religious obligation? I mean, if the woman legally changed her name to "Esther" I wouldn't be shocked; I think on some level she truly believes she is an incarnation of Esther.[/QUOTE]

Anyone (except McCain) can deliver a prepared speech, but its going to be very dangerous for her to debate against Biden, there's no way she can win a debate against him, he's going to tear her up.

I love how the republicans have justified her with the "Executive Experience" term, and at the same time belittled community services of Obama.
I actually think we are always underestimating her against Biden. She has the potential to be an awesome speaker.

The democrats shouldn't assume she's going to totally fail against Biden. They should Never underestimate an opponent.

If she owns Biden, its going to really look super terrible.
[quote name='billyrox']I actually think we are always underestimating her against Biden. She has the potential to be an awesome speaker.

The democrats shouldn't assume she's going to totally fail against Biden. They should Never underestimate an opponent.

If she owns Biden, its going to really look super terrible.[/quote]

I feel the same way. She obviously has no problem with flat out fucking lying so Biden's going to have to do a lot of homework to make sure he can call her on them and still be able to make some points.

It's like a creationism debate - when you're debating someone who can spit out lies faster than you're able to correct them it makes it a bit difficult to actually debate.
[quote name='billyrox']I actually think we are always underestimating her against Biden. She has the potential to be an awesome speaker.

The democrats shouldn't assume she's going to totally fail against Biden. They should Never underestimate an opponent.

If she owns Biden, its going to really look super terrible.[/QUOTE]

I have access to a time machine so I will tell you exactly how it is going to go down...

Biden: Blah blah blah

Palin: As a Mother...
[quote name='billyrox']I actually think we are always underestimating her against Biden. She has the potential to be an awesome speaker.

The democrats shouldn't assume she's going to totally fail against Biden. They should Never underestimate an opponent.

If she owns Biden, its going to really look super terrible.[/QUOTE]

The problem is that the expectations for her against Biden are so low that if she simply shows up and does a passable job, it'll be considered a win for her. This is what happened during the presidential debates during Bush's election and re-election runs. He's perceived to be a doofus and everyone assumed Gore and Kerry would destroy him. But when he actually showed he could string together a few coherent sentences together, it ended up being a win for him.

In this case, Palin is smarter than people give her credit for and I for one think she'll hold her own against Biden. Still not enough for me to vote for them, but I won't mind seeing Obama/Biden squirm a little after the VP debate gets chalked up as a wash.
I predict Palin beats up on Biden in the debate. He always speaks as if he has a million ideas in his head at once, and has a hard time staying on message (or even completing a normal sentence, for that matter). Palin's to-the-point style is going to be effective in a debate against gas-baggery, I think. But I guess we won't know, obviously, until it happens.
How do we know she has a to-the-point style? As I've pointed out, we've yet to hear her talk in a way that isn't scripted ahead of time.
[quote name='bigdaddy']Does anyone actually give a fuck about the VP debate through?[/QUOTE]

Given viewership of Palin's speech at the GOP convention and record numbers for both the Dem and GOP conventions, I'd say the answer most assuredly is yes.
[quote name='SpazX']
It's like a creationism debate - when you're debating someone who can spit out lies faster than you're able to correct them it makes it a bit difficult to actually debate.[/QUOTE]

Funny, that's exactly how I feel whenever I watch a session of Congress on C-Span.
Not to get to OT here, So on one end as my conservative friends put it the Dems have a "radical commie" and a "loose cannon."

So what do the Dems say about Palin and McCain? Hockey mom and Older then dirt may die in office? Just think if something were to happen to McCain and Palin was in charge..yikes that's what I worry about.

Anyways....did McCain have another choice besides her? What do most hard core conservatives think about Palin? Can they look beyond her sex or lack of experience? If its been posted, well I'm too lazy to read back through 8 pages...
[quote name='mykevermin']:rofl:

So with Sarah Palin, we have Republicans and campaign spokespersons scrambling to establish that she is a proper choice, and establish that she is qualified. At the same time, here's what little we know about her:

1) She's involved in a firing scandal known as "Troopergate." She denies any wrongdoing or malfeasance, which is fine. Her efforts to delay, obstruct, and obscure the investigation demonstrates not guilt, but someone who has the same sort of "accountability" issues that George W. Bush demonstrated. Someone who wants to play poker with investigators rather than get to the bottom of the matter. Someone whose history involves firing people who are, like Bush, constantly found to be political enemies; we are led to believe by both Bush and Palin that this is coincidence. Associates are found to be involved in abuses of power, but are never brought up on charges.

