Scobie's Quit Smoking Journal -- With Prizes!! (Week 3; Strong, like bull!)

Good luck, Scobie! There are no negatives to quit smoking, you'll have more money and be healthier.

You have all of our support! :D
[quote name='gizmogc']Girls smoking is just so damn sexy...

Anyway, I will smoke a cigarette for you tonight, my friend.[/quote]

If you want to kiss an ashtray, sure. I told a girl once that I would dump her if she started smoking. It worked, it kept her off the damn things.

[quote name='JimmieMac']I just hate when it gets to the point where I have been drinkin and smokin all night and I cough up a big black hunk of my lung. That part sucks but I smoke less now than I did then.[/quote]

And still you smoke? I guess that's just more chlorine in the gene pool at work.

Good luck OP, and to all the other CAGs who are quitting. Nothing but good will come of it! I'll be watching this thread and cheering you on!
never really saw the appeal, just me personally, i'm probably missing something. i've tried it, didnt like it, never did it again. good luck OP! glad to see you're making strides :D! and good job for everyone here who's successfully quit too :)!
Whatever you do, don't listen to Mark Lanegan. That guys voice is so damn cool, he makes you want to smoke 5 packs a day just to sound like him...
I'm quitting too! I've been smoking for about 2 years but never a pack a day or anything like that. My packs usually lasted me about a week or a week and a half most of the time, except for when I went to the bar with my neighbor. But lately I haven't been enjoying cigarettes as much lately and I'm pretty much committed to quitting now but I'm definetly not going cold turkey. I'm stretching the time between cigarettes out to be longer and longer until I quit. Those menthols are hard not to crave though, its tough!
Good luck! I've seen many people quit and/or try to quit and it's hard.
The first 2 weeks are gonna make you wanna blow up the earth and then some..but, if you make it in 2 weeks you SHOULD be fine :)

Why don't you treat this kind of like a diet? Make goals. If you can make a week smoke-free, treat yourself to something. Then aim for 2 weeks, a month. 2 months, 6, ETC. Give yourself some kind of incentive.

Coming from someone with pretty messed up asthma, I appreciate people who try to quit smoking. In a room full of smokers, it just makes me hard of breathing & just nauscious. Even though we never met, it's nice to know that there is one more person out there who isn't gonna make me sick :(

I'm trying to get my BF to quit smoking. Whenever he comes inside from smoking..ugh. The smell of it on clothes is just putrid..

But ANYWAY, I wish you the best of luck with this and your lungs/body and other asthmatics/people with respiratory problems thank you in advance :)
Both of my parents smoked for over a decade. My mother quit first, before I was born in the early early 80s and did it cold turkey with tootsie pops. Everytime she had a craving she would just use the pop as a crutch.
My father quit in the mid 80s, cold turkey again, and he used certs breath mints and chewed on toothpicks. He still chews on those darn toothpicks but it did work. Mid 90s he had a heartattack and was told that if he was still smoking, the heartattack would have killed him. But it didnt. Hes healthy as a horse now and many of his friends in his age bracket (60s) have died from side effects from their habit. Its sad but true.

Smoking, besides being stinky and expensive is an unhealthy habit to have. Kudos to all who are trying to stop and good luck to you all.
Good luck Scobie and everyone else. I smoked for about ten years (from about 15 on). It's been about 3 years now. It's hard for a year or so, especially if you're around other people smoking, like bars or breaks at work. Eventually, you'll hardly notice other people doing it, except for the smell. Now I just need to work on my eating habits...
The average smoker spends about $1000 dollors on cigarettes a year.

Nicotine is more addictive than heroine.

Good luck.. Smoking is a nasty habit and its a bitch to quit... Stay Strong!
Best of luck to you Scobie. A lot of the damage you done can be reversed if you stop smoking now (granted not all of it), but it's a great way to add a few years onto your life :)
Good luck. I've stayed quit for almost 10 months after smoking a pack a day for 7 years. Unfortunately, the first 2 days are a cake walk compared to the next week. The thing is that once you've been smoking that long, it becomes a part of your lifestyle. For example, every morning when I walk to work (I work in NYC), I'd always light up a cigarette as soon as I walk passed certain spots like this bank and coffee shop. I did it out of habit because when I lit up a smoke at those spots, by the time I finished, I'd arrive at my destination.

