September 14, 2006?


So Nintendo showed a couple of mediocre games at today's conference. Here's to hoping that the American Nintendo conference will be better.

EDIT: More info from IGN on Sep 1...

"September 1, 2006 - Nintendo seems to have set aside mid-September as worldwide Wii day. According to Japan's Kabushiki Shimbun newspaper, the company will be showing off the Wii to the Japanese press at an event scheduled to be held on 9/14.

Attendees will be able to sample the system first hand, the paper reports. The paper also expects pricing and release information to be announced at the event, something that would be inline with previous Nintendo statements.

A Japanese event held on the 14th coincides perfectly with similar events Nintendo has planned for the 15th in Europe and the 14th in America. Nintendo is expected to show region-specific products at each event. We eagerly anticipate our first look at Wiimote-based mahjong.

This event will mark the second time the Japanese press has gotten hands on time with the Wii. Following E3, Nintendo gathered select members of the press for a demo event using its E3 content. This time around, the games will likely be closer to completion.

The Nintendo event will be held one week before the Tokyo Game Show, where Sony and Microsoft will show off their own next generation offerings. Nintendo does not attend TGS, instead opting for its own product showings."
Thanks for that, but I was posting in that forum and was well aware of the info. I figured having a topic dedicated to the next conference would be better than constantly bumping something that will become old.
I'm sure Sept 14 will see the announcement of a Super Princess Peach sequel for the Wii... maybe a Wii sequel to Kirby's Air Ride, too.

Sorry guys, I'm just gettng tired of the jerking around from Nintendo. They've got two shit-hot products in the DS and the Wii but continue to yank everybody. This, I don't need.
[quote name='Scobie']I'm sure Sept 14 will see the announcement of a Super Princess Peach sequel for the Wii... maybe a Wii sequel to Kirby's Air Ride, too.

Sorry guys, I'm just gettng tired of the jerking around from Nintendo. They've got two shit-hot products in the DS and the Wii but continue to yank everybody. This, I don't need.[/QUOTE]

QFT. Nobody has given Nintendo as much support as I have, but all of this bullshit chain yanking has pissed away a lot of good will I've regained with video games because of Nintendo. If the Wii is at $249.99 now, I think I'll pass on it and roll quarters for a PS3 where as before I'd have gladly shelled out that and more for the system.
They aren't doing this because they get jollies with fucking with us. They are being cautious because of shit like Sony's motion sensing controller.
[quote name='icecubedx5']They aren't doing this because they get jollies with fucking with us. They are being cautious because of shit like Sony's motion sensing controller.[/QUOTE]

That is a horrible excuse. There is no reason why Nintendo could not have announced the price and release date at Leipzig. NO. REASON.
It's all part of their hype machine. Many of us are already frothing at the mouth for information about the Wii (me included). We have waited nearly a year since the Wii was first debuted so we can wait another three, short weeks. It's all about delayed gratification, my friends, that will ultimately result into one massive and collective joygasm around the world.

I'm saving up my joy load for the 14th, that's for sure.
[quote name='icecubedx5']They aren't doing this because they get jollies with fucking with us. They are being cautious because of shit like Sony's motion sensing controller.[/QUOTE]

Apples and oranges my friend. Giving a launch date and a price point to a system is totally different then revealing the hook of your console. Nintendo's bullshit press release with the "Wii date encoded" in the DS release dates is all the evidence we need to see that they are officially fucking with us to get people talking about the Wii.

Leipzig was a man behind the curtain situation and Nintendo knows it. If it wasn't, we would not have seen IGN posting an invitation to a Nintendo press conference the day afterwards. Furthermore, the fact that this was certainly going to be a disappointment was enough for Nintendo to scale back their announcements. I'm sure Nintendo has another three or four big games that they could bring out, but they didn't want to have these games overshadowed with the lack of an announcement. That's why the only announcements were games that have an appeal outside of the US (Strikers 2) and a game that was a rather moderate disappointment saleswise.
Wow, overreact much? It's not like Nintendo promised price and date during Leipzig. It was just assumed by a lot of us that it would be announced and when it didn't we took a beating. That is what happens when you get your hopes up on a not so sure thing. And just to note, they aren't promising announcements at this September event either.

EDIT: Poof!
I think it's smart. The closer to launch that they release important information, the bigger the hype that they'll have during their launch window will be.
[quote name='Foolman']And the Wii date encoded in their press release is just a bunch of shit created by FANS, not Nintendo. Don't go blaming that on them.[/QUOTE]

Nintendo is the ones who put out the press release that says: "The fourth quarter of 2006 will herald a new era for Nintendo with the launch of its remarkable new Wii home video game system. But that's not what this news item is about! How could that be, you ask? Perhaps the secret to the launch information for Wii is somehow encoded in the text of this news item. You might want to pore over it for a few hours before staying up all night to debate phraseology and comma placement with your friends online. Or maybe it's all just a scam to get you to read the other games we have launching this fall. One of the two."

