Scribblenauts - New Concept on Interaction - From Drawn To Life Devs


48 (100%)


I'm very interested. :bouncy:
[quote name='VioletArrows']While a good idea in theory, they greatly underestimate some folks vocabulary and imaginations.[/quote]

I say wait on the final product.
[quote name='VioletArrows']While a good idea in theory, they greatly underestimate some folks vocabulary and imaginations.[/quote]
We'll see. 3 months of list making will get you quite a lot of nouns.
[quote name='botticus']We'll see. 3 months of list making will get you quite a lot of nouns.[/quote]

And their included animations and possible scripts to interact with each other?

*gets the star with a koosh ball, a slice of bacon, and a scalpel*
[quote name='VioletArrows']And their included animations and possible scripts to interact with each other?

*gets the star with a koosh ball, a slice of bacon, and a scalpel*[/quote]
It won't be as detailed as some might like, it'll all be based on the properties of each object.
As a concept, it's more interesting than anything I've seen/heard on the HD consoles. Will be keeping a close eye on this.
Man, these guys really know their way around the DS. If it maintains its charm and personality, it'll be a day one purchase for me.
This is a very cool idea, but I think they are overestimating the amount of both object sprites and physics / properties they can create in such a (relatively) short time. I'm sure it will be impressive, whatever it is, but I can imagine many items simply won't be included. If they weren't insinuating "if you can think it, it's there!" I wouldn't be making such a big deal out about this.

I also worry that the creation of the underlying mechanic may be more groundbreaking than the game itself. "Collect the star"? People will spend lots of time trying to "stump" the game or summon unusual objects, but if the game itself is shallow or (at least) not as revelatory as the mechanic, then how long will it take to become boring?

I'll give it the benefit of the doubt. The truth is, we don't know that much about this yet.
[quote name='Strell']New trailer popped up today. Also, Warner Bros Interactive is publishing.

Game looks incredible. They even fitted the little dood with Gordon Freeman's suit when he used a crowbar.[/quote]

Okay, that trailer made me interested in this game again. Can't wait.
This is the first DS game I've ever preordered. I read for the NEOGAF thread for about 5 minutes and then immediately went and placed my preorder.
I hope I'm not falling for hype, again, but this game looks so fun. I can't wait to start typing out crazy stuff.
[quote name='jkanownik']This is the first DS game I've ever preordered. I read for the NEOGAF thread for about 5 minutes and then immediately went and placed my preorder.[/QUOTE]

same here preording and getting it day 1

also the gaf thread sold me as well especially with this post

So listen to this story. I was in the early levels; I didn't quite have an idea of how ridiculously in-depth the database was. I was summoning things like ladders, glasses of water, rayguns, what have you. But I reached a level with zombie robots, and the zombie robots kept killing me. Rayguns didn't work, a torch didn't work, a pickaxe didn't work. In my frustration, I wrote in "Time Machine". And one popped up. What the fuck? A smile dawned on my face. I hopped in, and the option was given to me to either travel to the past or the future. I chose past. When I hopped out, there were fucking dinosaurs walking around. I clicked one, and realized I could RIDE THEM. So I hopped on a fucking DINOSAUR, traveled back to the present, and stomped the shit out of robot zombies. Did you just read that sentence? Did you really? I fuckING TRAVELED THROUGH TIME AND JUMPED ON A DINOSAUR AND USED IT TO KILL MOTHERfuckING ROBOT ZOMBIES. This game is unbelievable. Impossible. There's nothing you can't do.
[quote name='EXStrike']Game of the motherfucking FOREVER.[/QUOTE]
What he said.

I almost never play handheld games- my two kids each have a DS of their own, but apart from trying (and enjoying, but never finishing) a very few titles, like EBA, Kirby: Canvas Curse, and New Super Mario Brothers, I pretty much never use them. It's just not my platform.

But THIS?...... Not only will I be preordering this game, I'm seriously thinking about getting my own DS....just for this game...... and preordering 2 copies of Scribblenauts, so I don't have to wait until my kids are done with it to play it.
[quote name='VioletArrows']And their included animations and possible scripts to interact with each other?

*gets the star with a koosh ball, a slice of bacon, and a scalpel*[/QUOTE]

It's like Macguyver on crack. How can anyone not approve?

I recall seeing a video with a whale a while back, and was left somewhat unfazed but some of the more recent videos have definitely piqued my interest. It's a totally awesome and interesting concept that I don't think I've seen utilized before.
I wish they went a little farther in the concept. Maybe having a platformer where you can draw "anything" and have puzzles/obstacles along the way instead of just set puzzles.

