Skylanders - Toys brought to life, Cross-platform Connectivity *Giants Out Now*

Tha's funny because a year ago when everyone was buying up all the Skylanders post-Christmas, Boomer was the "trash" one no one wanted and you could find very easily. But I'm guessing it hasn't been made in a while and the stock eventually ran out.
Gamestop's ad for next week shows the Hot Dog three-pack arriving 1/11/13 at a price of $24.99. It comes with the Scorpion Striker and series 2 Zap, and is listed in the ad as a GS exclusive.
They had it listed for a 1/1/13 date at then got moved to 1/9/13. Had not heard of it being pushed back again. I mean, it's only 2 days so no biggie. Just had not heard about it. Also, it's not only at Gamestop. Just a timed exclusive. Meaning Gamestop is supossed to get it 30 days before other stores.
[quote name='Rod92905']They had it listed for a 1/1/13 date at then got moved to 1/9/13. Had not heard of it being pushed back again. I mean, it's only 2 days so no biggie. Just had not heard about it. Also, it's not only at Gamestop. Just a timed exclusive. Meaning Gamestop is supossed to get it 30 days before other stores.[/QUOTE]

I'll probably pick it up there, since that is the new one my girlfriend wants the most, and they aren't charging extra for it.

In Target's ad this week, Thumpback is pictured. Has anyone seen any information on his release date?
[quote name='gravel']
In Target's ad this week, Thumpback is pictured. Has anyone seen any information on his release date?[/QUOTE]

I glanced through the Target ad and didn't even see that - will have to check it out again.

We are definitely not seeing the rush for Skylanders after Christmas like we did last year. I am still seeing them everywhere. By this time last year they were almost completely sold out.
That Target add has been discussed thoroughly in other forums.....with no early pics of Thumpback showing up on any forums or eBay the general concensus is that it's just a stuck image being shown in their direct indication that Thumpback will be there.
[quote name='Rod92905']That Target add has been discussed thoroughly in other forums.....with no early pics of Thumpback showing up on any forums or eBay the general concensus is that it's just a stuck image being shown in their direct indication that Thumpback will be there.[/QUOTE]
Thanks, I figured that was probably the case, but I hadn't looked into it anywhere else.
[quote name='gravel']I'll probably pick it up there, since that is the new one my girlfriend wants the most, and they aren't charging extra for it.

In Target's ad this week, Thumpback is pictured. Has anyone seen any information on his release date?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, as mentioned, the Thumpback thing was just a stock photo mistake. Those things are printed weeks ahead of time. I'm sure their store employees are paying for that mistake with all of the questions and how angry some people can get over that sort of thing.

The Scorpion Striker/Hot Dog/Zap pack at Gamestop will be available elsewhere 30 days or so later, but the cool thing is you can still pre-order it. With all of the post Christmas excitement for Giants, being able to pre-order and pick up at your leisure when they call you is great - no calling around for shipments, no wild speculation, no showing up at stores well before they open and hoping the employees dug through the boxes or forgot to put something out.
[quote name='Darkside Hazuki']Yep, my son didn't get into Skylanders until summer. I have never seen a Boomer in person.[/QUOTE]

That's interesting cause last year during the Skylanders hunt I saw Boomers everywhere in Houston. It's all YMMV I guess.

If anybody in Houston is still looking for Wham-Shell, I found two of them at the TRU on Old Spanish Trail & Kirby.
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[quote name='defpally']
The Scorpion Striker/Hot Dog/Zap pack at Gamestop will be available elsewhere 30 days or so later, but the cool thing is you can still pre-order it. With all of the post Christmas excitement for Giants, being able to pre-order and pick up at your leisure when they call you is great - no calling around for shipments, no wild speculation, no showing up at stores well before they open and hoping the employees dug through the boxes or forgot to put something out.[/QUOTE]

Yep, this is what I did. In fact, I returned my Golden Dragonfire Cannon battle pack and put the money on this one instead. I was waiting for the lightcore Shroomboom so I never opened it. I don't need the rest of the stuff in the Scorpion pack either but my son really, really wants Hot Dog and this is the only way to get it for a while, anyway. I'm sure it will sell better than the cannon pack did just because of that.