How is that not Nintendo?

I'm more mad at the way Nintendo has handled the Wii so far. E3 was great and fantastic, but Nintendo has told and shown us absolutely nothing worthwhile since then. Instead, they've let rumors fly out about the price and package every other week shooting down none of them, and even fueling them by doing things like the press release above. Sure, it's good hype for the system, but we've been burnt by hype before.

I'm angry with Nintendo for making the Wii build not about the games, the retro download service, or even the new ways to play. Instead, the Wii has been about how gigantic the line at E3 was and how playing is believing, even though nobody has played any of the big Wii titles since E3. It shouldn't be Super Monkey Ball that's being talked about on the 1up Yours podcast and Rayman on the cover of Nintendo Power. It should be an article about how the first 40 minutes of Metroid Prime 3 is like gracing the cover of EGM. Nintendo is simply letting fans twist in the wind while only the 3rd parties have given us anything substantial in terms of information about games. The arrogance of Nintendo essentially saying, "the Wii is awesome, take our word for it" is shocking from a company that has been dead last in the home console market for a long time, especially when they're relying on what has to be considered a gimmick until the system gets a chance to prove itself otherwise a la the DS.

I love Nintendo, but the Wii has been nothing but hype and no substance from Nintendo's camp and it's seriously starting to piss me off (and this is coming from a guy who owns 60+ DS titles, 50+ Gamecube games including Mario Strikers and Battilion Wars, and has owned every Nintendo system since the NES).
ya its all nintendo's fault they just love to tease us.... i dont know about you but i have noticed that nintendo likes to build up hype for its products and just tease us in general wen we want the cold hard facts about nintendo products.... stop jerking us around nintendo!!
[quote name='furyk']

How is that not Nintendo?
Whoops sorry, I was thinking the Wii party dates and not the DS release list. Anyway, that part is edited out. Anyway, the rest of my post still stands.

I agree with Nintendo's decision to keep their first party software hush hush. Third party software wasn't very good for some of their past systems that they need to prove to people that they have more support now. Plus, most of the people complaining here about this already know a lot about first party Nintendo software. Their big titles like Mario and Metroid may not be playable at LGC, but it takes some amount of work to make a demo of a game, especially if it isn't just a section of the actual game. It takes time, it may not be much, but a lot of developers seemed to not like being rushed to make demos for their games so that people could play them at conventions.
[quote name='furyk']QFT. Nobody has given Nintendo as much support as I have, but all of this bullshit chain yanking has pissed away a lot of good will I've regained with video games because of Nintendo. If the Wii is at $249.99 now, I think I'll pass on it and roll quarters for a PS3 where as before I'd have gladly shelled out that and more for the system.[/quote]
I call bs. I don't think you are really stupid enough to base your decision of whether or not to buy the system (and how much you'd be willing to pay for it) on how long Nintendo waits before giving us launch details. Base your decision on how much fun you think you will have with the system.
Furthermore, them not telling us when it will launch and for how much, has no bearing whatsoever on when it will launch and for how much -- in other words, it'll launch when it launches, at the price they have determined, and the fact that we don't know when or how much that is doesn't change the date or the price. Our knowing doesn't matter. Yeah, I'd like to know, too, but not knowing now doesn't mean that it'll launch any later or for any more than if I did know now, er, what I don't know, now, that is. You know? :whistle2:s
[quote name='guessed']:bs:
I call bs. I don't think you are really stupid enough to base your decision of whether or not to buy the system (and how much you'd be willing to pay for it) on how long Nintendo waits before giving us launch details. Base your decision on how much fun you think you will have with the system.[/quote]

No, I'm not stupid enough to base it on how long they'll wait on giving us launch details. I am stupid enough to base it on how I feel Nintendo treats its customers though. Take video games out of this for a second. Say you're in a resteraunt and the food is great and cheap but the service is shitty. How long would it take you to say, fuck this shit, it isn't worth it? People do this all time whether it's buying Ben and Jerry's ice cream because it's good and because you know that some of your money is going to a good cause or if its choosing not to buy Reeboks because they used sweat camp labor. By no means are my reasons as substantial as something like that, but other people have just as arbitrary reasons for not purchasing something (see the rampant hatred of M$ or people not buying a PS3 because Sony is too cocky).

