second shipments?


CAG Veteran
OK i didnt preorder and eb by me sez they have 1 extra....that doesnt sound like too much of a good plan. so im wondering(and have scoured the net for answers, w./ no luck) when the next shipments will be comin in. like say will thetre me be more units at eb around tues/wed?
Damnit The First Shipment That Hasn't Arrived Yet Will Probably Be Sold Out Please Someone Point Me Towards A New Shipment That Will Probably Come In The Future Since This First One Probably Will Sell Out!!!!!!!!! Im So Disappointed About Probably Not Being Able To Get One, I Think!!!!!!!!
The Walmart I called here in Austin said they had 28 for tonight, but that they were getting another shipment later this week. I assume that will be the case with most stores.
whoa whoa; don't get your panties bunched up on my behalf. I appreciate your response; even with your "crystal ball" whoo-ha...which isn't that funny in the first place. Yet you make a comment about my grammer! It isn't as if this is a message board for a college course or even anything remotely associated w/ being proper. Maybe you are right....maybe I should have stopped to check each word and its respective use of grammer. I bet if I had done that, you and your nit-wit ignorant comments would cease.

oh definately eat ass
[quote name='I AM WILLIAM H. MACY']Damnit The First Shipment That Hasn't Arrived Yet Will Probably Be Sold Out Please Someone Point Me Towards A New Shipment That Will Probably Come In The Future Since This First One Probably Will Sell Out!!!!!!!!! Im So Disappointed About Probably Not Being Able To Get One, I Think!!!!!!!![/quote]

dude, the shipments here have arrived
I was told by the guys at EB to come back at the store opening on Black Friday for a Wii, first come first served. I guess the rumors about systems being held back might be true afterall.
[quote name='theCHONGO']whoa whoa; don't get your panties bunched up on my behalf. I appreciate your response; even with your "crystal ball" whoo-ha...which isn't that funny in the first place. Yet you make a comment about my grammer! It isn't as if this is a message board for a college course or even anything remotely associated w/ being proper. Maybe you are right....maybe I should have stopped to check each word and its respective use of grammer. I bet if I had done that, you and your nit-wit ignorant comments would cease.

oh definately eat ass[/QUOTE]

I agree, the internet is not a place to be nit-picky about spelling and grammar...but what the fuck were you trying to say? This is not a 'text message' board, you can use really works like 'to' instead of '2'.

"OK i didnt preorder and eb by me sez they have 1 extra....that doesnt sound like too much of a good plan. so im wondering(and have scoured the net for answers, w./ no luck) when the next shipments will be comin in. like say will thetre me be more units at eb around tues/wed?"

[quote name='gizmogc']I agree, the internet is not a place to be nit-picky about spelling and grammar...but what the fuck were you trying to say? This is not a 'text message' board, you can use really works like 'to' instead of '2'.

"OK i didnt preorder and eb by me sez they have 1 extra....that doesnt sound like too much of a good plan. so im wondering(and have scoured the net for answers, w./ no luck) when the next shipments will be comin in. like say will thetre me be more units at eb around tues/wed?"


are u kidding me? UH OH, I shortened you to "u", are you going to get distressed once again? Plus when did I use a number two as a substitute for to?

By the Way....oh yeah, you used "btw"

So professor what do you say now?

[quote name='jimfoley16']me to, salami = best lunch meat[/QUOTE]

*high five*

Sometimes I splurge and get the high quality stuff at Whole Foods :drool:
[quote name='thagoat']i enjoy lunch meat sandwiches.[/quote]

So... is that like a couple of slices of smoked ham inbetween two slices of roastbeef? ( :drool: )

OP- Sure, this isn't the most 'proper' place, but its still a good idea to write in Englist instead of something that resembles English. Are we going to mark you down on your term paper if you write like a fucking idiot? No. However, that doesn't mean you wont get mocked to hell and back when you can't even ask a simple question in a fashion that doesn't induce headaches.

"I was wondering if anyone knew when stores would be getting second shipments."

Look at that! It took all of 10 seconds, its concise (to the point), its one third the size of what you posted, it doesn't include any extraneous information and best of all, doesn't make someone look like a total idiot!
[quote name='theCHONGO']OK i didnt preorder and eb by me sez they have 1 extra....that doesnt sound like too much of a good plan. so im wondering(and have scoured the net for answers, w./ no luck) when the next shipments will be comin in. like say will thetre me be more units at eb around tues/wed?[/QUOTE]

My head hurts.

I think it's a good thing you didn't get a Wii, gives you more time to study gramer or some form of English.
Take this for what you will.....:

We had a couple of Best Buy employees in line with us last night. They said that most best buys are expecting a BIG shipment of Wii's on Thursday (Thanksgiving night) for sale on Black Friday. He said they acutally were showing 200+ units enroute, and MOST of those were earmarked for arrival on Friday.

Not sure if it's true, or how good the info is, but I it's worth throwing out there.
[quote name='pilferk']Take this for what you will.....:

We had a couple of Best Buy employees in line with us last night. They said that most best buys are expecting a BIG shipment of Wii's on Thursday (Thanksgiving night) for sale on Black Friday. He said they acutally were showing 200+ units enroute, and MOST of those were earmarked for arrival on Friday.

Not sure if it's true, or how good the info is, but I it's worth throwing out there.[/quote]

Piss. I really don't want to deal with the black friday crowds. Those guys are fierce.
[quote name='theCHONGO']I bet if I had done that, you and your nit-wit ignorant comments would cease.

oh definately eat ass[/quote]:roll:
I asked more towards the controllers. They had quite a few in CC, but only got an extra one. They had sold out of the nunchuk. When I asked, they said they had a new shipment coming in Wednesday. Could be consoles as well. I only care for the nunchuk there cause CC has 5 bucks off any accesories 19.99 and above.
[quote name='theCHONGO']Yet you make a comment about my grammer! It isn't as if this is a message board for a college course or even anything remotely associated w/ being proper.[/quote] Except that by design we communicate 98% purely through text and possibly 2% by :applause::booty::roll::bouncy::cold::bomb:. QED, it is a requirement that you present your discussions and dialogues in a legible and understandable context. I don't wish to speak for gizmo, but I believe all he wanted was for you to put forth your thoughts into a form where they were coherent and easy for us to comprehend.

[quote name='thagoat']i enjoy lunch meat sandwiches.[/quote] Dude, anything but bologna or olive loaf.
bread's done