What will follow now is interesting. Since no public employees have come forward except for the accusers, this is a clear indicator of her "TRUE" approach to fighting against Washington. Here's the secret: she's just like them. Now persons are being subpoenaed because Sarah Palin, defender of the people and compliant with the law of the land, has not had anyone testify in this investigation yet.

It's the same tactic the Bush Administration used in the Scooter Libby investigation; hide until subpoenas are issued (or in Bush and Cheney's case, speak privately, unrecorded and off record).

2) She is a deeply religious person. But, hey, who isn't? Her religion is a guiding principle of her political ideology, however. She uses religion to justify the war in Iraq, she uses her faith to inquire as to banning books from the library, she uses religion to justify taking away women's rights.

3) She's willing to take money before she's against it. Obviously we all know now about her patent lie about "thanks but no thanks" to the bridge to nowhere. She exhibits contempt for the voters by being so willing, repetitively, to lie to your faces.

4) Let us not forget that she's going to be protected from the media. From now until the election, the only time you'll see her not giving a prepared speech is when she isn't talking, or when she's debating Joe Biden. The McCain campaign may get called out on this, but for right now, it's a full-on strategy to keep her from being exposed. From having to answer questions. From having to talk in a way that's not sculpted for her. And let's not forget: while her delivery of her acceptance speech was well done, that speech was written before she was even selected as VP, so if you think you've seen the "real" Sarah Palin, you're wrong.

There are pretty substantial indictments of her character. What is it that she would bring to Washington that you support, then? What that you like that she hasn't already violated in ways that show you "more of the same," while a cute campaign slogan, is EXACTLY what you're going to get if you vote for McCain/Palin?

I mean really? Why would you want to vote for her? Are you in favor of more idiots in the white house? 4 more years of hiding facts and blocking/stonewalling investigations? 4 more years of war fueled by a naive sense of religious obligation? I mean, if the woman legally changed her name to "Esther" I wouldn't be shocked; I think on some level she truly believes she is an incarnation of Esther.[/quote]

I wish everyone in America could read this.

Point after point you nail her to the wall.

[quote name='SpazX']It's like a creationism debate - when you're debating someone who can spit out lies faster than you're able to correct them it makes it a bit difficult to actually debate.[/quote]

Or refuting a Corsi book ;). But hey, Obama's team will sit there for 40 pages refuting lie after lie so who knows. Plus Biden is always entertaining - he's the one who can cut her platform of lies down with sizzle if anyone can.
[quote name='elprincipe']I predict Palin beats up on Biden in the debate. He always speaks as if he has a million ideas in his head at once, and has a hard time staying on message (or even completing a normal sentence, for that matter). Palin's to-the-point style is going to be effective in a debate against gas-baggery, I think. But I guess we won't know, obviously, until it happens.[/quote]

Biden looked like he won almost every debate during the presidential primaries, though as a long shot he had a much longer leash to work with than Hilary, Obama, Edwards, etc.

[quote name='mykevermin']:rofl:

So with Sarah Palin, we have Republicans and campaign spokespersons scrambling to establish that she is a proper choice, and establish that she is qualified. At the same time, here's what little we know about her:

1) She's involved in a firing scandal known as "Troopergate." She denies any wrongdoing or malfeasance, which is fine. Her efforts to delay, obstruct, and obscure the investigation demonstrates not guilt, but someone who has the same sort of "accountability" issues that George W. Bush demonstrated. Someone who wants to play poker with investigators rather than get to the bottom of the matter. Someone whose history involves firing people who are, like Bush, constantly found to be political enemies; we are led to believe by both Bush and Palin that this is coincidence. Associates are found to be involved in abuses of power, but are never brought up on charges.

What will follow now is interesting. Since no public employees have come forward except for the accusers, this is a clear indicator of her "TRUE" approach to fighting against Washington. Here's the secret: she's just like them. Now persons are being subpoenaed because Sarah Palin, defender of the people and compliant with the law of the land, has not had anyone testify in this investigation yet.

It's the same tactic the Bush Administration used in the Scooter Libby investigation; hide until subpoenas are issued (or in Bush and Cheney's case, speak privately, unrecorded and off record).

2) She is a deeply religious person. But, hey, who isn't? Her religion is a guiding principle of her political ideology, however. She uses religion to justify the war in Iraq, she uses her faith to inquire as to banning books from the library, she uses religion to justify taking away women's rights.

3) She's willing to take money before she's against it. Obviously we all know now about her patent lie about "thanks but no thanks" to the bridge to nowhere. She exhibits contempt for the voters by being so willing, repetitively, to lie to your faces.