I'm at that point where Nintendo has to win me back whether it be in the form of awesome software, a cheaper then expected price, or some other thing I haven't thought about. Up until a week ago, I didn't care if the system launched tommorrow or if it launched in June of next year. I was going to buy it because of how much I enjoyed Nintendo's previous products and what they represented as a company that cared more about gameplay then graphics. Now though, I feel less inclined to almost blindly give them my money because of their recent moves. All it would of took is Nintendo being upfront with us by saying, "no, we don't plan to announce the Wii price/launch date in Germany" and we'd be able to focus on what they're doing with two relatively new franchises in the next generation.

I may be totally insane, but my money as an early adopter, my word of mouth as a writer for a moderately sized game website that caters to niche gaming, and my support on trying to win people over to the Wii in online communities is just as good as anybody else's. And trust me, I'm not the only one who has felt completely jerked around by Nintendo over the Wii.
So you don't go to a restaurant that doesn't list prices on the menu, eh?

On a more serious note, I understand where you're coming from, but I guess I just don't make it out to be as big a deal. I'm under the assumption that I will buy the Wii unless they tell me something that makes me not want to buy a Wii. With that in mind, I know that before the day the Wii launches, they will tell me how much it is and what that day is. So the fact that I am missing information does not bother me as much as it would if they were throwing misinformation around.

And I don't believe that their time would be any better spent sending their PR rep out to speak to the validity or lack thereof for every rumor that hit the net.

And to Roufuss' point below, I think the continued emphasis on third party is an attempt to boost sales of those titles. They know that their first-party entries will top a million units easy. But they want those launch titles from the third parties to get some love so third parties are more inclined to continue supporting, or begin supporting the Wii. Not to mention I've been very impressed with EA's and Ubisoft's use of the control scheme so far, as much as one can or cannot be without actually using it. Could turn out to be I'm mistaken and it sucks, but Madden and Red Steel on day one will tell us if we should expect all third-party games to be gimmicky for the first generation or two of software, or if after seeing the success of the DS and what makes good development there, they've already learned that tacking shit on is not the way to go.
[quote name='furyk']
I'm angry with Nintendo for making the Wii build not about the games, the retro download service, or even the new ways to play. Instead, the Wii has been about how gigantic the line at E3 was and how playing is believing, even though nobody has played any of the big Wii titles since E3. It shouldn't be Super Monkey Ball that's being talked about on the 1up Yours podcast and Rayman on the cover of Nintendo Power. It should be an article about how the first 40 minutes of Metroid Prime 3 is like gracing the cover of EGM. Nintendo is simply letting fans twist in the wind while only the 3rd parties have given us anything substantial in terms of information about games. The arrogance of Nintendo essentially saying, "the Wii is awesome, take our word for it" is shocking from a company that has been dead last in the home console market for a long time, especially when they're relying on what has to be considered a gimmick until the system gets a chance to prove itself otherwise a la the DS.

This I believe. For some reason, I feel the Wii will come strong out of the gate with new technology and its gimmick and kind of flail around for a year before hitting its groove, much like the DS. I'd love info on Metroid Prime 3 and Nintendo's other first party games because THAT is what I'd buy the system for - I could care less about Rayman. Sure, it's great they are talking about the third party games but I won't run out on launch day for Rayman and Super Monkey Ball... I don't think anyone puts those games ahead of Zelda and MP3.

Not even a release date, price, or even info about the VC has made me kind of forget about the Wii and just stick to my 360 for awhile. The Virtual Console could be one of the systems strongest selling points, right up there with the controller, so I don't know why Nintendo is so quiet about it unless something is wrong with it.
Yeah, don't get me wrong. I still love the Wii and everything I've seen about it in terms of substantial data they've put out there so far. It's just that I am upset with the way the Wii has been handled by Nintendo's PR department.

I'll still probably get a Wii at launch after we find out some solid info. I'm just annoyed as hell that I can't have my name as #2 or 3 on a pre-order list.
The main thing I am worried about is the simplicity of the games. I read an article on a couple of weeks ago and a couple of the editors for EGM were worried that if Nintendo’s system sells millions of copies along with Wii Sports (with the HORRIBLE graphics) that companies may start to lose hope of making epic games that take years to create. As they quoted, “why spend four years” creating MGS4 when you can spend half the time creating a game with crappy graphics that will sell just as much.”

Nintendo has always been my favorite company (apart from Square-Enix who are the best no matter what); however, I’m just worried that the quality of their games will continue to diminish and ruin the way gamers have loved to play for years. Honestly guys, I think a bunch of us were worried or disappointed when Nintendo showed Super Mario Galaxy and Metroid Prime 3. Mario Galaxy is certainly not the Mario 64 sequel we were hoping for and MP3 looks no different from the first two. Even Zelda is a gamecube game with gamecube graphics (if the Wii even has better graphics). I can say that I will never forget my SNES and N64 days. MAKE A PILOTWINGS SEQUEL!!! Does anyone agree with my mentality?

