Sega to shut down Chromehounds (EDIT: its over)


39 (100%)
Sega is shutting down the servers for Chromehounds on January 6, 2010. Unlike Steel Battalion where the campaign was shut down but online free play was still possible, there will be no online play for Chromehounds at all.

Thanks Sega. You stood behind Chromehounds just like you did with the Sega CD, 32X, Saturn, and Dreamcast. I've been buying Sega products all the way back to the Master System days and never have I been as pissed at them.
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Very lame move by SEGA. Not that I played Chromehounds much at all or had the intention of playing it online, but there really aren't many options for games in that genre either.
I haven't even opened my copy I've been sitting on for months. Can the entire game be played offline, or is it one of those Phantasy Star Online for Xbox deals where you're completely screwed once the server goes down?
Its not like Shadowrun, there is a single player but it sucks. The game was meant to be played online. If you're worried about achievements, there are 170 possible offline achievement points.

I'll probably have to go back to Mechassault 2. What else is there? Armored Core blows, and the new Mechwarrior is years away.
Hmmm...if that's the case, guess I'll be putting my sealed copy up for trade since lord knows when I'll actually get around to playing it. If anybody's looking for it, send me a PM.
[quote name='ohboy10451']who cares. Why lose revenue on something no one plays[/QUOTE]
Thanks for your kind words and well informed, insightful opinion.

2500 people have at least one kill in the current war that just recently started. That doesn't include free battle where theres more action.

Chromehounds has a very good community, the game gets slow whenever a new AAA title comes out but they always come back. Judging from your list of games played, I doubt you know what its like to play a squad based game competitively over a long period of time, and how dedicated the players become.
I only saw the thread title and immediately I thought of how disappointed dafoomie would be. You're always on there. That game was a total blast back when we had the CAG community playing.
I always meant to put a 2nd account in there but something always came up. I think I managed to give them the then current builds the last time they played, though.
[quote name='GunstarRed']I haven't even opened my copy I've been sitting on for months. Can the entire game be played offline, or is it one of those Phantasy Star Online for Xbox deals where you're completely screwed once the server goes down?[/QUOTE]

As dafoomie said, the game was really meant for multiplayer. Even though there is a single-player campaign you won't really get to fight against any other Hounds at all save for a mission or two, and even then it's lackluster since you cannot use anything other than the parts the game gives you. It's decent for a tutorial but it's fairly lame overall.

The online component was very slow (sometimes painfully so) but it really required a great degree of strategy and skill (save for people crying about patches and whatnot). My squad? Um...well, we were poor on strategy and we barely had skill. All in good fun, though!

Shame about this overall. I did enjoy crafting new Hounds just to see how they would run (read: mostly poorly against any respectable human-run Hound). At least we have until January!
I thought Microsoft provided the servers for everything except for yearly sports games. Welp, I guess there goes the myth that developers only have to provide online servers for PSN.
Well looks like i'm going to have to get online and start playing. Never really got into the game online. If anyone still plays online send me an invite. I would like to play online but never got into it.
[quote name='KingBroly']I thought Microsoft provided the servers for everything except for yearly sports games. Welp, I guess there goes the myth that developers only have to provide online servers for PSN.[/QUOTE]
Its because the game features a persistent online war, similar to Endwar (which also has their own servers). Its not just simple matchmaking.
Well this sucks, I bought the game and I intended on playing it online at some point. Guess I better get into some games while I have the chance.
[quote name='dafoomie']2500 people have at least one kill in the current war that just recently started. That doesn't include free battle where theres more action.[/QUOTE]

2500 people is almost nothing when Live has twenty million subscribers.

I do understand how you'd be upset and frustrated if you're a fan of the game, but it's been three and a half years since the game was released. At this point, there's got to be minimal incentive for Sega to keep the servers up - other than a few DLC items, the game isn't bringing in any money and, unless somebody picks up the game used from GameStop, there won't be many new players joining the fray. It takes resources to run something like this, and I can't fault Sega for pulling the plug after this long.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']2500 people is almost nothing when Live has twenty million subscribers.

I do understand how you'd be upset and frustrated if you're a fan of the game, but it's been three and a half years since the game was released. At this point, there's got to be minimal incentive for Sega to keep the servers up - other than a few DLC items, the game isn't bringing in any money and, unless somebody picks up the game used from GameStop, there won't be many new players joining the fray. It takes resources to run something like this, and I can't fault Sega for pulling the plug after this long.[/QUOTE]
And yet stupid crap that no one plays like Sega GT is still playable online. Shutting down the campaign like Capcom did with Steel Battalion is not the same thing as shutting down all online play, which is what they're doing with Chromehounds. This wouldn't be half as bad if there were a replacement on the horizon, but its the only game of its kind on the market for 360. Mechwarrior is a long, long time away.

