Scariest Events of Your Life


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Mine was when I was kidnapped as a young boy randomly while waiting for my family to finish up shopping, but just as the kidnappers were forcing me into the car my aunt scared them away. Pretty scary, right?

[quote name='mykevermin']Being scared away by this crazy lady when I was trying to kidnap this screaming little bastard.[/quote]
Oh my a god.
when i was eight my mom got really sick had an asthma attack & had pneumonia. she passed out trying to call 911 at like 1 am, the dog woke me up barking so i came out and my mom was passed blue in the face and i had to call 911 and let ambulance and firemen into my house at like 1am while i thought my mom was dead. that was pretty crazy.
[quote name='JJSP']I had a gun pulled on me in broad daylight by a bum.

Reason #423294 not to go to Detroit.[/quote]

Are you sure it wasn't the Mayor?

Well I was at a party off Mack Ave. in Detroit. The venue was over sold and the fire marshall decided to call the SWAT team in to break up the party. There I was, fucked out of my gourd, when a police ninja with a sub-machine gun walks by. Then like 20 of them. Then I was getting carried out of the place. I thought I was going to jail for sure. Turns out it was some friends helping me out of there before we all got in some serious shit.

The other scariest moment was last July when my Dad had full cardiac arrest on the couch and I watched him die in my living room. I just thank god the EMS were there and revived him. He is still alive today and I am thankful for everyday I get with him. The sad part is, I will have to see him die twice.:cry:

Those are my stories.
One time I woke up in pitch black and couldn't tell where I was at all, turns out I was in the hospital and my friends called the ambulance for me, but at the time I had no idea and the pure blackness somehow made me think I had died and went to not so nice of a place...because of what I was doing before...

Anyways, insurance didn't cover it and that was not a fun call to the parentals (I was at college at the time)
[quote name='tiredfornow']Saw a good friend of mine get shot twice as I was coming out of the restroom.

RIP little buddy.
Honestly, even though i wasn't real, i once had this horrible nightmare / night terror episode that scared the shit out of me. I woke up to being shook by my father, afterwards i felt like i'd ran a marathon, my heart was racing, i was sweating, horrible experience.
[quote name='Kendal']Are you sure it wasn't the Mayor?
Wouldn't surprise me. I forget the actual street, but it was a few summers ago on the way to Warped Tour in Pontiac (driving up through Detroit from Cleveland). I was following our trailer in my car, and most of the highway was under construction - we had to get off at 8 Mile Rd. (awesome). Didn't really think anything of it until we started taking surface streets (past block after block of closed down Taco Bell's and gas stations) and my brother told me there was a homeless guy waving at us as we were stopped at the intersection.

Turns out he had a pistol in his hand, and was waving it around in the air, aiming at passing cars and screaming his head off. Lucky us, we were still in the car and hightailed it to the venue.
I cannot remember if I ever told CAG this story before.

Anyway, I was heading to Los Angeles, CA in two days (this back in H.S., when I was 18 years old). My Mom was too sick to drive me to a place to get my haircut, so my sister had to do it. After I get my haircut, my sister decides to go to Wal-Mart to get her oil changed. The wait was an hour and a half, so she said we should look around various stores in the area. I looked around Wal-Mart, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and Kohl’s. At one point, I got separated from my sister (this was before I had a cell phone). I looked at Kohl’s and noticed there were police cars surround an entrance along with an ambulance. Despite the craziness, I still went in the store looking for my sister. I looked all around and did not see her, so I left.

As I was walking down the sidewalk (some who lives in my city who went to Jefferson Pointe may know the sidewalk I’m talking about) back to Wal-Mart. I notice a cop car following me. I stop, and as soon as I do, the cop car stop, they got out of the car shouting “put your hands on the car”. The cops started searching all my pockets, took apart everything in my wallet going through everything I had in it (and reading it). One cop smoked a cigarette near me. They kept asking me several questions figuring I was with the guy who stabbed an employee while trying to steal shoes at Kohl’s (since we were the same race). I had no idea what was going on and the cops refused to believe me. They asked me questions about my sister, family, school, and just about everything. I kept telling the cops I have nothing and would never hurt anyone, they refused to believe it. An old friend of mine use to work at Wal-Mart and saw everything that happened. The cops were calling my name in to get information. I was also raining that day too. I was afraid I was going to be arrested and never come home that day. I tried very hard being a good person over the years, yet I felt like I was going to be arrested. The cops took me in the store to meet the criminal, employee, and the criminal’s friend, asking if they knew me. Because they didn’t, they handed me my wallet back and I was free to go. Worst experience in my life and it’s why I always cringe when seeing police officers.