EDIT: I need to add that in Nintendo's defense, I really am looking forward to the next Smash Brothers. It has the potential to be Game of the Decade for me, as long as it's at least as deep as Smash Brothers Melee that is. And I am looking forward to SMG, but I would like to see Mario on larger maps, because it looks like a repetetive(sp?) game from the clips.
^ To that I say, if a company makes crappy looking games that play well enough for me to still want to buy them, then more power to them. But no company is going to make a good buck passing off an N64-quality game on the Wii. If a lack of substantial improvement in graphics worries you, then by all means, be worried. But a downgrade just because they can get away with it? Highly doubtful. No one wants ugly games. I don't want ugly games. I don't hate beautiful games on the 360. I'm just not going to pay more for them when the only difference is the graphical improvement.

On the same token, is it a bad thing if the Wii, with its focus not on killer graphics, allows a resurrection of 2D gameplay? I certainly don't think so, since most of my favorite games remain 2D.

There will always be a market for hot looking games that cost tens of millions of dollars to produce. Even on the Wii, I don't expect games to start looking worse than GameCube games. If they do, I'll be calling Reggie. But as long as games are being improved somehow, I'm satisfied.
I think the argument that "simplistic" games are going to be the death knell of big-budget games is crazy. There is a market for all types of genres from WarioWare to Halo3.

It may make some companies decide to create smaller teams of developers that work solely on more "simplistic" projects, but there is no way the GTAs, Halos, and God of Wars are going anywhere.
To me, gameplay is 90% of what makes a game good (Donkey Kong Countries and Earthbound are still in my top ten Fav games of all time and I could care less about their graphics). I simply meant that if the games become more simplistic to please everyone (gaming aware or not) then it may start to worry me. Sure I will go out and buy Wii Sports because the airplane game looks a lot like Pilotwings to me (and Im obsessed with Pilotwings), but when I saw the Mario Strikers game I just got a little worried. It wasn't even their strongest sports game by far, but was the most recently released, so it seems like they are just taking the basic game and "tweeking" it a little. I'm just hoping Nintendo doesn't release Zelda: TP for launch and forget about the franchise altogether. We don't need another four mediocre Mario Parties. We need one or two Mario Parties that stand out to people as being amazing.

Nintendo has a lot of good games that they can create: Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Kid Icarus, Waverace, Pilotwings, DONKEY KONG, etc. but I just hope they take the time to create these games with depth and not just a rendition of a past game. That said, TP looks awesome. Mario I'm still waiting on. One last thing...I want Donkey Kong!!!
With Nintendo's declining Console share is it really the best idea for Nintendo to wait till the last minute to say the launch date is November XX and it will cost $XXX.XX? If they announce the date and price mid Sept that leaves a short time for a marketing blitz to rival Sony's lies and brainwashing. Maybe they are confident that a lack of PS3 units will sell Wii's. I really would like to know what the fuck is going on.
Agreed on the donkey kong! It was the main reason I bought the Cube, heck it was on the back of the box! I was a kid and all I played was Donkey Kong! Such a complete bummer. And DKC's are my favorite games of all time for sure. And I also am getting worried with all this crap talk about remaking cube games and stuff, they aren't doing anything thats completely jaw dropping really. The more I think about it the more I'm starting to get annoyed. Marios little spin attack just doesnt seem that cool anymore, if thats all he can do with the Wii mote whats the point? So what if I move my hand back and forth or my thumb in a circler.
[quote name='furyk']And trust me, I'm not the only one who has felt completely jerked around by Nintendo over the Wii.[/QUOTE]

It's true man. Lots of ppl don't see it here and other placed because they are the hardcore fanbase, so I guess they are blinded(good or bad, i dunno) by their love for the company and its decisions but its true.

But for those of us who like to play each and every console(if we can afford it), we like to know our choices beforehand and make judgements with plenty of info. For instance there are alot of really enticing x360 games(save your hate, I'm not a crazed ms fan either) coming out this holiday season and I have already pre-ordered one. Funny enough, I pre-ordered with the 50 bucks I was intending to pre-order the Wii with, or else Zelda TP(for some reason I cannot even get that pre-ordered in this area). Yeah, it was my dumb fault for not finding out before I couldn't pre-order before I went store to store, but I am sure others do the same. And its annoying meeting with a blank puzzled look when you ask them when you might be able to pre-order the thing.

