Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne $44.99 at Play-Asia

Mine shipped in the last day, but the money that was took out of my bank account is back in there. WTF again. When it says its shipped, that actually means its in the mail system right? Then why wouldn't they take my money, just in case i cancel. I could score a free game right? I wouldn't bother doing that, but still.
[quote name='Hostile']Can anyone explain why Nocturne is so great? I was reading the Wiki of the game and it didn't interest me that much.[/QUOTE]

Its probably one of those things that you have to have been there to get it im sure. Kinda like FF7, i dont care because i was never there.

I wouldnt care for the game if it wasnt for the art style. (which was apparently lost by persona 3, but that game has a chariot-riding phallus, so im sold already)

And the turn-press system intrigues me. I dont know, plenty of things do. I wish i could say the same for Xenosaga I

When i compare the two, Nocturne seems like a big budget film, probably 80-90s ranking on rottentomatoes.
Whilst Xenosaga I seems like some movie from the scifi channel
[quote name='vrblknch']Can anyone explain why Nocturne is so great? I was reading the Wiki of the game and it didn't interest me that much.

TWO WORDS: Kazuma Kaneko

Nocturne and DiGi Devil are mature themed and the art direction evokes a Akira or Macross. Its like teeny bopper anime steampunk coming of age pagan emo bliss. Persona 3 pales.[/quote]

nuff said. can't wait until all my fellow CAGs actually boot up their copy...
[quote name='Strife025']Amazon is the new Atlus store, nothing will be sold on anymore.[/quote]

True but they dont even have a link to purchase them off the site. Just strange to me nothing mind shattering though. Kind of sucks that theres no SDTK.
Kinda lost on the whole series. I just got into Atlus, starting with Persona 3, so can ayone help me out on the sequence of games. Thinking of getting this, but i'm still on the fence. Obviously, the only game i've played in w/e series this is, is Persona 3.
[quote name='Paris_Hilton_Groupie']I'm waiting as well. I kind of want to start Nocturne before I get into DDS1+2 and Persona 3 Fes.[/QUOTE]

FES is super addicting. I cant even call it an RPG, simply because i associate leveling up with an RPG. It doesnt even feel like i level up here, because it doesnt even matter. All i really need to do is work on my peeps, and somehow, my peeps makes my summons stronger. Raise my social stats, and im game...

Ugh, i cant imagine I CANT IMAGINE DDS and nocturne at this level of enjoyment.
Sure I consider them EPIC. but theres a difference between EPIC and fulfillingly enjoyable.

It's like comparing Star Wars/Lord of the Rings with Juno.

Wasnt Juno amazing? is it better? thats not the point, it was just totally different.

Juno is FES.
EPIC story is DDS/Nocturne (Only because they seem like they are of epic proportions ala FF)
[quote name='ihavenolife123']FES is super addicting. I cant even call it an RPG, simply because i associate leveling up with an RPG. It doesnt even feel like i level up here, because it doesnt even matter. All i really need to do is work on my peeps, and somehow, my peeps makes my summons stronger. Raise my social stats, and im game...

Ugh, i cant imagine I CANT IMAGINE DDS and nocturne at this level of enjoyment.
Sure I consider them EPIC. but theres a difference between EPIC and fulfillingly enjoyable.

It's like comparing Star Wars/Lord of the Rings with Juno.

Wasnt Juno amazing? is it better? thats not the point, it was just totally different.

Juno is FES.
EPIC story is DDS/Nocturne (Only because they seem like they are of epic proportions ala FF)[/quote]

i know what you mean, kinda

i just beat professor layton and man was that game fullfillingly enjoyable

but not EPIC, hahaha
[quote name='jeremywoods']i know what you mean, kinda

i just beat professor layton and man was that game fullfillingly enjoyable

but not EPIC, hahaha[/QUOTE]

i think i have it...
I think you can consider epic as to an adventure that is far from being a routine.
FES is DEFINITELY a routine to play...but not enough be regarded as boring.. so repetitive and boring definitely cant be synonyms in this game. In fact, it reminds me alot of Etrian Odyssey.

However, EPIC is more along the lines of a transient journey. right?
I mean...jade empire had EPIC-like properties...
I guess Final Fantasy is considered epic because of the transient locales.
The longest journey
Star Wars Kotor

Maybe im just not making sense...
[quote name='jeremywoods']shadow of the colossus = EPIC EPIC[/QUOTE]

I was thinking about that one... but i already had too many examples.
Actually, that beast is sealed right now...That will be my break before i play persona 3 again. I am totally New game+ing the heck out of FES.
I shouldnt have ordered time to play....but promise the only other game i will get for ps2 is okami (I think...) Enough with wasting money up until Etrian odyssey 2 comes out.
[quote name='ihavenolife123']i think i have it...
I think you can consider epic as to an adventure that is far from being a routine.
FES is DEFINITELY a routine to play...but not enough be regarded as boring.. so repetitive and boring definitely cant be synonyms in this game. In fact, it reminds me alot of Etrian Odyssey.