[quote name='VyseArcad1a']That's interesting cause last year during the Skylanders hunt I saw Boomers everywhere in Houston. It's all YMMV I guess.[/QUOTE]

If by "last year" you meant 8-12 months ago, then, yeah, Boomer was everywhere. But it has been pretty scarce for 4-6 months now, which is when Darkside Hazuki said his son just started getting into Skylanders. But, yeah, before that it was the "trash" Skylander than no one wanted ;). I remember seeing Best Buy shelves in Jan/Feb last year with nothing but Boomer on them.
[quote name='ajh2298']Will Hot Dog be available in a single pack or is the only way to get him is in the Scorpion Pack?[/QUOTE]

Well, there is precedence that he will not be sold in a single. In the original games, the figures in the Adventure Packs were never sold as singles. On a few websites that have listings for the figures that aren't out yet, the single packs for the figures in the Battle Packs are notably missing (though they are present on some, without SKUs).

Shroomboom is different, because he has a Lightcore, so you can get him that way. There is no Lightcore Hot Dog, the fire element Lightcore is Eruptor. There has been a discovered variant of Hot Dog in the game files (called Molten), but the current thinking is that will show up as a store exclusive version in the Scorpion Striker Battle Pack somewhere down the road after the Gamestop exclusive runs out.

Bottom line, you may be able to get Hot Dog as a single in some form down the line, but there is absolutely no indication of that being true, and several indications against it.
Hey guys,

I feel like this is a completely stupid question but I really can't seem to figure it out, so I'm coming to the experts. Anyway, I just received Skylander's Giant's and along with that a few extra figures, including Prism Break light core. The only reason the person buying for me got this was because they liked the fact he lit up when he was on the portal. So, I decided to open it up today to give a try, also excited to see what he looks like when he lights up and nothing.

I feel like there has to be something I'm doing wrong, yet I don't know what else to actually do. So, I come to you, experts of Skylander's, can you tell me what I'm doing wrong that my light core Skylander doesn't light up?
Are you sure it is the light ore figure? They just released a s2 version of him. The easy way to tell would be if the game yells "lightcore!" When he pops onto the screen.
@nbballard, Yes, I know it is the lightcore, it has the foil card and everything and the packaging says light core. I haven't started up the game because I haven't even had a chance to open the package for the game.

@Salamando3000, I have tried Swarm, Crusher and Hot Head and nothing is happening.

Do you have to put it in the new portal of power? I don't see why the old one wouldn't work, but who knows.
[quote name='1NintendoFan']@nbballard, Yes, I know it is the lightcore, it has the foil card and everything and the packaging says light core. I haven't started up the game because I haven't even had a chance to open the package for the game.

@Salamando3000, I have tried Swarm, Crusher and Hot Head and nothing is happening.

Do you have to put it in the new portal of power? I don't see why the old one wouldn't work, but who knows.[/QUOTE]

No, but I think I know your problem. From what I have seen, the figures don't light up unless the game is up, simply turning on the console with the portal attached won't do that. I've seen exactly what you describe. Now the portal does turn on and glow colors, but the portal technology is actually two different parts and as I understand it, apparently they work separately.

You have the RFID reader and what is essentially an induction type charger. The portal likely doesn't turn on the charger part that provides power to the LEDs unless it the game is up and it can read/write, probably a power saving thing since an induction charger actually wastes a lot of power in the generation of the magnetic field. The portals in the store are "always on" and work regardless, but I don't think the lightcore or giants light up if the game isn't started.

