Shadow of the Colossus - The Demo and The Review

Just thought I'd share a few pics since I'm getting really excited for this game:
(and if anyone thinks posting pictures of the known colossi counts as spoilers just say so).

Gotta love those particle effects:
Another bump to this older topic but EGM rated SotC 9.0, 8.5, 9.0. They did mention that the framerate chugs, there is serious pop-in, and the camera is not the best. One reviewer went so far as to say it was too much for the PS2 to handle.

Pretty good scores despite all of the problems the game has.
I just played through the demo at EB.....I definetely liked it but I would not pay $40 for it. I may actually rent this one from BB. I think it will be enjoyable and nice to look at. Not a purchase at full price IMHO.
For all the people who are playing the OPM demo, which of you are playing a different demo? I got one in the mail from Sony. I might hang on to it. But yea, I was just wondering if the demos are different in anyway.
[quote name='GTmaster39']For all the people who are playing the OPM demo, which of you are playing a different demo? I got one in the mail from Sony. I might hang on to it. But yea, I was just wondering if the demos are different in anyway.[/QUOTE]

I just preordered today and was given a copy of the demo...and I already had the OPM one. I'll let you know if they're different soon.
[quote name='GTmaster39']For all the people who are playing the OPM demo, which of you are playing a different demo? I got one in the mail from Sony. I might hang on to it. But yea, I was just wondering if the demos are different in anyway.[/QUOTE]
I got that in the mail, as well. I probably won't open it since I've already played the OPM demo.
oddly enough this game has some of the best mostion blur I've ever seen in a game... that's saying alot (though, it may not sound like much if you have't seen it in action). To get a good idea of how good the motion blur is, just pause the game, and you'll see what I mean.
I hated the gameplay in ICO, but I've had a ton of fun with this demo, limited as it is. I love the idea of a world that's mostly empty. The landscapes are beautiful and I can't wait to explore them. Also, seeing the girl lying in the temple brings back memories of Zelda 2 and a time when games didn't beat you over the head with the story, but instead allowed your imagination to run wild.
I am going to get this at launch somehow...I dont have money so I might have to trade in my SP to get it....It'll be SOOO worth it though.
Just played the demo given to my at EB when I's different from the OPM demo only in that some of the landscape is slightly different, the climbing puzzle right before the Colossus is different (somewhat), and that one remaining bridge in the OPM demo is now gone too, so you can't explore where you're not supposed to.
[quote name='Blind the Thief']Just played the demo given to my at EB when I's different from the OPM demo only in that some of the landscape is slightly different, the climbing puzzle right before the Colossus is different (somewhat), and that one remaining bridge in the OPM demo is now gone too, so you can't explore where you're not supposed to.[/QUOTE]

Thanks man.
I got the demo today and gave it a quick playthrough. I liked the concept and graphics (although the character design and environments are a little on the bland side). The controls were pretty foul though, especially the camera.

Granted it's tough to produce a camera for this kind of game, I still think it could be better.

It wasn't all that fun to play though. Perhaps the full game will be, but this certainly didn't convince me to pay full price.
I got a demo disc in the mail today from Sony and popped it in. Here's my impressions:

First off, just like ICO, the game has a very neat artistic style to it. Even though the graphics are pretty poor, the game is still quite pretty. The horse hair flowing around was pretty neat looking. This part doesn't fail to impress. Unfortunatly this is probably the only reason to really play this game.

First off the controls are pretty annoying. The horse is just a huge pain in the ass to control. I said hell with it and hopped off of it and just started walking around without it. Then it started following me around from behind and getting in the way of the camera. That horse is one annoying SOB. The camera is also murder to mess with and always likes to swing in directions you don't want it to. It's also terribly slow. Controlling the actual character isn't too bad though.

The landscape and everything is cool to explore but it's so damn empty. It took me a half hour before I found what I was looking for. The game was telling me to use my sword to find where I need to go but I couldn't figure that out. The tutoral messages are pretty much useless in this game. I was starting to get bored quickly. Then I finally found my destination and it took me forever to figure out how to climb onto a cliff after climbing the wall.

I finally got to the colossus, which wasn't as neat as I was expecting. After figuring out how to climb it, I started hacking into it. After about 10 minutes of fighting this thing and stabbing it in the head, I took it down and sucked out some kind of tenticles or something. Now all of this was REALLY cool to watch, but while playing it I just really wasn't having any fun with it.

That's pretty much my one big complaint. While everything looks neat as hell, you're probably having much more fun looking at it than you are playing it. After taking out the colossus in the demo, it gave me no desire to wana hunt down another one and kill it too. So in conclusion, I'll be skipping this game. Rental at the least. It's all beauty and no fun.
[quote name='FaintDeftone']The landscape and everything is cool to explore but it's so damn empty. It took me a half hour before I found what I was looking for. The game was telling me to use my sword to find where I need to go but I couldn't figure that out. The tutoral messages are pretty much useless in this game. I was starting to get bored quickly. Then I finally found my destination and it took me forever to figure out how to climb onto a cliff after climbing the wall.[/quote]
You have to aim it to see where the light comes together, that tells you where to go, where the colossus's weakness is, and such.
I don't see how people can say the graffics aren't that great. Really, if the game looks bland at all, it's actually supposed to be that way. The main character really feels beleivable in the world around him. THe graphics are really far supirior... most notably the motion blur and "fur/grass/hair"... it's not easy to get fur to look like fur, but Shadow's colussi seem to pull it off impressively.
GS seems to confirm many of the fears some members expressed earlier in this thread, but according to the review, the sparse gameplay actually works in the game's favor. I suspect that people who express doubts as to this game's "simplicity" will not have their minds changed by playing the full game - they'll probably find the big colossus battles somewhat thrilling, but will yawn through the rest.

In other words, if you didn't like Ico, you probably won't like this. Personally, this sort of game is right down my alley. I can't wait.

TRU B2G1F, here I come!!!
I had heard great things about that this game, I had enjoyed Ico well enough so Shadow of the Colo. was the first demo I played when I put in the new Jampack demo disc. The camera is a bit irritating, but not too much, but the controls are just awful. It really should be a crime that they did such a great job modeling the world, but completely fucked up the controls :wall:
[quote name='guardian_owl']I had heard great things about that this game, I had enjoyed Ico well enough so Shadow of the Colo. was the first demo I played when I put in the new Jampack demo disc. The camera is a bit irritating, but not too much, but the controls are just awful. It really should be a crime that they did such a great job modeling the world, but completely fucked up the controls :wall:[/QUOTE]
I don't know why you felt the need to post this in both threads, but I didn't really have any problems with the controls like many people seemed to have with them.
bread's done