I never told my parents what happened, and don't think I ever will. Only told my sister and some friends.

A few other things that happened to me were:

My area was under a Tornado Warning that same year, and I didn’t believe it was coming my way (because it always goes around). So when I take a look outside, the Tornado was about to hit my house, but thankfully did not touch down low enough to do any damage. It ended up doing damage around Best Buy that day.

Also that same year, I was in an accident and was close to being severely injured (thankfully I was not).

Freshman year on H.S., one guy got made at me, pulled out a knife out of his pocket and was about to stab me. Thankfully a teacher was coming so he put it down.
Got in an accident on the highway that ended up nearly totalling my car. It had been raining that night so the roads were slippery and the guy I hit had spun out of control. After hitting him, which was his fault, someone rear-ended me, but that guy left.

Anyway, fuck Geico.

Also, back in second grade, some kid's dad ran around a neighborhood with a shotgun before settling in his home and shooting himself. That was pretty fucked up.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']
Anyway, I was heading to Los Angeles, CA in two days [/quote]

This explains everything.
Almost drowning in a Disney World pool


Sliding sideways in my car on a patch of ice (luckily the roads were clear because it was late).
Two years ago, during the Summer, I had been sleeping with my windows open because it was hot. I guess during the course of this I had developed an infection in my lung (I had no idea at the time and I am still very unfamiliar with how it happened).

I was having trouble breathing for a couple of days, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong, so i mostly just stayed in bed, hoping to get better.

During the night, I woke up in a panic. If felt as if someone was strangling me, I had such a shortness of breathe I couldn't even scream for my roommate to help me or get up from my bed. It was an insane feeling. Eventually, I was able to breathe a little better, I called my mom to get some advice as to what to do. She told me to take a hot shower so the steam would help open up my lungs, I took her advice and it seemed to help.

Afterwards, I drove myself to my doctor's office and as I was feeling out my paperwork the recepitonist noticed my condition. They took my pulse and noticed my hearbeat was very slow so I was rushed to urgent care. I was hooked to a breathing machine for about 30 minutes and after ingesting the medicine it produced I felt better already. Afterwards, I had to buy like 7 different medications.

I've been in knife fights and had guns pulled/shot at me, but this was the only time where I actually thought I was going to die.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']Wallpapering my car in child pornography then driving it into the FBI vs. State Police softball game.

Scary stuff.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='zewone']Two years ago, during the Summer, I had been sleeping with my windows open because it was hot. I guess during the course of this I had developed an infection in my lung (I had no idea at the time and I am still very unfamiliar with how it happened).

I was having trouble breathing for a couple of days, and I couldn't figure out what was wrong, so i mostly just stayed in bed, hoping to get better.

During the night, I woke up in a panic. If felt as if someone was strangling me, I had such a shortness of breathe I couldn't even scream for my roommate to help me or get up from my bed. It was an insane feeling. Eventually, I was able to breathe a little better, I called my mom to get some advice as to what to do. She told me to take a hot shower so the steam would help open up my lungs, I took her advice and it seemed to help.

Afterwards, I drove myself to my doctor's office and as I was feeling out my paperwork the recepitonist noticed my condition. They took my pulse and noticed my hearbeat was very slow so I was rushed to urgent care. I was hooked to a breathing machine for about 30 minutes and after ingesting the medicine it produced I felt better already. Afterwards, I had to buy like 7 different medications.

I've been in knife fights and had guns pulled/shot at me, but this was the only time where I actually thought I was going to die.[/quote]

At least now you can breathe easy.

seriously, I have had asthma attacks. I (sort of) know how you feel
[quote name='JJSP']I had a gun pulled on me in broad daylight by a bum.