Competition is tight. People who already are sold on just one console may not have any issues with where to put their hard-earned cash, but I am finding it very hard to choose. It is hard to justify a complete mystery product with well-researched products. I fell in love with the innovative Wii way back in E3 but there just hasn't been enough juicy tidbits(online details, 1st party game details, peripheral details, date, price, etc.) released in the meantime to motivate me to keep saving up for it.

And I am sure it won't matter in the short term that lots of ppl lost interest or stopped caring after getting their expectations dashed, the systems will sell like hotcakes regardless. But it just might bite them in the longterm, after all the hardcore fans have got one, which is what counts. And its not like Nintendo has never made a mistake with their consoles before...
I'm 21 and am about to graduate college, but my parents still give me presents under the tree when I come home for Christmas (maybe it's the last year?? :cry:) but I am definately getting them to get me the Wii. Sure, I could go out and buy it on launch but I can't think of a better present that morning. And I agree that the 360 has some good games coming out. I hate MS with a passion, but I'm interested in a lot of games this fall/winter for the system. Two systems are definately better than one. And I guess I'll get the PS3 after the hype has died down (if there is any) and when they have reputable games out, such as MGS4 or FFXIII.
I can't believe so many people are up in arms. The truth is Nintendo waits when it comes to price because they want to see what the lowest cost for themselves will be. In the end it may mean the difference of $230 console or a $200 console.

They stated long ago that it will be priced at under $250. That pretty much already takes out the guess work. It has to fall anywhere from $249.99 to $179.99 to be considered a reasonable guess. So right there you are within $70 dollars. Anyway you look at it its going to be a heck of a lot less than a PS3. If you are in between a Wii and a 360 right now you only have to wait 2 more weeks to decide.
Posted this in another thread and realized some of it is appropriate to this thread. I told myself I wasn't going to get excited about the launch info. Oops.

[quote name='']Nintendo has confirmed to that new details regarding its Wii console will be revealed on September 15th in Europe - with a price and launch date announcement looking highly likely.

Speaking on the subject of the trade-only event, an NoE representative said: "Wii will be playable. Nintendo will be announcing new software at the event and there will be new announcements regarding the Wii console itself."

Nintendo is holding a similar event in North America on September 14th, where it’s expected that NoA president Reggie Fils-Aime will reveal price and launch details for the territory.

The representative went on to quash rumours that have recently emerged on the net regarding possible production delays, apparently due to difficulties with manufacturing the Wii's remote controller.

"The reports are entirely rumour and speculation. I can confirm that the Wii is very much on course for a Q4 release, as Nintendo originally stated," the spokesperson said.[/QUOTE]
Anyone think that they are saving waiting this long to disclose the price because they are saving "the best for last?" Sony told the price months before the launch just to get the price factor out of the way and out in the open. The only logical reason why they are waiting this long to disclose the price is because they WANT to. Because they want to shock the **** outta us. If they had a "okay" price, they would have announced it already. If they had an extremely crazy high price, they would have wanted to get it out of the way asap so we could become used to it.
[quote name='icecubedx5']Anyone think that they are saving waiting this long to disclose the price because they are saving "the best for last?" Sony told the price months before the launch just to get the price factor out of the way and out in the open. The only logical reason why they are waiting this long to disclose the price is because they WANT to. Because they want to shock the **** outta us. If they had a "okay" price, they would have announced it already. If they had an extremely crazy high price, they would have wanted to get it out of the way asap so we could become used to it.[/quote] I agree there, I think the $249.99-179.99 price tag range is a bit high. Nintendo probably is think around the $149.99 range, and the reason is simple. They want gamers to buy both a Wii and a DS for more profits. With games like starfox, FF III, mario hoops, I think nintendo feels a bit scared that gamers might choose ds over Wii because of the price. If they marketed it at $149.99, they know that gamers could buy both for less than a basic 360, and still have alot of fun. As for me I am getting the Wii, because the 360 is too much money right now, but I do want a 360 badly for GTA, Prey, Turok, and the Wii just as badly for Twilight Princess.
Keep dreaming.

No way the Wii is launching as low as $149.99. NO way!

They'd have to drop the price of the DS Lite at the same time.

Plus, as has been mentioned, Nintendo doesn't really NEED to launch with that low of a price. It would be bad business sense for them to.
Man. People. People. Use some goddamn sense.

Here's the deal. Has Nintendo ever launched a system under 200?


Have they ever launched one over 200?

Also no.

Looking at such history, you can damn well bet the LEAST it will be is 200. Maybe 199.99 if you want to get technical.

But it's not going to be 170, it's not going to be 150. This is the same company that sold the GB Micro, something that arguably costs much less to develop and manufacture than an SP, for 20 bucks more. Which is insane, especially when everyone expected it to be less. For the price, many realize "why not just get a DS? Why not just get a brighter SP?"

