Sexy Dodge!! Little Red Riding Hood's ZOMBIE BBQ - trailer; 8.6 IGN; $20; out NOW!!!


14 (100%)
I swear the concept behind this game is synonymous to the concept behind a pizookie...

coz seriously... how can they possibly screw this up?!?!?!?!


it's freakin Little Red Riding hood!!

with D Cups!

and a Ninja!


what's this game about?? I dont kno!!!!!!

check out the official website and get hype!!



8.6 IGN
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Gameplay is like those "base assault" levels in Contra - where you could only move left/right and had to blow up the walls.

Which means it's also like Sin and Punishment to an extent.

Also, check out the site. I think Jekki actually wrote all the text for it. They even say you can use your "sexy dodge" to avoid enemies that try to "undermine your energy bar."

And really, how can you not want to help LRRH do that?
I'd love it if the music from the trailer was actually in the game; slightly twee Danny Elfman lite suddenly switching to some kind of Japanese Dethklok cover band would fit the utterly bipolar vibe of the game.

And has anyone noticed that the bosses include zombiefied Sleeping Beauty, Santa Claus, and Godzilla?

"Nothing further from reality," indeed.
:rofl: sexy dodge

I might have to start my own sexy dodge.

EDIT: After checking out that video, I think Jekki's onto something. That does look pretty awesome.
Ok fine. Day 1 purchase :cool:
I hope the engrish is good. Either way, the site sold it to me. Day 1 buy.

Little "Ready To Rock" Red Riding Hood is going to own your ass
I hope there's more playable characters. The bosses seem cooler. It would be so cool if they could make this a full game like Dead Rising. The artwork just reminds me of it.

Barcelona, August 2008 – Gammick Entertainment today announced its partnership with Minneapolis-based Destineer. Led by executives who helped grow Bungie, Red Storm, and Atari into industry leaders, Destineer will publish and distribute several Gammick titles in the U.S. territory.

The publishing and distribution agreement includes the first two titles produced by Gammick for Nintendo DS ™, Animal Boxing and Little Red Riding Hood’s Zombie BBQ. Destineer is setting both titles for a Q4 2008 U.S. release, which will represent the first titles released in the U.S. by the Spanish producer.

Sergio Rincon, Managing Director of Gammick Entertainment commented “I am delighted to be partnering with Destineer, a key player in the U.S. market, in our mission to distribute our licensed products in the States. It is a very special occasion for us, because it represents the first step in our expansionist strategy to achieve worldwide distribution of our titles. I am convinced that our games will captivate the American public.”

“We are thrilled to be working with Gammick Entertainment,” said Peter Anthony Chiodo (“Tony”), Destineer’s Director of Product Development. “Little Red Riding Hood’s Zombie BBQ and Animal Boxing are two of the most exciting, innovative titles we’ve seen in a long time, and Gammick have been amazing partners in helping bring these titles to the U.S. market.”

To find more about Animal Boxing and Zombie BBQ, please visit
Ok, I was skeptical until I read Sleeping Beauty's profile, complete with awesome Wham! reference ("Wake me up, and you'll go NO! NO!"). Day 1!

Seriously, from the screenshots I'm expecting something akin to those old Tiger handhelds (the ones where you can essentially move a little blob left and right, and maybe shoot), but with enhanced graphics.
It's not on Amazon's site YET, but I have prime so I'll def pre-order from Amazon
NOW all they need to do is put out some pre-order bonus' and this is going to be amazing!
dang Castlevania and then this game one week later.

it's like October halloween DS style... DS is no stranger to things that go bump in the night
That trailer looked awesome. Zombies + arcade-style action for only $20, and a title that will confuse the hell out of anyone who asks about it. Time to separate the normal people from the real gamers!
[quote name='JEKKI']dang Castlevania and then this game one week later.

it's like October halloween DS style... DS is no stranger to things that go bump in the night[/quote]Don't ever leave CAG. :lol:

Not sure how I missed this, looks really stupid in an awesome way.
Nice! I am pretty excited for this game. This seems like this could be a sleeper hit and a cult classic. All this game is missing is a really awesome pre-order bonus.:whistle2:k
Awww... The title and trailer (music) got me all excited, and then I discovered it was just a vertical scrolling shooter like Commando and Ikari Warriors... Well, I dunno, I expected it to be... not a vertical scrolling shooter, I guess. :p I'll still get it, though.
they need to package a tee-shirt that says...

"Got Sexy Dodge?"

Maybe on the back, with a small logo in the front.

Anyways, keeping my eye on this... see about pre-ordering.

I could see this game not being that well distributed... and rare to find in stores.
I played this at PAX for about 10 minutes. It was decent enough. Nothing mind blowing but it does well what it aims to do. I'm writing up a PAX preview of all the games I played which I'll post at some point.
[quote name='darkslime']
I could see it as being a rare game later in the DS lifespan though.[/QUOTE]

I can imagine the conversations at Gamestops across the country now....

"Do you have the one with the big titted chick doing a sexy dodge? Also she's eating ribs, or so I heard. Undead ribs."
[quote name='Strell']I can imagine the conversations at Gamestops across the country now....

"Do you have the one with the big titted chick doing a sexy dodge? Also she's eating ribs, or so I heard. Undead ribs."[/quote] XFD
[quote name='Strell']I can imagine the conversations at Gamestops across the country now....

"Do you have the one with the big titted chick doing a sexy dodge? Also she's eating ribs, or so I heard. Undead ribs."[/quote]


But for GS you could say...

"Pre-Order Little Red Riding Hood's ZOMBIE BBQ"

and probably get the same stupid look from them....
bread's done