Reason #423294 not to go to Detroit.[/quote]

Not that you would need a reason NOT to go to Detroit ;)
[quote name='mykevermin']Being scared away by this crazy lady when I was trying to kidnap this screaming little bastard.[/quote]

Best laugh Ive had all day.
I do have another story. something along the lines of Zew's that just remember.

When I was younger I had bronchitis, and every summer I would get this nasty nasty cough called "Croup" cough. A horrible and painful coughing that makes your throat clench up and wheeze everytime you breathe and cough. My mom was trying to help me get through it and some few medications were able to help me out. and with the use of a defibulator at night I was able to sleep and breathe better.

Then comes one faithful doctors visit, says he has an antibiotic that would help me and my bronchitis and get better a medicine by the name of ceclor. after a day of taking it, I felt really good. then the night came and my throat sealed up completely and I started choking. I was only able to breathe through my nose and felt very weak and lightheaded. I could only breathe slightly better when I was laid down on my back.

over the next few weeks I lost 27% of my body weight and on a few occasions I had to be taken to the ER in order to get oxygen from my throat sealing up again. breathing through tubes just so I could get a good nights sleep.

after about a month or so of all that, I got better but I also had to take medication for several years as a side effect to the trauma. test results confirmed that I had a near fatal allergic reaction the antibiotic they gave me, and I only took it once.
ive been close to death too many times. alsmot died as an infant, almost got crushed by a tv, almsot hit by a car, almost drowned in quickmud, house was broken into one afternoon and if id done like my mom told me instead of going to the arcade d have walked in on 2 armed robbers(bles you videogames) and just recently i was in an accident in my car luckily i survived bu could have been worse since my car was leaking gas at the time and yeah id just filled it up that night lmao.

another scary moment i was walking in a neighborhood park and noticed this car following me at a distance. i didnt think much about it at first until i took a few deliberate turns to see if i was really being followed and i was so knowing the park well enough i knew of a steep hill i could climb where he couldnt drive after me so i walked around some more and when i was out of sight i booked it up the hill and hid in one of the picnic areas out of sight and sure enough the car stopped and i could see the guy looking around to see where id gone and he drove away looking around the park. i took some windy shortcuts home and never went back t that place alone again.
When I was about 5, my dad came home from work, pulled out a pistol, pointed it at me, and fired twice. It was only a cap gun, but I thought my own dad was gunning me down. He thought it was hilarious.
[quote name='mikej012']When I was about 5, my dad came home from work, pulled out a pistol, pointed it at me, and fired twice. It was only a cap gun, but I thought my own dad was gunning me down. He thought it was hilarious.[/quote]

What did your mom think about that?
[quote name='mikej012']When I was about 5, my dad came home from work, pulled out a pistol, pointed it at me, and fired twice. It was only a cap gun, but I thought my own dad was gunning me down. He thought it was hilarious.[/quote]

Omfg, thats so awful. :rofl:
[quote name='leveskikesko']....

What did your mom think about that?[/quote]

I don't remember that. I only remember the terror, and then him laughing.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']I cannot remember if I ever told CAG this story before.

Anyway, I was heading to Los Angeles, CA in two days (this back in H.S., when I was 18 years old). My Mom was too sick to drive me to a place to get my haircut, so my sister had to do it. After I get my haircut, my sister decides to go to Wal-Mart to get her oil changed. The wait was an hour and a half, so she said we should look around various stores in the area. I looked around Wal-Mart, Dick’s Sporting Goods, and Kohl’s. At one point, I got separated from my sister (this was before I had a cell phone). I looked at Kohl’s and noticed there were police cars surround an entrance along with an ambulance. Despite the craziness, I still went in the store looking for my sister. I looked all around and did not see her, so I left.