Point being is that Nintendo is foremost a business, and they want to stay in business. The Wii could fail miserably and they'd still push on in the console arena, and so that's for them to be aggressive about it.

But they damn well know most people aren't afraid of 20-50 bucks. 80 is slightly pushing it (speaking from a spectrum of 150-230).

This is bolstered by the fact that they know most people - the general audience they are aiming for - damn well know the difference $100 makes. And they know they can push that pretty heavily against their competitors, and they will.

So at best we have evidence against a higher price than 200, but we still can't discount that. I'd imagine MS would hit them pretty hard if there's only a $50 difference, and damn well would try at 30.

Despite all of this speculation, the only evidence is "It will be under $250." That's all.

Now then, a few other things to address.

Lack of information. So the f*ck what? You have the broad strokes of the machine, people. You really and honestly do. Those of you expecting a ton of information are in for a rude surprise - there's little to none left. What the hell else do you expect? Online games? Ok, there will be some. VC? Yes, it's still there. WiiConnect24? Ok, it will download DS demoes. There's not a lot more to any of those things than the core idea. Does it really matter what else is still veiled?

Ok, so I can understand wanting to know what games are on the VC. But last time I checked the main reason for the Wii was the controller. And the VC is very much going to be a living thing. It might launch with a few games and have new ones added every week/month. No one is complaining about that for the 360, no reason to complain about it here.

A final thing to mention - I don't ever want to hear, again, about how "It's just an upgraded GC, and the GC sells for 100 right now, so they could get out with 150, especially with such GC-like graphics." It's at least 2x a GC, probably 3-4x once they throttle the hell out of it. It's also coming with a few accessories that other systems don't get. Namely, built-in Wifi, when it costs quite a bit to buy that separately in other instances. I realize that's not exactly rocking the world, but it is worth mentioning. This also isn't taking into account that the price is going to reflect R&D, and there's really nothing we can do about that. Grpahics aren't the only thing worth considering is the point.

Don't get me wrong in that I somehow want it to be 200. I'm just saying it will be. I'd rather them give it to me free in a box of Trix. You know, like I do with your mom.

Just chill out. Nintendo is being deliberate here, and in the long run, getting upset about tiny insignificant details just makes you look silly.

I mean, fuck, what do you want to hear? That Nintendo bought Capcom? They didn't and won't. That there's a sequel to _____ in the works? Just wait. What would you rather have happen - they show it off and you get pissed when you find out it's a year away?

Bottom line is that it almost doesn't matter. If Zelda, Metroid, Red Steel, Mario Galaxy, interactive controls, and downloadable games aren't enough for you, then it's simple - just wait for a bit. But I'm telling you now that if you are on the fence, chances are you simply aren't going to get one.

Point I'm making is that there's been more than enough major bullet points to convince anyone on whether or not they should get one. Finding out if your favorite obscure NES game is on the VC isn't going to change your opinion. And chances are we'll be hearing from a lot of people like that talking about how they wont' get a Wii because they just can't get Back to the Future 2 on the VC.

This angst? I can't tell if it is what Nintendo wants or not.

Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a huge fucking backlog of games to play, and adding another damn system + at least 6 launch games I want isn't going to help that, especially with the flood of DS hardons in the pipe[line].
[quote name='icecubedx5']Anyone think that they are saving waiting this long to disclose the price because they are saving "the best for last?" Sony told the price months before the launch just to get the price factor out of the way and out in the open. The only logical reason why they are waiting this long to disclose the price is because they WANT to. Because they want to shock the **** outta us. If they had a "okay" price, they would have announced it already. If they had an extremely crazy high price, they would have wanted to get it out of the way asap so we could become used to it.[/quote]

Nintendo knows that the industry is keeping a closer eye on them than the other systems. Microsoft had it's day a year ago and are bringing out good games, but nothing that people are waiting to hear. Sony already released a majority of their info at E3 and left no real surprise for the consumer. Nintendo, on the other hand, had consistantly teased us (even since E3 '05) about this system with the "you just wait, it'll be worth it" messages.

I forsee the roof of the Wii blowing open on 9/14 (Six days before my 32nd B-day) for two reasons:
1) Everyone is hungry for Wii info, I think Leipzig proved that. People were up until the Wii hours of the night (pun intended) or early that morning to see what info was going to be released. We are the marionette and Nintendo is our puppetmaster.

