Smash TV is off Xbox Live & I own it but can no longer download it


Well everyone I tried called Xbox support about this problem and all they said was sorry.

I recently just bought another Xbox 360 after my 1st 360 broke and I took a hiatus from the 360. I bought another 360 about 2 weeks ago and went to go and download all the arcade games that I purchased when I had an Xbox.

I spent about 60 to 100 dollars over the years on arcade games and figured that I would always have access to them as long as I had an Xbox 360 with live connected to download them. I was able to download every arcade game I bought expect for Smash TV (One of my favs). I did some research and found out that they took it off of xbox live.

What my problem is that if they can't let me download Smash TV again why can't they just give me my 400 or 800 points back that I spent on that game?

Here is just one example on how buying games only online can backfire and now I'm out of the money and the game. You would think Microsoft is a big enough company that they could afford to give me back my 800 MS points but no all I got was a sorry.

Has anyone else have any troubles like this with XBox Live and Microsoft?
I haven't had that issue, but I've always transferred my stuff over using the transfer cable. I wonder if someone copied the file to a jump drive if you would be able to access it since access should still be allowed by your account.
Wow. I knew that some Midway stuff was taken down but everything I saw at the time it happened said it would still be available for those that bought it beforehand.

But yeah, if true, stuff like that is the main reason I'll bail out on gaming once everything moves to digital distribution only.
I might have to try that gr8asianman, but now I know never to buy full 360 games on the marketplace now, not to mention they are overpriced. I kinda thought I could easily get the points back into my account. The only thing the Xbox rep said is you should have backed it up on a memory unit. I told her that I would still have it if my xbox didn't shit out on me.

I might just have to try to call in again and hope for someone that will work with me, or I might email them
You know what really pisses me off tho check out my Gamertag for Xbox live on my signature, Smash TV is in full effect with its logo right on there! Now Microsoft is just rubbing it in
On the 360 did you go to account settings, download history and find it on that list. I just deleted it off my hard drive and then redownloaded it from there with no problems.
thanks your method of going into my download history worked. Thanks again, you might as well be getting paid by Xbox because you helped me out much more than the phone help.

I'm really getting fed up with MS and their customer support. They really don't know alot about the 360, i'm starting to think the people you talk to don't even own one.
[quote name='dowlichr']thanks your method of going into my download history worked. Thanks again, you might as well be getting paid by Xbox because you helped me out much more than the phone help.

I'm really getting fed up with MS and their customer support. They really don't know alot about the 360, i'm starting to think the people you talk to don't even own one.[/QUOTE]

Not trying to defend MS or anything, but did you happen to try asking their Twitter support account? @xboxsupport has helped me with a few 360 questions and problems that the ordinary tech support was dumbfounded over. Also I'm glad to know you got the download working--I thought my fears of downloadable games were coming true!
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Wow this is sad when someone on CAG is more help then a paid MS tech.

Glad you were able to re-download it.[/QUOTE]
what's worse is that microsoft will proably never do anything about it either.
[quote name='dowlichr']thanks your method of going into my download history worked. Thanks again, you might as well be getting paid by Xbox because you helped me out much more than the phone help.

I'm really getting fed up with MS and their customer support. They really don't know alot about the 360, i'm starting to think the people you talk to don't even own one.[/QUOTE]

No problem, I'm glad I could help.
+10 for hating MS customer support. I've been trying to get an issue with Forza Motorsport 3 Ultimate Edition (Platinum Hits) resolved for months now, and they keep thinking it's some kind of bundle. That, and they call me every day now to tell me they have no update.
[quote name='Multicron']+10 for hating MS customer support. I've been trying to get an issue with Forza Motorsport 3 Ultimate Edition (Platinum Hits) resolved for months now, and they keep thinking it's some kind of bundle. That, and they call me every day now to tell me they have no update.[/QUOTE]

what problem?
I would have never thought to use twitter for support, I rarely use twitter as it is. But anywho I'll try to remember that in the future. But yes its very sad, When I had my 360 at launch the customer support was great and very helpful, now since then I called a few times and they were rude and didn't even help me out, just said something to get me off the phone, my favorite is when they tell you their not sure and they pause then say is there anything else I can help you with? (Well how about helping me with what I just called in about) I see why these jobs get outsourced they get about the same quality of answers regardless of broken english or not
[quote name='Multicron']+10 for hating MS customer support. I've been trying to get an issue with Forza Motorsport 3 Ultimate Edition (Platinum Hits) resolved for months now, and they keep thinking it's some kind of bundle. That, and they call me every day now to tell me they have no update.[/QUOTE]

You need to send a tweet to @xboxsupport and deal with some competent American support people.
So is there any way to play Smash TV and the other Midway titles that were dropped from XBLA on a 360/gamertag that didn't purchase them when they were available?

I wish the :xbox: Midway Arcade Classics discs were backwards compatible on the 360, or that Warner Bros or whoever owns Midway's trademarks now would strike up a deal with Game Room.
Wow this is sad when someone on CAG is more help then a paid MS tech.

Glad you were able to re-download it.
That is pretty sad, but what do you expect from service being farmed out to India?

I bet it costs them half a year's wages to buy a 360 over there, that is, if they even sell it there.

This is also what scares me about Microsoft's next system - that they'll completely pull the plug on everything related to the 360 and not make anything backwards compatible. If they pull that bullshit, they will lose me as a customer, and probably many more people.
i actually made an account just to say i have had the same problems with smash tv. i actually tried on my own to look threw download history as i have fixed this problem with other games as well but with smash tv the page is missing when i click on it threw my download history..i in return have been in contact with MS customer service and for three days every agent i have talked to when i tell them my problem they tell me xbox customer service is down for troubleshooting..for 3 days now! i cant stand some of the problems ive had with the xbox ive spent several hundred dollars on downloading games addons and arcade games thinking that they will last longer then owning the disc but now i fear the future that they will take the content away.

p.s. i also made an account cause i like this website alot ppl are knowledgeable and willing to help...unlike Microshit..oh i mean microsoft
[quote name='dazaelrasheem']i actually made an account just to say i have had the same problems with smash tv. i actually tried on my own to look threw download history as i have fixed this problem with other games as well but with smash tv the page is missing when i click on it threw my download history..i in return have been in contact with MS customer service and for three days every agent i have talked to when i tell them my problem they tell me xbox customer service is down for troubleshooting..for 3 days now! i cant stand some of the problems ive had with the xbox ive spent several hundred dollars on downloading games addons and arcade games thinking that they will last longer then owning the disc but now i fear the future that they will take the content away.

p.s. i also made an account cause i like this website alot ppl are knowledgeable and willing to help...unlike Microshit..oh i mean microsoft[/QUOTE]

Mentioned this before but, have you tried contacting @xboxsupport on Twitter? They're much more helpful than the usual Xbox customer support in my opinion, and may be able to help.
I can use my downloaded history to re-download demos for UMK3 and Double Dragon, but I still can't buy them :/
bread's done