Try it in the game and see what happens. His hand crystals should light up green. For reference, Series 1 Prism Break has one hand up, the other down, Series 2 has both hands down behind him (and has crystal armor down his back) and Lightcore Prism Break has both hands up in front of him.
[quote name='defpally']No, but I think I know your problem. From what I have seen, the figures don't light up unless the game is up, simply turning on the console with the portal attached won't do that. I've seen exactly what you describe. Now the portal does turn on and glow colors, but the portal technology is actually two different parts and as I understand it, apparently they work separately.

You have the RFID reader and what is essentially an induction type charger. The portal likely doesn't turn on the charger part that provides power to the LEDs unless it the game is up and it can read/write, probably a power saving thing since an induction charger actually wastes a lot of power in the generation of the magnetic field. The portals in the store are "always on" and work regardless, but I don't think the lightcore or giants light up if the game isn't started.

Try it in the game and see what happens. His hand crystals should light up green. For reference, Series 1 Prism Break has one hand up, the other down, Series 2 has both hands down behind him (and has crystal armor down his back) and Lightcore Prism Break has both hands up in front of him.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I had a feeling it had to be something like that. I had been looking online and didn't see that mentioned anywhere. I'm actually working right now, so I didn't have time to open the game up to try it.

It makes complete sense what you are saying, thanks again.. sorry for such a dumb question!
[quote name='Brother Daz']Our lightcore figures work with just the portal plugged in, the game doesn't need to be running.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm... just finished work... gonna see what happens with the game on and also with the new lightcore... seems crazy, this should be easy :D

Just tried it with the 3DS and Tree Rex and Crusher and it worked as soon as I was supposed to put the Skylander in the game. So it looks like it does need to be running. I would try the Wii version but I forgot I had taken my Wii down so I need to put it up again before I can use it.
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I just got a phone message from GS saying my "game" would be in on Friday. The only thing I've preordered recently is the Hot Dog pack, so that must be it.
Picked up Hot Dog et al today at GS. They had several packs on the rack. My kids played with it for 10 minutes before they got bored of it. I'm not sure why I buy these any more.
[quote name='io']Picked up Hot Dog et al today at GS. They had several packs on the rack. My kids played with it for 10 minutes before they got bored of it. I'm not sure why I buy these any more.[/QUOTE]

My daughter and I stopped at Gamestop when she got off school and found out that every Gamestop in 100 miles received just enough to fill preorders. She was pretty crushed, but that's what we get for not preordering I suppose.

We did pick up the guide for $8 though. :D
[quote name='thelonepig']My daughter and I stopped at Gamestop when she got off school and found out that every Gamestop in 100 miles received just enough to fill preorders. She was pretty crushed, but that's what we get for not preordering I suppose.

We did pick up the guide for $8 though. :D[/QUOTE]

I don't really understand their thinking with this, though. From a business perspective, I'm sure they're stuck with tons of the unsold inventory of other characters. However, if you have a window when this item is yours alone to sell, I would want to have as many as possible (within reason) to sell.
Some stores did not get a single pack.

I called within a 50 mile radius, and found a single store with an extra to sell. Drove 20 mins., and bought it. Not particularly impressed with the new figure, but my kid is happy.
[quote name='thelonepig']My daughter and I stopped at Gamestop when she got off school and found out that every Gamestop in 100 miles received just enough to fill preorders. She was pretty crushed, but that's what we get for not preordering I suppose.

