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Why was their first albums the pwn and the Iowa wasn't really good expect for "People=Shit"

and then their last one was complete awfulness. But then their live cd was the pwnsaur again.

Sorry I was just listening to them for the first time in awhile and wanted to share my thoughts, hopefully they will get back to their rapping roots for their fourth one, supposedly coming out this August.
Sorry man but I gotta disagree. Vol 3 finally broke the mold of the first two albums. I expect an evolution of that sound rather then going to their older sound.
[quote name='Mufasa']Why was their first albums the pwn and the Iowa wasn't really good expect for "People=Shit"

and then their last one was complete awfulness. But then their live cd was the pwnsaur again.

Sorry I was just listening to them for the first time in awhile and wanted to share my thoughts, hopefully they will get back to their rapping roots for their fourth one, supposedly coming out this August.[/QUOTE]

Can I be your Simba?
Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Iowa came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercial and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Slipknot has a far much more bitter, cynical sense of humour.
[quote name='CrimGhost']Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Iowa came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercial and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Slipknot has a far much more bitter, cynical sense of humour.[/quote]
Put your axe down, no killing tonight.
[quote name='Illini Jeeper']If I'm in the mood for "that" kind of music, I'll normally listen to Mudvayne instead. Gotta love local music![/quote]

Mudvayne FTW. When you say local, what do you mean? Past or present? Asking because Chad lives in my hometown and ive meet him...awesome dude.
Speaking of Gwar...

I'd like you guys to meet my neighbor (the one in the Gwar outfit) her Gwar stage name is Slymenstra Hymen

She throws one hell of a barbecue. and does this really neat trick with a lightbulb
I liked Slipknot when I was a little, angsty teenager. I thought they were THA GRAYTAST BAND EVAR!!!

I just listened to them for the first time in a few years the other day, and now I cant stand them. I don't know what I ever saw in them. I still like a lot from "Vol.3" though. It's much more structured than their other albums.
I bought the "Iowa" cd years ago to see what the fuss was all about. I thought it was strange that they made the cover of Rolling Stone magazine especially considering that Rolling Stone likes to put safe music on its cover (Bruce Springsteen, Justin Timberlake, etc).

The cd was interesting but I didn't think it was groundbreaking or anything; There have been plenty of noise bands before Slipknot (like the Boredoms). I'm not going to bash them though. I generally prefer other kinds of metal.
I like their music the lyrics kinda creep me out tho:

"I push my fingers into my eyes, its the only way to stop the pain"

something like that right
[quote name='V Illuminati V']

"I push my fingers into my eyes, its the only way to stop the pain"


I've always found that line to be strange. You see, generally, when I push my fingers into my eyes, I experience even more pain. Contrary to what the lyrics say, I've never really found it to be a effective method for making the pain stop...
I think it's kind of like the movie Major Pane (spelling?) He breaks your finger so that your focus is taken away from the other injury ;)
I guess with Vol. 3 they are getting more towards conventional metal, which I do not like, so I guess I would not like that. I really do not even listen to that much metal, I'm more of a hardcore listener, with bands like Unearth, The Bled, I'm a big fan of the breakdowns. I like the driving guitars and the double bass pedal, so that is probably why I like their older stuff more. I do not think of myself as a metal head in any capacity though, I listen to everything from the Deftones to Lupe Fiasco, to The Rocket Summer. For those ripping on Slipknot to each his or her own.

But for you guys looking for a complete overhaul in music, try out some Protest the Hero. It will change your life. You will not find a better singer in metal/hardcore and the guitars are out of this world.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']There are way too many people putting "slipknot" and "good" in the same sentence in this thread.[/QUOTE]

Exactly what I was thinking.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']There are way too many people putting "slipknot" and "good" in the same sentence in this thread.[/QUOTE]

For real. I cannot comprehend that anyone likes this shit. The only shit less likable than Slipknot is Insane Clown Posse.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']There are way too many people putting "slipknot" and "good" in the same sentence in this thread.[/QUOTE]

You mean you don't think they're the pwnsaur?
[quote name='CrimGhost']Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Iowa came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercial and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Slipknot has a far much more bitter, cynical sense of humour.[/quote]

[quote name='CoffeeEdge']For real. I cannot comprehend that anyone likes this shit. The only shit less likable than Slipknot is Insane Clown Posse.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure Soulja Boy tops that list, ICP is really freaking bad though
[quote name='Mufasa']But for you guys looking for a complete overhaul in music, try out some Protest the Hero. It will change your life. You will not find a better singer in metal/hardcore and the guitars are out of this world.[/quote]

The beat wasn't bad in that video, but the singer only got two words out before I scrambled for the close button. Hardcore singers should not sound like pussy little nancy boys.
[quote name='Mufasa']But for you guys looking for a complete overhaul in music, try out some Protest the Hero. It will change your life. You will not find a better singer in metal/hardcore and the guitars are out of this world.[/QUOTE]

Okay, I'm convinced now that this is a joke thread.
Slipknot's first record is truly their best record to date. The "Iowa" makes me feel nostalgic in a good way. Now Vol. 3 is really where I didn't really give a shit about them.
I use to listen to them alot back the in day. I though there first cd was really good then there second was decent to me, and I did't care about the third one at all. I was really getting out of the habit listening to them. I like demon hunter alot though... :D
I'm actually a fan of their first album. Their 2nd and 3rd were pretty bad in my opinion.

Everyone has different tastes. Theres no good or bad in music imo, either you like the sound or don't.
[quote name='kevzik']Mudvayne FTW. When you say local, what do you mean? Past or present? Asking because Chad lives in my hometown and ive meet him...awesome dude.[/QUOTE]

With the band being from Peoria. I live in Galesburg which is less than 45 minutes away and am constantly in the area. So they're "local" to me.
[quote name='Mufasa']
But for you guys looking for a complete overhaul in music, try out some Protest the Hero. It will change your life. You will not find a better singer in metal/hardcore and the guitars are out of this world.[/quote]

For the love of metal, please don't disgrace it by saying that ^ is metal X_X

Oh and Lord Worm would make that whiny emo kid shit his pants.

In my opinion, hardcore and stuff doesn't count as metal. I see metal as black metal, death metal, thrash, etc But that's just me
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']

Oh and Lord Worm would make that whiny emo kid shit his pants.

L.W. is horrid.

Flo Mounier(sp?) is the only good thing to come from Cryptopsy. That $$$$a rips shit up on a kit!
I don't really listen to them that often, but I actually like their newer stuff better than their older stuff.

I'm not really into metal that much anyway though.
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']For the love of metal, please don't disgrace it by saying that ^ is metal X_X

Oh and Lord Worm would make that whiny emo kid shit his pants.

In my opinion, hardcore and stuff doesn't count as metal. I see metal as black metal, death metal, thrash, etc But that's just me[/quote]

Once i heard the vocalist I cringed...hate that whiny shit.
[quote name='TFN']L.W. is horrid.

Flo Mounier(sp?) is the only good thing to come from Cryptopsy. That $$$$a rips shit up on a kit![/QUOTE]

WTF since when is an actual good singing voice whiny? Just because he doesn't sound all hard like Cradle of Filth or some other shit, does not mean that he is not good. And yes you will probably discount everything I just said, because I said Cradle of Filth is shit. But I expect that out of dumb ass metal heads. How about you take a break from listening to disturbed and three days grace and take a look at these. - epic ending - amazing

flame on bitches
bread's done