There was talk of this being released as a Games on Demand title, thats not going to happen if the game isn't running anymore.

This isn't the first time they've discussed doing this. If any of you want to play the game, play it now because it offers a squad based tactical experience like no other. I can help you as far as builds, thats usually the big barrier to new players. Forget about fully customizable mechs, there are no default mechs. You just get parts.

You'd also need to find a squad, or some other people to go make a squad.
[quote name='dafoomie']And yet stupid crap that no one plays like Sega GT is still playable online.[/QUOTE]

You said it yourself:

[quote name='dafoomie']Its because the game features a persistent online war, similar to Endwar (which also has their own servers). Its not just simple matchmaking.[/QUOTE]
As crappy as Sega GT might be, matchmaking is all it needs for online play - just hand it over to Microsoft, and no more worries. Running their own servers is a much bigger commitment for Sega.

From what I've read, it sounds like Sega can't make the game work online by just handing it over to Microsoft. If that was an option, I'm sure they'd consider it. Sega supported Phantasy Star Online for five years for the GameCube - a system that didn't even HAVE online capability unless you bought a special accessory - which leads me to believe that the demand doesn't justify the cost on their end.

[quote name='Brak']Great game.

Too bad SEGA can't stand by their own product.[/QUOTE]

They did for three and a half years. That's longer than a lot of MMOs lived for.
[quote name='Gothic Walrus']You said it yourself:

As crappy as Sega GT might be, matchmaking is all it needs for online play - just hand it over to Microsoft, and no more worries. Running their own servers is a much bigger commitment for Sega.

From what I've read, it sounds like Sega can't make the game work online by just handing it over to Microsoft. If that was an option, I'm sure they'd consider it. Sega supported Phantasy Star Online for five years for the GameCube - a system that didn't even HAVE online capability unless you bought a special accessory - which leads me to believe that the demand doesn't justify the cost on their end.

They did for three and a half years. That's longer than a lot of MMOs lived for.[/QUOTE]
There is a free battle mode which is nothing more than the simple matchmaking any run of the mill title has. They just don't want to patch the game.

Capcom went the extra mile for their customers and made it so you could play Steel Battalion in a free play mode with all content unlocked even after they shut down the servers. To just say screw it and shut everything down is, unfortunately, typical Sega and what I've come to expect from them after being a loyal Sega customer since the Master System days.

This comes with no apology, and barely two sentences of explanation. They have never in the history of their company known how to treat their customers.
[quote name='dafoomie']Thanks for your kind words and well informed, insightful opinion.

2500 people have at least one kill in the current war that just recently started. That doesn't include free battle where theres more action.

Chromehounds has a very good community, the game gets slow whenever a new AAA title comes out but they always come back. Judging from your list of games played, I doubt you know what its like to play a squad based game competitively over a long period of time, and how dedicated the players become.[/QUOTE]

click on my gamercard and u will be proven wrong! It lasted a good 2-3 yrs. R.I.P. Sega is losing enough money as it is with all the Sonic & Wii game flops.
Can you guys seriously friggin blame them? They're trying to cut costs after losing shit tons of money this gen from venturing on new franchises (VC, Madworld, the conduit, Yakuza 3 and more)

I'd be pissed if I was a regular player of this game too but this is my opinion looking at it in an unbiased angle.
Just in the interest of getting my friends up-to-speed and to be a stronger squad, where do you go for build info and strategy, dafoomie? I've found a few of the standard builds through helpful YouTube videos but there's as much chaff as there is wheat there.
You'd usually just get it from another player. There are a few guides, at the Xbox forums and at the Sega forums.

There are only three (or four) chassis that are worth using in the game. For inverse legs, its Naqa legs from Sal Kar. For treads, its Meade treads from Tarakia. For wheels, its usually Faras but sometimes Jawad wheels depending on the build, both are from Sal Kar. Bipedal legs aren't frequently used but if you did, it would be the Sal Kar legs. Never use quad legs, hovers aren't that useful anymore either.

First, you need to decide what kind of weapons you like and what you're good at using.

