Slaughter: Horror at Sony's depraved promotion stunt with decapitated goat

Chalk another one up on my list of reasons to hate Sony.

And icruise... I was never under the impression they slaughtered the goat themselves.

What I find interesting is that we're still discussing something that's like two fucking months old.
So... Just having a dead goat at the event (which, by the way, they *returned to the butcher afterward*) is a reason to hate Sony? OK...
# The party was held on March 1, and attended by around twenty European journalists (none from the UK).

# The actual article in the Official PlayStation mag was written by a guy who wasn't in attendance; the piece was done on the basis of the party's invite, "which employed a degree of hyperbole in order to encourage attendance".

# The goat in question had already been killed (ie it wasn't killed at the party), and had been sourced from a local butcher.

# The goat's "entrails" were actually bowls of traditional Greek meat soup. At no stage was anyone allowed to touch the goat, nor did anyone eat or drink anything from inside the goat. After the party, the carcass was returned to the butcher.

# SCEE say that they first saw the photo last Thursday and immediately ordered it to be pulled from the magazine, and on Friday Official PlayStation Mag agreed. The magazine never reached general circulation, but subscribers did receive the issue with the offending picture included.

# SCEE closed by saying: "We are conducting an enquiry to establish the circumstances behind the event in order to ensure this does not happen again. We also apologise to anyone offended by the article in the OPSM."
Kind of lame how people are though...

If they served Goat Chops at the even no one would even care. But once you see were your food comes from everyone goes, "Thats horrible to kill and then eat a goat!"

Lol. Welcome to society.
[quote name='icruise']So... Just having a dead goat at the event (which, by the way, they *returned to the butcher afterward*) is a reason to hate Sony? OK...[/quote]

Now a days it seems anything is a reason to hate sony whether it is something good or bad. I should probably hate my city because they have dead animals lying on the roadways for days before they are cleaned up
I think this was reported in the Sunday Mail, which is a right-of centre paper in the UK, and if I know the Sunday/Daily Mail they'll have found some way to blame illegal immigrants coming into the UK for this, then predict the dead goat will cause a UK house-price crash. :roll:

Seriously though, the goat was dead already, it's not like the slaughtered it at the party then feasted on the still warm corpse.
Also I bet this was the work of a PR company, I doubt Kaz Hirai was on the phone "Yeah, the more naked woman the better, and any chance of getting a dead goat?..........nice"
[quote name='panasonic']If you want to see something that really is sick check out the guy who made this post here.[/QUOTE]
1. People with Downs Sydrome are people too, but unlike us, under their human shell there is no soul.

I guess I'm the only one here that finds stuff this offensive funny.

I honestly don't care that Sony bought a slaughtered goat for their show although it's kind of a stupid idea. Nobody should be getting that angry over it... one more goat gets to grow up and one more goat gets to die. Doesn't affect any of us and isn't worse than what happens to most animals in nature (guess they could be locked up in cages their whole lives but thats not Sony's fault unless they have farms I don't know of)
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Well that may be the case but the goat was still wasted and may as well have been slaughtered for the event. They bought it from a butcher who had already slaughtered the animal. Now, when someone comes in to that butcher to buy a goat for consumption, they'll have 1 less goat for that purpose meaning that down the road another goat will have to be butchered for the event.

So they were going for authenticity? You're going to tell me women walked around topless in ancient Greece with paint on their eyes and breasts? I hope they didn't air condition the meeting hall that the event was held in if "authenticity" was what they were shooting for.[/quote]

Everybody's missing the fact that this goat was sacrified to the great Greek gods - a goat could not ask for a nobler end!

Hmmm - lack of air conditioning would probably be the least of my worries at the staging of an authentic Greek symposium.
While completely overblown by the site in the op, it was still shameful and showing a lack of respect by parading a carcass like that. I'm sure if they were an even more sentient creature than us doing that to us, we'd feel humilated.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']While completely overblown by the site in the op, it was still shameful and showing a lack of respect by parading a carcass like that. I'm sure if they were an even more sentient creature than us doing that to us, we'd feel humilated.[/quote]

I guarantee that actions one-thousand times more horrific then this one are taken upon livestock animals by meat packing plants every day.

Personally, I think everyone should learn about meat-packing plants and observe the slaughter of a live animal. It might help temper America's meat-craziness and the wanton debauchery of triple-patty hamburgers.
[quote name='camoor']Personally, I think everyone should learn about meat-packing plants and observe the slaughter of a live animal. It might help temper America's meat-craziness and the wanton debauchery of triple-patty hamburgers.[/quote]

Aren't there like ten different cows in every patty?

This is the reason I've abstained from meat.
I'll only eat meat if I know exactly where it came from, and how it was killed. In America, it's a bit difficult.
[quote name='help1']This is bad. Video game industrires promoting their violence is never good.[/quote]

They weren't really promoting the game's violence were they?
Unless they were staging some bloody fights.

This mostly just topless ladies, and an ancient 'sacrificial offering' set up.
I never killed any goats in GOW I mean.
I think Sony is just rubbing it in our faces that they can make people pay 600 dollars for a PS3 AND Decapitate goats and people will still buy there stuff.

PS: Sony is retarded, that girl didn't look greek at all.
[quote name='darthbudge']PS: Sony is retarded, that girl didn't look greek at all.[/QUOTE]
You do realize that the event was held in Greece, right? I think the chances are pretty good that the girl was in fact Greek.
[quote name='camoor']I guarantee that actions one-thousand times more horrific then this one are taken upon livestock animals by meat packing plants every day.

Personally, I think everyone should learn about meat-packing plants and observe the slaughter of a live animal. It might help temper America's meat-craziness and the wanton debauchery of triple-patty hamburgers.[/QUOTE]
Oh, I know it. And I believe it-- cows living in their own defecation, various body parts just... laying about.
bread's done