4) Let us not forget that she's going to be protected from the media. From now until the election, the only time you'll see her not giving a prepared speech is when she isn't talking, or when she's debating Joe Biden. The McCain campaign may get called out on this, but for right now, it's a full-on strategy to keep her from being exposed. From having to answer questions. From having to talk in a way that's not sculpted for her. And let's not forget: while her delivery of her acceptance speech was well done, that speech was written before she was even selected as VP, so if you think you've seen the "real" Sarah Palin, you're wrong.

There are pretty substantial indictments of her character. What is it that she would bring to Washington that you support, then? What that you like that she hasn't already violated in ways that show you "more of the same," while a cute campaign slogan, is EXACTLY what you're going to get if you vote for McCain/Palin?

I mean really? Why would you want to vote for her? Are you in favor of more idiots in the white house? 4 more years of hiding facts and blocking/stonewalling investigations? 4 more years of war fueled by a naive sense of religious obligation? I mean, if the woman legally changed her name to "Esther" I wouldn't be shocked; I think on some level she truly believes she is an incarnation of Esther.[/quote]

Myke, you're my new favorite poster on this site.
[quote name='mykevermin']:rofl:

So with Sarah Palin, we have Republicans and campaign spokespersons scrambling to establish that she is a proper choice, and establish that she is qualified. At the same time, here's what little we know about her:

1) She's involved in a firing scandal known as "Troopergate." She denies any wrongdoing or malfeasance, which is fine. Her efforts to delay, obstruct, and obscure the investigation demonstrates not guilt, but someone who has the same sort of "accountability" issues that George W. Bush demonstrated. Someone who wants to play poker with investigators rather than get to the bottom of the matter. Someone whose history involves firing people who are, like Bush, constantly found to be political enemies; we are led to believe by both Bush and Palin that this is coincidence. Associates are found to be involved in abuses of power, but are never brought up on charges.

What will follow now is interesting. Since no public employees have come forward except for the accusers, this is a clear indicator of her "TRUE" approach to fighting against Washington. Here's the secret: she's just like them. Now persons are being subpoenaed because Sarah Palin, defender of the people and compliant with the law of the land, has not had anyone testify in this investigation yet.

It's the same tactic the Bush Administration used in the Scooter Libby investigation; hide until subpoenas are issued (or in Bush and Cheney's case, speak privately, unrecorded and off record).

2) She is a deeply religious person. But, hey, who isn't? Her religion is a guiding principle of her political ideology, however. She uses religion to justify the war in Iraq, she uses her faith to inquire as to banning books from the library, she uses religion to justify taking away women's rights.

3) She's willing to take money before she's against it. Obviously we all know now about her patent lie about "thanks but no thanks" to the bridge to nowhere. She exhibits contempt for the voters by being so willing, repetitively, to lie to your faces.

4) Let us not forget that she's going to be protected from the media. From now until the election, the only time you'll see her not giving a prepared speech is when she isn't talking, or when she's debating Joe Biden. The McCain campaign may get called out on this, but for right now, it's a full-on strategy to keep her from being exposed. From having to answer questions. From having to talk in a way that's not sculpted for her. And let's not forget: while her delivery of her acceptance speech was well done, that speech was written before she was even selected as VP, so if you think you've seen the "real" Sarah Palin, you're wrong.

There are pretty substantial indictments of her character. What is it that she would bring to Washington that you support, then? What that you like that she hasn't already violated in ways that show you "more of the same," while a cute campaign slogan, is EXACTLY what you're going to get if you vote for McCain/Palin?

I mean really? Why would you want to vote for her? Are you in favor of more idiots in the white house? 4 more years of hiding facts and blocking/stonewalling investigations? 4 more years of war fueled by a naive sense of religious obligation? I mean, if the woman legally changed her name to "Esther" I wouldn't be shocked; I think on some level she truly believes she is an incarnation of Esther.[/quote]

Myke, you're my new favorite poster on this site.
[quote name='mykevermin']her delivery of her acceptance speech was well done[/QUOTE]

This is the only part where I disagree. She stumbled quite a bit and pronounced things awkwardly, as if she were reading it off of a teleprompter for the first time.
That's some weird shit, not that I haven't seen it before. Those are the hyperactive christians who would've voted republican anyway, but if the republicans (or anybody else) think that most christians identify with that they most certainly do not.
[quote name='SpazX']That's some weird shit, not that I haven't seen it before. Those are the hyperactive christians who would've voted republican anyway, but if the republicans (or anybody else) think that most christians identify with that they most certainly do not.[/QUOTE]

That's true. That's some weird shit. But it doesn't bother me. They seem harmless, if weird.
A pitbull with lipstick biatch. After Mccain dies our next president could have tits.
I have heard a few reports she was seen fighting outside of Mike Vicks' old estate.
bread's done