2) The more info and the more surprises that are revealed at this conference will start the snowball rolling. The difference is that the snowball will be shot out of a canon down a 80 degree slope. If they reveal enough "holy $hit" info at this thing they will not only start an industry buzz (EB, Best Buy, Game Rush, etc.) but more importantly a consumer buzz where everybody who finds out this information will WANT to share it with other gamers and non-gamers.
I'm thinking the 14th will be a HUGE day of excitement and surprises. I think, and hope, it'll be as good, if not better, than E3.

Just Crim's $.02.
I think the price will be $175 at the lowest. It gives them some room if they need to lower the price in the future.

I think Nintendo is waiting this long because they were still trying to figure things out and wanted to wait until they knew all the info so they wouldn't have to go "Well... we changed our minds".
Theres a first for everything! The price could be less than 200, unlike what mrmom thinks, or more! I'd be guessing the same as the gamecube price, which was 200 or something, I dont know I live in Canada so I paid a different price. never know for sure.
[quote name='Strell']Nintendo bought Capcom[/QUOTE]
Dude, I totally knew it. The GC exclusives were a total giveaway.

I've been waiting for Little Nemo 2 for a long time. I'm just hoping the 3D projection unit for the Wii is released in time to incorporate into LN2.

This news made my day.
Just wanted to touch upon a few things.

Is this BRILLIANT marketing plan the brainchild of Reggie Fils-Amie? I for one think the man is brilliant if he is the "creator" of the marketing. The guy a few posts above me were right, gamers were waiting till like 4am eastern time at the German Convention just to see more details. I never seen such hype before.

I remember before GC launched at E3, they didn't show any gameplay and it hurt them (God knows why they would think companies would steal Mario Sunshines' water gameplay or Luigi's Mansion's vacuum gameplay). But with Wii it is different. E3 2005 they disclosed nothing but VC and the look of the system.

TGS 2005 they revealed the revolutionary controller and still has not shown gameplay which was brilliant because they wanted people to focus on the gameplay possibilities and not the actual games. Then E3 2006 they drop even more secrets like the speaker and Wii-Connect24 and actualy games.

Fast forward to September 2006 and we are STILL salivating at any news. I don't think in the history of videogames a company has held such a CONTINUOUS obsession over a product. A game like MGS or Zelda will do it when news and screenshots first break out, but it will die down after a few months until the release date gets close. But with Wii/Revolution, I'm amazed that from May 2005 until September 2006, there has been no exhaustion of hype, if anything, the damn thing is getting bigger.

If this was due to Reggie, I'm glad he's been promoted to President of Nintendo of America. I don't remember Nintendo doing marketing like this before.
[quote name='icecubedx5']If this was due to Reggie, I'm glad he's been promoted to President of Nintendo of America.[/quote]

He's not the President of NoA, he's the executive VP of Sales and Marketing
[quote name='Scorch']He's not the President of NoA, he's the executive VP of Sales and Marketing[/quote]
Negative, he's been promoted back in May.

Reggie Takes Presidency
Fils-Aime promoted to president and chief operating office of Nintendo of America.
by Matt Casamassina

May 25, 2006 - Nintendo of America today announced that former president Tatsumi Kimishima will be taking on a new role as chairman of the board and chief executive officer, clearing up a significant promotion for the subsidiary's charismatic spokesperson, Reggie Fils-Aime. The former executive vice president of sales and marketing becomes the president and chief operating officer of Nintendo of America effectively immediately, the company announced in an official release on Thursday.
In addition, NOA's Mike Fukuda was promoted was promoted from senior vice president of Business Development to executive vice president of Business development. As president of NOA, Fils-Aime will lead the company's daily operations and continue to manage the company's sales and marketing division as it plans for the launch of the Wii console.

"Around the world, Nintendo DS has been steadily drawing more people in the video game category," said Satoru Iwata, president of Nintendo Co. Ltd. "With the upcoming introduction of Wii, along with the strength of this new leadership team and strong executives already in place, Nintendo will continue to dramatically change the way consumers of all ages interact with their video game console on a daily basis."
With today's promotion, Reggie now has the executive power to take millions of more names while simultaneously kicking asses.
[quote name='Strell']And chances are we'll be hearing from a lot of people like that talking about how they wont' get a Wii because they just can't get Back to the Future 2 on the VC.[/QUOTE]

Wait, you mean that's NOT going to be on there? Dang, I'm out.

Seriously, everyone that's getting all pissy about this needs to settle down. 95% of the people who post here have a backlog of games to play. Sit down and play some of those while you wait for info. At this point I can't fathom Nintendo holding this huge event and then saying it's going to be $300 and come out December 31. They're pulling a lot of marketing and design from Apple as of late. I wouldn't be surprised to here Reggie say that in 3 weeks time, Wii will be in stores. Mid-November wouldn't be a shock either. The only reason everyone is so pissed is that the Internet has created false expectations. In a post about the LGC, some random Joystiq comment-troll says, "LOLzorz! Price and date at lastz!" and then everyone gets pissed about Nintendo not "following through."