Soldier (Naqa legs)
-4 Cannons or 3 Cannons/Grenades
-4 Howitzers or 3 Howitzers/Grenades
-4 Assault Rifles/Grenades
-4 Machine Guns/Grenades (better in smaller missions, I don't recommend it)

Sniper (Naqa legs)
-5 banger (5 Sniper Cannons)
-3 Sniper Cannons/Grenades
-Gator Sniper (4 Sniper Cannons) (not used as often)
-etc (don't worry about other variants for now)

Support/Artillery (treads)
-Triple Single (3 Huge Cannons, usually Asifa's but sometimes Bastard's)
-Lowrider (4 Howitzers, 2 Sniper cannons)
-3/3 Lowrider (3 Howitzers, 3 Sniper cannons)
-6 Howie (6 Howitzers) (this is considered somewhat obsolete)
-Triple Heatseeker (3 Sal Kar heatseekers stacked) (you may not be popular)
-some variant of the above with grenades on it

-Shino Cart (4 grenades, Brooke cockpit)
-PBA Killer (4 AR's, Brooke cockpit)
-Shotgun cart (not used often)
-etc (slow wheelers are easy targets, stay above 300 speed)

Not useful at all:
-Sniper Rifles
-Mortars (they used to be, not now)
-Land Mines

Never use (of limited utility or high difficulty):
-Heat Rockets
-Piles (only good for killing bases)
-Bomb dispensers (only good for killing bases)
-Huge double cannons (nerfed)

For Cannons, use Falchions or Anelaces from Tarakia. Some players prefer CN300s but they've much heavier and have other drawbacks, don't use them for now. For Sniper Cannons, use SC200s from Morskoj or Sabres (free download part). For Howitzers, Faus are the most popular, Espadons if you need a lighter gun, but Ghaymas and sometimes HW300s can be useful too. For AR's, AR200s and AR100s are popular, some prefer Baselards but they're longer and don't fit on the most popular AR builds. For Grenades, use Mushmis or the RFZ version from the single player if you need to save weight.

If you haven't played or beaten the single player, you might want to look into it. You unlock parts in each mission which are inferior versions of parts from the online mode, but they are lighter weight and a couple of them are necessary.

One thing to remember is that grenades are very powerful and do splash damage. They strip weapons quickly, if you are not using grenades then stay out of grenade range (short range). Another thing to remember is to never use an open cockpit hound EXCEPT on carts above 300 speed. Naqa hounds should generally go at 163 or higher, treads at 179 and up.

Once you've determined what kind of weapons you are good at and what you'd like to do, you can start looking at specific builds. I can tell you how to build anything, but you must buy most if not all of the parts from all 3 nations, or have someone trade those parts to you. If you really need help with that I might be able to help you. Those 3 chassis, the weapons I've listed, spacers, generators, and cockpits are the most important.

The biggest difference between new and experienced players is the builds. The second are tactics and strategy, skill is only third. The learning curve is steep but if you put the time in to really learn the game you can hold your own with anybody.

If you need anything just ask me. I've been in the game since day one and my squad has been around forever, I know what I'm talking about.
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Played for about 8 months including with the CAG squad, and have to disagree with the piles being useless. Piles onto a fast moving wheeler(with slightly shielded cockpit: ie front shielded/back), is great for taking out slow targets(snipers, artillery, some heavy soldiers) as well as bases.

I usually ran 6 or 8 I dont remember exact amount, and could one shot a mech if i hit.
thanks for the info dafoomie. I reall need to get back into this. If I get on I'm going to have to play it this weekend. I have the game sitting on my tv stand and it has been there for about a month or so.
I didn't know people still played this game. They should make a sequel though since the game was marginally popular and it could use an update in the graphics area. My brother liked this game quite a bit.
One of the most fun games I've ever played on the 360. Sucks that it has to be shut down soon but personally I have not played this in probably over a year so I can understand some of the reasoning behind the shutdown. I still own it so maybe I'll hop on for old times sake.
[quote name='Phunin']This game wasn't anything special, I'm glad to see it go.[/QUOTE]

Why would you say something like that? I don't really care about the game either but there's no reason to be a dick about it. How would the game continuing to have hosted servers affect you in a negative way? Douchebag.
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[quote name='TimPV3']I can understand why they're doing this, but it'd be nice if they'd at least patch the game to use P2P servers.[/QUOTE]

I will admit that I haven't played the game online, but from what I know about programming trying to take something that's persistent down to a P2P game with a patch is going to be, at best, difficult...if it's possible at all. There's also the question of whether Sega wants to invest the time, money and resources into patching a three and a half year old game.

If the game was coded in a way so that you could somehow remove the persistent war component and use the multiplayer modes as straight P2P, then a patch would be a good idea. The fact of the matter is, we don't know if that's even feasible.

[quote name='KaneRobot']Why the would you say something like that? I don't really care about the game either but there's no reason to be a dick about it. How would the game continuing to have hosted servers affect you in a negative way? Douchebag.[/QUOTE]

Take a look at his other comments. This isn't an isolated behavior.