So when I quit, out of habit I immediately wanted to light one up everytime I passed that bank. This is what is called a "trigger" which are situtations that make you want to light one up. Since you have been smoking for so long, I'm sure you have dozens of triggers like I did, for example after eating a meal, watching a TV show at home, playing Counter-Strike etc. The hardest part is to resist the triggers which is why it is a good idea to switch habits (for example, I took a different route to work so I would avoid the certain spots that I always lit up a cig).

Even now, 10 months later I still get a small urge to light one up but that is all mental. I used to spend $200 a month on cigs so I switched that to spending $200 a month on video games (It's freaking amazing how much $200 gets you per month :hot:). I created a massive backlog and it seemed a "waste of money" spending so much, but at least you get something in return rather than spending it on smoking. It should get a lot easier about a month later but the first 2 weeks were horrible (BTW, I know you're thinking how the heck you are going to wait an entire month but you just have to take it one day at a time).

Edit - Here is a pretty good website that I stumbled upon all those months ago.
>_> Good luck. I know my friend lives with someone who smokes and because of that I rarely go over his house. He doesnt smoke but thats the only real affordable place for him to live.
Day 2's almost over and things have been going really well. The sickness is gone and now it's just occasional pains that are pretty easily dealt with.

I've come to realize that the biggest difference between quitting this time and the times when I tried before is this time I really freakin' WANT to quit. Other times I thought I wanted it, but I can tell now that I wasn't really ready yet.

The best thing I noticed today was my cough is gone. I would have an occasional "throat clearing" cough that's been coming on for about a year now, and I don't any more, after just one full day off of cigarettes. Amazing.

Starting tomorrow I'm gonna hit the exercise bike. Not only do I not wanna smoke any more, but I don't wanna put on weight. Screw that.
!nam kcul doog !eciohc thgir eht edam ev'uoY .doog rof tibah ytsan siht pu evig uoy epoh I .etteragic a touhtiw og nac uoy setunim elpuoc a si tsop siht gnidear dneps uoy emit ehT

^Read that. It's backwards!^
[quote name='Gustav Holst']!nam kcul doog .etteragic a touhtiw og nac uoy setunim elpuoc a si tsop siht gnidear dneps uoy emit ehT

^Read that. It's backwards!^[/quote]

Crafty jews!
Good luck quitting cigarettes. I never smoked cigarettes so I can't say how hard it is to quit, but stay focused and I'm sure you can do it.
Good luck. My parents both smoked for years until a few years ago. My mom still doesn't smoke but my dad has picked it up again.
g'luck with quitting man, although most people are just here for the free cards i'm XXX

so i respect your decision
Good job quitting smoking; I've never smoked myself but I know it's hard, so just remember to use a lot of self-control, and think of the health benefits and how good you'll feel, health-wise and about your choices after you're done.

Also, thanks for the prizes :D
I'm rooting for you man, my GF is trying to quit as well, although her addiction isn't nearly as bad as yours. How much is one of those detox kits?

My Grandpa quit after they charged him around $10 for a pack at the airport. That was like 20 years ago. Classic Cheap Ass. :lol:
[quote name='Kendro']Good luck. I've stayed quit for almost 10 months after smoking a pack a day for 7 years. Unfortunately, the first 2 days are a cake walk compared to the next week.[/QUOTE]

Damn it if that ain't the truth. Tonight the pangs are even worse than the first day. They're like demonic hell hounds and they just won't fuggin' stop. I'm gettin' by but just barely.

[quote name='getmeoutofjoliet']I'm rooting for you man, my GF is trying to quit as well, although her addiction isn't nearly as bad as yours. How much is one of those detox kits?[/QUOTE]

Amazon's pushing two for $18:

They're usually about $10 - $11 individually at your local pharmacy. They give you a bottle of some herbal detox pills that I guess are supposed to help flush toxins out of your body and juice you with vitamins to help with the pain of withdrawal. They also give you fiber packets to stir into water because I guess they think it's funny if you crap a lot.

The best part of the kit is a plastic fake cigarette from some Asian country that draws about the same amount of air as a real cigarette and tastes minty. fuckin' useful piece of kit. Would've liked to see about five of these in that box.