We did pick up the guide for $8 though. :D[/QUOTE]

They were not holding my preorder - they had them all out for general sale. Luckily I was there early in the afternoon so it wasn't an issue. It didn't appear that they had sold any yet, though.
[quote name='1NintendoFan']Hmmm... just finished work... gonna see what happens with the game on and also with the new lightcore... seems crazy, this should be easy :D

Just tried it with the 3DS and Tree Rex and Crusher and it worked as soon as I was supposed to put the Skylander in the game. So it looks like it does need to be running. I would try the Wii version but I forgot I had taken my Wii down so I need to put it up again before I can use it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I guess I should have stated this was on the Xbox.
sorry to ask this here but seemed the most logical place. what is TRU's return policy on skylanders figures (and all video games for that matter) it 30, 45, or 90 days? I've done extensive research and failed to find a definitive answer...
[quote name='animemaniac14']sorry to ask this here but seemed the most logical place. what is TRU's return policy on skylanders figures (and all video games for that matter) it 30, 45, or 90 days? I've done extensive research and failed to find a definitive answer...[/QUOTE]

I think it's the typical 30 days for unopened merchandise. If bought during the Holidays, I think there's an extra 15-30 days (unsure about this part).
[quote name='icpmattj']how accurate is the online in store availability checker?

It shows no scorpion battle packs within 100 miles.[/QUOTE]

It's not accurate at all. You need to just call this store that you know may have one or two extras. I'd call mall locations before calling stores that you know get little traffic.
All stores with lower traffic around here got nothing. All mall locations got some, and only one had extras to sell.
Checked 2 stores today that are the only ones near me (25 miles) and neither had any for sale.

First store only got 1 copy in and it went to a pre order. Second store said they had 4 or 5 and a few went to pre orders and the last one was sold earlier in the day.

I've been checking the in store stock for the last few days and its always shown nothing in stock within 100 miles. I even asked at the second store how accurate the online tracker was and she said its not always accurate.
Any good trading sites for these? My son has an extra sealed series one "Chop-Chop" since he ended up getting a series two version in the Dragonfire Cannon Adventure Pack. And he will also have a extra opened series two "Ignitor" since we might go out and get the 3 pack with him, Camo, and Warnado in it.
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I picked up my son's Thumpback and Eye-brawl at 10AM this morning at the Rancho Cucamonga Walmart in SoCal.

I actually waited from 10PM to 1AM the previous night waiting for them to restock. A clerk earlier that night helped me run a stock check and he said it was showing up as in stock, it just wasn't put out on the floor yet. The Giants are cross referenced so they couldn't tell how much of each they had, only that they had it.

They were taking forever to stock, so I had someone dig through the boxes and look in the back but they had no luck and told me that maybe the stock was in transit and to check back on Monday.

On a hunch that the clerk was wrong, I called in the AM and sure enough, they had one of each left, so I placed a hold and picked it up right away.

Here are the pics:
[quote name='u12daddy']I picked up my son's Thumpback and Eye-brawl at 10AM this morning at the Rancho Cucamonga Walmart in SoCal.

I actually waited from 10PM to 1AM the previous night waiting for them to restock. A clerk earlier that night helped me run a stock check and he said it was showing up as in stock, it just wasn't put out on the floor yet. The Giants are cross referenced so they couldn't tell how much of each they had, only that they had it.

They were taking forever to stock, so I had someone dig through the boxes and look in the back but they had no luck and told me that maybe the stock was in transit and to check back on Monday.

On a hunch that the clerk was wrong, I called in the AM and sure enough, they had one of each left, so I placed a hold and picked it up right away.

Here are the pics:[/QUOTE]

Might sound like a dumb question but will these show up on the west coast before they show up on the east coast?
[quote name='u12daddy']Based on EBay listings, these are indeed starting out west and making their way east.[/QUOTE]

Hope they're not exclusive to Walmart. The only store is not exactly next door, and just dislike shopping there at all.
I was able to pick up my reserved Scorpion Striker pack today, even though I never was called by GS. Hot Dog is a great looking figure.
[quote name='gravel']I was able to pick up my reserved Scorpion Striker pack today, even though I never was called by GS. Hot Dog is a great looking figure.[/QUOTE]

I agree, but he is a bit larger than I hoped he would be. I always thought they made Bash too large in Series 1, compared to his in game form - Series 2 seems much better.