I bought this game, couldn't get into it, traded it in, read how great it was here on CAG, rebought it (used :( ) then still couldn't get into it...bah.. wish there was a good mech game out there... oh well...
[quote name='wckddudeman']Played for about 8 months including with the CAG squad, and have to disagree with the piles being useless. Piles onto a fast moving wheeler(with slightly shielded cockpit: ie front shielded/back), is great for taking out slow targets(snipers, artillery, some heavy soldiers) as well as bases.

I usually ran 6 or 8 I dont remember exact amount, and could one shot a mech if i hit.[/QUOTE]
Piles are certainly fun, but if you're trying to compete at a high level you're going to want to avoid them. Grenades are more effective as far as using a cart to get in close, and for taking down bases you're going to want a little range so you can maneuver.

Since the days of double-doubles ended, there just isn't (or shouldn't be) anything on the battlefield slower than 163. You might see an RJ sniper once in a great while but thats probably it.

The game is hard to get into because you need parts, builds, and a group of people to play with. Once you've got those things its outstanding.
Hi, dafoomie, I started to play this game lately, are you still playing this game?

I already joined TAKARIA, is that changeable? or I dun have to join Sal Kar but I can still get Sal Kar's parts
After you pick your nation the first time, you can change it once. After that, you have to wait 2 weeks, or you can create a squad and change that squad's nation either at the end of a war or when your country falls.

What I would do is try and make some money and buy all the parts from Tarakia before you switch, so that you don't need to go back later. I wouldn't leave without at least:

4x Anelace Cannons
4x Falchion Cannons
4x Faus Howitzers
4x Espadon Howitzers
4x Baselard AR's
4x Cutlass AR's
4x Stylet Machine Guns
2x Nobili Generator
2x Ampere Generator
3x Bastard Huge Cannons
Neumann, Russell, and Backus system chips
1 or 2 of each spacer
a couple Poleyn shield plates

Extra parts for your friends, and at least 1 each of every single part available would be best (you get an achievement for owning all the parts). You can make about 100k just by doing missions against the computer. You'll need to be in a squad to do that, if you aren't, so either join one or create one by yourself for now.

I might be able to give you some money if you really need it, I'll have to see what nation my other account is in.
I was contemplating opening up my copy and playing online but it doesn't sound like a game you can just jump in and play for a few minutes everyday. Hopefully I'll get to try it before the shut down.
Hey dafoomie,

I have heard of you via some mutual CH Friends. Did not know you were a member of CAG.

Guys, this is a travesty. I know that some of you understand the reason because of the financial aspect & others must just propagate "the hate" (Seriously, what has happened to CAG with all the hate mongering & Jerks, but this is a subject for another time.), but Chromehounds is a very unique game. I myself played it almost every day for a year & a half (Lord knows my gamerscore suffered :lol:). To many, it is known as "Crackhounds". ;) Between the dynamic hound builder, to battling people or even AI with your friends, it is a BLAST! Once you get the hang of it, you become addicted. I still see this with new players (people who have been playing for only a few months) to this day.

What I think dafoomie is trying to get across is the precedent. I mean old Xbox games are still available to play (Forza 1, Halo 2, Mechassault 1(!)). These games are older then 3 years. Then there are games on the 360 that no one plays (Stranglehold, Undertow, Pure, just to name a few), but those servers are not being shut down.

So the community is not 1 Billion, at least there is a community & a dedicated one, at that. There is no consideration in any way by $EGA for the commited Chromehounds player. You just need to look at the Mods posting on the $EGA Forums, to see that.

In a world of Guitar Hero 37 & Call of Duty 56, this game was a new & creative IP. No, it is/was not for everyone, but what game is?
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I have a group of guys on my friend list that I still see playing this game from time to time. I even bought the game like a year ago to play with the, but I never have. I haven't even put the game in my 360. :oops:
lol my ass being owned hard

cant find a squad so I created one, and today lost a battle suddenly my balance becomes negative
Play a few computer matches. You can do that by launching a mission on any map, readying up and selecting 'vs cpu start'. The money is the same as a regular match but the experience is much less.
ha dafoomie you are so kind, thank you for the tips!

played few vs cpu matches last night and now all the Takaria parts you mentioned are now affordable to me

and Sal Kar here I come!
wow, I haven't played this since '07. It got pushed aside & forgot about. Now to see if I can it amongst the other games in the backlog bin.
Exactly 5 people care about this right now, the same 5 who bought Chromehounds.

On a side note this is why we need a Gamers Bill of Rights. Because what is stopping a developer from releasing a game, then in a year or 2 shutting it down.
bread's done