However, EPIC is more along the lines of a transient journey. right?
I mean...jade empire had EPIC-like properties...
I guess Final Fantasy is considered epic because of the transient locales.
The longest journey
Star Wars Kotor

Maybe im just not making sense...[/quote]

Many epic-natured games can be considered repetitive. I think that when someone thinks of an epic title, they see it as a measurement of a scenarios scope, whereas the opposite would be Final Fantasy XII's approach which is 'succinct' and has a more terse focus, especially compared to the epic-nature of the Final Fantasy titles before it. Neither aproach is inherently a bad thing, but based on our preferences, we may be drawn to the more story-heavy titles( like Final Fantasy VII, X) or the more gameplay oriented title( Final Fantasy XII, essentially a glorified dungeon crawler) .

I understand where you're coming from with Persona 3, though. It brings some unorthodox elements to the table, and changes up the focus of the RPG genre. Whereas with most RPGS, plot is typically at the forefront, while gameplay is supplemental, Persona 3 places a stronger focus on simulation aspects( social links+ dating ), which gives the player the freedom of choice when deciding how they wanna spend their time, but makes sure not to neglect scenario, customization, and gameplay mechanics. All of these elements are equally important, and for that reason, the player rarely feels burned out by the incessant need to grind mindlessly for the sake of plot progression, when they could easily be doing other things that are of equal/comparable benefit in terms of overall progression . This takes the 'work' out of the game and allows the gamer to focus on having fun, which is how it should be. Not that I don't enjoy the grind that some RPGS offer, as I'm sure many do, but knowing that you don't have to grind to progress is an awesome feeling.

This is kind of why I want to play Nocturne and DDS1+2 beforehand. I'd rather play the mentally taxing games and save Persona 3, the more easy-going, but no less-addictive title, for last.

I hope this makes sense. I'm going to bed now!
[quote name='Paris_Hilton_Groupie']This is kind of why I want to play Nocturne and DDS1+2 beforehand. I'd rather play the mentally taxing games and save Persona 3, the more easy-going, but no less-addictive title, for last.[/quote]


theres some people that like to ease in to things and try out the simpler stuff before getting into hardcore shet.. like drugs.. but we're not talking about that.. but shin megami tensei games.. which is kinda like drugs.. addicting.. i think i need more sleep :cry:
For those who received theirs (or know by past experience), does P-A usually go through USPS, FEDEX, UPS, etc in the shipping methods? I did the cheapo box air economy option so didn't know what service to expect it from.
[quote name='Foolman']Air Economy is USPS.[/quote]

kk thanks. Wanted to make sure it wasnt UPS or fedex since I normally have to be home and sign for it/worry about my neighbors taking it lol.
[quote name='blackmilk']Here's a cross post that I just posted on the GameStop SMT: Nocturne thread.

SMT: Nocturne is available and shipping from . It's $39.99. You dont get to use any GS discounts but you do get free shipping. I went for it because it wont have any opportunity to get man-handled while they're changing them to "used" at GS.[/quote]

geez, took em a while, lol. too bad the one i ordered from playasia should be comin in any day now..

now if they only reprint the guide..
[quote name='blackmilk']Here's a cross post that I just posted on the GameStop SMT: Nocturne thread.

SMT: Nocturne is available and shipping from . It's $39.99. You dont get to use any GS discounts but you do get free shipping. I went for it because it wont have any opportunity to get man-handled while they're changing them to "used" at GS.[/QUOTE]

ahahahahaha. Whoever said patience was a virtue can go fuck himself as far as im concerned. I am beyond mad. piqued...vexed. vapored even.
[quote name='blackmilk']Here's a cross post that I just posted on the GameStop SMT: Nocturne thread.

SMT: Nocturne is available and shipping from . It's $39.99. You dont get to use any GS discounts but you do get free shipping. I went for it because it wont have any opportunity to get man-handled while they're changing them to "used" at GS.[/QUOTE]

Ha I KNEW it!
go to the play asia homepage.


Remember back in the day when seeing this wouldve made anyone slobber?

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amazon lied!!!
You know how someone pictured a copy of DDS1 with a rip on the cover (like a razor went through it?)? I was gonna pick up Nocturne at my GS today but it also had a razor mark going through the plastic case and the insert, so I decided not to. What the hell is going on here?
[quote name='Rozz']You know how someone pictured a copy of DDS1 with a rip on the cover (like a razor went through it?)? I was gonna pick up Nocturne at my GS today but it also had a razor mark going through the plastic case and the insert, so I decided not to. What the hell is going on here?[/quote]

rapestop/ebgay suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks

wow, its either amazon lied or people hoarded QUICK..
dang well I guess I should have waited for Amazon especially with that $5 off coupon from Amazon but oh well its too late given my Play-Asia copy already shipped :whistle2:( (and as of now Amazon has sold out)
All I have to say about this recent development is, "Oh well!"

I love Amazon, but Play-Asia's a good retailer too. I have no regrets buying Nocturne from them.
[quote name='Paris_Hilton_Groupie']Here's hoping I get the game today. I'm really unimpressed with their shipping speed. :cry:[/quote]

It's coming from Hong Kong. I think it's pretty fast considering the distance.
[quote name='Paris_Hilton_Groupie']Here's hoping I get the game today. I'm really unimpressed with their shipping speed. :cry:[/quote]

okay, phew.

i thought i was the only one who hasnt gotten it yet.

started to get worried there..
[quote name='jeremywoods']okay, phew.

i thought i was the only one who hasnt gotten it yet.

started to get worried there..[/quote]

Far from it, I'd imagine. I'm still waiting.
same here

mine shipped last tuesday the 22nd i was really hoping it would show today!

maybe tomorrow
bread's done