As I was walking down the sidewalk (some who lives in my city who went to Jefferson Pointe may know the sidewalk I’m talking about) back to Wal-Mart. I notice a cop car following me. I stop, and as soon as I do, the cop car stop, they got out of the car shouting “put your hands on the car”. The cops started searching all my pockets, took apart everything in my wallet going through everything I had in it (and reading it). One cop smoked a cigarette near me. They kept asking me several questions figuring I was with the guy who stabbed an employee while trying to steal shoes at Kohl’s (since we were the same race). I had no idea what was going on and the cops refused to believe me. They asked me questions about my sister, family, school, and just about everything. I kept telling the cops I have nothing and would never hurt anyone, they refused to believe it. An old friend of mine use to work at Wal-Mart and saw everything that happened. The cops were calling my name in to get information. I was also raining that day too. I was afraid I was going to be arrested and never come home that day. I tried very hard being a good person over the years, yet I felt like I was going to be arrested. The cops took me in the store to meet the criminal, employee, and the criminal’s friend, asking if they knew me. Because they didn’t, they handed me my wallet back and I was free to go. Worst experience in my life and it’s why I always cringe when seeing police officers.

Yeah you told us this story before. fucking horrible.
[quote name='leveskikesko']Mine was when I was kidnapped as a young boy randomly while waiting for my family to finish up shopping, but just as the kidnappers were forcing me into the car my aunt scared them away. Pretty scary, right?


you presume they were kidnappers and not worse. could have been scarier, they could have been rapers or pillagers or... carnies.
[quote name='Arakias']you presume they were kidnappers and not worse. could have been scarier, they could have been rapers or pillagers or... carnies.[/quote]

Kidnappers can also be those things y'know, and as a toddler I don't think I would've really thought of those things.

A friend of mine was almost kidnapped by a pimp and his prostitute when she was a kid once though.
Some lady in NV tried to grab my bags and run. I held on to them and she eventually left.
Then some guy chased her, and when I heard noises, I left.
[quote name='JolietJake']Honestly, even though i wasn't real, i once had this horrible nightmare / night terror episode that scared the shit out of me. I woke up to being shook by my father, afterwards i felt like i'd ran a marathon, my heart was racing, i was sweating, horrible experience.[/quote]

That just reminded me of a nightmare that is the worst I ever had ...

I was living by myself at the time and I was admittedly nervous about people breaking in, especially while I slept. So anyway, I remember I had a nightmare and then dreamt that I woke up .. so I thought at that point I was awake, when I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I hear the footsteps stop right outside my bedroom door. Now I'm fucked. There's nothing I can do. I don't have a phone nearby and I have nothing to use as a weapon. I'm lying in my bed paralyzed in fear waiting for the worst. And then the door slams open and I see a shadow run across the room towards me and grabs my neck and starts choking me. I can feel my neck being crushed as this shadow just grunts. And then I really wake up. Needless to say I didn't get back to sleep that night and slept the next few nights with my bedroom door locked and my tv on.
[quote name='Maklershed']That just reminded me of a nightmare that is the worst I ever had ...

I was living by myself at the time and I was admittedly nervous about people breaking in, especially while I slept. So anyway, I remember I had a nightmare and then dreamt that I woke up .. so I thought at that point I was awake, when I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I hear the footsteps stop right outside my bedroom door. Now I'm fucked. There's nothing I can do. I don't have a phone nearby and I have nothing to use as a weapon. I'm lying in my bed paralyzed in fear waiting for the worst. And then the door slams open and I see a shadow run across the room towards me and grabs my neck and starts choking me. I can feel my neck being crushed as this shadow just grunts. And then I really wake up. Needless to say I didn't get back to sleep that night and slept the next few nights with my bedroom door locked and my tv on.[/quote]

might have been a shadow person or a ghost.

that reminds me of some shit i went through as a kid when ( what i now know as a shadow person) was standing over my bed all night with what looked like a knife. mind you this was the summertime so im boling hott because im huddled under my comforter afraid to make a move or run for the door to get to my moms room. i syated in the bed covered up all night looking at this guy in a trench coat and hat holding what looked like a butcher knife over me. the next morning i wake up and theres nothing there. looking back on it the place was definelty haunted because of that and a few other incidents i went through.
Shadow people are shadow like figures you see or think you see, usually connected to being high on crystal meth.
bread's done