As a side note, does anyone know if any bigger sites are going to vid-stream the Sept 14 conference? Or what times it's at. I might actually be able to watch this one.

Well, time to get back to work and also get through the 3 PS2 games left that I want to play before I can unload the whole of that collection on eBay for more Wii funds.
[quote name='Strell']
But it's not going to be 170, it's not going to be 150. This is the same company that sold the GB Micro, something that arguably costs much less to develop and manufacture than an SP, for 20 bucks more. Which is insane, especially when everyone expected it to be less. For the price, many realize "why not just get a DS? Why not just get a brighter SP?"[/QUOTE]

That is a fallible argument. Nintendo OWNS the handheld market. They can afford to do or charge whatever the hell they want. They have breathing room. They are in the exact opposite position in the console wars. If Nintendo wants to "be more successfull than Gamecube" in the home console market, they have to be agressive out of the gates. They are in third place whether or not they see it that way, they don't have a lot breathing room to make a lot of mistakes.

[quote name='icecubedx5']Anyone think that they are saving waiting this long to disclose the price because they are saving "the best for last?" Sony told the price months before the launch just to get the price factor out of the way and out in the open. The only logical reason why they are waiting this long to disclose the price is because they WANT to. Because they want to shock the **** outta us. If they had a "okay" price, they would have announced it already. If they had an extremely crazy high price, they would have wanted to get it out of the way asap so we could become used to it.[/QUOTE]

Price Argument:
I can almost get on board with this, but mostly people are fixated on cost. Look at the PS3. I'm sure Sony saw it as "people will pay $600 regardless for our wonder machine, let's reveal the cost so they can save their pennies." You know damn well that if they announced $600 a month prior to launch, they would still be in that negative backlash at launch time and sales would suffer because of it. On the other hand Nintendo doesn't want you to worry about price. They want to sell you on the system and games first. If they announced a price months ago, people would have had a reaction, "they want $xxx.xx to play a graphically inferior system?" So instead they focus on proving(ha ha "Wii prove ourselves") the system/controller to the public. So a month prior to launch, people see the price and how far the games have come along and have more of a positive reaction to the price, regardless of what it is.

New titles:
Now, price argument out of the way, with a couple of unannounced titles to be shown, I'm banking on Kid Icarus being one of them(SSB:Brawl was just a tease). Possibly Pikmin 3 or Luigi's Mansion 2 as well. All three of which I am on board with. :) Although safe odds would be on a new Mario Party.

Release Date:
With as much as Nintendo is idolizing Apple these days with style, company philosophies, naming schemes, disrupting the market, etc. I'm still holding out for an Oct. 2 release date. Apple announces a product and bamm! It is in the store 3 days later. Apple runs their own stores so Nintendo obviously couldn't run as tight of a schedule. Two weeks however, would give them time to ship the day of the announcement and have them on shelves for an impulse buy two weeks later. The small window of time between price/date announcement and release hardly gives anyone time to second guess a purchase. It is just Bamm! Here it is and people will want it. This not only disrupts the market, but it gives them time to satiate the Nintendo fans with initial shipments and have enough on shelves in subsequent shipments to cater to the casual crowd(their target market) for Christmas.

With regards to competition, it puts some distance between the Wii launch and PS3. Face it if they released close to PS3, they will be overshadowed completely to casual people walking into stores. PS is the name people know nowadays. They need room to shock the average person at retail outlets before they get their mitts on the PS3 and get the Nintendo name back into the public view. It also gives MS zero time to market a potential price drop/bundle/sale to coincide and compete with the Wii launch. MS may preach the Wii60 combo, but they are in business to make money and topple Sony, if chewing up the third place competitor needs to be done to gain even the smallest market share, MS will not hesitate to do so.

With rumors of the Wii already being in production as early as June, this scenario is plausible. Maybe unlikely, but very plausible. Especially given their newfound "disrupt the market" philosophy.
[quote name='Corvin']
With as much as Nintendo is idolizing Apple these days with style, company philosophies, naming schemes, disrupting the market, etc. I'm still holding out for an Oct. 2 release date. [/QUOTE]
The schedule for the Wii tour from city to city extends well past October.

The leaked info on the Wii demo display tells us that GameStop is expecting to set up their displays in late October at the earliest.

I can't imagine that Nintendo would release the Wii before most of the Wii tour is complete and before the demo units have even hit the stores.

But hey, who said so-called market disprution has to make any sense?
bread's done