Like have a system where if you get enough coins or something you get to draw one thing, and the things could have different values of coins based on their power. Might be a bit too hard though.
[quote name='V4oLDbOY']I wish they went a little farther in the concept.[/QUOTE]

You are way disillusioned with the prowess of game programming if you think what they've accomplished here isn't significant.
[quote name='V4oLDbOY']I wish they went a little farther in the concept. Maybe having a platformer where you can draw "anything" and have puzzles/obstacles along the way instead of just set puzzles.

Like have a system where if you get enough coins or something you get to draw one thing, and the things could have different values of coins based on their power. Might be a bit too hard though.[/QUOTE]

There's over 200 levels in the game; I'm pretty sure there are some levels that are longer than others.
[quote name='keithp']So how many are going to spell p-e-n-i-s the first chance they get? :D[/QUOTE]

I believe someone at E3 tried that and said it won't work.
[quote name='keithp']So how many are going to spell p-e-n-i-s the first chance they get? :D[/QUOTE]

You're so original.
[quote name='EXStrike']There's over 200 levels in the game; I'm pretty sure there are some levels that are longer than others.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Strell']You are way disillusioned with the prowess of game programming if you think what they've accomplished here isn't significant.[/QUOTE]

I have nothing against the game or what they accomplished. Its just the concept is so great, why not incorporate that into what they were trying to do with Drawn to Life.

its not that there wont be a lot of levels or the length of them. Its that they went this far, why not a bit more. Perhaps their next game, since they already have the word database.

I'll definitely play this, and I'm sure I'll enjoy it. I just dont know how how long I can stick with it. The sandbox opening screen of the game seems the most fun.
[quote name='StankGunner']Scribblenauts is going to have a level editor and you will be able to share levels:

I also, don't understand what you mean by drawing "anything". I assume you mean, for example, you would like to be able to draw a lamp and have the game just know it was a lamp? That seems exponentially more difficult than the concept they are working with here.[/QUOTE]

You mean drawing God is a touch too abstract?
[quote name='StankGunner']I also, don't understand what you mean by drawing "anything". I assume you mean, for example, you would like to be able to draw a lamp and have the game just know it was a lamp? That seems exponentially more difficult than the concept they are working with here.[/QUOTE]

If you type in 'lamp', you'll get a lamp that'll have the basic properties of a lamp.

If you type in 'flamethrower', you'll get a flamethrower that'll have the basic properties of a flamethrower.

If you type in 'longcat', you'll get a longcat that'll have the basic properties of a longcat.

etc. etc.

It's very possible and understandable once you've read up the underlying structure for the game - Objectnaut.
SG specifically said "draw," not type.

And it wouldn't be exponentially more difficult to do it that way. It would be Satan's balls impossible. Think about how many lamps you've seen in your day, and the staggering differences between all of them. Some have switches, some are touch activated, some are made from brass, some are oil burning, some are blue, some are red, some are red AND blue, some are purple, some are shaped like seductive lady legs that Ralphie wants to touch and thinks of as electric sex, some are metal, some are fuckin' metal, some use more than one bulb, some are bendy, etc etc etc.

Satan's balls impossible.
I need to get out of my cave more often. I didn't even know about this game till yesterday. Definitely need to preorder this bastard. I wonder if "preorder" results in a geeky Gamestop employee who badgers you (or the kraken) to keep up his numbers?
Ok, it sounds incredible, but I'm still wary. Drawn to Life was a great idea, but the game was boring as hell. It was, in fact, pretty mind numbingly unoriginal, just with the exception of the drawing bit. So I'm worried this might be the same. Yes it's an awesome and original *concept*, but did they turn it into an awesome and original *game*?
Scribblenauts is the first game in a couple years where I can't wait to get it... Looks awesome. Hope it delivers.
[quote name='rupan_sansei']Oh my god, I am kicking myself for ignoring this booth at the show. This looks amazing.[/QUOTE]

Yes! This is my biggest disappointment of E3. Sob's! I looked online to see if anyone was talking about any "hidden gems" before I left E3. But I heard about this after E3 was done... ugh.
I dunno about this game anymore. If it does not deliver with EVERY word you can think of being possible - I'm not sure if the idea will work. I mean at E3 all they really showed was the same thing; Cuthlu, Beaver, ladder, God, bulldozer ect. You'd think if they had every word they would show everything they could think of.

I'm just skeptical...
bread's done