[quote name='Mr. Anderson']I'm the in exact same boat, and though it's not easy, it's just something you gotta fuckin' do. Good luck to us both.[/QUOTE]

Indeed! How long since you quit?
[quote name='Scobie']Indeed! How long since you quit?[/QUOTE]

3 weeks so far. It gets a little harder in the second week, but man, I feel so much better already.
Im in the process of helping my roomate quit. Its been a battle and he is going off them slowly, hes down to like 2-4 a day (better than the pack) I've seen some bad things just comming off them STILL smoking so I wish the best of luck to you!
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']3 weeks so far. It gets a little harder in the second week, but man, I feel so much better already.[/QUOTE]

Glad to hear you're making it through! It's stupid how hard this is. I don't wanna be one of those righteous ass-chomp ex-smokers, but I really hope nobody else ever picks up this rotten habit. If it was easy to drop, that'd be one thing, but it's not and fuck that.

My anger at cigarettes is actually kind of helpign me through. I'm pissed that they've been adding more nicotine to make them more addictive. I'm pissed that when I tried to switch down to Ultra Lights I noticed that there was something in them that made me want to smoke more than I ever did before. I'm pissed that I feel as sick as I do now trying to get off of it.

[quote name='doctorfaustus']Trying to quit here as well. Good luck.[/QUOTE]

Hang in there Doc! You can do it!
Just think about it this way, if you quit now, you would of gone through these 5 days of hell for nothing. It'll eventually pass, stick with it!
fucking Strell, I just saw that episode.

Anyway I'm on the last stretch of the first month this Friday. The 2nd week was pretty hard, the 3rd is going pretty bad too, but not as bad. Still get some cravings, a little bit less cranky though. A nice amount of Big League Chew takes care of the cravings for me though.

I'll probably go out to Claim Jumper's with my girl and catch a flick to celebrate.

Keep us posted Scobie!
Hey Scobie, congrats on making a great decision for your life. As hard as it is to go through now, just keep reminding yourself that the longer you've been away from them, the easier it will get. I wish you continued success with this.
Day 5 is almost done! Tried playing the rest of the way through Shadow of the Colossus. *Not* a good game to play when you're trying to quit smoking. Oddly, God of War was, although the fuggin' water levels were enough to make me wanna punch the TV.

Anyway, I switched up to Dragon Quest VIII. Very good stuff. A little too anime for my liking, but tolerable so far, and the leveling up is grand. It's what the DQ/DW series means to me. Sweet, sweet level grinding. About four hours in and I'm at about Level 9. This one will probably see me through the rest of my quit smoking project.

Video Games: My Anti-Drug.
Tomorrow is 3 months for me. :)

Although, this is my third time trying to quit, and I'm not too proud of that. Still, I think I'll pull it off this time.
I quit smoking about 3 and a half years ago and I still get cravings. It's really bad at parties, or when I'm on campus and I smell someone smoke. If I were to smoke one now I'd die, but the smell is intoxicating to me.

With that said, smoking is one of the best things I've ever done. Keep up the work Scobie, you can do it! You can do it all night long ! (and then not smoke after that)
Sounds like you're making great progress! I been around people who've quit and it is amazing/scary what happens when you stop. I'm thinking you're going to make it, though be warned the cravings will still be there years on.

I think I'd find something to take my mind off of the lack of smokes. A friend chewed on cinnamon sticks when he wanted a cigarette. Least it gave him something to take his frustration out on.

Good luck!
[quote name='anadune']Sounds like you're making great progress! I been around people who've quit and it is amazing/scary what happens when you stop. I'm thinking you're going to make it, though be warned the cravings will still be there years on.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I know... There's this old dude I used to work with (he's retired now) who told me last time I tried to quit that he used to be a two-pack-a-day smoker and quit over 16 years ago and he *still* has times where he wants one something awful.

It's just something you've gotta cope with. But I'm feeling great tonight. I think I've really licked this thing and am full-tilt confident that this will last. Cold turkey is hands-down the best way to go. It sucks ass going through it, but you come out of it quicker than by usng nicotine replacement stuff and (assuming you're really determined) with nothing to help drag you back into smoking.

Anyway, I expect tomorrow will be just as good as today was. Even better because it's prize time!
[quote name='LiquidNight']Outta the woods? Congrats man.
Good luck on staying off them.[/QUOTE]

Outta the woods! Feelin' great over here. Absolutely the hardest thing I've ever done, but also the best.
bread's done