And the new Giants aren't Wal-Mart exclusives, if they were they would be running that up the flagpole. New releases tend to show up at western Wal-Marts first when they aren't street dated, since their shipping infrastructure seems to have the least overhead and be best prepared to move bulk through quickly. And since they are closer to where they are shipped from, if they can put them out right away they get them out first.
No idea on that but when they did have the online option to check instore stock it showed nothing within 100 miles of me. I went to two stores as well and was told

Store #1 only got 1 in and it went to a pre order.
Store #2 only got 4-5 and said most went to pre order with maybe 1-2 for sale on the floor and both of those sold the first day.

I figured ordering it online was my best bet seeing the all the closet stores to me are all 25-30 miles on way and I'm never in the area to check them until the weekend usually.
I bought a Boomer from Amazon, not a 3rd party seller. Arrived today and has packaging I've never seen before. Anyone seen this packaging before? Did Amazon get a batch of these with their "frustration free" packaging? The back just pops open to get the figure out.
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Technically you did buy it from a third party seller...the item was just fulfilled by Amazon.

And the figure is likely just missing the back cuz it fell off
[quote name='animemaniac14']Technically you did buy it from a third party seller...the item was just fulfilled by Amazon.

And the figure is likely just missing the back cuz it fell off[/QUOTE]

Yup, hadn't been around when the ones we have were opened. Seems the cardboard section had fallen off. Must not have been glued on since there was no residue left on the plastic.
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[quote name='defpally']I agree, but he is a bit larger than I hoped he would be. I always thought they made Bash too large in Series 1, compared to his in game form - Series 2 seems much better.

And the new Giants aren't Wal-Mart exclusives, if they were they would be running that up the flagpole. New releases tend to show up at western Wal-Marts first when they aren't street dated, since their shipping infrastructure seems to have the least overhead and be best prepared to move bulk through quickly. And since they are closer to where they are shipped from, if they can put them out right away they get them out first.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. Taking a quick look at the most recent listings on Ebay, shows that the new Giants are slowly making their way towards the East Coast (mostly West Coast and middle states listings right now)
Went to the only Gamestop in the area that still had the guide for the original game listed as being in-stock and ended up finding a Eye-Brawl, Thumpback, and a Scorpion Battle Pack on the shelf. So between those and the guide and a Series 2 Lightning Rod I picked up I ended up dropping like $85.00 in store credit I had. But its nice to know now that I have these guys and wont have to go hunting for them. But I was kind of shocked seeing them on the shelf and with my son in the store with me I knew I was going to be buying them.
I am on the East Coast in Pittsburgh and when I got there around 4:30 pm they only had one of each of the giant "Giants" left on the shelf, but probably had 4-5 Scorpion Battle Packs left.

They also have a deal where if you spend $30.00 on Skylander items you get a free "mini figure" we were able to get two of them. We have the other two from the Frito-Lay promo from the summer but we did seem to lose the little "Gill-Runt" guy somewhere in the house.

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[quote name='ajh2298']Went to the only Gamestop in the area that still had the guide for the original game listed as being in-stock and ended up finding a Eye-Brawl, Thumpback, and a Scorpion Battle Pack on the shelf. So between those and the guide and a Series 2 Lightning Rod I picked up I ended up dropping like $85.00 in store credit I had. But its nice to know now that I have these guys and wont have to go hunting for them. But I was kind of shocked seeing them on the shelf and with my son in the store with me I knew I was going to be buying them.
I am on the East Coast in Pittsburgh and when I got there around 4:30 pm they only had one of each of the giant "Giants" left on the shelf, but probably had 4-5 Scorpion Battle Packs left.

They also have a deal where if you spend $30.00 on Skylander items you get a free "mini figure" we were able to get two of them. We have the other two from the Frito-Lay promo from the summer but we did seem to lose the little "Gill-Runt" guy somewhere in the house.[/QUOTE]

...Which part of pittsburgh? Hit up some Gamestops in the eastern suburbs yesterday, found nothing.
bread's done