Singer arrested for singing Kung Fu Fighting after Chinese man claims racism

I find the terms Christ, chair, sand, stupid wop dago and bench all offensive. I will now seek police assistance when somebody utters any of the phrases within earshot of me.
I like to tell people (straight faced) that they are "so Sony."

It's interesting to see (until recently) if they thought it was an insult or a compliment.
I say we find the Chinese guy and beat the shit out of him. This guy did absolutely nothing wrong and should never have been arrested. And besides, since when is racism a crime? If I hate Chinese people, fuck you, I have a right to.
[quote name='mr_burnzz']I never see or hear Asians really standing up to racism but this is just ignorant.[/QUOTE]

boxer rebellion. also if you ever watch those gang shows on tv , the ones that show how diff gangs got started, a number of asian gangs that got their start here got started due to asians being picked on by other races of people.

somebody told me this story the other night and i couldnt help but to laugh.
[quote name='mr_burnzz']I never see or hear Asians really standing up to racism but this is just ignorant.[/QUOTE]
They don't stand up to it because they usually just kick it in the face.

And are we sure it wasn't some Chinese guy screaming "laces!" when he saw his shoes were untied and someone just misinterpreted and ran with it?

I'm Asian and I find this totally stupid by the way...
Why is it that asians take racist shit the most? Thinking about it, it happened to me a few days ago. A black lady assumed I was filipino and I told her otherwise and she said that "you guys" all look alike (IMO, everyone looks alike). I didn't want to lash out because I am a non confrontational type of guy when it comes to needless quarrels so I just brushed it off. Maybe I should have done some kung fu fighting? Even at work, I used to hear asians referred to as orientals by my white co workers. I put a stop to that one awhile ago though and now we say oriental and cracker to screw with each other.

I suppose the majority think that asians are the quiet type of people. I kinda think so. I never hear of an Asian standing up to racism except that miley cyrus pic and this ridiculous claim.
[quote name='mr_burnzz']Why is it that asians take racist shit the most? Thinking about it, it happened to me a few days ago. A black lady assumed I was filipino and I told her otherwise and she said that "you guys" all look alike (IMO, everyone looks alike). I didn't want to lash out because I am a non confrontational type of guy when it comes to needless quarrels so I just brushed it off. Maybe I should have done some kung fu fighting? Even at work, I used to hear asians referred to as orientals by my white co workers. I put a stop to that one awhile ago though and now we say oriental and cracker to screw with each other.

I suppose the majority think that asians are the quiet type of people. I kinda think so. I never hear of an Asian standing up to racism except that miley cyrus pic and this ridiculous claim.[/QUOTE]

if you havent been exposed to asians much they all do look alike. not to be an ass but since i moved to where i live now ive been exposed to alot of diff types of asians so i can see and tell the differences in alot of diff ways. hell i can even tell some o the diff languages and the last names can tell you things as well.

i think anytime you have limited access/exposure to0 diff racial groups you tend to be ignorant of the differences. that chik you met was very ignorant.
Although funny, we have to remember this news is coming from "The Sun".
They also currently have the shocking news "ET's UFO Spying On Royal Wedding".

Where's Bat Boy from the Enquirer when you need em.
:lol: I thought I recognized the name of that paper from somewhere. I'm just kinda surprised since I originally saw this article on MSNBC's website.:shock:
To be fair, it may not have been the song itself but how it was performed that was offensive. The person took a picture of the performance so perhaps there was something (like how the band was dressed or acting on stage) that offended him. I'd like to see how the song was performed before completely dismissing it out of hand.
[quote name='dopa345']To be fair, it may not have been the song itself but how it was performed that was offensive. The person took a picture of the performance so perhaps there was something (like how the band was dressed or acting on stage) that offended him. I'd like to see how the song was performed before completely dismissing it out of hand.[/QUOTE]
Nah. Don't you know that the only people that are allowed to define and complain about racism is white people?
I've been told by black people that the term "oriental" is pseudo-offensive the same way "Negro" is pseudo-offensive to blacks. It's because the term is archaic and outdated, right?
bread's done